Children of the Renewal Messages
February 16, 2020 Adoration Chapel
Dearest Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in, adore, honor and praise You my Lord, God and King. I love You, Jesus. Thank You for Confession, Holy Mass and Communion. Praise You for Your Church, Lord. Thank You for all You have done and that You continue to do for us, Your people. Lord, (name withheld) is so very ill. You know everything and know this, Jesus. Lord, I ask that You heal her. Gather her and hold her close to Your Sacred Heart. I love You, my Jesus. Please help her, Lord. Blessed Mother, please pray for her. All you saints and holy angels, please pray for her healing. Lord, there are many intentions in my heart, for my family, my friends, the holy priests in need of You, Lord, those who are gravely ill, so many who are away from the Holy Catholic Church and for those who do not know You or who reject You; give each one the graces they need. Only You know exactly what each soul needs to come to the knowledge and love of God, or to be healed spiritually, emotionally or physically. I love each one, Jesus and I know You love them much more because Your love is perfect and infinite, as is Your mercy. Thank You, love and mercy! Thank You God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit—Three in One. I entrust all to You, my Lord, my God, my Redeemer and my Friend. Lord, You give us the Living Water that always quenches our thirst. Give this living water even to those who have fallen away or do not love You. Reawaken their souls to seek You until they find You, the Water of Life. You, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Give of Yourself, again, Lord so that those who do not believe will believe, those who do not trust will trust and those who do not love will find You, the Love. You, my Adorable Jesus, are the Pearl of great price but so many don’t know that You are directly in front of them. You are not buried, Jesus as the treasure in the field, but are in plain sight. Only those who do not believe have scales over the eyes of their hearts. Remove these scales, Jesus so they will see and believe. Help them, Jesus. Without You there is no hope, but with You is all hope. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, My child. Thank you for your yearning for souls. Thank you for your prayers for souls. Because of your prayers and the prayers of many of My faithful ones, souls will be saved. Entrust all to Me, My little one. Entrust all to Me.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. You, Lord put this yearning in my heart for souls. It is nothing on My own. You are to be praised, because I could not love if it wasn’t Your love put in my heart by You through the prayers of Your Holy Mother Mary. Jesus, please guide every step we take. Lead us by the Light of Your Holy Spirit. Enlighten us, Jesus. I pray for wisdom of Your Holy Spirit, Jesus.
“My child, I am guiding you. You will know which step to take and when. Keep your eyes on Me, My child. Always focus your gaze on Me. Recall the lesson I taught you about the Kingdom? Live as if you were living there now so to love and be love?”
Yes, Jesus. I remember. It is not easy, though.
“My child, it will become easy when you keep your eyes on Me. The time grows short and the upheaval will begin soon. Prepare spiritually and physically, but do not try to predict the time. Only follow Me. I will direct you. My child, My child trust in Me. The suffering you have experienced has served to prepare you. You will be able to help others who will be suffering greatly when they come to you. Be aware, My child of souls who are wounded and in need of much love and forgiveness. You have learned to love even through and especially through pain. Offer this to Me, My little lamb. In each trial identify with your Jesus. I walk with you just as I walk with each and every child. You are Mine and I am yours. Together we will face what comes. Together, we will help others to face what is to come. Are you misjudged? I was misjudged. Are you criticized for loving your enemies? I was criticized and accused of being evil because I loved sinners. Do not be concerned. You are learning to be detached from your accusers, while still loving and forgiving. You are not perfected in this yet. I know. But you are growing closer to Me and that is what matters. Continue to strive to love. Ask My Holy Apostle, John to help you. His love for Me was pure and holy. His love most closely resembled My Holy Mother’s love, though he was imperfect. Ask him for graces to love as he loved. Ask your Mother and Mine for these graces. You are growing in love, My child.”
Lord, if I am (which I believe if You say) My growth is painfully slow.
“My child, the growth that comes through trials feels that way, but in fact this growth is ‘quicker’ than would occur without the trials I allow. The time will come when My grace will be given for exponential growth, but that would not be possible for you without the steps you have made and are already making. This is because I need your ‘yes’, your cooperation in this regard and you are giving your ‘yes’ in spite of some very difficult trials. My child, draw close to My Sacred Heart where you will find peace. I love you. I am not providing direct answers, I realize My (name withheld). Walk in faith and by trusting in Me. Guidance will come when it is needed. Live in the present moment and be as trusting as a little lamb. The image I gave you during Mass, served as a lesson in this. I am the Good Shepherd. I carry you, My daughter. Trust in Me.”
Thank You, Lord. I love You. I trust You, my Jesus, my Shepherd.
“And I love you. Go in My peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My love.”
Amen. Alleluia, Lord!
February 9, 2020 Adoration Chapel
Hello my dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is so good to be here with You. I love You, Lord. I praise and adore You, my Sweet Jesus. Thank You for the blessings You give us and for Your love. Thank You for Your passion, death and resurrection. Please forgive me of my sins, Jesus. Help me to be forgiving of others, Lord especially those who have hurt me the most. I want to forgive as You forgive. I want to love as You love, Jesus. Help me to be merciful to others, Jesus. You are love and mercy, Jesus. Help me, Lord in some way to be like You, to allow Your Holy Light to dwell in me and shine through me. Lord, help me, guide me and use me as an instrument of Your love. Lord, protect those who love and follow You, and convert all of us who are sinners, especially those who do not know the love of God. Bring all who have strayed from You back to our sheepfold. I entrust all those in my family and my friends and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ to You, my Lord and my God. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, do You have anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. Please write My words. What My Father told you and what you understood Him to say was true, My daughter. This is difficult to believe now, even more so than when you heard His words. Do not doubt, My child. Things are often not what they appear to be. Do not put your own interpretation on what He said. Only believe. Did He not say when things were seemingly impossible, He would bring His plan to fruition that all would know He was at work and that only He could bring about the work. What is impossible for man is possible for God, My little one. Accept and believe. Do not fear or allow your peace to be disturbed. I know what has occurred. I am all knowing. Remain in My peace. No matter how things appear, God is in control.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Lord, please bless our children and grandchildren and all of our siblings and their children and grandchildren. The culture is dangerous during these days. Blessed Mother cover them with Your mantle of protection and hide them in Your Immaculate Heart. Help those who are in need either physically, spiritually, mentally or financially. Be with all who are dying and take their souls to Heaven. Comfort the people who are lonely or afraid. Lord, help us to see and recognize those in our midst who are in need of our love, encouragement or help.
“My child, the day will come like a thief in the night when souls will stand before Me in judgement either for their personal judgement at the end of their pilgrimage on earth, or in the Time of the Illumination of their Conscience. Then, each soul will see their soul as I see their soul. This is a time of great mercy and on the day when people have perfect clarity about the disposition of their souls, this will be the hour of My greatest mercy poured out for all because of My passion and death, but reserved for this day, due to the dire need of souls for My mercy. My mercy is infinite and is especially great for the hardest of hearts. Pray for these souls who will suffer because of their sins, that they accept My mercy. Each soul must choose, for I give each one free will. I do not force My love on souls, but love souls so much that I brought them into existence for love. I love My dear children and am especially tender and affectionate toward hardened sinners who repent and return to me. I reject no one who has sincere contrition for their sins. Instead, I open My arms to receive them in the embrace of love like a devoted Father who loves and pines for His wayward son.”
“Come to Me, My wayward children. You have nothing to fear. My enemy and yours wants to deceive you and to strike fear in your heart so you will believe his lies. Do not listen to his lies, My children. He will tell you your sins are unforgiveable, that they are too grave to be forgiven. He will say that you are unworthy of Me and that I will reject you. This is not true. He wants all souls in hell where he is. He was too proud to humble himself before God and he lost his place in Heaven because he rebelled against the Lord God. He saw that I, your Jesus would come as God and man. He did not want to worship a man, nor did he want the Lord God to raise man up to be higher than the angels. Since he was an angel, be became jealous and filled with rage. He turned on God. He betrayed the Lord God, the One who created all the angels and all that is and he conspired against God. He lost his place, his home in Heaven and was cast out. This was the first betrayal. Then, he tried to turn the hearts of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman created in My image and likeness, against God, the One who loved them. They fell from grace because they listened to him and took their eyes and their hearts off God, though they had full knowledge of God, since they were pure and holy and had no concupiscence. Still, they doubted God and allowed satan to lead them instead of God the Father. This was the second direct betrayal of God. There have been many more since, My children but the third great betrayal recorded in Holy Scripture was the betrayal by Judas Iscariot when he handed Me over to be crucified. My children, I know betrayal. I am well acquainted with it. Do not expect anything less as you follow your Jesus. However, do as I do and as I did, love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you. Forgive, My children. Forgive those who hurt you. Pick up your cross and follow Me. Be a living testimony to the light. Seek consolation in Me, My little children. I identify with you. I walked the earth. I lived among men. I felt the joys, sorrows, the rejection, the cold, hunger, pain, sadness, sorrow and also friendship and rejoicing. I felt consoled by the love of friends and by good people who wanted to know and love God. I enjoyed the kindness of those who gave Me and My Disciples a place to sleep, food to eat and fellowship. I felt the sting of hatred and misunderstanding, the loss of love, the blows, the accusations. There is nothing, apart from sin, that I did not experience, My children. I know what you experience and I will comfort and console you if you allow Me to do so. I am Jesus, your Savior, your beloved. I am mercy. I am love. Follow Me. Be love and mercy to others. I live in and through you, My beloved Children of Light and I need you.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ. Praise You! Glory and honor to You, my Lord and my God.
“My child, pray before each decision. I am guiding you, but you and My son (name withheld) must pray. Continue to pray together each day for your family’s protection and for the intercession of your nation. I will be with you and all of My children in the days ahead. Be at peace. Bring My love and mercy to others and bring My peace. You must come often (when you do not feel recollected) to the well and I will replenish your souls with My peace. Remain in Me. Frequent the Sacraments to receive My grace and to remain closely united to Me. Unity with the Blessed Trinity is of the utmost importance. Be close to Me, ever closer, ever more united, so close as to become, to be absorbed in My Will. Walk with Me, My children. Remain with Me as I am in you.”
Thank You, Jesus, my Lord and my God. I pray for this, Jesus. Amen! Amen! Help us, Lord. Guide us, so that we do Your Will and we become united with Your Will. I love You, Lord.
“And I love you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Ask for My blessing before every decision and action, My child. Ask for the wisdom of My Holy Spirit, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). You are My beloved children. Remember this and live this in your hearts. Open yourselves to the deep love of God. All will be well. Let us begin.”
Yes, Lord Jesus. Be it done according to Your Will, Lord. Blessed Mother, Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
February 2, 2020 Candlemas & Feast of the Flame of Love
Hello my Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I adore You, believe in You, trust You and love You, my God and my King. Jesus, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Friend, my heart is breaking due to the betrayal of one who was a dear friend. Oh, Lord, I know what I am experiencing is nothing compared to Your betrayal but the pain is terrible. Lord, You are mercy and justice. Please protect us from those who are unmerciful and unjust. Convict their hearts, Lord so they may repent from their evil and corrupt ways. Lord, be my refuge and my stronghold. My God, forgive my sins and the sins of those who do not realize what they are doing. Jesus, heal my hurting heart. Give me graces to forgive as You forgive and to love as You love. Blessed Mother, Mother of Sorrows and Mother of Mercy, pray for me and for all who have been victims of corrupt people. Pray for us Oh Holy Mother of God. Help me to bear my suffering. I unite it to Yours and to Jesus’ on the cross. Lord, keep me in Your Holy Will and protect me from all evil. Give me Your mercy, Your peace, Your love and may I be able to give this to others. Thank You for this wound, Jesus. Use it for Your gain. Conquer all mankind with Your great love. Help me, Jesus in this time of great sorrow and suffering. Bless those who try to hurt me, Jesus. Bless them with Your graces for conversion. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You. I entrust myself to You and to the Holy Family. St. Padre Pio, pray for me.
“My little lamb. I know you are hurting and suffering from this betrayal and from the deception you have recently learned about. I am here for you. You are tasting the bitterness of the cross. You are sharing in My suffering. I know what it is to be betrayed by one you love. So many of My children experience this and it is a sharing in My bitter Passion. Judas betrayed Me with a kiss, but he betrayed Me many times before this final betrayal. Remember, My child that I see all. I know all. I am aware of those who call themselves My followers who plan to harm My children, their brothers and sisters. Pray for them, My child. You must pray and forgive them even though they know better. They are being blinded by a false sense of justice. Pray for them, for those who follow Me are held to a higher standard. Entrust all of your deep wounds to Me for I can heal all wounds. You will use this to help many souls. I will help you to recover from this recent blow. Bring all to Me. Pray for all involved. Many people are hurting and are in need of mercy and forgiveness. Give them to Me. I am the God of justice. Mankind has long since lost its way and wanders blindly on the earth, pursuing their own ‘rights’ and sense of justice, often forgetting mercy. I am mercy; I am love. I will take care of you, My little lamb. This will pass and one day you will know the greater plan I have for you and for your family. I know you are looking to others to do the right thing, My daughter. I am, also. However, I give My children free will. If they choose to abuse this, they will answer to Me. If they repent and have sorrow for their sins, I will forgive them. My child, My child, do you not see that I too was betrayed. You have been a loyal friend to others and still you experience betrayal. I know what this means to you. Yes, I know. Comfort Me in the constant betrayal I experience when My children reject Me, deny Me and when they expect Me to give them blessings even though they raise their fist to Me and to My little ones. The violence done to the little children and the unborn greatly offends Me. Comfort Me, My child by being love even in the face of injustice. My child, I do not mean you are to ignore injustice and turn a deaf ear. I only mean that in your heart, you must forgive and love. Give mercy to those who hurt you and pray for them. Speak out, but be merciful. Lead others to God by being loving, merciful and holy. Many souls will refuse to follow Me. Some follow Me in their words only. Some deny My existence. Be meek and mild. I will help you. I know those who want to take everything for themselves, believe your meekness is weakness. Do not pay attention to this for they have aggression in their hearts. They have malice and want retribution. This is for God, alone. I am the only just judge. Leave all to Me, My child. You must try to change injustice, but also balance this by not taking too much ownership over the outcome. Trust in Me. Rely on Me, My child. I will never abandon you, even if all others fail you, I will not. Rest assured, My child. I am your Protector, your Savior. I love you. You are Mine. Remember you have a treasure many do not have. You have My close friendship and My love. I love everyone, but many do not love Me in return. Many do not live like they love Me. Do not allow this to consume you, but leave all to Me. I will be the just judge.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Please restore my peace, Oh, Prince of Peace. You are the only One who can. Thank You for Your love and mercy, Jesus.
“My child, soon a day is coming and is almost here when all will tremble and beg for mercy. Be prepared and keep your eye on what really matters. Those who strike others physically, spiritually or emotionally will beg for forgiveness and they will receive it. If I, who am perfectly holy can forgive, and I always forgive when one truly repents, you must do the same. I see your tears and I hear your cry. I am with you. My Mother and St. Joseph are with you. Rest in Me, My little lamb. Rest in My arms and allow Me to carry you. I will see to everything.”
Thank You, my Lord, my Shepherd and my Savior. Thank You for Your love even when I do not deserve it. Thank You for forgiving my sins, Lord. Help me to forgive others. Grant me Your peace. Blessed Mother, thank You for Your feast day. Thank You that You spread Your Flame of Love to Your children. Please heal all who have hardened hearts and who do not know and love Your Son. I pray for all who are away from the Church that there will be a great re-uniting of souls
“My child, My Mother’s Flame of Love engulfed you today. She shares in your sorrows also for She is a good and loving Mother; the Most Perfect Mother who loves all of Her children perfectly. Thank You for uniting your sorrows to Her sorrows. Thank You for offering this for souls. Many will benefit from My children who offer their sufferings and who sacrifice for souls especially during the Time of Great Trials. I breathe My peace into your weary heart, My child. I will grant you peace and a return of My joy. Bear with this difficulty for love of the one who is in need. Bear this cross for all who are misunderstood, rejected and unloved. You will be stronger for it, My little lamb. Recall what My son, (name withheld) said to you during the prayer group. All wounds will be healed and also will bring you strength and the ability to help others when the time comes. I give you My peace and My love. Walk with Me on My Passion as the Church goes through her passion, also. My children, you are the Church. Stand at the foot of the cross and pray for purification of My body, the Church. One day, the suffering, the pain will pass and then My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. Until then, continue to pray and to frequent the Sacraments. Graces will be poured out on all who ask for them and are open to receive them. Remain strong in your love for Me. Love your neighbor. Love even your enemies, for you must follow your Jesus and love as I love. All will be well, but endure the cross and soon the resurrection will come. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be at peace, My little one. Know that I love you.”
Thank You, my sweet Jesus. Praise You and thank You! Amen and alleluia.
January 26, 2020 Adoration Chapel
Hello, dearest Jesus present in all the tabernacles in the world. I praise, adore, worship and love You, my God and my King. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion and for the Sacrament of Confession. Thank You, Lord that we live in a country that still allows our freedom to live our faith. Thank You for access to holy priests to hear our Confession and to bring us You, Jesus in the Eucharist. Glory and honor to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, I lift up to You all of my family and my friends, especially those who are ill and those who are grieving. Comfort and console them and bring them close to Your Sacred Heart. I lift up to You all who are away from the Faith (the Church) and those who do not believe and do not love You. Give them faith, Lord. Open their eyes and their hearts to Your love. Help me to be a witness to Your love. Help others around them to be witnesses. May we all be united in our love for You, Lord. Heal divisions and wounds and give us graces for heroic love. Bless our loved ones who have died and bring them safely to Heaven.
Lord, please protect our President and Vice President, as well as their families. Give them wisdom and the Light of the Holy Spirit to discern and use good judgement. May their decisions, as well as their hearts and minds, be united to the Perfect Will of God. Please bring about an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit in the world and in our country. May we return to purity, charity, holiness and love. I love You, Jesus. Enlarge my heart so that I can love You even more. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, thank you for your love and your trust. It is good that you are here with Me. I give graces in abundance for those who adore Me in the Blessed Sacrament. It takes faith, My child for people to believe in My presence in the Eucharist. The faith is weak, My child in many and this is why there are so few who adore Me. The second reason is a lack of love for God. When one truly loves another, there Is no problem with prioritizing time with the beloved. In this day, there is an overabundance of self-love and focus on pleasure. Love is self-sacrifice. Love is generosity and benevolence. Love is charity. Love is service. These concepts are foreign to My children and they must be taught and lived. Be a witness to My love and My mercy. Be full of light, life, truth and joy. You are loved. So many in the world do not know love. You have My peace. People in the world are starving for peace. And so, My Children of Light, you must be My Light. Be carriers of your Jesus to the world in darkness. Be at peace and give others My peace. When you do not feel recollected, ask Me for peace. When you do not have joy in your hearts. Ask Me for joy. When you are downhearted due to the condition of the world, ask Me to renew your spirit. I was downhearted also, My children for I was rejected by many. I was mocked and scorned even before My passion by those who rejected the truth and who were convicted by My holiness and wanted to remain in their sin. I know what it is like to live among people who have no desire to grow in holiness and who reject God. I know and yet I triumphed over sin. I treated all with love and respect, praying for their souls. Many people converted and came to see the light, the truth.”
“Be like Me, My children. Do not change with public opinion, but allow yourselves to be steeped in My Word. Pray and remain close to My heart. Be constant in your love and in your mercy. Forgive those who hurt you and pray for them. Your prayers and sacrifices will bring graces for conversion. Not all will convert, My children for they have free will. But many will. Pray, pray, pray. Bring each and every burden to Me, My children. Give all concerns and issues you face to Me and I will guide you. Does something appear to be impossible? Bring it to Me in faith and I will do the impossible, for I am God and nothing is impossible for Me. Give Me your sadness. Give Me also your joys. We are friends and we confide in one another. Bring all to My Sacred Heart. You are safe with Me, dear children. I love you.”
Lord, please protect all who are returning from the March for Life. Bless their efforts, Lord and their witness. Please end abortion in our country and in the world. Protect the unborn, Lord and open our eyes to see with truth and clarity this horrendous genocide. Help us to end abortion in our land, Jesus. Please heal all who have been wounded by the sin of abortion. Help them to know Your mercy, Lord. Give them graces for repentance and conversion and assure them of Your love, Jesus. Please help us to turn this evil into something that will give glory to You, God. Please forgive our sins and bring us to a nation under God once again. Change hearts and minds, Lord through the power of Your death and resurrection.
“My child, My child, the blood of babies murdered in your country cries out to Me for justice. This is true for every nation in the world where babies’ lives are not valued and respected. My poor little ones who are unloved and unwanted by their parents are loved by Me and all of Heaven. The earth is robbed of the good that would have come from their lives. Millions of people are impacted by this, My child, not just the families of these children, but the whole society. You will know one day the enormous and catastrophic impact abortion has on the world. The evil one works through many on earth to continue this crime against God and mankind. The hammer of God’s justice will fall. Pray for an end to abortion and continue to work to this end. Pray for mercy, My children. The little ones who are killed are martyrs for life and they have a special place with Me in Heaven. Ask them to pray with you for an end to this crime. The world is in such darkness as a result. You, My children, must work to end this horrible crime that snatches souls from Me. Many will perish and lose their souls because of their participation in this evil work of My adversary and yours. Pray for their healing and conversion. I will forgive all sins when there is true sorrow for sin.”
“Come to Me, My wounded ones. I will not reject anyone who truly seeks Me. Come to your Jesus. I love you and you will be safe with Me. If you do not return, you will suffer the pains of hell and this is not My plan for you. Do not choose death, My children. Choose life! Choose love! Choose mercy and peace! My child, the days are coming that I have foretold. I remind you to be at peace. Renew your prayers in the family. Renew your consecration to the Holy Family. Prepare yourselves spiritually. Be alert and aware and most of all be open to My Holy Spirit. See with the eyes of faith, My little lamb. I am with you. I walk with you. Be at peace and know that I love you. You are not alone. Ask your Guardian Angel to guide you. All will be well. Go in My peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia.