Children of the Renewal Messages
August 11, 2019 Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is wonderful to be here with You, my Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in You, hope in You, adore You and praise You, my God and my King. Thank You for the numerous blessings You have given us this week. Thank You for saving (name withheld) life and for giving him another chance. Help him to seek treatment and to find all of the help he needs. Most of all, Lord, please heal him and bring him to faith in You. Help (name withheld) to remain strong, Lord and help her to open her heart to You. She is so beautiful and kind, Jesus. I know Your loves resides in her heart. Bring everything to fruition according to Your Will, Lord. I pray for (name withheld) that she will receive all the graces she needs. Bless and protect her in all that she does including in her work environment. Lead her where You want her to go. Lord, I pray also for (name withheld). Help him as he begins a new school year to do everything for Your greater glory, united in Your Holy Will. I pray for all our grandchildren that they will come to the waters of Baptism. Praise You, Lord for every good thing, for coming as man, dying on the cross for our salvation, rising again and bringing us to new life.
Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. Thank you for following through with what I asked of you regarding the evangelization information.
Thank You, Lord. I’m sorry I didn’t move faster, but hope it was still in Your timing.
“Yes, My little one, but the timing was important. It was My Holy Spirit that gave you the inspiration to give it to him today. It was a challenge for you to discern this, but you followed through. This will benefit many souls, My child. You will see.”
Thank You, Lord. I hope so. Please give us the grace to begin and to carry it out.
(Personal conversation omitted.)
“You are welcome, My daughter. It will also reap blessings for your family. Your ‘yes’ will make it possible for souls to receive graces, blessings and healing. I will work many miracles in the hearts and souls of My people who gather in faith seeking to grow deeper in their friendship with Me. I will work through My holy priest son to bring inner healing as well for many people have wounded hearts, My child. I realize I ask much of you, My little one and My son (name withheld). Remember, I am preparing you for your mission. I knew of all this before you were born; both of you. This, too is part of My plan. My son, My righteous son, be glad that I have selected you, among many men to be the guardian of My priest sons and of My son who will be with you soon. Pray that he is protected and that all will go well. The evil one wants to thwart My plans and will put many obstacles in the way to obstruct My desire to touch hearts. Do not allow these obstacles in your own heart. Be joyful that I chose you as the head of your household to protect and house My consecrated souls. I will send you many more, but I must have your whole hearted ‘yes’, My beloved son, My (name withheld). I love you and I need you to bring about My plans. This is not to be looked at as an inconvenience but as the beginning of all I have told you. What is an inconvenience when you love Me? If I came knocking on your door, My holy son, would you answer and welcome Me? I know you would, because you love Me. I want you to realize that I am literally in the souls of those who love Me and I am especially so in My priest sons. This is true regardless of their holiness or lack thereof, by merit of the priesthood. This does not mean they are perfect. It does not mean they know everything, for only I know everything. My son, they are My special souls for they bring Me to you and to all of My children who receive Me in the Eucharist. Do not be afraid, My son. I will give you the graces you need. I understand your needs and I created you to have the disposition and personality as well as your many gifts. Speak to Me about your concerns. Bring all to Me and I will console you, guide you and comfort you. I am raising you to a new level My son and each time I do so, you must get out of your comfort zone. You know as an athlete how much practice was required to prepare for a game or a race. You spent extra time preparing and your mind was focused on what you needed to do to prepare physically. This is no different, My son; except that you have not decided to fully carry out My mission. You have said ‘yes’, this is true, but you have not realized that your mission had already begun. I am a good God. I will not drop everything on you one day when you awaken and send 20 people to your doorstep, for example without preparing you. In My mercy, I sent people into your life to meet with one by one. You have willingly taken them under your wing, My son showing Me you meant it when you said ‘yes’! Your faith is demonstrated by your willingness to put into action what I have asked of you. Now, I am presenting you and My faithful daughter with another step in My plan. By welcoming him with open arms and an open heart you will fulfill this next part of My plan. You are very generous with your prayer time, My son. It is yielding much grace and I am preparing you. Continue this generosity by opening your home. The preparation you will do, done with love will also bear fruit. All will be well. When I say this, it means all will be well. To be well is the fullness of goodness. It does not mean things will be acceptable or at minimum standards. When I say these words ‘well’ I mean that all will be very well, and they will be ‘well’ according to My standards, which I assure you are the highest of standards. So, be of good cheer and rejoice that you have been chosen to carry out My plan for the well being of the Church and to assist in bringing about My Kingdom. My faithful son, (name withheld) and My faithful daughter, (name withheld) I love you. I trust you, and I am counting on you. Your relatives in Heaven pray for you. They are honored to know that their loved ones, the (name withheld), the (name withheld) and all of your relatives have been asked to do important work in these times that will be very crucial to the life of the Church and to so many souls. You do not know or understand the degree to which your willingness to serve will impact the future and final decision of souls to choose good over evil. The many priests who will bring the sacraments to souls will be dependent upon those who care and provide for them. I am raising up other loyal, courageous, loving families such as yours to provide for them. Some of them will also protect and provide for My little ones, the children. For those called to do both, there are special graces given for it must be so in order to endure the trials that will come as a result. Please be encouraged, My children for you cannot give more than I have given nor more than I will give. Be confident in your Jesus, the Messiah and Savior of the world. I will be with you in all things. Be joyful, My children for you are friends of God. Be encouraging to one another and bear each one with patience and love. Be merciful. Be generous as I am generous. What have you (what do you possess) that I have not given you? Is your time precious to you? Who created time and inserted your lives into time in order to live the appointed number of days loving and serving Me so that we could live together in Heaven? Do you have material possessions? Is it not through the talents and gifts with which I created you that you secured these possessions? You did so by working, some will say to which I say, who provided you with the means and the ability to work? Who determined where you would be born and to which family? I am the source of every good thing you have, My children. You worked hard and cooperated with Me to fulfill My desires for you. All of these gifts are to be used to further My Kingdom. You do so by raising holy families, loving your neighbors, caring for the sick and the poor. You use these gifts to further My Kingdom, My children.”
“Soon I will be calling on many of My children to help those in need and My children, you will be called to share all that you have even beyond your own families for all are within the family of God. Pray for generous hearts, courageous and willing spirits and most of all for heroic love. I will multiply your efforts but you must give to Me what you have so that I can multiply for I do not force My children against their will. Therefore, pray and live the Gospel. Read the Gospel, My children in this light for it is your story, too. It is the story of My Church, My Apostles and disciples. You are My disciples, so embrace Scripture as your family’s story, heritage and tradition and live the Gospel. It is sorely needed, My child in all ages and especially so now, as it was in the early Church. Be at peace. Enjoy fellowship with one another to grow in your relationship with holy souls and with Me. Form holy alliances, My children. You will need this to be stronger as a community of believers. I love you. I am with you. Frequent the Sacraments and continue to grow in My grace. Be joy. Be peace. Be mercy. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Thank you, My little lamb for writing My words. I know it is difficult to keep up with Me today. I am aware of this, My child. I love you, My friend. All will be well. I am protecting your family. I bless (names withheld) for their loving service this week. My Mother has Her mantle over you and protects you. Rest in My peace and My love. I am at work in this most difficult situation. Remember nothing is difficult for Me, your Jesus. (smile) Be at peace. I love you all with My Sacred Heart.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Praise You, Jesus. I love You!
August 4, 2019 Adoration Chapel
Feast of God Our Father, Father of All Mankind
Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, hope in You, trust in You and adore You, my Lord, God and King. Praise You for Holy Mass and Communion today and for the beautiful and solemn celebration of the Feast of God the Father. It was magnificent, Lord. Thank You for what You are doing in the hearts of mankind through the many movements of the Holy Spirit, apparitions of Your Blessed Mother and the Sacraments of Your Holy Catholic Church. Praise You Lord, now and forever.
Lord, I lift all those who have asked for prayer including (names withheld), and all who are ill, Jesus. I pray also for (names withheld) and all our grandchildren. Please bring everyone who is outside the Church home to the Faith. I pray for all who have not been baptized and for those who are in need of physical, mental, or spiritual healing. Lord, please protect the souls of all priests and religious and help them to be faithful to their vows and promises. I pray this for all married couples, Lord and for all children in the world to be loved and protected. Lord, my heart is filled with gratitude, love and trust in You. Thank You for all You have done and continue to do for us, Your children. I love You, Father, I love You, Jesus, I love You, Holy Spirit! Thank You for Your love for me. Thank You also for the wonderful conference, Jesus and for enabling us to attend.
Lord, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. There is much to say. This feast day is of the utmost importance for these days. The family is under assault and fatherhood is under attack. God the Father wishes to establish love in the hearts of His children for Him. This love is to replace the fear and also the apathy many have for God. God the Father loves His children and I (Jesus) was sent to redeem the world because of this great love of the Father. There is no need to fear the love of the Father. Trust in His love that is infinite goodness and mercy. The world needs love, and the love of the Father will free souls in bondage. Trust in this infinite love. Trust in His infinite mercy. His love is available to all souls, to all of His children. The Father and I are One. I came to show all the Father’s love. When one sees Me, one sees the Father. Love the Father. Do not fear Him. We are love and all love is from God. You were made by love and from love. This is true for all people, even those who did not seem to be loved by their parents. I have loved you from before you were born. Do not be afraid to approach the Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
Thank You, Lord that You are love. Thank You for creating us because of Your love and by Your love. Help me to love You more and more. Give me graces to love heroically. Oh, my Beloved, who is also my God, make my heart a flame of pure love for Thee.
“You have said this prayer for many years, My daughter. I have heard this desire of your heart all these years and I have answered with My love in return. My little one, I placed this desire in your heart when you were very young and gave this prayer to you. You delighted in it and even wrote it on a note card. Do you recall the image on this card?”
Yes, Lord. I do now. It was so long ago, Jesus. Probably 30+ years ago.
“Yes, My little lamb.”
It was a flower. I think it was a bright reddish orange or something like that.
“Yes, My daughter. The flower was in full bloom and very bright. This prayer that you have prayed for years prepared your heart for the flame of My pure love. Your soul was being prepared those many years through severe trials and periods of being in the desert. I allowed this to prepare you, to teach you of My love for you. You trusted in Me and depended on Me to bring you through these dark times. Each time, each trial I brought you through increased your faith and trust in Me. Through your life you have endured much, My child and continue to do so, but in many different ways. Now, there is a quiet confidence in Me that is firm and cannot be shaken.”
Lord, it concerns me to hear this because I have been taught that we must never take for granted our salvation. We are to trust completely in You, but also remain on guard for anyone may fall and give in to temptation. If I have any concerns about myself, it’s that I never want to turn my back on You or reject You regardless of the threat, even the threat of losing my life. My soul is worth much more than my life on earth. Please never let me leave Your side, Jesus.
“My child, My child, you trust in Me so trust that if this time ever came, My grace will be sufficient for you, just as St. Paul said.”
Yes, Lord. That is true. Your grace is sufficient for me and You will help me to withstand each and every trial no matter how perilous.
“Yes, My little lamb. It will be so. You will not forsake Me. All will be well. There is much work for you to do. All that you are doing now, My child will fade away one day and you and your family will be living the mission prepared for you. Each day, live as a preparation for that time, on a spiritual level. As you move through these times, minister to those who cross your path. Pray with the souls who cross your path. Pray with the souls who are fearful and in need. Pray for the sick, whether it be spiritual or physical. Be a source of encouragement for others. No matter what you are doing, offer all to Me, My child. Then, nothing will be wasted. All of your actions will be in union with My actions on earth and those I am doing now, My little one. Remember this simple offering each day and your life will be lived in union with Me and will be a beautiful prayer offering.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
Jesus, please help me to make more space and time for prayer. I feel this slipping from me and I need your assistance and Divine directions.
“You will have it, My child. My daughter, when you are asked by others what is coming, explain the Time of Great Trials to them and remember to explain the Renewal. I desire that My children be aware of and prepared spiritually and physically when directed, but I desire their hearts and minds be lifted by thoughts of the Renewal. In this way, My children will have the gift of hope in their souls. I do not want My Children of Light to have fear. Fear is the opposite of trust. All that is needed is trust. Do not have fear, for fear is from My adversary. The trials must come, but you were made to endure the trials to be brought to the Renewal, the fulfillment of the prophesies of the New Springtime. All will be well, My little lamb. Continue each day walking with Me. I desire to walk with each one of My children. This has been My desire since I created the first parents and it is still My desire, for I love you. Go in My peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be love. Be mercy. Be joy. Bring Me to a world in need of love.”
Thank You, Lord. Amen! Alleluia!