Children of the Renewal Messages
October 9, 2016 Adoration Chapel
Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I praise You, adore You and love You, my God and my King. It is wonderful to be here with You, Jesus. Thank You for a wonderful beautiful pilgrimage and for bringing us home safely. What a blessing it was Lord, to be in Medjugorje where Our Lady appears. Please bless the two women I met on Mt. Podbrdo and also the woman on the plane. You know their needs and the desires of their hearts, Jesus. Please heal them and give them Your peace and Your love.
Jesus, we need Your help! Please grant us Your divine assistance with the work that needs to be done at (location withheld). Things are seemingly at a standstill. Blessed Mother, this is Your community. Please bring it to fruition. Thank You for leading us there. Help others to discern and accept Your invitation, also.
(Personal dialogue omitted)
Blessed Mother, my heart is so full from the beautiful time we spent in Medjugorje. Thank You for coming to the world, for blessing the world each day, and for teaching us how to change. Give me graces for conversion. Help me to grow in love and in my resolve to follow Your Son. Help me, Mother to love as You love. Give my family graces to love heroically. Please continue to direct us so that we do the Will of God and are open to be His instruments.
Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. I am pleased with (references omitted) for journeying to Medjugorje. My Mother Mary invited you, as She does all who go there in answer to Her call. You received graces, My little one, though you are unaware. You will know of these graces later, when they are needed. She was very pleased with all of Her children who went there out of faith.”
“My daughter, you are tired from the travel. I understand. I became tired, also as I journeyed from town to town. Travelling was difficult for all of you, but again, you received graces. I accepted your suffering, your sacrifices, and the love you offered to Me for others. This trip served to prepare your family for the mission you will see come to fruition.”
Lord, thank You for the great blessing of Our Lady’s apparitions. I shudder to think where we would be without Her. Thank You to God our Father for sending the Blessed Mother to Medjugorje. Please protect the visionaries and help them in the mission of being carriers of Our Lady’s words from Heaven. Thank You, Father! Thank You, Holy Spirit! Thank You, Jesus! Lord, Adoration was so beautiful in Medjugorje but I longed for this small intimate chapel. I missed being so physically close to You as is possible here. Still, it was so joyful to be with thousands of people adoring You in the Most Holy Eucharist. Thank You again, Jesus!
“My daughter, have faith in Me and trust My Holy Mother Mary. I know of the concerns you and My son (name withheld) have. Trust in Me. All will be well. Faith and trust are what is needed. Continue to pray for My Mother’s community. This is a time of testing and of purification.”
Yes, Jesus. Lord, please help (name withheld). I can’t imagine the stress he must be under. Show him the way he should go. Give him wisdom and guidance. Please provide all that is needed, sweet Jesus. We are depending on You.
(Personal conversation omitted.)
“My child, all will be well. Take heart and continue working to prepare yourselves for the move. Be at peace. This is a time of testing that requires more prayer. This is also a time of leadership. (name withheld) will find his way through this trial and will be stronger for it. This period of challenges is required.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“Be of support and encouragement to (name withheld). I am looking to My son (name withheld) and you to be a source of strength and peace. Reassure the others that My Holy Mother Mary has called you to this great mission of (name withheld) and it will come to fruition. First, the tree must take root. The roots must reach down into the deep soil where the nutrients are rich and the water is pure. Only then, can the tree grow strong and be fruitful. My Mother’s community is destined to bear much fruit, but the tree must grow past the fledgling state and it has not done so, yet. I send every kind of trial to assist My son, (name withheld) to grow in wisdom, strength, and courage. The role God has for him is one of great responsibility and I aim to prepare him. Remind My good son (name withheld) to rely on Me and not on himself. I am the One, who will carry him. My Mother leads him, but one must learn to follow and trust completely, before one can effectively lead others. My people have only to read Sacred Scripture to realize the time of preparation is always challenging and difficult for those who are chosen by God to hold leadership roles with My people. You understand this, My child and so you see that this is necessary. It is a requirement so that My plan will be successful. I will not be defeated. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph and those who accept Her invitation to be part of this great role must be tried like gold. I do not set My children up for failure, and so in order to prepare them, I test them, and prepare them for the battle. Each victory results in more hope and trust. Trust in Me. I am at work. “
Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, my Lord and my God! Blessed Mother, have You anything o say to me?
Blessed Mother speaks; “My little one, thank you for showing such love to those who are hurting. Continue to show God’s love. Many in the world are hurting and are broken. Many more will come to you who are hurting and broken just as the woman on the mountain. You are invited to be love and mercy for them. Remember this when God sends His little ones to you. Pray to be love and mercy. Ask My Son to fill you with His mercy and mercy will be yours. I am with you in a special way. Drink from the atmosphere of peace you are experiencing in My Son’s chapel. This is the source of peace. It is My Son who is present in the Sacrament of the altar. It is He you seek and He will grant you His peace. Give this peace to those you meet, for all who cross your path do so for it is the plan of God. Remember, My children, nothing is by chance and so you must be present to others and share your hearts of love.”
Yes, Mother most holy, but my heart is too weak and is lacking in love. Please give me Your heart so that I can love as You love. You are the Queen of Peace and the Mother of God. You bore Christ in Your holy immaculate womb. You were the Tabernacle of the Word of God made flesh. You are full of grace and are full of love and mercy. Oh, Mother of Mercy we need Your assistance, Your guidance, Your love. Cover us with Your mantle and enfold us in Your Immaculate Heart. Take all of Your children into the safety of Your holy mantle, Mother Mary. Make us into the children of the Living God. Transform us by the graces You bring so that we may be holy examples to others and lead other souls to Christ. Show us how to be living witnesses, just as You are, Mother. Teach us to say ‘yes’ to Jesus and to God’s plan. You were the first to give Your complete fiat to God. Teach us to give our ‘yes’ without hesitation and without reservation. We love You, Blessed Mother. My family loves You and I love You.
“Thank you, My daughter. My child, trust in My Son. He is always true to His word. Be a source of encouragement to others, My child.”
Thank You, dearest Mother. Teach me to be encouraging as You encourage. Make me gentle and mild, Blessed Mother.
“Follow My Son. Continue with the life of prayer which I have shown you and which Jesus has requested. My child, make prayer your life. It is through prayer that My Son guides you. You are praying now and you are receiving Divine guidance. My Son shows His children the way they should go, through prayer. Through prayer and the Sacraments, Our children drink from the living water. My Son is the water of life. Seek Him in the quiet of your heart. He awaits His children.”
Thank You, Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy! Thank You for the gift of Your presence with us. Help us to embrace Your words from Heaven and to live them.
“My child, I wish to assure you that your intentions were heard. I took all of them to Heaven and presented them to My Son. Thank you for praying for those who are ill and for those who have not yet experienced God’s love. All of your petitions are safely before My Son in Heaven. I continue to intercede for you and for all of My children. Be at peace.”
Thank You, Blessed Mother! Thank You for Your kind words and for Your school of love.
“You are welcome, My child. Thank God for all He has given to you and for all that He is doing in the world. There is much occurring which I cannot speak about, but God is very actively engaged in the world, as is My Son, His Holy Spirit and I, also. I am the handmaiden of the Lord. I do God’s bidding.”
Yes, dearest Mother! Thank You!
Jesus speaks; “My child, My little lamb, you are weary. You will be weary tomorrow and in the days to come. Lean on Me as you have done before and I will carry you. I am with you in a special way. My daughter, you will see once again, activity at My Mother’s community. Be patient and wait on Me. Be a source of encouragement, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). I have given you a special grace for encouragement and I invite you to use this well. Be in My peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be peace; be love; be mercy; be joy. All will be well.”
Amen! Alleluia! Thank You, my Jesus!
September 25, 2016 Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I believe in You, love You, praise You and adore You, my God and my King. I pray for those who do not believe in You, do not love You and do not praise You. Lord, please unlock the doorway in their heart that blocks them from You. Do the same for me, sweet Savior and remove all obstacles to Your grace.
Lord, please heal (name withheld) back. He is in so much pain and we are leaving soon for our pilgrimage. Help (name withheld) find relief tomorrow when he sees his doctor, so that he can participate fully in the pilgrimage.
Jesus, have You anything to say to me today?
“Yes, My child. There is much to say. Write these words: Tell My children to love. My Children of Light, I repeat these words (to you) again. Love as I have loved you. Read Holy Scripture. You will find much on the subject of love in the Gospels. When one loves, he shows mercy to others. Mercy springs forth from love. Love springs forth from prayer. Therefore, prayer is the foundation and it is tightly woven into the fabric of love. I will explain. Love for Me, even a longing for Me creates a desire in the heart for prayer. Prayer opens the heart to God, who is love. When you pray you grow in love, for you grow closer to the loving God who is love. Do you see, My little one, how integrated love and prayer are?”
Yes, Jesus. I do, now that You have explained it. I have never really thought so deeply about it, but it makes sense.
“My child, I am pleased that you and your family are going to Medjugorje. There are special graces waiting for you there. The journey seems difficult to you and yet you have not begun it.”
Yes, Jesus. I have a sense that the pilgrimage this time will be much more difficult.
“It will be more difficult than before, but I will carry you. There will be people there who will help you, My child. You are feeling fatigued now, and that is understandable. My little lamb, you are carrying heavy burdens. Remember that I am your Shepherd. I do the heavy lifting. Allow Me to help you.”
Yes, Jesus.
“Rest in Me now My child. Rest in My heart that beats for love of you.
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. I need Your help, Lord. Give me refuge in Your Sacred Heart that burns with love for souls.
“My child, I will reveal Myself to you at Medjugorje. Be aware and open to the graces. Thank you for explaining to (name withheld) about My Mother’s messages at Medjugorje. Thank you for defending the truth.”
Jesus, some say there is no defense needed for truth. Still, I want to explain when I receive erroneous articles and careless statements made about Your Holy Mother Mary.
“Yes, My child. This is right. My use of the word defending is accurate for to defend one’s position or the position of another, out of genuine compassion and love is a work of mercy.”
Thank You, Lord for explaining this to me. Jesus today begins the 40 Days for Life campaign. Please bless the efforts and prayers of those who defend life and propagate Your blessed gift of life. May this campaign be particularly fruitful. May attendance with the visible witness of people praying change hearts and minds especially of those considering the violent act of abortion. Jesus, please inspire many people who have never considered participating in 40 Days for Life, do so now. May Your people rise up, peacefully but with great fervor in prayer to assist Your Holy Mother Mary in crushing the head of the serpent. Lord, You have said You prepare us for spiritual war, and I pray that we will take up the rosary and Your Word in ever increasing numbers. Pour out Your Spirit, Lord and renew the face of the earth.
“Thank you, My daughter. This prayer is a good and pleasing prayer. The sin of murder is a dire attack against God and those who perpetrate this crime must repent or face the fires of Gehenna. There are many victims of this crime, My child and it is not always the case that the mother of the little baby I created in her womb is completely at fault. Yes, she is culpable but there are often many extenuating circumstances leading up to her decision. Often, she is under great duress from others and in these cases, there are others who are culpable and I hold them more accountable. All involved in abortion may be forgiven, of course should they repent. It is better of course for the souls of the parents and even for the souls of those who call themselves doctors, if My Children of Light intercede and intervene in preventing these acts of murder on My holy innocents. It is a great battle on the lines of the abortuaries. One could say that these places are no different than the concentration camps of World War 2, in that many people, who are precious to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are slaughtered, and just as My holy victims of the holocaust, their bodies are desecrated by the evil one as if to cover the crime. The blood of these holy innocent victims of abortion, cry out to God for justice. I tell you solemnly that I come to you now as Jesus of Mercy but one day I will come as the just Jesus and justice will be served. Repent! Repent My lost children who murder this generation’s children. Repent! (Jesus is very stern and the tone from Heaven is most somber.)”
“My little lamb, it is not only the current generation that is impacted but all future generations. Each baby killed, had a role in building the Kingdom of God. Think of the children a victim of abortion would have had. This child is no longer living on the earth, will not grow up and get married have children and grandchildren. These children may have chosen a life of solitude and prayer such as consecrated souls choose. The prayers of these souls may have ignited the fire of conversion in countless hearts, and perhaps even would have prevented wars from being fought. Some of these innocent victims were called to the priesthood. Think of the countless souls each and every innocent victim would have touched and multiply this number by each generation to come. The children of this Age of Disobedience do not fully comprehend the great depth and breadth of evil beyond abortion. If they did, they would fall on their knees, pleading for forgiveness.”
“The cup of God’s wrath is filled to overflowing. Pray, pray, pray for your brothers and sisters who are lost. Renew prayer and fasting. The time is ripe for vengeance, but I am pleading with My Children of Light to prayer, fasting and reception of the Sacraments. Offer sacrifices and do penance for yourselves, and for those who have lost their way. I have much mercy for those who return to me. I embrace each prodigal son and daughter, forgive their sins and welcome them to the family of God. There is no sin too horrible or too evil for Me to forgive, for I am God. I can do all things. The Children who work to propagate the gospel of life do a great work of mercy. Mercy is desperately needed during this age. My children, you must show mercy to others, so they will see within you, a reflection of My love and mercy. Pray for conversion, My Children of Light—first in your own hearts and then in the hearts of others. Love one another as I have loved You. Reflect on this My children. Stop and think about the great love from Heaven that was poured out for you at My incarnation. Pause and think about My great love for you when I accepted death, death on the cross. Do you love this much? If not, why is that? You will know the answer if you pray, for I will show you every area in your heart that needs to be uprooted, as well as each area in need of healing. Come to Me in prayer and we will examine your soul together, just as you allow earthly physicians examine your bodies when you are ill. I am the good physician. I am gentle and patient.”
“You must not tarry, though My children for you know not the day nor the hour that your life will end and you will then stand before Me as the just judge. Come now while it is not too late for My mercy. Do not fear for I love you like no other person you have ever known. My love is tender and warm. My love is unconditional and inviting. My love binds wounds and heals all diseases and therefore you must come quickly, just as you do when you know you need a medical doctor. The longer one delays seeking medical treatments for a grave illness, the worse the prognosis. The same can be said for delaying your conversion. Do not delay, for one day it will be too late. I desire you come to Me now, My little sad children who live in darkness, for the sooner you come to Me, the sooner I can give you My light, My grace and My love and fill you with joy. Why do you put off the good for yourselves? Is it because you think you do not deserve to be forgiven? I say, that is false for I love you. I died for your sins so that you could this very moment repent and return to your Savior. If you believe you do not deserve My forgiveness, that is because you have listened to the lies of the enemy of God, the adversary. He is the father of lies. I am truth. I am Father of all humanity, for I created each and every soul. You were made in My image and likeness. Think of a young couple who have their children all gathered about them. Often, people can look at the children and see characteristics of the parents in them. Many times you have heard someone say, ‘He looks just like his father or mother.’ Or, ‘She is so sweet. She looks just like her mother.’ My children, you are Mine. You were made in My image. Do not pretend that forgiveness will not be given to you if and when you repent. I will always forgive the repentant heart. You must repent, though for I do not give forgiveness to those who wish to remain in rebellion from and with God. I cannot, for you do not desire it. Return to Me now, My lost children, before it is too late for you. Conversion is joyful, My children. I love you and I invite you to return to Me.”
Thank You, my loving Lord and Savior. Thank You for Your mercy and goodness. Thank You for Your love. Help us to love You more, my Jesus.
“Thank you, My child. I urge you to pray much for the souls who have not yet chosen to believe. Pray especially hard during your pilgrimage and offer your suffering to save souls.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.
“I bless you now, My children in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace to love and to serve.
Thank You, Jesus. Amen, Alleluia!