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Children of the Renewal Messages


July 3, 2016, Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  I love You, adore You and praise You.  It is so good to be here with You, Lord.  Thank You for inviting us to be with You.  Thank You for Holy Mass and for the grace to receive You in the Holy Eucharist.  Thank You for a safe trip to see our family and for the opportunity to be together.  Lord, today is my Mother’s anniversary of her birth into Heaven.  Please say hello to her for me and give her a hug.  I miss her very much but am glad she is in Heaven with You and with my grandparents.  I so wish I could see her again, Lord.


“You will see her, My little one.  Remember that I told you this would happen one day.  It will be when you most need to see her.”


Yes, Lord.  I remember.  It seems so long ago that You said this.  It is faded in my memory.  Thank You for reminding me. 


Lord, Your people, the Israelites turned away from You on many occasions and worshipped false gods.  You punished them for not obeying Your Commandments, and finally they would repent and return to You.  We are also turning away from You, as a nation.  Lord, we have sinned in grave ways.  The law of the land is no longer the law of the One True God.  Instead, our citizens worship sports and materialism.  When they realize they have become spiritually dead, they seek false gods and worship crystals and things of the earth (that You created).  They seek false religions like Sufism and Taoism and “New Age” spiritualism, rather than following God, the Creator.  They no longer respect human life, but respect the earth and animals above human life which You created in Your image.  Babies are massacred in their mothers’ wombs which should be the safest place on earth.  Instead it has become for many babies a death chamber.  Marriage, between a man and a woman has been blasphemed and instead evil people “declare” it to be any abominable, disordered relationship and expect all people to condone it.  If we do not condone this abomination, people are branded as intolerants and people who hate others and at some point we will be “punished” for this “attitude”.  Lord, we want to follow You. 


There are many in this nation who do not agree and do not side with evil and yet our corrupt and evil leaders have spoken out on numerous occasions claiming our land is no longer a nation, one nation under God; that this is no longer a Christian nation.  Jesus, my family and my friends do not concur with this.  We are on the side of You, our God and we long to have our country and fellow citizens return to You.  Lord, we are guilty for not speaking out decades ago when all of this error was beginning to unfold.  We were focused on living, working to provide for our families and raising our children.  We are sinners, too but we repent and seek Your forgiveness.  Please have mercy on this nation.  Open the hearts of Your people and take our hands in Yours and lead us where we ought to go.  May our country once again be “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!”  Please Jesus, my Lord, and Savior have mercy on us.  Dear Jesus, if You do not help us, all will be lost.  Protect this land, Jesus from those who plan to do us harm.  Protect this land from the evil one who seeks to devour us.  Jesus, many of the people in government are not true Americans.  They are imposters.  Show them for who they truly are.  Drive them from our country, or convert their hearts to You, Lord.  Jesus, please hear my plea and heal our land.  Jesus have You anything to say to me?


“My child, My child, I hear your pleas.  It is up to those who choose evil to change.  They have free will, just as those who choose to do good, do they not?”


Yes, Lord.  As You say.  Lord, please protect us from the evil plans that are underway.  Please let no harm come to those families travelling over the holiday and attending places and events where there are crowds.  Foil the plans of evil, Lord.  Grant victory over evil with goodness and mercy.  Protect us, Jesus. I beg of You. 


“My child, I hear your prayers.  I will answer them, but not fully.  This is due to My respect of free will.”


Yes, Jesus.  Thank You, Lord.  Will You please protect the innocent ones, Lord?


“My child, I call upon My people to protect the innocent ones.  I expect all of My children to care for one another.  Pray, pray, pray, My child.  Pray for others out of love for Me.  Your prayers (those of all My Children of Light) make a difference.  Many people are still not praying.   They read My words to My messengers out of curiosity, but do not implement what I have said must be done.  Pray and fast.  Return to the Sacraments.  Pray and fast and offer penance for those who do not love and follow Me.  Love Me with all of your heart.  Follow Me no matter the cost.  Show love and mercy to others.  Live the Gospel.  This is what I ask.  This, you must do, or the consequences will be severe.  I cannot reverse this order of God, for I am God and I am justice, truth and life.  You will see, My little lamb, that eventually My Mother’s heart will triumph, but until then I allow what is to occur in order to turn hearts toward Me.”


Ok, Lord.  I understand.  Then, help us to withstand the trials.

“That I will do.”


Thank You, my Jesus.  Lord, I sense a very serious tone from Heaven.  It is also a tone of quiet acceptance. 


“Yes, My little lamb, but those in Heaven still continue interceding for My children on earth.  But there is the understanding that events are beginning and they will run their course.  This does not mean, I sit idly by and watch the wolf devour My sheep for that is not so.  I walk with you.  You are My people.  My heart breaks for those of My children who worship the evil one and lead countless others astray.  I am a loving and merciful God and I have heart.  Yes, My children, I am Jesus and I have a heart full of love.  I will be with you, as you face the Time of Great Trials.  I will never forsake you.  There are those who will curse Me and be angry for not stopping the evil plans, but I tell you that I am not responsible for your behavior, your sinful behavior.  I come to show you the way, yet you have chosen not to follow it.  My children who do follow Me, will be beacons of light to others.  The Children of Light will shine like the sun in the midst of such darkness, and by showing love and mercy to others will point the way back to Me.  Many lukewarm souls will be converted by the power of My Holy Spirit working through My Children of Light.  Be encouraged, for I am with you.  I will never abandon you.  Remember this, My little children.  My Mother is with you, also.  Imitate Her.  She is holy, meek, mild and loving.  She is wise, and Her wisdom and love are Her strength.  She is pure and shines with My light such that She outshines the light of the sun, so perfectly does She reflect Me.  Have confidence that God does not forsake or abandon His children.  Know this.  Trust Me no matter what occurs or how things occur.  You know the outcome and victory are mine.  Trust in Me.  Prepare yourselves for the trials by immersing yourselves in the story of salvation in My Word, the Scriptures.  My Word will bring comfort to you in dark times.  Prepare yourselves spiritually by making yourselves open and available to sacramental graces.  Participate in Holy Mass, the Eucharist and Sacrament of Reconciliation so that you are completely reconciled and united to the Blessed Trinity.  Therein lies your refuge and your hope.  My children, I love you.  Walk with Me.  Console Me.  Love Me, for I have loved you even unto death on the cross.  The hour of the cross is upon us again, but I am your Redeemer.  I am your God.  There is nothing to fear, for I am with you.”


Thank You, Lord for Your love and mercy.  In this age of mercy; in this year of mercy I pray for Your mercy to rain down upon us in torrents.  Flood the earth with Your mercy, Jesus.  Just as God sent the rain and the flood in Noah’s day, send graces to flood the earth and lift up Your people.  Protect us in the ark of Your Church, Jesus.  We love You.  We trust You.  We adore You and glorify You.  Grant us Your mercy and Your peace.  Increase our love, Lord.  Increase our faith.  Increase our mercy.  Lord, I lift up to You all those who are ill and those who are being persecuted for Your sake.  Console them and grant them Your peace.  Thank You for the gifts of healing You have given to those who are recovering from grave illnesses.  Be with those who are dying.  Forgive our sins and give us contrite hearts of love.  Help us to do as You ask.  Enfold us in Your Sacred Merciful Heart.  Protect us under Mary’s mantle.  Give us courage and zeal for the Gospel and help us always to act in love and mercy.  Live in our hearts, Lord and may we also live in Yours.  Bless Your holy priest sons and the religious brothers and sisters who live holy lives for You.  Draw all to Yourself, Lord.


“Thank you, My child.  Each prayer prayed from the heart is precious to Me.”


I love You, Jesus!


“And I love you.”


Lord is there anything else that You wish to say to me?


“No, My child.  This is all for today.  Sit in silence and adore Me.  I find consolation from your friendship My little lamb.”


Yes, Jesus.


(After several minutes of silence and adoration)

Jesus, thank You for loving me and for being with me each day.  Please keep me close to You.  I pray this for all of my loved ones and my friends, and also for those who are lost and are seeking You.  Send Your Spirit and renew the earth.  Renew our hearts, Lord Jesus.


“Thank you, My child.  Go now in My peace.  I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”


Thank You, my Lord and my God.  I love You!


“And I love you.”





June 26, 2016   Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament.  I adore You and praise You my Lord, God and King.  Lord, thank You for the many blessings You give us.  Thank You for (name withheld) continued recovery; thank You for time spent with him.  Thank You for providing work for (name withheld).  Thank You for my family and friends.  Bless them all, particularly those who are ill.  Please heal (names withheld).  I pray especially for (name withheld).  Please be with her during her doctor’s appointment tomorrow.  Help her doctor to get to the root cause and if it is Your Will, Lord heal her of whatever is causing her symptoms.  Thank You, Lord that You love my children and care for them.  Please bring (name withheld) back to the Church.  Guide, guard and protect all of our children and grandchildren.


Jesus, I am most grateful to You for Your love and for Your death and resurrection.  Praise You, Jesus. 


Lord, I am weary from the many trips to the hospital.  Please forgive me for being drowsy.  It is so peaceful here.  Lord, thank You also for another anniversary of Our Lady, Queen of Peace at Medjugorje.  Thank You, Father God for continuing to send Your Son’s Mother to the world.  Praise You, God!  Help us to persevere in prayer, as Our Lady has asked so that Her plans will be realized.  Lord, I pray for peace in my heart, in the hearts of my family members and in the world.


Lord, the world is in danger due to man’s rebellion against You.  I pray for conversion for mankind to return to You.  I pray for those who have not experienced Your love and for those who do not know You.  Please pour out Your Spirit, Jesus and renew the face of the earth.  Bring about the renewal, Lord.  Jesus, have You anything to say to me today?


“My child, My little one, pray for peace particularly through this week and the coming weeks.  Pray for My holy priest sons.  I love you and I am with you.  My Mother is with you.  The world has only to reflect on the fact that My Mother comes to the world out of love; Her love and due to the love of the Father.  God so loves all of His children.   I do everything for My children to bring them to the joy of salvation.  It is up to My children to accept the gift, the great gift of salvation.  This gift must be accepted for it to become real for souls.  Pray for souls, My daughter.  Pray for those who reject the precious gift of salvation.  Pray for those who take the lives of My lost children before they have accepted Me.  It is My desire that all come to know and love Me and come to live with Me in Heaven.”


Thank You, Jesus.  Praise You, Lord.  We will pray, Jesus.  Lord, I pray for (name withheld) as he makes his pilgrimage to Medjugorje.  Continue to grant graces for conversion.  It is wonderful that he decided to go having no knowledge of the life of faith.  Bless him, Jesus.  Praise You, Lord!


“My little one do not be concerned about how you will manage financially, for I will provide for you and your family.  Be at peace.  Continue on as you are doing and all will be well.”


Lord, there is so much to do that we aren’t getting done.  There doesn’t seem to be enough time with our family illnesses...


“Yes, My little lamb.  I am aware.  Do the best you can given the situation and focus on that which is most important.  All will be well.  Trust in Me.”


Yes, Jesus.  Lord Jesus, I trust in You.  Just saying this gives me peace, Jesus.


“My child, I am peace.  I give you My peace.  It is yours for the asking.  My peace is available to all who ask.  My child, you are beginning to see My plan unfold in the world.  You are seeing signs of power beginning to erode.”


Yes, Lord and I think those in power will not go down (so to speak) without a fight.  I pray for peace and for conversions.  Lord, if everyone would simply turn to You, we would have a glorious peace.  Lord, open hearts to You. 


“My little one, this is a good prayer and this intention should be requested often.  You are aware that many will not change, especially those steeped in evil.  Some will change, but many will not for they are focused on their own evil pursuit of their interests.  They will be humbled and you will begin to see this occur as more and more of the power held by them erodes further and crumbles.  I will bring liberty once again to those who are oppressed.  Pray, pray, pray.”


Yes, Lord.  Thank You, Lord.  Jesus, I also want to thank You for allowing me to complete the financial transaction in time.  Your hand guided the entire process and I am very grateful to You that everything worked out even though it took me so long to complete the process.  Thank You, Lord.


You are most welcome, My child.  Continue to bring your concerns and problems to Me.  Together we will arrive at the optimal solution.  Give all to Me, and all will be well.  You will have more peace as a result, also.”


Yes, Jesus.  Thank You!  Lord, have You anything more to say at this time?


“Yes, My daughter.  The time will soon be here for your move.  Do not be anxious, for there will be some time, yet but I want to encourage you in this period of waiting and serving.  I am with you and I direct your steps.  I will be with you and My son, (name withheld) as you stay with My little ones in need tomorrow evening.  I will give you the graces you need to be a loving presence to them.  Be at peace.  I send you there with My blessing.  I will be with (name withheld), also for this is also a sacrifice for him, having you gone.  All will be well.  Trust in Me.”


Yes, Lord.  Help us to trust more in You.  Lord, I love You.  Help me to love You more.


“My child, do not be concerned when people ask you questions.  They are drawn to you because of Me.  Continue to be kind and patient with them.  They do not know how to begin a conversation with you and so they ask questions.  They want to know you more because you reflect My love.  You do not see this in yourself, for you see only your flaws.  They see My grace; My love.”


Jesus, if they do not see my flaws it is because they don’t know me.  They would see my flaws easily if they knew me.  The fact that they see You in me at all is a miracle of grace.  Please continue to do Your work of grace in me so that my life will bring glory and honor to You.  May others see You in all of Your Children of Light, and may they want to know You as a result.  Help us to reflect Your light, Lord.  When others see us, Your children, may it be as though we are holding a mirror with the sun reflecting light from the mirror to their hearts.


“Yes, My child.  This is how it is to be for if they looked at Me directly before they were ready, it would be too bright for them.  Seeing Me in My children gives them a chance to see My light in a more acceptable way.  They begin to see My love through you and as their hearts begin to be moved and open, they will be more prepared for the brilliant light of My love.  It is best when souls see the light dimly at first.  You see, My child though they are seeing My love as a reflection, it still seems bright to eyes that have grown accustomed to darkness.  I prepare each soul in a gentle way.  In time, I will need to use more drastic means to draw souls to Me quickly for their own sake.  This is due to the circumstances and the condition of the world at this time.  This is why you must continue to pray for souls.  Their eternity is at stake, My child.  Pray the rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet as I requested.  I would like you to add the Divine Mercy Novena to your prayers for the coming days.  I ask My children all over the world to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet (Novena) for conversion of souls.”


Yes, Jesus.


“My little lamb, I know you are weary.  I was tired, too.  Go to a quiet place each day and be with Me.  I will sustain you.  Sacrificing for others can be tiring, but all things must be weighed and balanced.  Doing too much is not My Will.  Ask Me what I would have you do each day and I will guide you.  You cannot do everything needed in one day or even in one week.  Ask for My direction, My assistance.  Ask for assistance from your Guardian Angel.  I desire this for all of My children.  The world expects much and demands even more.  This is not the way I am.  I desire your love, your presence, your kindness.  I desire you serve one another.  Yes, you must be faithful to your vocation and the duties this entails but it is not My Will for My children to be constantly working, constantly busy and constantly entertained at the least moment of perceived boredom.  Be still in the moments that you have an opportunity, whether it be in your cars, waiting in a line or in between meetings.  Take a few moments to think of Me.  Speak with Me in the silence of your hearts and ask for My love, My peace, My guidance.  I am your friend, children of Mine.  Yes, I am God.  I am Lord and Savior.  I am also your friend, I care about you and this includes all that is going on in your life.  I am with you.  Truly, I am with you.  Be with Me, also.  All will be well.”


Thank You, my Jesus.  I love You.


“Pray for peace in these turbulent times.  Pray for souls.  Pray for My holy priest sons.  Be My peace and My joy for those who have lost peace and joy.  Bring the Gospel of love to those who do not know love; do not know Me.  Love and mercy is needed most, My children.  That is all; Go in peace.” 


Thank You, Jesus.  I love You.


“And I love you.”


7-3-16 COR
6-26-16 COR
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