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Children of the Renewal Messages

​February 24, 2019  Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament.  I love You, praise and adore You, my Lord and my God.  Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and for Holy Communion.  Jesus, the woman in front of me was crying.  Please comfort and console her.  I’m glad to see that her husband was attentive and caring.  Thank You, Lord.  Please bring healing to her heart, Jesus.  Lord, I was surprised to hear about (name withheld) husband.  I don’t know (nor do I need to know) why he left her or what is going on.  Please bring healing to their marriage.  Help the confusion and doubt that he is going through to be cleared away so he can see that he should be faithful to his marriage vows.  Help (name withheld) to forgive and to be courageous.  Protect and care for her, Lord.  Jesus, I miss (name withheld) and wish he could return to our church.  Help him, Jesus.  Heal him.  Restore his health so that he is able to fully serve You in his priestly ministry.  Lord, bless his suffering and use it for the good of Your Church and Your Kingdom.  Help all who are ill, Lord especially those who are spiritually ill and those who do not know Your love.  Bring all souls to You, Lord so that one day all will be in Your heavenly kingdom.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You!  Lord, pour out Your mercy on the whole world during this 3:00 pm hour of mercy.  Bring healing to our nation and the whole world.  Reunite our country to You, Jesus so that we are once again One Nation Under God.  Help us, Jesus.  Heal us, Jesus.  Give us graces for conversion, repentance, mercy and love.


“My child, My child, I have oceans of mercy for all, but souls do not avail themselves of My mercy.  It is there for everyone who asks.  Come to My Merciful Heart, My children.  Do not be afraid to approach the throne of mercy.  My mercy is for you.  It is for each soul.  It is for the hardest of sinners.  No sin is too evil for Me to forgive; I can do all things.  I can do everything.  I have the power to forgive sins because I am the Sinless One.  I triumphed over sin.  Bring all to Me, My children and do not fear.  You have nothing to fear.  I have the power to forgive and to restore your soul to grace.  You may be thinking, ‘Yes, You have the power, Lord but I am too unworthy.’  Nay, I tell you.  My mercy is for you.  My mercy is for the very worst of all sinners.  You, who are the worst have the front seat at My banquet and we will especially celebrate your return to the Family of God.  There is enough mercy for all, so do not hold back but come to Me.  Come quickly, My child.  It is enough for you to say, ‘What must we do, Jesus?  What must I do to be restored to grace?’  To which I will reply, go to the priest.  You need to hear his fatherly words, confess your sins with a contrite heart, and listen to the words of absolution.  This is My Mercy.  This is the Sacrament of Mercy.  Allow yourselves to be immersed in My Mercy and then receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the sacrifice of My love for you.  My children, you receive mercy from your Jesus and I ask that you go out into the world and give My mercy to all you meet.  Be merciful.  Be love.  Share My love with others.  There is much darkness in the world.  There is much evil.  Love will prevail.  Love triumphs over evil.  So, you must bring My love to all you meet.  Does this sound repetitious, Children of the Light?  If so, ask yourselves why parents must repeat themselves to their children.  I have much more to say, more to teach you, but you must have a firm foundation rooted in the Church and the Sacred Scripture.  You must have prayer.  From these, you are to take My love to the world.  This is the essence of all I taught.  It is essential.  Begin to live the Gospel, My children.  Be glad that the Father loves you so, for truly, truly He loves you.  Yes!  He loves you!  This is a personal and an intimate love at the individual level.  Reflect on this and rejoice.  Return God’s love to Him.  Receive His love for you.  It is in this receiving and giving of God’s love that you will dwell in the Kingdom.  He will bring about His Kingdom on earth as in Heaven when His children receive and give God’s love to others.  Be magnanimous, just as God is magnanimous.  Freely give His love, as He freely gives His love to each of you.  Be forgiving.  Forgive quickly and often, My children.  Do not hold grudges but forgive instantly.  I know many of you have been deeply wounded.  Many of you have every reason to be wounded.  Many of you have every reason to be angry.  Be angry with the sin committed against you, as I am, but have mercy on the one who sinned.  Pray for your enemies and pray for loved ones who have hurt you.  Often these wounds are the deepest.  Give all wounds to Me.  Ask for My healing.  Ask My Holy Mother Mary to pray for you.  Ask Her to pray for the ones who have hurt you.  Love heroically, My children.  It will be possible with My assistance.  Do not be afraid to love and forgive.  Fear only unforgiveness and pride.  Go far from these, My children, for these things poison the soul.  Free yourselves of the poison of unforgiveness and pride.  Bring all to My Sacrament of Reconciliation and be reconciled with God and one another.  Be holy as I am holy.  I have given you the means to do so through the sacramental life of the Church.  Draw close to My heart, My beloved children.  It is time.  Draw close to your Savior.  I love you.”


Thank You, sweet Jesus.  I love You.  So many of Your children love You.  Jesus, please purify Your Church quickly.  Bring us through these dark days soon, Lord.  Help us to heal so we can live in the light of Your love rather than the dark clouds that hover over us like a shroud.  Lord, protect all children and young adults from abuse.  Renew our strength, console us, heal us and bring about the outpouring of Your Holy Spirit.  Renew the face of the earth, Lord.


“My little lamb, you have sensed the somber tone in Heaven for some time.  You do not understand this, I know, My child.”


Jesus, I do not understand when all I’ve ever heard and read in Scripture speaks of the joy in Heaven.  There are no tears there.


“Yes, My child, it is true.  There is fulness of joy in Heaven.  The souls in Heaven are filled with joy at being in the presence of God, the angels, their family members and friends.  Their joy is complete.  Still, they are able to love those on earth.  They look joyfully ahead to the time when loved ones will complete their earthly journey and come to Heaven.  They are also aware of the perils souls face and they pray earnestly for those on earth.  This does not diminish their joy.  They have an increased capacity for joy, and also their love has been perfected.  One who loves does not rejoice in another’s demise and so they, fully understanding the serious times you are in, pray fervently for souls who stand at the brink of despair and darkness.  They pray fervently for their brothers and sisters of Light to fortify you with My grace and the virtues that you will be courageous disciples.  This fervor is very serious, My child and this is what you sense.  One who is serious and fervent, can also be filled with the joy of the Lord.  It does not seem possible to you, for this is not so on earth.  In Heaven all is complete.  It is different than what you experience on earth, in many ways.  It is fullness, completion, and love overflowing.  It is beauty, joy and wonder.  It is the fullness of understanding one another and the Will of God.  Those in Heaven see with spiritual eyes and in this way, they see much more than is possible on earth.  At times, I allow souls on earth to have a glimpse of these spiritual senses, but this is only a glimpse at what souls’ gaze upon in Heaven.  What is veiled on earth is constantly before the souls in Heaven.  Do you understand, My child?”


I understand what You mean, Lord but not in the way I want to because I have not experienced this.  It is like reading about a foreign country that I have never visited.  There is a limited understanding from what was read, but one who visits the country, stays for years, gets to know the people, the language and customs really and fully understands.  Until then, it is simply words on a page and we are left of our own imagination within the boundaries of what Scripture tells us, ‘Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what God has ready for those who love Him.  Spirit of God come give us the mind of Jesus.  Teach us the wisdom of love.’


“Yes, My little lamb.  This bring us back to the beginning of My message.  Love.  So, you see, that is the essence.  Love, mercy and forgiveness flow out from this love that is the love of God.  When you have My love and you give it away to others (all others including those who injure you) you are living out the Gospel and working to bring about God’s Kingdom of Love.  One day, My love will fill the earth.  All will know and will walk in My love.  That will be the Time of the Renewal, My child.  Until then, pray for souls, do penance and make sacrifices for them out of love, be mercy, peace, joy and love.  Pray more, My children.  Lent is a very good time to draw near to My suffering heart as I prepared for My passion.  Enter into this time of pray deeply.  I am very near.”


Jesus, please heal marriages, heal all who are wounded due to lack of love.  Help the children of this generation to know, love and serve You.  Jesus, help us in the quest to end abortion and euthanasia.  Bring us out of this culture of death and into the culture of life, Your Kingdom.  Bless and protect holy priests, Lord and fill them with heroic graces to be shepherds to Your lost sheep.  Thank You for Your love and Your guidance, Jesus.  Praise You and thank You for our blessings.  I love You, Jesus.


“And I love you!  I love all of My children and long to be loved in return.  My little lamb, I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in peace and be love and mercy.  Thank you for speaking out for life, for marriage and for teaching others about prayer.  I love you and My son (name withheld) and your family very dearly.  Do not fear, but have confidence and trust in My love.  All will be well.”


Thank You, Jesus. Amen!  Alleluia!

February 17, 2019  Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  It is good to be here with You, Lord.  Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion, Jesus.  Thank You for our pastor and for all in our parish family.  Jesus, please reunite all who have left the Faith and all who are separated from the true Faith.  Jesus, please bring all of those who are in my family back to the Church.  Thank You for loving me, Lord.  Thank You for the gift of faith and for everything in my life, Lord.  All good things come from You and Your Holy, Divine Will.  Jesus, please heal (name withheld).  Help him to be able to remain independent.  Please heal (names withheld) and all who are ill.  Thank You for my husband’s good health, Lord.  Praise You and thank You for the many blessings You give us, Your children.  Jesus, please help the priest who is being accused.  Help him, Jesus in his hour of need.  Jesus, heal the one who is victim.  Heal all emotional and spiritual wounds, Lord.  Walk beside the person who is in need and bring Your deep healing love to the heart that is wounded.  Jesus, please protect our holy priests.  Keep them safe from all spiritual, emotional and physical harm.  Please do this also for my children and grandchildren, Lord.  I love You, Jesus.  Help me to love You more.  I trust You, Lord.  Help me to trust You more. 


“My child, I love you.  I love you no matter what is going on in your life; no matter how much stress you are experiencing, or how distant you may feel from Me.  I am with you and I will never leave you.  I pursue My children, so much love have I for them.  Do not be concerned about your feelings for they will come and go.  I am at work in spite of them.  Yes, at times I work so deeply that one feels it in their emotions and at other times I work so deeply that it isn’t felt.  What I am saying is that you cannot gauge the level of work I am doing in your soul on your feelings.  Therefore, do not be concerned when you feel distant from Me.  I am not referring to those who feel distant from God because of sin.  That is another matter and one that requires repentance.  I am referring to the ebbs and flows one feels in their emotions due to various external circumstances.  Always refocus your thoughts and prayers on Me.  Think about My life, My birth, My coming into the world.  Think about My life growing up in Nazareth with My Most Holy Mother Mary and St. Joseph.  Think of the years of My teaching and preaching, healing and forgiving.  Think of My betrayal, of the times I stood before My accusers and Herod and Pilate.  Think of My passion, My death and My resurrection.  Meditate on My life and you will begin to feel closer to Me once again.”


Thank You, Lord!  Jesus, help me to know what to do about this evening.  Please help me to get everything done or if You want me to go to the parish function to fulfill Your Will, let me know that also.  Wherever You prefer I go is fine with me, Lord as long as it is Your Will.


Jesus, please heal (names withheld).  Help (name withheld) to get well.  Lord, please protect (names withheld) until You bring them back and into the Church.  Protect them from all spiritual harm, Lord.  Prepare us for our pilgrimage, Jesus.


“My little one, entrust everything to Me.  All that is going on in the Church and everything that is going on in the world.  Entrust all to Me.  I am the answer to every problem in life.  Focus on My Kingdom and keeping this alive in your heart.  Do not be concerned about anything else.  Focus on Me.  Bring the love of God to others.  The world is in so much need of My love.  My Mother is with you.  You have noticed the presence of My Mother and your earthly Mother lately.  Your family in Heaven prays for you.  They are nearer than you can imagine.  All is going according to My Will.  I am guiding you even when you are unaware.  The trust you have in Me, the trust of a child, makes you open to My Will and enables you to be led by Me.  In the next week, focus on this, My child; on trusting your Jesus.”


Yes, Lord.  Thank You, Lord.


“Do not worry or wonder what this means, My child.  Only trust.”


Alright, Jesus, my Lord and my God.  I am not capable of the things You ask of me but I know You always provide, Lord and I trust in You.  There is nothing else for me, Jesus.  You are my all and my everything.  My loved ones are from You.  My material things come from You.  My health, my work, my family—everything is from You.  Thank You, Jesus.  I am grateful.


“And, My little lamb, I am grateful to you.  This is difficult for you to accept, but you are learning to accept it more and more.”


Lord, only because You are so good, kind and loving.  You are the perfect gentleman, if I may say so.  Your love knows no end and so out of Your benevolence, You even thank us for loving You which is in itself a gift from You!


“Yes, My child and yet it is a choice that you are free to make and so I say, thank you for choosing to love Me, the one who is so unloved.”


My Jesus, it is wrong that You are unloved.  You are the essence of love!


“Yes, My child.  I am the love.  Yet there are so few who love Me.  I am longing for My people to love Me.  I want all souls to be with Me one day in Heaven.  In order for this to occur, people must choose to love Me.  It is that simple.  It comes down to a choice to love.  That is always what it comes down to, My little one.  In every decision, think of love.  This will help you to decide the correct and best path.  Ask Me for clarity and I will help you.  Pray about each decision and I will guide you.  All will be well.  Trust in Me.  Trust in My love for you.”


Lord, please give me the grace to love heroically.  Help me to love as You love.  You loved those who betrayed and rejected You.  You are still loving those who do not love You in return.  Help me to love You so much that I only see the good in others, no matter what, Lord.


“My child, My child I want all of My children to love their enemies.  There are people in the world and in your nation who are difficult to love.  They do not see the world the way you do.  They do not know the true meaning of love.  Love them.  Pray for them.  Be merciful and kind to them.  Especially when they push you away.  Especially when they do not understand you.  I want My children to show the love of God in everything you do and with everyone you meet, no matter how difficult it seems.  My Holy Spirit, the lover of your soul will help you.  My Mother will help you.  She is the innocent and the pure one.  Her heart is Immaculate and all She knows is love.  One who loves deeply feels more deeply.  She is more sensitive for She is love.  Go to Her and ask Her to teach you in Her school of love.  She will teach and guide you even closer to Me.  And so, My child I know that you must leave soon.  These words must be meditated on.  They do not seem to be very profound or deep to some people, but to those who have fertile soil in their hearts, these words have life.  They come from the living water of life.  If these were the only words I had given you, they would be enough because with love, trust and mercy, you have the Gospel.  It all comes down to love of God and neighbor, trust in Me and in My Divine Will and to trust in My mercy and show mercy to others.  This is the essence of the Gospel, My little lamb.  It is simple enough for small children to understand and difficult enough for the hard hearted to believe.  For those who are considered wise in the world, My words are a contradiction.  To those who have wisdom of Spirit, My words are truth and light.  Go and take this light, the light that is Me, to the world.  You, My Children of Light, you are My little apostles.  You must be carriers of Christ.  You must take Me in your hearts to others and then give Me away.  There is enough of Me for everyone, My children so do not fear.  There is so little time for some souls and you must have a sense of urgency.  Be at peace, but also realize I am counting on you to bring Me to others who do not know Me and do not know the love of God.  If you do not do this; who will?  I love you and I am with you, so you have nothing to fear.”


“Go in peace, My child.  Thank you for your sacrifice last week.  I noticed and I gave you and (names withheld) graces for your sacrifice of love.  The crosses involved seemed great especially for (name withheld).  This causes every more merit, so do not be concerned that you were unable to visit Me here, for you visited Me there and truly gave a gift of love.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in peace.  Go in My love.”


Amen, Jesus!  Alleluia! 


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