Children of the Renewal Messages
November 6, 2016 Adoration Chapel
Dear Jesus, ever present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I adore You, praise You, and thank You, my Lord and my God! Thank You for all You have done and continue to do for me, Jesus. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You for holy Mass this morning, Jesus.
Lord, I bring all those who are sick to You and ask for Your healing in their lives. I pray for (names withheld) and all others I have not mentioned here, Lord. I pray also for those who do not know the love of God. Please open their hearts and minds to Your love, Jesus. I pray for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit into the world today. We need Your Holy Spirit. Please come to renew the earth.
Lord, please keep everyone safe next week. Grant us peace, Jesus. Give us hearts of peace, love and mercy. Help us, Lord in this most difficult time when everything seems to hang in the balance for our country and the world. Jesus, things seem to be much worse under the surface than many realize. Help the truth to come to light, Lord and remove the scales from people’s eyes so that they see what is true. Give them graces for understanding so they see the right path. Lord, help us. Give us Your holy graces, Jesus to repent and follow You. Make us a holy people who love and serve the Lord God, Creator of Heaven and earth.
“My daughter, your heart is heavy and full of concern for your fellow man and your nation. I understand, My child. This concern is well founded, for evil reigns in the hearts of many of your country’s leaders. It has been so, down through the ages. My Word is full of stories of My people who followed Me, then turned from Me to follow false gods and their pagan ways. It is no different now. My heart is heavy, also and My Mother’s heart is very sad. Continue to pray and follow all that I have told you. My children are beginning to pray more with their whole hearts and for this I am grateful. I am pleased. I urge all of you, My Children of Light, to continue to pray during this critical time. You ask Me, ‘Jesus, what are we to do if the worst possible outcome occurs?’ I say to you, do as I have always instructed you; hold fast to your faith. Frequent the Sacraments, pray, fast, read holy Scripture. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, the Lord God of hosts. I will never abandon My people. But, you must not abandon Me, My little ones.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Lord, You calmed the storm when the Apostles asked You to help them. We plead with You to calm the storms of this day, that rage around us now. Calm the storms, Jesus. Restore order and true peace in the hearts of man.
“My child if everyone will pray, fast and open their hearts to Me, I would conquer all evil in short order and bring peace to the hearts of mankind. Pray, My child. Pray.”
Yes, Jesus. We will pray. Lord, please block those with evil plans from carrying them out. Jesus, this country belongs to Your Most Holy Mother Mary. Please restore us to union with You and with Your Mother.
“My little lamb, My children want to know exactly what will occur in the days to come, but this has already been given to them. It is more important for My children to focus on living the Gospel each day then it is for them to know specific information about the future. You do not live in the future, My children. You live in the present. Live My love now, in the present. This is what I ask of you. Decide for Me today. Follow Me today. Love your neighbor today. Pray and receive the Sacraments today. Be merciful and strive for peace today. This is what you are invited to do and this is what you are to do as My followers and My people. Focus on this each day, My children. That is what I am giving you to do in answer to your pleas for help. I will do the rest, My children. You, live in the light of My truth. Live as I have told you in holy Scripture. In order to live My Word, you must first read My Word. Come, My children. I have already given you the answers, but you seek new answers. Do not be like the pagans and ignore all I have commanded, but follow Me. Examine your life and ask Me what it is that needs to change. I will guide you. Now is the time to bear witness to the light, and in order to do so you must first purify yourselves. Go to the Sacrament of Confession and allow Me to heal your wounds I long to heal you, My children. Come to Me. Bring your burdens, the sins that weigh heavily on your heart and leave them with Me in the confessional. I will lighten your load and give you new joy. Then, you will be ready to go forth and love one another; forgiving as I have forgiven you. Yes, I know that you see evil and corruption in your midst. I know this all too well. All the more reason to be Children of Light and to put your light on a lamp stand as a table for all to see. Spread the light of faith, dear children. Spread the light of love.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.
“My child, you had a question to ask Me, did you not?”
Yes, Jesus. (Personal question omitted)
“My child, the choice is yours.”
Yes, but Jesus I am not omniscient and do not know the right thing to do.
“My child, you already know what to do. It is simply your choice to act upon this knowledge or not. Use your reason and the knowledge I have given you and pray before acting. That is the best way to proceed. Proceed through prayer and all will be well. I am with you. I am guiding you and I guide all of My children who pray and follow Me. Listen to the words of My Mother. Listen to Her.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Help us to live lives that are holy, merciful, loving and true. Help us to stay loyal to You, Jesus no matter the cost, just as the seven sons of 2 Maccabees did. Help us to stand up for the faith and for You, our Lord and God. Give us graces for courage and trust in You.
Blessed Mother, cover us with Your mantle of protection and enfold us in Your Immaculate Heart where nothing can touch us. Please, Mother. Ask Your Son to give us the graces You long to give. Ask Him to make our hearts disposed to receive these graces. Blessed Mother, Queen of Heaven and earth, Mother of the Church, Queen of the Church, You are also Queen of our nation. Pray for us. Help us to be Your children again. Help us to live like we are Your children and children of the Living God. Oh, Blessed Mother, You know how to untangle the knots of the world and how to resolve all of our problems. Do this for us now, dearest Mother. May Your Immaculate Heart triumph and may it triumph soon. May the love of God reign in our hearts.
“Thank you, My child. Continue to pray and keep your eyes on Me. Be a source of encouragement to all around you. Do not become weary for the battle has just begun. Remain steadfast in your faith and trust in the Lord. I will remain with you. You, remain with Me and together we go forward.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. I love You.
“And I love you. Go now in peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Take me to the world. Be My ambassadors. All will be well. Do not be afraid. You have nothing to fear. Go, be My hands, My feet and My heart. Bring My love to the world.”
Amen. Alleluia!
October 30, 2016 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I am so grateful to be here with You today. I love You, my Lord and my God. I praise You and I adore You. Thank You for holy Mass this morning. Thank You for coming to us in the Most Holy Eucharist. Thank You for being near me, Jesus and for allowing me to lean on You. Please forgive me of my sins, Lord. I love You, my Lord and my God. Help me to love You more. Jesus, have You anything to say to me today?
“Yes, My child. I am pleased that you are here with Me, in spite of how you are feeling. I know of your pain, dearest child. Continue to offer this cross for souls. I am with you. Do not fear. All will be well.”
Thank You, Lord. Jesus, please be with those who are ill, especially for (names withheld). Be with all who will die today, Jesus. Take their souls to Heaven. Lord, be with the seminarians. Bless, protect and guide them, Jesus. Help all those who are called to the priesthood and religious life to hear Your invitation and to answer ‘yes’ to Your call.
“My child, thank you for your petitions. Bring all who are in need to Me. Bring your burdens to Me, My little one.”
Lord, is it time to withdraw, yet? We do not know Your timing, Lord. Guide us and help us so we do all that is in Your holy Will. The times seems so urgent, Lord. You said we are able to know when a storm is coming by watching the sky. It seems a storm is upon us, Lord. It appears so based on the signs all around us. But, we do not know when it will begin to rain, or when lightening will strike, even though it appears it will. We need Your direction, Jesus. Only You know, Lord. Jesus, I believe in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, you may do as you wish. It is better to follow the promptings of My Holy Spirit, child, and when you discern and pray, I will direct you.”
Yes, Jesus. Lord, You said to bring everything to You, each decision, and to ask You for guidance. I am doing this now, Jesus and I have been seeking Your Will in this. Am I creating obstacles to Your Will, Lord?
“My child, I will be more specific. The promptings you have received are from My Holy Spirit. It would be wise to act on these now before events make it difficult to do so.”
Thank You, Jesus!
“Either way, little one, I will protect you and I will provide for you. Trust in Me.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“My child, the evil in the world continues to capitulate. My Father waits patiently for more souls to convert, but evil does not wait. Do not become tired, My children, when it comes to prayer. Your prayers are making a difference for souls. Your prayers are heard in Heaven. It is time to increase your prayers, especially for lost souls who do not know God’s love. Pray for them. They are your brothers and sisters. They are wounded, hurting and in need of God’s love. Your prayers serve to open their hearts. Your prayers secure graces of conversion for them. Do not become slack in prayer, My dear children. Increase your prayers and increase your fervor for souls. The time grows short.”
Lord, please delay this time so that more souls will be saved. You are mercy. You are love. You are God. Time belongs to You. Hold back the evil, Father while You hold back Your justice. Pour forth Your mercy on this dark world that You created out of love, Father. You gave us the light of Your Son and we have not walked in His way. Forgive us, Lord for we are sinners. Forgive me, Father. Give me Your peace, Father. Bring peace to all who seek You. May there be peace in our hearts, in families and in the world. We are Your children, Lord and we love You. Help those who do not know You, do not love You, to open their hearts to the Father who created them and loves them. Have mercy on us, Lord. Send forth Your spirit and renew the face of the earth. Jesus, You showed through many stories in the New Testament, how You wanted to be with Your people. In today’s Gospel, You told Zacheus to come down from the tree. You told him You were going to his house to stay with him. I invite You into our house, too Jesus. I invite You into our world which is cold and dark without You. Stay with us, Lord. We are sinners, but nevertheless we invite You and You will come, because of Your great love and mercy for sinners. You refused no one who came to You with a sincere and contrite heart. So, I know You will not refuse us in these days, Lord.
“I will not refuse those who seek Me, My little lamb and I do not refuse those who are in darkness. I came so that the world may have light. I came to free the oppressed, and those held by the chains of sin. All people have only to open their hearts to Me, to seek Me, and they will find Me. I will come to them and embrace them. All are welcome. All can be forgiven. They have only to repent and open their hearts to Me. There will come a time; in each person’s life that they will stand before Me and then, children, it will be too late. You will stand before the One who is truth and you will not be able to escape truth. Come to Me now while there is still time. Come, and I will bring you back to the family of God. Do not delay. I await you with open arms.”
Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus.
“Be still and be with Me, My child.”
“Thank you, My child, I desire to be with You in the quiet of your heart. I long for all to come to Me to adore Me. Sit with Me while I am present in the Eucharist. You come to be with Me and I await you. It is enough to gaze at Me and I at you. This is how it is with two who love one another. Is it not so, My little lamb?”
Yes, Jesus. It is so.
Thank You for Your love, my Jesus. Thank You for Your goodness and mercy. Jesus, please heal my friend (name withheld). I forgot to mention her earlier when I prayed for those who are ill, but I know You are aware of each one, Jesus.
“Yes, My child, but it is good that You bring each of them to Me. I am the One who heals.”
Yes, Jesus. You are the only One who heals. Thank You, sweet Jesus. I love You, my Lord. Jesus, I am listening to You. Thank You for Your words of consolation. Thank You that You never leave us. Stay with us, Lord. Stay with us when the day ends and darkness surrounds us. Breathe upon us Your breath of life and give us the comforter. Be near me, Lord I pray.
“I am here, My daughter. I am ever near. Thank you for your desire to be with Me. Would that all of My children have this desire for God. I await My children. I grieve for those who are lost to Me. Pray for them, My child. Pray for them.”
Yes, Jesus. I will pray. Lord, I am having difficulty concentrating. There are many distractions, Jesus.
“Yes, My child and yet I am glad so many of My children are here with Me. I also know you are not well, My child. Focus on Me, I am with you.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Jesus, have You anything more to say to Me? I am not a very good listener today, Lord. Please forgive me.
“There is nothing to forgive, My dear one. Even your friends in the world have days such as this.”
Yes, Jesus but they are not spending their afternoon with the God of the Universe. It is understandable when the distractions of the world cause us to lose focus. It doesn’t seem as important as time spent with You.
“It is true, My child and yet I understand. I know how difficult it is for You to focus with the many distractions in your environment. What matters to Me is that you are here and you are trying. All is well, My daughter. All is well.”
Thank You, Jesus. You are so kind and patient.
“My child, all will come to pass as I have said. Be at ease. Trust in Me. The time is coming when you will move to the community. All is being put into place. It is My Will that the community has this time of preparation. This time will soon be over. Be at peace wherever you are, both now and in the future. I am with You.”
Yes, Lord. Your Will be done. Protect us, Jesus. Protect our nation that belongs to You and which was and is consecrated to Your Most Holy Mother Mary. Jesus, the election is nearing. Open the eyes for all to see the truth. Guide each person to vote for You and for life. Lord, You are in control and we entrust ourselves to You and to Your Most Holy Mother Mary Immaculate. Make us over in Your image, Jesus. Bring conversion to our nation, Jesus so we may once again bring Your light to the world. Forgive us our sins, Lord and save us from ourselves. May peace reign in our hearts, Lord and in the whole world. Bring about Your Kingdom, Jesus.
“My child, this is what I desire, but others do not.”
Jesus, but some do. I am not alone, Lord. There are many who love and follow You. Please look with mercy upon us, Jesus.
“My child, God’s plan will come to fruition. His plan is mercy itself. The plans of the evil one will run its course. What comes soon, the trials, will not be My doing, child, but the fulfillment of the plans of those who serve darkness. Through this time of trials, I will raise up many saints. Those who follow Me will know My mercy and love. Focus on Me, during the trials. Focus on loving and serving Me in one another. This is your call; to live the Gospel at all times. I am with you. I will be with all of My children. I will intervene in miraculous ways, but the sinister plans will run their course. It will not be for long, My child. My Mother’s heart will triumph. Remain in My Sacred Heart which is the refuge for all who follow Me. My heart is the port in the storm. All will be well. Stay focused on Me, My children. Do not look for your strength to come from the ways of the world, but from the Sacraments, which I have given to mankind. You will draw graces for strength in the battle from My Sacraments. Walk with Me. Bring all problems, concerns, sorrows and joys to Me. I will turn your sorrows to joy, My children and many of you will live to see the renewal on earth. Those who join Me in Heaven will see the renewal from Heaven, so no matter what occurs, all will be well. You belong to Me. Remain alert to the needs of those around you and live the Gospel. I love you, My children. Remain in Me as I remain in You.”
Thank You, Jesus.
“My child, I am with you in a special way when you suffer. Continue to offer all to Me, My child for the salvation of souls. Go in peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”
Thank You, Jesus, my Savior. I love You!
“And I love you.”