Children of the Renewal Messages
August 16, 2015 Adoration Chapel
Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love You. I adore You. I praise You. Thank You for making it possible to be here with You today in this quiet, peaceful chapel. Thank you for the gift of the Sacraments; for Confession yesterday and Holy Mass this morning. Father’s homily was excellent, Lord! Thank you! Lord, I bring (relative’s name withheld) to You and ask You to heal him. Help his concussion to be healed quickly, Lord with no residual effects. Jesus, please come to our assistance with the permits for the roads in our community. There seem to be additional ‘road blocks’. We need the roads to be laid so we can obtain plat approval and then our building permits. It seems as if time is of the essence now because of what is going on in the world, Jesus. I sense that things are escalating, and it feels like we may not have much time. You know all things, though Lord. Please guide us, Jesus. Lord, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My daughter. Do not fear. I am with you. Nothing will harm you, My daughter. My angels surround you. All will be accomplished in My Mother’s community. You will be there according to My timing. You will have time to build and move and even some time to adjust and prepare the things that are necessary for My children of the community. Though you will not have much time after all preparations are made, you will have some time. Focus on what is needed for your family to prepare to move. Proceed with the meeting you are planning with the builder. I am guiding you. I am guiding (names withheld). (Name withheld) has a sense of urgency, My child. He is aware of the need to proceed quickly. I am inspiring him and guiding him. Trust in Me, My daughter. The temptation to doubt that some have is not from Me. Trust is what is needed.”
Thank You, Jesus. I do trust in You, Lord. You would not bring us this far to then abandon us. Please go before us and resolve all issues and remove all barriers.
“My child, the barriers to which you refer are only normal procedures for this area. These procedures take time and that is by their design. These are not new obstacles, but a process to follow. As I have said, when the approvals go through everything else will go quickly and smoothly. The families would do well to focus on what each family needs to do to prepare to move. There is much more to do for each family than there is to prepare the final tasks for the community. Trust in Me. Prepare for your move and do what I have asked you to do, and am requesting of each family member. All will be well. Pray, fast, and take action for your own preparations.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“My little lamb, I desire the messages remain for public viewing. I did not ask that they be posted to the specific site they are currently posted, only that they be. Do you recall this, My daughter? I simply directed that you contact (name withheld) and that she would know what to do.”
Yes, Lord. I believe that is what You said, now that You mention it. I had forgotten.
“Your direction and that of My son (name withheld) is not and never has been part of the (names withheld). That was done for convenience sake. It was fine, but many were confused by this, as this prayer group is not focused on the same things that I provide guidance to you and to (name withheld). Please make other arrangements with (name withheld).
Alright, Lord. Jesus, it is fine with me if we do nothing. Whatever is Your will, Lord. (Name withheld) mentioned that she could simply send them to her distribution listing. It is fine with me if we don’t even do that. But, Your will be done.
“My daughter, My daughter, I realize this is extra work for you. I understand that to begin with, our dialogue was for you alone. I brought you along and then introduced you to the idea of sharing these messages, which you were uncomfortable with doing. This has not been easy for you and yet through your willingness to do as I ask, and your love for souls, you have seen little by little that all has gone well. I protect your privacy and at the same time souls are moved for the Kingdom. The time has not ended to share these messages, this needed direction. I need your cooperation and that of (name withheld) to continue. You and (name withheld) are connected. I have brought the three of you together for this important work. You will continue to allow these to be on a site that is accessible to all of My children throughout the world. This is your choice, of course for I never force My children, only invite them to participate in My plan for salvation. This work, though only a small part of the greater whole, is important in bringing about My Kingdom. I would like a site to be created for these messages and for My son’s messages. There will come a time when there will be no more free access to communication about Me. This time is fast approaching. Until such time, continue on as you have.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Jesus, what are we to name this new site? I know (name withheld) will ask and I have no answer. What would You like it to be, Jesus?
“It shall be as it is now, Children of the Renewal. My messages given to My son are to be what they are, also, Holy Family Refuge, but place these first. The second space shall be Children of the Renewal. To be clear, the entire project is My direction to My children who will be living in the Renewal. The information provided to My son pertains to the dire warnings and to preparing My children of light for My refuges; not just the one My son has faithfully prepared, but all refuges. There are many prepared and in the process of being prepared all over the world. My Father is merciful and He wills that no one perish. He prepares a place for His children to go; a sanctuary. Many, sadly will perish, but not for lack of guidance and direction.”
“My children were created with the gift of free will. Many choose in error, but it is their choice. Those in refuges and those living in communities will endure the trials. My Father is entrusting future generations to His Children of the Renewal. Children, you will all work to rebuild the world after the purification and cleansing. In the renewal period, the earth will be made clean again. Afterwards, you will rebuild and renew the human race. This will be necessary due to the large number of people who will die during the time of great trials. You will all be tasked with rebuilding My Church. The Church will be smaller, but holy, and all will know of My One True Catholic and Apostolic Church. There will be a unity within My Church by all peoples remaining. First, the refuges and communities, to endure what is to come and to be My light to a darkened world. This time period will give way to the renewal and thus the order on the site. It will make much more sense as time progresses. Keep all of the writings, My children, for a time will come when there will be no access to public communication. All will go dark, so to speak. The time is fast approaching when all communication must cease due to monitoring. It will become very unsafe. When that time comes, I will give My word to you to cease posting our communication. Until then, continue in this work of saving souls. My child, you do not realize the number of souls being impacted for the good of the Kingdom. A time will come when there will be no more planting and very little harvesting. At that time you will cease to share our messages. Until then, I am asking that you do so.”
Yes, Lord. If You ask it, we will do as You say. Thank You, Lord.
“My little lamb, continue enduring at your place of employment a while longer. It will not be much longer.”
Okay, Jesus.
“You are to be a light to others. Allow My light to shine through you.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You.
Jesus, please guide my friend (name withheld). She needs to know whether or not she should have surgery to remove the plate in her wrist. Lord, please guide her. Give her direction and help her to be confident in her decision.
“My little lamb, the suggestion you gave her about prayer was from My Spirit. Have her continue to pray and tell her that the direction I give to My son (her husband) is what she is to follow. I will guide My daughter. Remain united to your husband, My little one. I will guide your husband as he prays to Me. All will be well. Remember, I am with you.”
Thank You, Jesus for Your care and attention to the details of our lives. You shower Your love on us, Jesus and we are so small and undeserving. You are the Creator of all and yet, You love us so much that You not only died for our salvation, but still pour yourself out to us through the Sacraments, and in our prayers You give us guidance for every decision. You are truly merciful and loving, Lord. Praise You, sweet Jesus!
“You are welcome, My little lamb. My daughter, a time is coming and is almost here that you will leave the life you know. This life, though comfortable, is not where you are to remain. Yes, I know you face challenges here, but it is what you know, and therefore comfortable. I am calling you to something more; something greater. This time period is to be considered a grace for it is the calm before the storm. Do not allow yourself the time and space to become complacent. While things appear to be at a lull, this is not the case. Continue to prepare for your transition as if it were soon, for when the time comes you will move in haste and will no longer have the luxury of time. Focus on preparing to move. My child, much at your work serves to distract you. Do not continue to allow this distraction. The demands placed on you are unreasonable. Rely on Me. I will carry you. The most important work I have for you is what you do when you are not at work. Your family, your time spent with Me, Mass, the Sacraments, being Me to others, learning about alternative forms of healing that I have provided for My children, preparing to move, and first and foremost, praying, Mass, and the Sacraments. My child your work is important it is true, but it is not most important. You will not be able to excel in this job, for that is not the purpose you are there. You are to do your best and focus on the essentials. You know what the essentials are. If you do not see these clearly, pray and seek My direction. I will reveal this to you each day. Follow (priest’s name withheld) advice and live your faith for all to see. Do not speak much, but be the child of God that you are, My child. My light will shine through you for all to see. You will be more rested and your joy will show. I will fill you with peace and joy; only – rely on Me.”
“My son (name withheld) , My daughter, and (family member names withheld), a while longer only and soon it will be time. I desire your detachment from the things of this world; the gifts I have given you—nearness and close proximity of family, your home, your friends, your town where you have grown up and have loved, your parish, and all that is familiar. You will go to a new place; one that I and My Mother have prepared for you. This is to be your new home, your new family, your new friends, for I have much work for you and your community. Much work indeed. All must be in place prior to the coming severe calamities in which children will be separated from their parents, priests will be in hiding and a new form of violence will be inflicted upon My people. You will be safe under My Mother’s mantle and you will invite others to come under Her mantle of protection; the lost, the orphans, My holy Priest Sons. I ask much of you, My children. Much is required due to the state of this world. Now it is under the rule of My adversary. One day soon, My Father will take His rightful place. All will be renewed, restored and rebuilt in cooperation with my children. Do not be afraid. My adversary will not go down without a fight. Fight dearest children of My heart, with Mass and the holy rosary. My Mother prays with you and intercedes on your behalf. Do not be concerned for your family members. I am watching over them and will draw them near to My Sacred Heart. All will be well. Go now in peace. I love you. I bless you in My name, in My Father’s name, and in My Holy Spirit. Be love; Be light; Be joy.”
Thank You, Jesus. We love You!
“And I love you.”