Direction To My Children
These messages from God are direction given to His children who will be living in the Renewal. There are many refuges prepared and in the process of being prepared all over the world. The Father is merciful and He wills that no one perish. He prepares a place for His children to go; a sanctuary. Many, sadly will perish, but not for lack of guidance and direction.
Message from Jesus to the Children of the Renewal, 8/16/2015

“You will be safe under My Mother’s mantle and you will invite others to come under Her mantle of protection; the lost, the orphans, My holy Priest Sons. I ask much of you, My children. Much is required due to the state of this world. Now it is under the rule of My adversary. One day soon, My Father will take His rightful place. All will be renewed, restored and rebuilt in cooperation with My children. Do not be afraid. My adversary will not go down without a fight. Fight dearest children of My heart, with Mass and the holy Rosary. My Mother prays with you and intercedes on your behalf.
"My children were created with the gift of free will. Many choose in error, but it is their choice. Those in refuges and those living in communities will endure the trials. My Father is entrusting future generations to His Children of the Renewal. Children, you will all work to rebuild the world after the purification and cleansing. In the renewal period, the earth will be made clean again."

"Afterwards, you will rebuild and renew the human race. This will be necessary due to the large number of people who will die during the Time of Great Trials. You will all be tasked with rebuilding My Church. The Church will be smaller, but holy, and all will know of My One True Catholic and Apostolic Church. There will be a unity within My Church by all peoples remaining."