Children of the Renewal Messages
October 8, 2017 Adoration Chapel
Dearest Jesus, ever present in the blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I praise You, adore You, glorify You and love You. Thank You for enabling us to be here with You, my Jesus. It is so very good to be here with You! Thank You for the beautiful feast day yesterday of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. Thank You for the opportunity to attend Mass and Confession yesterday on the 1st Saturday of the month. Thank You for holy Mass today, Jesus and for the great grace of being able to receive You in the most holy Eucharist. Praise You, Lord for the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Thank You for providing priests who offer the Mass, Lord. I am grateful for the blessings You give to us. Thank You for life, for the lives of my family members and friends. Thank You for loving us and for Your generous mercy, available to every single person in the world. Thank You for Your Word and for Your Sacraments. Thank You for our children, grandchildren and relatives. Be with those who are ill, Lord and for all who will die today. Keep them close to Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Most Holy Mother Mary. Thank You for the people who come to adore You and pray to You. Bless them, Jesus. Bless all parishes abundantly for having perpetual adoration available to anyone who desires to adore You. Comfort and console those who long to be here but can’t get out due to age, illness or infirmity. Accept the pains of those who are ill and suffer even if they forget to offer their suffering to You because the pain is too distracting. Give them relief from their suffering if it is Your Will, and if it is suffering they must bear for purification of themselves or others, be merciful, Jesus and give them many graces so they may bear their crosses with love, patience and courage.
Jesus, be with Your children during this perilous time in history. Help us to spread the Gospel and to live lives of faith, hope and love. Renew our hearts and fill us with zeal for the Gospel and Your Church and especially fill us with zeal for souls. Allow no more souls to be lost, Lord God. You are all knowing and all powerful. You are everywhere at once, Lord God and therefore You know where each soul who is in danger is at every single moment and You are the One with the power to save them. Save them, Jesus, out of Your endless mercy and love. Save them, my Savior. You, our God who not only created everything there is, but who also created the seasons. You know the sun, moon, stars, time and the season of history, also and how much time there is remaining for each soul. Grant that each soul in danger and who is facing death will have an abundance of graces pour down upon them in their hour of need and give even the grace for their hearts to be open to these graces for conversion and repentance. Take them, then, into Your heavenly kingdom, my Lord for You are all mercy and love. I pray for the holy souls in purgatory, Jesus. May they enter into Your Kingdom soon.
“My child, you are concerned about My holy priest son who will come to visit Your archdiocese soon. Thank You for Your concern, My child. It is right that you be concerned, for he is being persecuted for My sake. Pray for your shepherds. Pray especially hard for those who are faithfully leading the Church. Pray for them for they will be persecuted for the faith even by their brother priests. Pray for those who are being persecuted even now, as we speak, and pray for those who persecute them. They (the ones who persecute) are in need of many graces. Their souls are in jeopardy. My child, do what can be done to show love and support for him when he visits. I would like you to help get word to My Children of Light that he will be coming. I want all who are faithful to My Church and who are physically able, to be there for Mass, worship and to encourage one another. He is being sent on My mission to minister to My children. Show support and love for him, a faithful shepherd of My Church. I have asked him to feed My sheep and he is doing so. Pray for him and support him.”
Thank You, Jesus. Help me to do everything You Will that I do, Lord. Help me to be love to others and to be a source of encouragement. Help me in all things, Jesus so that I am in Your Holy Will. I am small and simple, Lord Jesus, but I am Yours and I give You my little ‘yes’. Guide and direct me, Lord. Your Will be done, Jesus. I give You my Will. Replace it with Yours.
“It is so, My child. It is so. I will direct you, My little lamb in the work that I request of you. Thank you for your cooperation and for your ‘yes’. This is pleasing to Me. My child, I assure you and My son (name withheld) that I am with you. You have nothing to fear, My beloved children. Everything that occurs in your lives is according to My Will and you are in the palm of My hand. You are close to My Sacred Heart; therefore, you have no need to be afraid. Keep your eyes turned upward toward Heaven. Continue to pray for those who are lost. Pray also for the Church. Many souls who are in the Church are in danger of being lost. The time which My prophets spoke about, the time of the division is here. My bride, the Church is being betrayed by the very guests who were invited to the wedding. They are working diligently with My adversary to destroy the wedding feast. What they are destroying are their own souls. They will be judged severely for the ones in My flock that they lead astray. My remnant will continue to love and sacrifice for My bride, the Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against Her.
You who are My holy remnant, stand firm in the faith and be steadfast against the winds and the rain. Remember, when you remain within the safety of the ark, My Church, you will be safe and the storm will not overtake you. Though the winds howl and rage all around you, the ark will be your refuge. It will not sink, but will be a sign of hope for those lost at sea in the storm. Be prepared to rescue, from the storming sea, the souls who come and plead for refuge in My ark. Help them climb into the safety of the Church. There will be rough waters, sharks, and a great darkness that will hinder many seeking refuge, but those within the safety of the ark, My Church, must be prepared to rescue them.”
“My children, to rescue souls requires you being prepared for action. You must throw a life vest to them, one that has been securely fastened with rope, and pull them into the boat. Then, you must minister to their needs by giving them dry clothes to wear, blankets to warm them, food to eat and water to drink. You must then nourish their souls through loving concern, teaching them all they need to know so that they remain in the safety of the ark, My Church. This is not the time to withdraw in isolation, focusing only on saving yourselves, while waiting for the storm to pass. No, if this is your position, you will not be on the lookout and will not see the souls in need of rescue. This is a time for prayer, love and service. This is the time to be alert, and to take notice of those around you who are in need. This is the time to take action, just as the Good Samaritan did. Be My apostles of light and bear witness to those in darkness. Be a testament of My love to souls in need. It is the darkest of times, My Children of Light and My grace is flowing abundantly to you. You will have all that you need to live the Gospel, My little ones. Have no fear. Fear is not from Me, My beloved. Fear is from the adversary. I am the Prince of Peace. Come to Me when you lack peace. Ask Me for peace, and I will restore peace to your souls. Love one another, My children. Be love, be mercy, be a sign of hope. I will be with you in all of your needs. Pray, fast and receive the graces that I give through the Sacraments so you will be prepared for what is to come. Read Holy Scripture and pray the most holy rosary. All will be well, My Children of Light. All will be well.”
Thank You, Jesus for Your words of life that are lessons in love and mercy. Thank You for encouraging us, Your children. Help me, Jesus to live the Gospel. Help me to put You first and my brothers and sisters before me. Help me, Jesus to always do Your Holy Will, and to be in the center of Your Will. Send Your Holy Spirit to work through Your Church and through each one of Your remnant so that through You, souls can be rescued. Work in us and through us, Jesus. Use me, Lord in any way You desire, to be Your instrument of hope to others. Jesus, I trust in You; help me to trust You more. Jesus, I love You; help me to love You more.
“My child, thank you for speaking with My daughter (name withheld). She needed someone to listen to her and to show genuine concern. Thank You, My child for your patience. I know you would have preferred to sit with me, but this was a generous act of service and I thank you.”
Lord, You are very welcome, but again I am the one who should be thanking You for the opportunity to serve You, the One who brings me such great joy and peace. This was such a small thing, Lord. I love You!
“My child, My little one, most acts of kindness do seem very small and almost insignificant, but I assure you they are not small in My eyes. Acts of kindness and love seem small by worldly standards but these ‘small’ acts of love result in great movements of grace. Most acts of love are small, My little lamb. Many small acts of love go into something that appears to be large. Think of the saints and most people will see the outcome of their many small acts of love, kindness and service that resulted in a major accomplishment; however, many times they did not set out to establish a great mission, or outreach, or to build a monastery. Often times, My faithful ones looked around them and saw a great need. Then, they did something small; something that they could do in that moment and then the next moment, and on and on until the direction for them became more clear.”
Yes, Lord. I see what You mean. St. Theresa of Calcutta began by helping a dying man in the streets of Calcutta. She cared for him, just like the Good Samaritan. She then began helping others, one by one who were abandoned to the streets. Then others joined her and Your order was formed. They accomplished many missions for mercy in different parts of the world where there were (and still are) great needs. It all began though, with the act of the will to do something to help the poorest of the poor.
“Yes, My child this is exactly right. And this is all that is needed. Notice people in need and be willing to do what you can to help them. Always do this through prayer and with love and My Holy Spirit will be active through you to provide the graces needed in each situation. My Children of Light, this is what I invite you to do. It is simple, but it requires something of you and that is to be generous with your love and step out in faith and do the little that you can. I do not ask the impossible. I do not set before you a steep mountain and expect you to climb it in one day. I ask you to look around you and see that there is someone near you who is faltering and needs to take your arm while you both take the next step. This is all I ask of you. Be kind to one another. Be kind to the one near you, who may not be loving and kind to you, but show kindness anyway. This, My little ones, is living the Gospel. This is being children of God. Love one another, regardless of whether or not the one in need is lovable. Love them anyway. In this way, My light will shine brightly in the darkest of nights and the Spirit of the Living God will dwell in your hearts and be transmitted to others.
It is simple, My children, but it is not easy in the world of isolation in which you live. Most people are focusing on themselves and are tethered to their devices, entertainment and media. This enables self-centeredness to grow in the heart. I call you to look out from within the walls of isolation and seek the lonely, the lost and the vulnerable. Reach out to them in love, My children. When I came, I came in the flesh. I became man so that I could show you the Father. I did not become a robot or a computer, but a person. My children, what souls need are other people who have the love of Christ firmly planted in their hearts. People were made by God to love and serve Him and to love and serve one another because of their love for God. You are My children. We are family and therefore, your brothers and sisters, all children of God, are wandering about in darkness and sin. Look after them, My Children of Light and lead them to Me. Tell them about My mercy and My love. Tell them about My passion and death and about My resurrection, so they will have hope. Be kind to all you meet, for you do not know each person’s story, the pain, the crosses they carry, or how close to the brink of death they may be. You may be the last chance they have to find out about Me before they die and stand before Me. Do not miss the opportunity to be a life preserver for your brothers and sisters in need. I will assist you, My little ones; you have only to ask for My assistance and it will be yours.”
Thank You, Lord God, my King!
“Thank you, My little lamb for writing these words for My children. Thank you for your sacrifice for Me. Go now in My peace and in My love. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. I am with you and your family, My little one. All will be well. All will be well.”
Amen, Jesus. Alleluia! Thank You for Your love and for Your peace.
October 1, 2017 Adoration Chapel
Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, love, adore and honor You, my God and my King. Thank You for allowing us to be here with You. Praise You, Lord! Glory and honor to You, my Savior. Jesus, I bring all those who are ill before You and ask for their healing, consolation and mercy. I pray especially for (names withheld) and anyone I have forgotten to mention. I pray for those who have left the Church, or are lukewarm in their faith. Bring them home to Your Church, Lord and reawaken the faith of those who have grown disinterested or weary. Help the young people to avoid the many pitfalls present in this age. Give them wisdom to make just and merciful decisions and to avoid sin. Help our leaders, Lord to defend the Church from error and to lead us courageously, in this Age of Disobedience. Protect our Holy Father, the Bishops and all of our shepherds, as well as President Trump and his family. Please guide the President so that he makes Godly decisions. Help him to see with clarity those who exert influence to the detriment of this country vs. those who have integrity and seek what is good, right and just according to Your ways, Lord. Jesus, please grant us Your holy peace. May peace reign in the hearts of all mankind. Keep us safe, Lord and spare us from war. Bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and help us to stay within Your Holy Will.
Lord, may those who do not know and love You, come to see that You are God our Savior and Lord. May they come to know and love You, Jesus. Protect the little children who are oppressed and abused, those who are living in war torn areas and who are not free to worship You. Jesus, I bring all burdens, concerns and challenges to You and lay them at the foot of Your cross. Give me the graces to love heroically, Jesus and to serve You with courage and humility. Lord, keep me in Your Holy Will today and always. Please forgive me for the times I have not loved my brothers and sisters in Christ, the times I have been self-centered and unmerciful. Forgive me of all of my sins, Lord Jesus and help me to forgive others. Jesus, be with (name withheld) during this trying time and heal him if it is Your Holy Will. Help me to be supportive of him and to lessen the weight of his crosses. I love You, Lord and I trust in You. Help me to love and to trust You more.
“Thank you, My daughter. I hold each prayer and all your requests close to My Sacred Heart. I will provide for all your needs and for the needs of your loved ones. Continue to trust in Me.”
Lord, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. Pray much in the coming weeks for peace and for conversion. Conditions are grave My child and war is perilously close. Peace is fragile, My child because there is greed and hunger for power in the hearts of world leaders and regimes. True peace can only be achieved through love, respect and the fear of God. Conversion and love of God is the answer, the remedy for what ails man. Until there is repentance there can be no peace. Pray for true peace, My child. Peace is not just the absence of war. Peace must first reign in the heart, and it is the fruit that comes from the heart that loves God and neighbor. This seems beyond reach, My little lamb, I know. Remember, that I am the one and only True God and I am the God of the impossible, as you like to say.”
Yes, Lord. Jesus, this true peace is possible, of course, but it does seem out of the realm of possibility unless You intervene. Without an act of God, I do think massive worldwide repentance and conversion is unlikely, because things are so far from being just. Hearts seem very hard and mankind has become estranged from You. There are many who love You, Lord but it is difficult to raise holy children in this culture of death, sin and destruction. Lord, we need Your intervention to save us from ourselves.
We seem to be on the brink of World War III, Jesus. You must help us soon or there will be much, much destruction. Lord, You have said that You withhold judgment until more souls can be redeemed, but that You cannot wait too long, for evil grows stronger and at some point, it will be to our detriment. Your timing is impeccable, Lord and only You know when intervention is required, perhaps via the Warning. Jesus, I am not articulating my thoughts very well, but You know what I am trying to say. It seems that evil has grown exponentially, Lord. I am very small and have no idea what the timing is for the events that, by your Holy Will, are to occur. It just seems to be spiraling out of control. Please, Lord, come to our assistance and assist us in the ways that only You can do, Lord God. Please bring about the reign of Your Most Holy Mother Mary and Her Immaculate Heart. Please God.
“My child, what you say is true. Evil is growing and spreading in the hearts of men. Those who follow My adversary are growing very bold. They bring about their own demise. When the time comes that more damage is being done to souls than the good caused by My delay, I will act swiftly. Until such time, know that I am intervening, in a less dramatic way, My child. I am involved in the lives of My children and souls are converting, even now. Do not be dismayed, My little one. You must continue to hope and trust in Me. Remember, through calamities, such as those experienced recently, many souls turn to Me for help. Others, who are spared from disaster, also come to Me when their hearts are moved by compassion. Those who reach out to help their neighbors in need often find a new fountain of mercy and love through their efforts to assist. Through each trial, and every crisis, I am present to My children. Be generous and compassionate, My Children of Light. Be love and give My love to others. In this way, you demonstrate Christ to the world. You witness to Me. Little by little change will occur. This will take too much time, you may be thinking, for a world that is on the brink of large scale disaster. My children, you are invited to do your part. I will do My part, so do not be troubled but focus on ways in which you can show love and mercy to others. Be light and encourage those you meet, so that they begin to have hope. My children, to have hope is to hope in God. All hope comes from Me. Give others hope. Give them kindness and love. Allow them to see what true goodness and charity looks like. In this way, the door of their hearts will open and they will be receptive to graces for conversion and love. Never make the mistake of thinking there is nothing you can do. This temptation is from the enemy. There is always something good you can do for others. There is always an opportunity to be love, My children. Focus on that which is good, and pray for Me to take care of everything else. Do the good that you can, My Children of Light. Ask for My assistance and that of My Holy Mother Mary and we will come to your aid. Call upon St. Joseph and all the angels and saints. All of Heaven is at your disposal for assistance in the work of My Father. Do not fear. Be aware of the urgency of the times, but do not allow fear to overtake you. I am the Prince of Peace. I am with you through all of your trials, crosses and sorrows. I am with you in times of joy and gladness. I am with you in the ordinary routines of life. I am with you. We walk together, My children. Be not afraid. You are children of the living God.”
Thank You, Lord! Your words are so encouraging. Your Word is life, love and peace. Help me to remember this when everything around me seems dark. You are light, life and love. You are everything to me. Thank You for being my Savior!
“You are welcome, My little lamb. Thank you for your trust. Please assure My son (name withheld) of My love and My presence. I am with him and I will continue to be with him in this trial. All will be well. This suffering, this cross will bring graces for him and for others. I will help him to carry this cross.”
Thank You, Lord. Praise You, Jesus. Your Will be done. Please lighten his cross when it is too heavy to bear, My Jesus. Help me to do the same, Lord.
“I will, My little one. As you request. My child, I urge you to pray for peace. Peace is lacking in this world and as I said, it is absent in the hearts of many world leaders. My Holy Mother Mary intercedes for the world and for Her children. Thank Her often for Her prayers for you and for Her motherly protection. She pleads for Her children out of love. Her purity, Her goodness, Her heroic love are the cause of My joy and through Her prayers many souls are snatched from the grip of the enemy. Love Her and respect Her, for She is the most pure, the Immaculate One. She is My Mother and She is your Mother, My children. Love Her. When you love Her, you are imitating Me, for no one loves Her more than I. Those of you who neglect My Mother due to the false notion that focus on Her somehow detracts from Me, are in error. When one loves another, they do not despise their family members. No! When one loves another, they are anxious to meet family members and want to know and love them, so they can share in an important part of their loved one’s life. It would be insulting to the one you love to be disrespectful to their parents. You know this in human terms, My children, but for some reason you lack logic when it comes to My family. Reflect on this, and you will see the error. Do not persist in this illogical thinking, My children. My Mother is a good, loving Mother. She has never sinned and consequently Her heart knows only love and the One who is love. Treat Her with love, My children. Come to know My Mother and you will know Me even more. Trust Me in this.”
Thank You for giving us Your Holy Mother Mary, Lord. She is truly a gift for all of humanity. Her great life of humility, Her fiat to God’s Will brought forth the Savior of the world. She cooperated with God perfectly and loved perfectly because She followed You as the first disciple and yet, She suffered all the more because of Her great love and Her purity. What a contrast, purity of heart, purity of love, the life of the Holy Family, right in the middle of the world in darkness. She brought forth the Light of the world, by the Power of the Holy Spirit because of Her great humility and Her Immaculate Heart. Now, in this time of great darkness, it seems only right that She bring forth the light of the world again. Her Immaculate Heart must triumph soon, dear God. Please usher in the reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and send Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth. Until then, Jesus make us ready to love and serve every person we meet. Prepare our hearts, Lord Jesus. May we live in union with Your Divine and Holy Will. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I hope in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“This is good, My little lamb. Thank you for your trust and for your love. Remember, all will be well. I love you.”
Thank You, Jesus. I love You!
“Go in peace, My daughter. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be at peace, My child. Bring My peace to others.”
Yes, Lord. With Your help, I will. Thank You. Amen, Jesus. Amen.
September 24, 2017 Adoration Chapel
Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, praise You, thank You and adore You. Thank You for the opportunity to be here with You today. I missed being in Adoration the past two weeks, Lord.
Jesus, there is much change in our lives and it has been difficult lately. Please be with (name withheld) as he goes through the week. Help him to know You are close to him and give him consolation, Lord. Please heal him if it is Your Will. I love You, Jesus and I know You love us. We trust in You, Lord. Help us to carry our crosses, Jesus. Lord, thank You for Holy Mass yesterday and for Confession. Bless all priests, Bishops and religious. Keep them safe from all physical, spiritual and emotional harm. Bless families, Lord and help us all to be sign posts for the Church. I love You, Jesus. Help me to love You more.
Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. It is good that you are here. I am pleased to see My son (name withheld) also. Take heart, My little one, for I will always be with you.”
Thank You, Jesus!
“My child you must not be afraid. Fear is not from Me.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“My little lamb, it is true what you say regarding change. There is much change in your lives and also in the world. The rate of change occurring is rapid indeed by man’s standards. It is difficult especially for the elderly who are less tolerant of change. Be patient and understanding towards them.”
Yes, Jesus. Lord, I pray for all who are ill, for the elderly and those who are unable to get out (shut-ins and those in hospice, hospitals, and nursing homes). Please heal those who are ill, especially (names withheld) and all who have asked for my prayers. Thank You for the many crosses You allow. Please send people to help those who are ill, carry their crosses, just as Simon helped You on the road to Calvary. I pray for those who do not believe in You and who do not know You that they will receive the gift of faith. Give them graces to believe. Please bring all who are away from Your Church and those who are outside the Church, back home where all of Your children belong. May those who have evil in their hearts and who follow Your adversary come to know Your saving love and have conversion of hearts and sincere repentance. Thank You for all You have created. Protect and preserve us, Lord and provide as well, all that we Your children need to sustain us on the earth. Praise You Lord God, Creator of Heaven and earth!
“Thank you, My little lamb. I have heard Your prayers and I hold each one close to My Sacred Heart.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God.
God the Father: “My daughter I will be very close to you and to My son, (name withheld) this week. I will be at your side always and will never leave you. I know your hearts are heavy. It is understandable. I am very aware of each and every feeling and thought that you have. Bring these and all problems and challenges to Me. Allow Me to walk closely with you each step of the way and you will know hope and an increase in trust. This is what I desire from you, from both of you, My dear children. I take no delight in the suffering of My children. You know this, but this is important for Me to convey to all of My children, some who will read this especially, who do not know Me intimately. There are people in the world who believe that I cause suffering. This is not true, My children. When I created the world, the earth, the animals, all living things including your first parents who are known as Adam and Eve, there was no suffering. There was no evil, no illness, and no death, My children. Everything I created was good. Everything created was for you, My children, to sustain life in the most perfect way, and to bring enjoyment. By enjoyment, I mean the beauty of the created world was truly quite something to behold by the human eye, and the animals, magnificent. All animals were at peace and were in harmony with the first man and woman. There was nothing to fear. There was no stress and strain in daily life, only joy, beauty, peace, love and unity among all living creatures. The world I created, out of love, did not include pain, hardship, suffering, loneliness or anything else that causes sadness for souls. Your first parents sinned, as you know, by giving in to the tempter. They did not call on Me for assistance, but instead decided for evil in order to be ‘like me’ as the serpent said. Though man and woman knew Me, walked with Me, talked with Me, learned everything man could possibly know from Me, were close friends with Me; they listened to the one they did not know, did not love. They did so out of human pride.
This, My dear children, brought suffering to the world for the entire human race. You see, when these souls chose to live outside of My Divine Will, My love, My friendship they could no longer enjoy the world as it had been created. No longer did the animals live in harmony with one another and no longer would their bodies, those of your first parents, live forever. However, I never abandon My children, and therefore, My Son Jesus came to atone for sin and to reestablish the relationship between God and man. Though man sinned, God provided the remedy. Though the body dies, the soul can live with Me forever in the joy, peace, happiness and love which I intended from the beginning of time. It does not mean the suffering of this world was erased by My Son’s passion and death, for in suffering, souls often become even closer to My Son.”
“Unite all suffering to My Son’s passion, My children. You will receive many graces. My Son’s death and resurrection brought souls new life and a great reunion between the Father God and My children. It restored mankind to the family of God. So, you see, My children, it was not I who brought suffering into the world, but My adversary and those he first tempted. More and more suffering occurs as the result of evil and those who choose evil. Illness will be with you, though and often it is through no fault of those who are ill. It has been so since the fall of man and the exodus from the Garden. I desire to walk with you, My children, just as I did with Adam and Eve. I have long desired this. I desire your love. Oh, how I long for souls, created in love by love, to love Me in return. Pray for this, My Children of Light, that souls will come to know and love Me. The more souls who will come to conversion and will be in right relationship with Me, the more peace you will experience on earth. Pray, pray, pray My children. Countless souls will be lost without your prayers. I love you, My children. I want all to be saved and to live with Me in My Kingdom of love.”
Thank You, Father God for Your words, and for Your love. Thank You for Your wisdom and truth. Help all souls to come to the knowledge and love of You, our God and Father. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus to live among us, to die for our redemption and to rise again at the resurrection. Thank You for Your Holy Will and for Your Divine plan for the salvation of the world. You are all good, Father and You are deserving of our love, praise, and adoration. You are the cause of our joy!
“My child, do not fear that which you are facing in the coming weeks. Only, trust in My Son. He walks very closely with you. One day, you will understand this more fully. For now, simply trust in My words.”
Yes, Father. Your words give me great joy. I do not understand fully, as You say but still, I am grateful to You and to Jesus. Please send the Holy Spirit, Father to renew the face of the earth. May Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart triumph soon, Lord God, Father of all mankind.
“Thank you, My little one. This is a good prayer and one that should be prayed often. My child, write these words for all (who desire Me) to see: I am the Father of all mankind and I see each one’s suffering, each one’s pain. Nothing in your lives goes unnoticed by Me. I know all and I see all. The evil one who prowls about the world devouring souls, will not have the final word. No, he will not. My Son, the Word made flesh will show His victory over evil once again. One day, He will come again in His great glory. Until then, He has provided for you all by giving you His Most Holy Mother Mary and most especially by establishing the Church, the One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church through which and by which souls can be nourished in the faith and via the Sacraments, while you live out your pilgrimage. When your journey ends, you will have been well prepared to enter into My Kingdom. All you who are outside of My Son’s Church, you may seek the truth in all its fullness and find yourselves at the doorway to the Church. My holy priest sons will help you to learn about the true faith and all that is needed for you to enter into the safety of this refuge. For those who do not know, do not enter, I give graces for salvation by the merits of My Son and His Church. However, those who know must seek communion with the true Church. My mercy covers all, My children. Do not judge one another; only love. Live the Gospel message, My children and all will be well with your souls.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Jesus, I neglected to mention some others who are ill and in need of healing. Please heal (names withheld) if it is Your Holy Will. I also pray for (names withheld) conversion. Lord, praise You for all that You are and all that You do for us. (Personal dialogue omitted) Lord, protect the President and his family from all harm. Guide him so that the decisions he makes are just, merciful and in accordance with Your Will. Help us to have peace with our brothers and sisters in the world and especially, those who wish to do us harm. Bring about Your peace, Lord Jesus. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
Jesus: “My child, My child, continue to pray for peace to reign in the hearts of men. There are those who want to do evil and wish to harm the citizens of your country, along with your president. Much prayer is needed; much, much prayer. As My Mother has said, ‘prayer can stop wars’ and therefore you must pray. Pray, trust and do not fear. My children, this is all for now. You have been through trials lately and I wish to spare you more information than is necessary today. I am with you and I assure you of this. Be at peace and continue to rely on Me. Thank you for the gift of yourselves. You will receive more from Me in return. I do not withhold My love from anyone, but especially from those who freely give of themselves to Me. Go now in My peace. Be joy, be mercy, be love to all you encounter. I send you out to bear witness to My Gospel, to My love and mercy. Be a light to this world which is in such darkness. That is all, My (names withheld). I give you My love.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
“My children, I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”
Amen and alleluia!