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Children of the Renewal Messages


August 30, 2015  Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament.  I love You, praise You and adore You, my Lord and my God.  Thank You for waiting for me here in this chapel.  Thank You for Your presence here, Jesus.  You wait for all of Your children to come to You, Lord.  Thank You, Jesus.  Lord, thank You for Holy Mass this morning.  Thank You for our parish and the many loving friends and family who are part of our parish.  Jesus, please help (name withheld) to get well.  She feels very bad, Lord and has a long day ahead of her tomorrow.  Help her to get well, Lord and if she isn’t 100% better, please help her to improve such that she can work tomorrow.  Please comfort her and give her Your peace.  I am very grateful to You for (name withheld) improvement.  Thank You, Lord.  He is dramatically better in just a few days.  Praise You, Lord. 


Jesus, I also bring (name withheld) to You and lay her at Your feet.  Please heal her of the cancer that has made her so sick.  Thank You that she came through surgery alright.  Be with her as she recovers.  Give her peace, Lord in the midst of the recuperation process.  Bless her husband, Lord for his patience, help and his support and being there for her.  Lord, all is in Your hands.  Lord, I also ask that You bring Your plans and those of Your Mother Mary’s to fruition with regard to the community and the building projects.  Bless our trip next week and protect us during our time away from home. 


“My child, you have many burdens.  You are right to bring them here to Me.  All of My children may do so.”


Thank You, Jesus.  Lord, have You anything to say to me?


“Yes, My child.  Sit with me in the stillness and drink of the many graces I send you.  I pour graces from My Sacred Heart.”


Thank You, my Savior.


“My daughter, we could sit together like this, you and I, for as long as you desire.  This is what you need, and yet there is much to write today.”


Ok, Jesus. 


God the Father speaks:  “My daughter, many souls are still very far from God and they are far from My love.  This is a great tragedy, one of the largest proportions.  Each and every soul was created to know Me, to love Me, and to serve Me.  Each soul was created for Heaven.  When souls choose the adversary, they are choosing eternal death.  They are choosing hell.  My children, you were created for Heaven.  Choose life, My children.  There was a time when the first man and woman walked with Me in the Garden and knew Me intimately.  The first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, were friends with Me, God.  I gave them everything they needed, and even that which they didn’t need, but enjoyed because of My great love for them.  The one thing not given to them, knowledge of sin was to remain off limits.  Until they chose sin, we were perfectly united; they to Me the Creator, and I to them My creatures, My beloved;  the first of humanity.  Oh, the first fruits of the created world.  They were My children, for they were made in My image and likeness.  Until that fateful day when they chose to break their relationship with Me.  The choice was very clear, and they chose power and knowledge of sin over a relationship, a kinship with Me, the Creator and lover of humanity.  Poor humanity.  The consequences of their choice impacted the entire human race.  Not only the human race, My child, but also the created world.  My little one, humanity and the world I created are inextricably linked.  I created the entire world and then gave stewardship of the animals and the world over to man.  When man chose knowledge of evil through disobedience the created world, nature itself, was affected.  You know how impacted mankind has been by this fall, but nature has also been impacted.  This removal of friendship, this break in our relationship caused the removal from the Garden.  It had to be so, since they no longer desired to walk with Me.  The choice had been made after years of being in My close friendship.  However, I am a faithful God, a lover of the souls I create and so, I sent My Son to the world to take the sins of all mankind upon Him and to die for these sins thereby paying a penalty for mankind.  My Son, Jesus redeemed the entire human race, for all time.”


This is remarkable, Father.  Your love is amazing and Your mercy is infinite.


“My child, today mankind makes the same choice.  The human race chooses evil and knowledge of evil over Me, and over My Son who died for them.  Mankind walks in darkness but continues to pursue death and destruction, power and false superiority over all that is good, and all that is life giving.  Mankind, do not continue on this course for soon there will be no turning back.  Do you not realize that your lives are fleeting?  You will stand before the God who loves you and what will you say then?  Do you not realize there will be no defendant pleading your case?  It will be you, standing before Me and My Son with the saints and angels.  Your entire life will be open before you, and there will be nothing to be said for I am truth.  Do not allow your soul to come before Me as judge.  Instead, choose Me now, My lost children and stand before Me in My mercy.  Come, My children.  My Holy Mary calls you.  Listen to Her.  She leads all children to Jesus, My Son.  Come back to Us now, for there is so little time.” 


“We stand here as if We are waiting to rescue those who were lost at sea.  You are floating in dangerous waters and We cast a life line to you.  We cast life preservers to you but you refuse to take them.  We troll near you with a rescue boat and send a lift for you but you refuse to come to safety.  Why do you have your hearts set on destruction?  Do you not realize that eternity will go on forever and you have the choice to live in My Kingdom or in the pits of hell?  Choose your inheritance, My children.  Choose eternal life.  I love you.  All of your sins can be forgiven in a blink of an eye if you but repent and ask for My forgiveness.  Yes, My children, I said all of your sins can be forgiven.  All that is required is your repentance and openness to My mercy.”


“My children, what I say is true.  You have nothing to lose by asking for My forgiveness, and everything to gain.  Come, My children.  Do not waste anymore precious time.  Think of your family members and friends, many of whom are praying for you.  Choose life.  Choose Me.  Choose the God who created you out of love.  A time is coming, and it is upon you now, that will be too late.  Then, there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth by all of My adversary’s followers for they will be sent to the place of their choosing, hell.  I call you into the light.  I call you into the light of love.  Choose love.  Choose life.  Choose Me!  I know that the evil one has filled you with lies.  He has threatened you with all sorts of terrifying consequences for leaving him.  Do not believe him, for he is all deceit.  There is nothing in him but lies.  I will protect you when you return to Me.  I will send legions of angels to protect you and ensure your safety.  The power of Heaven makes the adversary look like an ant, My lost children.  Do not fear.  Do not believe him.  He is the false accuser and he is small in comparison to God.  He is small in comparison to the saints and My holy angels.  Come back to Me and have no fear, for I am with you.”


Father, it’s difficult to understand why good people ignore You and live as if there is no tomorrow.  Especially when the signs of the times have become very obvious, even to those who are not praying.  Many seem to know that things are amiss economically, politically, morally, etc.  People are seeing this, even those who didn’t several years ago, or even a few years ago.  Lord, won’t more people turn to You now?


“Some are, My child.  Some are and some will.  Many will not until the great act of mercy, the Illumination of Conscience.  This great act of love and mercy will cause many souls to repent and change their lives.  Still, to wait until this occurs is very risky, for many will experience this outpouring of My mercy, but will continue on in their sins, for they do not want to lose what they perceive they have gained.”


What, Lord?  What do they perceive they have gained?


“They perceive they have power in this world.  They perceive they have knowledge and insight.  All that they possess is a falsehood.  They possess knowledge of evil.  They possess a false sense of power, not real power.  Love is real power.  Truth and beauty are real power.”


Yes, Lord.  I see.


“When the time of darkness descends upon the earth all who have already chosen evil will be cast into hell.  Those who have chosen Heaven will either come to Heaven or will live through the cleansing and purification and will see the new time of obedience.  They will see the earth in its purified state free of all that impacted it from the time of Noah to the end of the age of disobedience.  In the new time, the earth will be renewed and a new age of obedience will be.  This, the age of obedience is the time of the renewal and the new springtime will dawn.  I am calling all of My lost children, those who are far from Me to return to Me and become My children, My Children of the Renewal.  Then, My Children of Light will walk with God once again.  You will be united to Me in your hearts.  You will live in My will, those who choose light.  I am your God and you will once again be My people.”


Thank You, Lord God Creator of all, Father of mankind.  Thank You for Your goodness, Your mercy, and for sending Your Son to the world to redeem the world.  Thank You, Father God.


Jesus speaks:  “My daughter, you see how great the Father’s love is for man.  He created souls out of love.  It is God’s plan that all souls return to His love, to Him after their time on earth.  You know of My Father’s love for mankind, for you have experienced a small portion of this in your heart.  Explain this in your words so that My children reading these words will know.”


Jesus, words are most inadequate.  I cannot begin to explain God’s love as I have glimpsed it, but I will try.  God the Father is very tender hearted.  He is kind, gentle and good.  There is nothing in His voice that causes me to fear, or to have anxiety.  When He speaks in my heart, I experience the most gentle, but all consuming love that I want to run to Him to be caught up in His arms.  He has a very dignified presence and yet one that is approachable.  He seems noble and yet very familiar as if He was a loving, grandfatherly type of person, but He isn’t old sounding.  I suppose it seems as if He is because of His wisdom, or what comes across to me as wisdom, but His voice sounds fatherly in my heart.  The most precise way for me to describe Him is love, mercy and complete compassion.  He also sounds sad today, Jesus.  I don’t know if this is accurate to project a human emotion on the Lord God, but He seemed this way to me.  He was in a way, pleading out of love for us, but still remaining dignified.  Jesus, I really don’t have words to describe His voice.  The more I try the more inadequate I realize I am and it seems to get worse the longer I go on. 


“My child, you have done well.  Remember, there is a thick veil between God and your heart, for you could not bear to have this veil removed now.  One day, when you are in Heaven and in the fullness of God the Father’s presence, the veil will be lifted and the glory of His love, His light and His majesty will be clear.  For now, you see dimly.  This is for your protection, My child.  Still, you have described well and have written words that will bring consolation and even delight to your brothers and sisters.  My daughter, this is a time of grace.  This is a time of great grace.  As dark as the world is now, graces are even more abundant, for they are needed by My children to persevere.  My Mother brings tremendous graces with Her from Heaven.  These graces bring about conversion, a changing of hearts, an openness to the things of Heaven and to God.  Unfortunately, many graces fall upon rocky soil.  You, My children can cultivate the soil and remove the rocks.  You can do this through your prayers and through fasting.  Continue to pray, Children of Light.  Renew your prayers.  Renew your fasting.  This is a critical time in which you are living and many souls are hanging in the balance.  Through your prayers, hearts become open to the graces My Holy Mother Mary brings.  Your cooperation is needed, My children.  I encourage you to renew the prayer of the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet which was given to you for just this time in history.  Do not become weary and slack in your prayer.  If you are struggling, ask the saints in Heaven to assist you.  I assure you that each and every prayer spoken by My children is heard.  Do not underestimate the power of prayer.  Trust and believe, and pray.”


Lord, please help us with the site.  It isn’t easy to build it the way You showed me.  Please help (name withheld) .  Jesus if You want this to look like the image You showed me, we will need Your intervention.  It is especially difficult to describe the way Your Mother should be.  Please help us, Lord.


“My little lamb, all will be well.  Do your best.  I am guiding (name withheld).  The fact that you are both striving to create something beautiful for Me is what matters most.  I am with you.  All will be well.  There is merit in the striving.”


Yes, Lord.  Thank You that You are with us and that You guide us.  I know things can’t always be easy, but this is important to us, because it is for You.  Lord, thank You for lifting the cross yesterday afternoon.  I am very grateful.  It’s as if I could feel the prayers of friends in a tangible way.  Thank You, Lord.


“Yes, My child.  The prayers of your friends and others who were praying for you have lifted the burden you carried.  I will give you a temporary reprieve, but will ask this of you once again.  For now, there is other work you are to do, and other tasks that require your attention and energy.  I will be with you next week as you travel.  Do not fear and do not be concerned about what you are to do.  I will that you meet with the builder as this is a most important step in the process for your transition.  All will be well.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in peace, My child.  Be love.  Be mercy.  Bring My light to others.


Thank You, Jesus.  Amen!





Messges to the Children of the Renewal prior to 

8/15/15 can be found on:




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