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Children of the Renewal Messages

August 22, 2021  Adoration Chapel

Hello my Adorable Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  I love You, adore, praise and glorify You, my Savior Lord and King.  Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion.  Lord, I am very joyful to see my friend (name withheld) is doing better.  Thank You, Lord for assisting her.  Help her to recover fully.  I pray also for (names withheld) for their health to be fully restored. 


(Personal conversation omitted.)


Thank You that Cardinal Burke is improving.  Please, Lord we need these holy souls and especially Cardinal Burke who is one of a few holy Cardinals (that I know of, but I’m sure there are more) and Your Church is in such need for good shepherds at this dark time.  Please Lord restore his health so that it will be even better than before.  Jesus, the adversary of Your people wants to destroy mankind.  It is horrifying to think this evil plan is in process.  Lord, You are the author of all life.  In Your Holy Name, I implore You to conquer this sinister bioweapon and heal Your people.  Jesus, I also realize that we do not live holy lives and that our nation is murdering babies through the sin and scourge of abortion.  We do not value our children as the priceless treasures they are, or we would never allow the human trafficking, child abuse and neglect that exists in the world.  Lord, there is no reason for You to come to our aid, but for Your love and mercy.  In Your perfect love and mercy please, Jesus hear my prayer.  Through so much death and illness may people realize what a precious gift every human life is.  Heal our nation, Lord.  Heal human hearts and minds.  May there be a great outpouring of Your Holy Spirit to bring about multitudes of conversions.  Forgive our sins and help those involved in such evil to repent and convert.  Help us to turn from such wicked ways and begin to walk the path of holiness.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You. 


Lord, thank You for the physicians who are treating people with the medications that are working and are not listening to the government agencies.  I remember the time You told me that all institutions were corrupt.  Over time, I saw this and I knew generally that medicine was, also but had no idea to the degree until this virus and everything surrounding it was revealed.  Lord, there are so many people who will die from this, or from the genetic altering injections.  Please stop this madness, Lord.  Put an end to the evil one’s plans.  Convert the hearts of those cooperating with such evil.  Open the eyes of those who blindly follow evil, for they are not aware.  Please Lord, help us.  Oh, Lord come to our assistance.  Oh, Lord make haste to help us.  Lord, I pray also for (name withheld) to be healed.  Thank You for Your many blessings, Lord.  Blessed Mother, I entrust my children and grandchildren to Your motherly love and protection.  Lord, there are too many intentions to write them now.  I bring each and every one to You and lay them at the foot of Your holy cross.  Take each care and concern and do Your Will in these matters, so that each trial and burden may be a cause for glorifying Your Holy Name.  Thank You, Lord.  I love you.


“My little one, your heart rejoices one minute and returns to a state of heaviness due to so many trials your friends and loved ones are experiencing.  I understand this and I experienced this same mix of emotions, although for different reasons.  Always give praise to my Father in Heaven no matter the situation.  Trust in Me to bring each problem to the best outcome.  Trust in Me, My child even when it doesn’t seem to be the answer you wanted, or even when it doesn’t seem possible to be the best conclusion.  This kind of trust and the faith that will ensue will move mountains.  My little lamb, thank you for your care and concern for My children.  You often think that you have not done enough in a situation, like with your friend who died.  My child, the fact that you tried is often enough.  She knows you tried and she understands that the physicians did their best, even though they did not do what they could.  They really didn’t know otherwise and they are being blinded by the constant barrage of propaganda.  Yes, My child I said propaganda and I do not use words unwisely.  Pray for their enlightenment.  Pray for their right thinking, clarity and rational thought to return.  The more one listens to lies, the more one continues to be deceived.  After a time, it becomes even more difficult to accept the truth.  It becomes truly like a tangled web making it very difficult to navigate the path of truth.  Pray for their awareness and questioning.  Pray for their courage and boldness.  So many are afraid to speak out, for fear of reprisal.  I tell you there will be much worse days ahead if they continue to lack courage.  My children, it is easier now to speak out than it will be in the future if you remain silent.  My children throughout the world are letting their voices be heard.  Where is My continent of North America?  What are you doing Oh land of the free and home of the brave?  Do not wait for someone to come to save you from evil.  I have already done so, when I died for you on the cross.  You must become emboldened by My Holy Spirit and speak the truth—always in love and out of love.  Do not worry what will happen to you.  Be concerned about what is happening to mankind.  My people, you must begin to act now.  Do so for the countless lives that are being lost.  Do so for your neighbor, your children, your grandchildren.  I have been asking you for years to pray.  My Mother has been asking you for years, also and even for centuries.  Pray more, My children.  You are not praying enough.  Fast, My children.  Frequent the Sacraments.  Bear My light and My love to this world that suffers from much corruption and darkness.  Ask Me what you may do to advance My cause to live the Gospel.  If you do not know, you have only to ask Me.  Bring your petitions before My presence (Adoration) in the Sacrament and I will give much clarity to you.  My children, this is not the time for violence.  It is the time for heroic love.  Heroic love entails sacrifice.  It requires action.  Help your brothers and sisters who are ill.  Help those who are not ill to know what they can do to stay well.  Serve those in need, My children.  Pray for those who persecute you.  The truth will be revealed, My children for I AM TRUTH.  Until the day that I am revealed in My Splendor, you must be My torchbearers.  Take the Light of Christ to those in need.  My children, I am with you.  I will not abandon you.  Trust in Me and pray, pray, pray.”


Lord, there are so many calamities in the world.  Each day it seems something disastrous occurs.  The people in Haiti are suffering and I know You know everything and that You are aware.  Jesus, please comfort those who are mourning and who are frantically searching for lost loved ones.  Jesus, poor Haiti has been through one tragedy after another.  Please keep (names withheld) safe.  Bless (name withheld) and help her to continue to bless others.  I pray for the town of (name withheld) family where the earthquake struck.  Comfort and console them, Lord.  Beyond sending monetary support to their priest, what can I do?


“My child have Masses said for them.” 


Oh, of course, Jesus.  I can’t believe I didn’t think of this. 


“Yes, My child there is much going on.  It is difficult to think of everything and even the simplest answers escape one when there is much stress and strain.  My children have Masses said also for those who are ill and for souls who do not know the love of God.  The most powerful prayer is the Holy Mass.”


Thank You for reminding me, Jesus!


“My child, My child, My son is suffering and though I am giving him graces now, it would be better for him to conclude our time together.  Thank you for visiting with Me, My child.  I have each request of yours, those spoken, written and unwritten and will hold them close to My Sacred Heart.  Be assured I will answer each one.  Trust Me to do so as only I know best.”


Yes, Lord.  Thank You!


“I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in peace, My children.  Trust in Me that all will be well.  I am counting on My children to do what is right and to carry My light to those in need especially the sick, the elderly, the children and those who do not know Me.  Be love.  Be mercy.  Be peace.  Be light.  That is all My little lamb.  Thank you for your love.”


Thank You, Jesus for all that You do for us and for all You have done to reunite us with the Heavenly Father.  Praise You Lord.  Amen!  Alleluia.  


“Go in peace, My child.”


(Jesus seemed sad but resolute.)

August 15, 2021 Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  All praise, honor, glory, thanksgiving and love to You my Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion.  Thank You for our priests who bring us the Sacraments of the Church.  Thank You for my family and friends and for the blessings and graces You give to us.  Lord Jesus, I thank You for the good health we enjoy at this time, and I am very aware and concerned for those who are suffering.  Please restore to good health all who are ill; for (names withheld).  Lord, I also pray especially for (names withheld).  Please heal him and give (name withheld) peace and consolation.  That family has gone through such trials, Jesus.  Please heal them and restore them to their lives of prayer and service.  They are such beautiful souls and so necessary to many of us and to the Kingdom.  Lord, protect our good and holy Bishops and priests.  I pray also for Cardinal Burke’s healing and return to good health.  Thank You, Lord for this respite time, when churches are open and we are not being forced to wear face coverings, covering our identity as children of God.  Thank You for (name withheld) that he makes You available in the Eucharist so that we may adore You.  What a blessing and a great grace.  Thank You, Lord.  My heart is so full after such a beautiful Mass on Your Mother’s Feast Day. 


Happy Feast of the Assumption Blessed Mother!  What a joyous day!  I love you, Most Holy Mother, Mary our Queen.  Thank You for being the first and most excellent, most holy, most pure disciple of Jesus, for showing us how to follow Him perfectly and for modeling what true holiness and purity ‘looks like’.  Yes, we see it in Jesus, of course but one can say that we will never, ever attain that holiness for He is true God and true Man.  However, You are totally woman, a creature and yet you were and are pure, the Immaculate One.  Oh, Blessed Mother, my Mother, give me Your heart so that I may love Jesus as you love Jesus.  Thank You dearest Mother for being our Mother, also.  Take my prayers and my good desires and present them to Our Lord.  He never refuses You.  Please pray for those who are sick and who have taken this vaccine/injection.  Have pity on those, Mother who didn’t know any better, or who only did so for fear of losing their jobs.  Mother of Mercy, protect them all and present them to Our Lord for healing.  Thank You for Your ‘yes’ to God and for Your continual ‘yes’ and for allowing (by your fiat) our Savior to come into the world.  Jesus, have You anything to say to me?


“Yes, My child, there is much to say.  I have been preparing you and My son (name withheld) and many others throughout the world for what is to come.  My little one, the world is going through many trials and is in darkness due to much sins; many grave sins.  My Mother tried to prepare mankind and has appeared all over the world to various children in order to keep the Faith alive in their hearts.  At Fatima, My Mother emphasized the prayer of the Rosary, penance for sinners, and requested prayer and sacrifice not only to end the World War, but to prevent another World War.  She foretold many things if her children did not listen and did not do as She asked.  She said-if not, Communist Russia would spread her errors throughout the world.  This is exactly what has happened and what you are witnessing.  These errors have spread throughout the entire world and you are seeing them begin to come together.  They are being made visible even to those who are asleep (some).  


My child, many are asking what to do.  I have already told you and many others but I will repeat since it is still not being fulfilled as requested.  I invite everyone (yes, everyone) to pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the morning and in the evening.  I would also like the St. Michael Chaplet to be prayed each morning for protection.  It is best to pray together as a family, but if no one else will pray with you, you must pray alone, for your prayers are offered for your family and there will be an effect on them by My grace.  My little lamb, I have given you and My son (name withheld) other prayers to pray which I would like you to re-establish.  These will be carried on during the refuge times and prayed by your entire household.  Make this a faithful prayer practice, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld) praying together.  This unity in prayer is very important and will provide a protective covering over your family and your household.  You do not see the way the evil one wants to tear you apart, but My protection and that of My Mother does not allow it.  However, it does not go unnoticed by you that this attempt occurs and greatly disturbs your peace.  Pray against this, My children.  My son, I would like you to pray the prayer My (name withheld) asked you to pray each morning.  The Authority Prayer for greater protection of your home, your household and your family.  It is time to make this a regular prayer and best lead by the head of the household.  This is a good prayer for all to pray, preferably fathers, but in their absence or unwillingness to pray, the mother may also pray on behalf of her home and her children, guests, etc., in the home.  It is best for men to do so, but when men abdicate their authority the other, the woman who is the heart of the home may pray this prayer, and it is wise to do so.  Anyone may pray this, My child but what I am referring to is the one who has authority, by natural order is the one who should pray.  In cases where no man is present it should be the mother and she may, if she has a son, ask that he pray it when he is of age.  Do not ask a young child to pray this as it is not appropriate until they are older.  I am not trying to be restrictive, My children.  I am advising you, for your good.  I am with you.  I give you every grace needed to survive and even to thrive in the midst of these days of turbulence and great change.  Remember, I do not change.  Set your course for Heaven.  Look at Me during the days of chaos which will certainly come, My children.  I stand in the midst of the storm while the waves crash against the boat.  I am continually offering Myself to the Father for the world during each and every Mass.  Look at Me, My children, even while you prepare for the storm.  I remind you all, My children to avail yourselves of the Sacraments and to read Holy Scripture.  Pray and fast.  Receive the Sacraments.  You will need all the graces I pour out upon you for all that you are facing now, and all that is to come.”


“I remind you to reject the temptation to fear.  Out of fear, many accept the injection that changes your genetic code, sending incorrect and unnatural messages to your DNA.  This is what you have done out of fear, My children.  I am telling you yet again to have no fear.  What is needed is trust in Me.  Trust in Me, My children.  Do not trust in wicked men who make false promises to you they have no intention of keeping.  Mankind longs to live forever in this world, so much so that one is willing to do almost anything.  My poor children I came that you would have eternal life, not physical life in this world.  This is not Heaven, My poor children.  This is the earthly world where you live so you will learn about Me, love Me, follow Me, assist your neighbor, your family, your friends in knowing Me and then one day when this earthly pilgrimage is over, you will die so that your soul can depart for the heavenly Kingdom.  One day at the end of time your bodies will be reunited with your souls.  Then, you will be as I, your Jesus is and as My Holy Mother Mary is, body and soul in Heaven.  You will still be fully alive in Heaven, I assure you when your soul is there with Me.  I will see you as you and you will see others and recognize your family and friends.  You do not understand how this can be so, but I assure you it is true.  For now, suffice it to say, it is not for you to strive to live forever, My children.  Yes, be prudent and care for your bodies as they are temples of the Holy Spirit.  It is not caring for your body to accept poisons, even if they advertise these injections as something good, they are not good for you, they are like poison.  This is unwise, My children.  I know that many thought they were fine and trusted the political and health establishments.  Remember, I your Lord and God created you.  I gave you your ability to think and reason.  You have much information at your very fingertips, literally.  Use wisdom and discernment and do not believe everything you are told, My people.  Seek the truth.  Do not seek what you want to hear, but seek the truth. 


If you seek Me, you will find Me.  If you knock, the door shall be opened to you.  My beautiful, trusting, innocent souls even know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil.  The little children often know without question when something isn’t right.  Does it sound good for one to be injected with a synthetic code to alert one’s cells to begin manufacturing a synthetic protein?  Especially one which is part of this disease process?  Would I want My children’s bodies producing an artificial protein continually?  You do not even know the ingredients in this injection, My children, and yet you willingly stand in line for this poison to be injected into your bodies which were fearfully and wonderfully made.  My poor children, what have you done and why have you done this?  I will tell you why.  You acquiesce out of fear.  Fear of dying.  Fear of suffering.  Fear of losing your job.  Fear, fear, fear.  This is why, My children.  Who is the author of fear?  The adversary, that is who.  Do not respond to any decision because of fear.  What is needed is trust.  My children, many of you have lost your faith and what has replaced faith in God?  Fear of dying.  Fear of illness.  You have begun to worship your physical health rather than your spiritual health.  Worship only the Lord God.  He alone is due honor and worship.  You make of your bodies false temples.” 


“There is much evil and corruption, My children and it became even more prolific when the churches were closed to My faithful ones.  So much light was hidden under bushel baskets and the darkness became more and more prevalent. 


A word to shepherds, the Bishops, Do not close My Churches.  Do not deprive My faithful ones the Sacraments.  You also acted out of fear, but not fear of the Lord, fear of illness, fear of liability.  I tell you, My holy priest sons, do not deprive your flock the Bread of Life.  This is satan’s plan.  Resist this with your lives if you must.  You are fathers.  Feed my sheep.  Feed My lambs.  Feed My children.  Do My Will.  Do not do the will of the evil one, or the will of local or federal governments.  You must do My Will and it is My Will that Mine will be fed, nourished and taught the truths of My Church.  Do not forget that I am the heavenly Head of the Church and My Vicar on earth is the earthly head.  The secular world has no authority over My Church.  Many of My poor sons who are Bishops have forgotten that they have authority in their Dioceses and they have forgotten the power given to them by Me.  My sons, I say to you now, no more are you to close the Churches.  No more are you to cease hearing Confessions.  In times such as this, more Masses should be offered and more Confession times given.  My sons, your concern for My children is first and foremost for their souls.  Yes, of course you are also concerned for the health and welfare of My children, but first their souls.  If one loses one’s soul, what else matters?  Be heroic in your love for My children.  Do not worry about what will happen to you.  Serve God.  Love My Children; love their souls, and do all that you can, regardless of what may happen to you, to help them along the pathway to Heaven.  Do you not recall that your brothers and sisters before you were fed to the lions because they would not renounce their Faith?  Where is your trust in Me?  Do not fear.  I have not given you a spirit of fear, but one of trust.  If you suffer for My children by doing what is good for them by making the Holy Mass and the Sacraments available to them, you will be imitating Me.  If you become ill, I will ensure you, you will receive the Sacraments, and if you die after having served My children as a good and holy Bishop, you will come with Me to Heaven.  Trust in Me, My holy priest sons who are also descendants of the Apostles.  Look at what your predecessors went through to bring the Faith to My Children.  What can be said of you?  What will be said of you?  If you did this, mistakenly, out of concern, bring this to Me in Confession.  I forgive as you know full well that I do.  However, let this be known, you are not to repeat this denial of the Sacraments, My sons.  Do not repeat it.  It will not go well for you and the persecution of the faithful that will surely come as a result will be very much your responsibility.  For when public Masses cease, evil will reign in the world.  Do not cooperate with evil, but lead My children and feed My sheep.’ “


“That is all I have to say on this matter, My little lamb.  I realize this was painful for you to write.”


Yes, Lord it was.  I cringed to write these words.


“My child, remember these are My words, not yours and therefore you are only responsible for writing as I asked.”


Yes, Lord.  I do feel somewhat responsible since my hand penned Your words, but I know what You mean.  Thank You for being concerned for Me, Lord.  You are very tender and loving.  I know it is out of this great love for Your children that You said these words for our shepherds.  You love them most deeply, Lord.


“Yes, My child.  I have great love and respect for My holy priest sons, My Bishops and all religious.  They are like My inner circle, so to speak and it is especially disappointing when they have limited trust in Me and buckle under worldly pressure.”


Lord, I honestly think that many Bishops thought they were doing what was right at the time. 


“My child, My child, you have much mercy.  I have much more mercy, and I know each one’s heart.  Yes, you are correct, some thought they were doing what was right.  However, after time went by and some realized they should not have followed suit, and in some cases even been more aggressive than the government, they wanted to protect their foolish pride.  They didn’t want to lose the respect of their fellow Bishops or to lose face with the ‘officials’.  In this way, they continued to deprive My children of the Sacraments.  I honor My holy priest sons who wanted to be obedient to their superiors.  Obedience is vitally important, so I do not fault My holy little priest sons.  In the future, I will inspire them even more to discern what they ought to obey from man, versus what they should obey that is from God.  My holy priest sons, there is always obedience and this is important.  There are also ways to obey one’s Bishop and still bring the Sacraments to your flock.  It is never right to deny someone who is dying, the Sacraments when they want them.  This is NOT My Will.  Do not deny My children the Bread of Life, Confession, Marriage, Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation or Holy orders.  This is My Will that you fulfill your priestly ministry.  Think of the priests in concentration camps who willfully disobeyed and celebrated Mass perhaps with one small host that was consecrated and became My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.  In the middle of such human suffering, I became physically present to them.  Do you think My holy saintly priest sons should have obeyed the authority of the evil men in control?  No, of course not.  It is no different today, except that there is more freedom now and there should be no question that this should NOT happen again.”


“Sadly, My daughter some will take the same actions as before.”


I’m sure this is why You are warning us, Jesus.


“Yes, My child and warning My Bishops and encouraging them at the same time to be courageous.  Do not fear.”


“My little lamb you and your family and all reading My words, pray as I have asked.  Pray for your shepherds.  My Mother has requested this for decades and it is even more relevant now, is it not?  Now you understand why She asked this of you and yet not enough responded to Her request.  Pray, My children.  Pray for your shepherds.  Pray, pray, pray.”


“There is much unrest in the world because the world does not know the Prince of Peace.  My children you must continue to spread the Gospel.  It is needed by souls who are in darkness and despair.  Bring My love for them to all you meet.  Spread the Gospel message which is a message of great hope.  So many live in fear, for they do not know Me.  They do not really know Me and therefore do not even know that I have prepared a place for them in Heaven.  Be at peace and trust in Me.  Allow Me to anchor you in the quiet waters so that each wind that comes your way cannot toss you about in the storm.  Focus on growing closer to Me through prayer and Scripture reading.  Focus on growing in virtue and planning what you can do to assist others.  Be messengers of Heaven and of holiness.  You must grow in holiness to shine bright, My children.” 


“My daughter, you were reflecting on the votive light meditation from months ago, just this morning were you not?”


Yes, Lord.  You know my thoughts and so You know I was.


“Explain this, My child.”


Alright, Lord.  I remembered what You taught me about purity.  One early morning during prayer, I noticed that each votive gave off distinctly different patterns of light depending on their design.  Each one had a candle made of beeswax from the same box, so they were not too different from the other, however depending on how clean the glass votive was, the light shone more brightly or less brightly.  You revealed the simple thought to Me, Lord that we are like votives.  When our souls are pure from Confession and we are in the State of Grace, Your light shines more brightly.  You are a very bright pure light and You are the same in each person, but depending upon us, the container or vessel, we either obscure Your light or allow it to shine brightly.  It is up to us, how well disposed to grace we are.  You are the same Lord, the same God in each person who carries You in their bodies, our bodies, which are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  The light shines more brightly through holy, pure souls.  Also, each votive I have is distinct and has different patterns.  We are like that.  Even though the light shines just the same from within, different patterns of light are reflected because of the cut glass and the way it bends the light waves.  In the same way, each child You created is unique and our way of shining in the world is also unique.  We all have the ability to have ‘clean, even sparkling’ votives which are our souls that carry our Lord to the world, when we frequent the Sacrament of Confession, receive You in the Most Holy Eucharist, and live a life of prayer and service from the love that lives within us.  You are the Light, Lord and we cannot shine apart from You.  But, we can cooperate with the Light and we can be carriers of the Light.  This is a summary of what You taught me when I reflected on the votive candles burning during prayer time.


“Yes, My child, you remembered very well.  There will be more about this later, My child.  Thank you for writing your memories of this lesson.  I want others to realize that everything good can be a reflection of some spiritual truth.  Be more aware of this My children.  Even as you work, or go about your chores and menial tasks, you can observe in nature, simple truths of the Faith, of God, of My creation and My love for you.  Think on these things, My children and pray for courage, for an increase in love, hope and virtue.  Go now in peace, My little one.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in My peace.  Go in My love and give this peace and love to others.”


Thank You, Lord.  Amen!  Alleluia!  Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!

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