Children of the Renewal Messages
July 8, 2018 Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I adore You, praise You and glorify You, my Lord and my God! Thank You for allowing us to be here with You today. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and Holy Communion. Lord, there are so many who need Your healing, consolations and guidance. Jesus, please be with the young man we met last evening. Help him not to be discouraged. Help him to grow closer to You. Guide him, protect him and teach him all he needs to learn. Bless (names withheld) marriage, Jesus and grant them the desire to have their marriage convalidated in the Church. Give them graces of conversion and deep love for You, the Church and for one another. Bless all who are ill, especially (names withheld) and all who are on the parish prayer list. Lord, bless Your holy priest sons, the Bishops, our Holy Father and all deacons and religious. Guard the sanctity of their vocations and keep them safe in Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please bring home those who are away from the Church, especially (names withheld). Jesus, take care of all our needs. Lord, give our grandchildren the holy longing for You. Set their hearts on fire with the flame of Your pure love. Lord, be with the Church in this dark hour. Raise up many vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Guide, guard and direct the Holy Father. Surround him with holy counsel and give him extraordinary gifts of discernment, wisdom and right-judgement.
I love You, Lord, and I place all my trust in You. All that I am is Yours and all that I have is Yours. I give You my ‘yes’ again today, Lord. Use me as You Will. Lord, I invite You to be present in every meeting I have with others this week. Help me to recognize Your presence in each person. Help me to listen with my heart to all they say and even to what is not said. Pour Your love into my heart and allow it to flow through me to others. Spread Your grace everywhere I go, Jesus. Use my hands and feet to carry You to those I encounter and may each encounter really be a meeting, an encounter with You. St. Padre Pio, pray for me. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for me. All you holy men and women, all angels in Heaven, pray for me. Pray for my family and my friends and most especially, pray for those people in the world who do not know the love of God. Bring about conversion of the entire world, Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and renew the face of the earth through Your Holy Spirit. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, give each child of ours the gifts of faith, hope and love. The gift of holiness and one day may they all inherit Your Kingdom, Heaven.
“My child, My little one, I thank you for coming to adore Me today. I know of your weariness and I bless you both for coming to be with Me in spite of this fatigue you are experiencing. Thank you for choosing the work I have for you over your personal comfort. You are concerned about your encounter with the young man (name withheld) last evening. Do not be concerned. You were not out of line speaking with him, but instead acted on the promptings of My Spirit. My child, he needed the encouragement you gave him. I know you felt uneasy with the words that flowed through you, since you did not know him, but remember, I know him well. These words were what his heart desperately needed. He will hold them in his heart as a source of hope for a long time to come. Pray for him. He needs your prayers. I ask you and (name withheld) to remember him often in your prayers for others. I have a plan for his life, My child and just as you told him, the evil one works to destroy this plan. He is vulnerable, as many young people are. The youth of this day, generally speaking, are not disposed to receiving graces, as they have little knowledge of Me, the Gospel, the beauty of virtue and have not been well formed. Much prayer is needed for the youth of this day, and for young adults who have been raised in this culture devoid of God and My love. Pray, pray, pray. Pray for these beautiful children of God who desperately seek My love and have no idea what it is they are seeking and no clue where to find Me. Pray for holy families, for chaste and pure holy parents who will instruct and form hearts for God and for My Kingdom.”
“My child, you are concerned for your grandchildren and especially for (name withheld) as you notice he is growing and beginning to exert his independence. It is important for him that (name withheld) and you spend time with him. Be present to him and encourage his gifts. He has many, and you will notice more unfolding in time. Allow him space to make mistakes, but correct him quickly with love and patience. He has a fiery heart, but one such as this requires firmness, mixed with patience and gentleness. I will channel his gifts with My graces so that he will grow into a good man with a heart for God. All will be well. Limit his exposure to worldly things. His mother, My (name withheld) is suffering physical trials. Her crosses are being used for My glory. I love her. She is a beautiful flower and her suffering brings the perfume of My grace to many souls in need of love. Give her My words, My daughter. I am carrying her through this challenging time. I am with her. I am with each child of yours. This time before Me in Adoration is a gift that you give to Me, and I will secure many graces for your family and your loved ones in turn.”
Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Lord. I believe You because You have said so, Jesus though at times I see no sign of these graces. Still, we do not come here to be with You because of what we need You to do for us, but we come because of our love for You. You deserve to be loved and adored, Lord God. You are beautiful. You are magnificent. You are the Almighty God, King of All Nations, Redeemer, Savior, Creator and Lover of the human race. You are the essence of holiness, purity, righteousness, love and mercy. You are love. You deserve to be loved. Thank You for who You are, Lord. My words are inadequate and fail to describe Your infinite goodness. I love You, Jesus. Thank You for Your love!
“You are welcome, My child. Your attempt to describe what you feel in your heart touches Me and fills Me with joy. I know your heart, My little lamb, and you are growing more intimate with Me and growing in the knowledge of My Sacred Heart, the characteristics of God. My sheep, My friends know My voice and you child, are My friend. You are thinking about the times you have disappointed Me?”
Yes, Jesus. I am glad You think of Me as Your friend. Indeed, I am honored to be Your friend, but I am not such a good friend to You. Certainly, not as good as many of Your friends and absolutely pitiful in comparison to Your loyalty to me. Help me to be more loyal to You, Jesus. I don’t ever want to disappoint You again, Jesus. Take My many character flaws and transform them through Your grace. Help me, Jesus to be more loving, more even tempered, more patient, more self-giving. Help me to be like Your holy and pure Mother. Give me a heart like Hers, Lord. Blessed Mother, please give me Your heart in place of mine. No heart loves Jesus like Yours, Blessed Mother.
“My child, My little one, I hear your prayer. My Mother hears your prayer. Be patient with yourself, as I am patient with you. I am bringing you along the path to holiness with the utmost care. A soul growing in holiness must be nurtured and watered, have the proper amount of sunshine, warmth and nutrients to put down deep roots. These deep roots firmly support the plant and provide a deeper supply of water and nutrients. Then during the cold, winter months the plant is able to survive. Later, when the good weather returns, the plant grows even stronger. The cycle repeats until the plant can outlast storms, drought conditions, wind, disease and all manner of trials. This only occurs slowly, My child and over time. Such it is with your soul. I patiently prune, fertilize and water your soul, My child. All the while you are becoming more and more firmly rooted in your love for Me and for the Trinity. You see My hand in many ordinary situations now, My little lamb. I give you times of enlightenment and insight even though partially veiled, so that you do not see the complete picture, but sense I am at work. You sense specific times that My plan is beginning to unfold, before there are any tangible signs. This is gifted to you because you are close to Me and those who draw near to My Sacred Heart know the workings of My Heart and can recognize signs of My Divine Will at work. Keep these insights close to your heart. They are My gift to you and though you are still not certain of the outcome I delight in your wonder and awe. It is the same way you felt when your children were young and full of excitement on Christmas Day. You watched with joy, their delight in the many surprises wrapped with love and great attention. You knew what was inside each package, but delighted in their joy and in their anticipation. I too, am delighted when My children have a sense of awe as they watch My plans unfold. I desire to share everything with My children and I willingly share with those who seek My friendship. I share more gifts of the Holy Spirit with those who are well disposed. My Children of Light, I repeat My invitation to frequent the Sacraments, Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Strive for purity of heart. Bring everything to Me, no matter how large or small. I am your All. I am your Jesus. There is nothing I will refuse you when it comes to your growth in holiness. The Sacraments provide the needed graces for your growth in love and holiness. This is the means I choose to use and have made available to you. Do not continue to take these great gifts for granted, but be thankful for them. Avail yourselves of the Sacraments so that you will be firmly planted in rich soil and firmly rooted in My love. Together, we will accomplish the Will of My Father for mankind. I need you, My children. I love you and I choose to use you as My instruments. The Sacraments will give you the necessary graces to love one another, as I love you.”
“My (name withheld), My (name withheld) I love you and I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. Go in My love. Be joy, be mercy, be love to all you encounter. Bring My light to a world in darkness and in desperation. May all of My children be conduits of love to each person encountered on the road on which you journey to the Eternal Father. In this way, all will come to know Me through My holy Children of Light and love. Then, the renewal you pray for, long for and which will come through My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will come. Pray for this, work for this in love. The work I refer to is the work you cooperate with Me to do and it begins in your own souls through prayer. Therefore, pray My children. Pray”
“This is all, My little lamb. I am with you. I will be with you each day. I love you. I give you My peace. I breathe on you, My son and My daughter. My Spirit is with you now in a more profound way. You will not see this, but that is My Will. All will be well.”
Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Lord. Amen! Alleluia!
June 24, 2018 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I love You! It is good to be here with You in this place, Lord! Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and for Holy Communion. I’m so glad it’s the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and the 37th anniversary of Our Lady of Medjugorje. Thank You, Lord for allowing Your Mother to continue coming to earth, bringing us graces from Heaven. Lord, we are looking forward to the upcoming retreat with (name withheld). Give us open hearts to absorb all that You want us to learn and open spirits for all the graces You desire to give us. Prepare us, Lord for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, we trust in You. Help us to take the Good News to all we meet. Fill us with the fire of Your love, Lord. Bless our families who cannot go with us and give them the graces they need. Lord, I lift up (names withheld) and all who are ill and in need of healing. Give them healing graces and consolations. Be with all who are dying. Draw them close to Your Sacred Heart and to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Jesus, bring all who are separated from Your Church in union again. Help us to invite and welcome people who are visiting Your Church. May they realize they have returned home, Lord.
(Personal intention omitted)
“My child, you know of My love for little children. I hear your request. This is a very difficult situation, and one which occurs all too frequently in this unholy age. I Will holy families and yet many of My sheep do not subscribe to holy lives. They follow what they choose, but are strong willed, prideful people and they do not listen to their Shepherd’s voice. If more of My children followed My teachings there would be more people with open hearts to do My Will. It is My Will that orphans, widows and the poor be cared for, loved and respected. I say again, that whatever you do for the least of My people, you are doing directly for Me. I will inspire good people to come to the assistance of these little ones, who have been very mistreated, but My children must be open to My Will. Who will cooperate with My plans, My Children of Light? The few who respond cannot care for the multitudes in need. You must put aside your own selfish desires for material things, My children and open your hearts and homes to those in need of love and care. There should be no orphans My children. Children are precious gifts from God and they are to be cherished, loved, taught, corrected and held closely to the hearts of My holy couples, and yet everyone looks around to see who will step forward. You all must step forward, you who are My people. Care for your neighbor. No matter your circumstances, all can do something. Do even the little that you can and then do more. Give from hearts full of love and gratitude for what God has done for you. It is not enough to give money; you must also give of yourselves. Financial support is good, My children, but I desire that you do more so that you can also grow in love. It is easy to give from your excess. It is more sacrificial to give from your need. Have you need for more time? Give of your time. Have you need for more love? Give away your love to those in more need of love. Have you a large house? Share your home with those in need of lodging. Give what you can. I say this meaning that most people give what they want to give so as to leave their own plans undisturbed. My children, you are called to die to your selves and to pour out your love on others, just as I, your Jesus did. You are to imitate Me, My Children of Light. Give what you are able to give not what you want to give. Give what you would consider to be difficult to give, for doing this in love is what will help you to become holy, as I am holy. Have I not provided for you? Have I not ensured you have all that you need? Yes, and I have done so that you may share with others. It is not given for you to hoard for yourselves, but to build up the Kingdom of God. My children, if you cannot take in the widow and the orphan, work together to do so. Find others who are willing to help and work together to provide the love that My little lambs are lacking. I will help you. My Mother will help you. Pray to Me for guidance. Pray to find a way and a means. I will direct you. I will provide.”
Jesus, please guide and direct Your people. Help us to know what it is You are calling each one of us to do in the world, so in need of love, so in need of You, our Savior. We are blind to our neighbors’ needs and even in many cases, blind to our neighbors. Our lives are so compartmentalized and isolated to see the need even when it is close at hand. Help us, Lord. Show us Your Will for each one of us.
“My child, My child, thank you for helping (name withheld) when she was in need. You were just like the Good Samaritan, My little lamb. I was with you and I was very pleased.”
Jesus, it is I who thank You. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to help someone. You put me on a direct path to Your child at exactly the moment of her accident. Having experienced a head injury myself, I recognized that she had one. Had I not experienced this just weeks ago, I probably would not have recognized this in her. Thank You for opening her heart to trust a stranger to take her to get medical care. Please be with her, Jesus. Bless her with the gifts of faith, hope and love. Bring her to the knowledge of Your great love for her. She was too dazed for me to tell her of the marvelous work You did to arrange every detail of our encounter. Help her to see this, Lord when she begins to heal. Help her to realize that I was only there because You Willed it. You love her so much that You provided for her in her time of need. Praise You, Jesus, the Good Shepherd. You always care for us, Your sheep. I am content to be one of Your little lambs, because I trust in my Shepherd to care for and provide for me. Help me to give this loving care to others. Open my eyes and open my heart, Jesus to those around me in need of love. I love You, Jesus. Help me to love You more.
“My child, continue to pray each day to be open to My love. Pray to be a channel of My love and mercy to all you meet each day. I will use those with willing hearts who say ‘yes’ to Me. Children of Light, give Me your ‘yes’ each day and through your ‘yes’, I will do great things for the Kingdom of God. They will seem like small things to you, but the acts of love and mercy will be multiplied 100-fold, just as I multiplied the loaves and fishes. It all begins with a ‘yes’ to the Will of God. Pray for the renewal, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all nations, My children. Pray for the triumph of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. I encourage you to pray for this important petition for all of history will be transformed into the beautiful renewal when My Mother’s Heart triumphs in the world. Pray for this, My children. Long for this time in your hearts with the same fervor that My people of old longed for the Messiah. Pray, pray, pray. Realize that the Lord God allows Mary the Immaculate One, the Queen of Peace to come to the world, because of His great love and benevolence for His children and because of the pure love of My Holy Mother Mary for you, Her children. Be grateful for His grace and mercy. Be grateful for Her Motherly love. The world does not deserve it, but freely, in love is God’s love given. Still, be grateful to God the Father for all that He provides. His love and mercy is beyond measure.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You for sending Your Mother into the world. Help us to open our hearts to the graces She has for us. Help us to learn in the school of Our Lady. May we cherish the time You have given us because of Your love. Blessed Mother, teach us true humility, true charity, true mercy, and lead us through Your Heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
“My child, I will be with you each day as always. I will bless your retreat and your time together. This time will serve to strengthen you and renew your resolve to serve. I am pleased that you committed without knowing how you would arrange this. You trusted in Me and I have opened the door and have shown you the way. Many graces await you in this holy time, My child. Be encouraged and enjoy this gift from My Holy Spirit. You will all grow in your knowledge and love of My Spirit. The graces you receive will flow out from you to your environments and all will benefit. Give your family members to Me and entrust them to My care. All will be well. Dwell in the safety and security of My Heart, My little lamb. I shepherd you. I love you. Go in My peace, in My love, and in My joy. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. You have been set like a seal on My Heart. Rest in My peace.”
Thank You, my Lord and Savior. Amen! Alleluia!