Children of the Renewal Messages
April 16, 2017 Adoration Chapel, Easter Sunday!
Hello, Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Happy Easter! Thank You for Holy Mass on this solemnity of all solemnities. I adore You, Jesus and I praise You, for by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world. Thank You for redeeming us, my Savior. By Your death and resurrection, You opened the gates of Heaven for mankind. Thank You, Jesus, Son of God and Son of man.
I am very glad to be here with You, Lord on this great feast day. Jesus, thank You for our time with (name withheld) last week. Thank You for time spent with (names withheld). They are dear women of God, Lord. It was so nice to meet (name withheld) and to pray with her. I pray that (names withheld) can meet her one day. You are so good to me, Jesus to bring such beautiful people into my life. Praise You, Lord!
“You are most welcome, My child. I delight in bringing My Children of Light together. I am the great ‘unifier’.”
Yes, Jesus. You are the Lord God who unites those who love and serve You. You are the Prince of Peace. Please unite all of Your children in Your Sacred Heart.
“That is My desire, My little one. My child please tell My son (name withheld) not to worry. I ask him not to fear, but to trust in Me. He is to pray to Me and bring each problem; each decision to Me. I will show him the way. What Is needed is trust. Seek My Will, My (name withheld). I will guide you. Listen to Me in the depths of your heart. I send your friends to give you advice and I am here for you. Pray in your own words from the depths of your heart and then quiet yourself and listen to My still, small and quiet voice. I will guide you. I direct your steps. Do not fear, but trust.”
Jesus, (name withheld) is looking for direction from You regarding whether or not to have the procedure. I don’t think he is fearful as much as he just wants to make the right decision. It is difficult when there is conflicting information and advice. (Name withheld) said that there isn’t enough time, and though I think I know what she means, he is scheduled for the procedure in less than 2 weeks. Please direct him or provide someone who can give him enough information so that he knows the best decision. I can accept whatever he does, but he is really struggling with this, Jesus. Please help him to clearly see the way You would have him go. You know everything, Lord but we can barely even see our hands in front of our faces with our human eyes.
“Yes, My child. I understand and I know how My son (name withheld) is struggling. I will give him the information he seeks, but he will need trust. Trust is most pleasing to Me and that is what I am asking of him and of you. Did I not speak through My priest son to clearly show him how to hear me? It is in My Eucharistic Heart that he will see with more clarity.”
Okay. Thank You, Jesus! You are very merciful and kind, Lord! Jesus, I am glad to have (names withheld) here to pay homage to You on Your holy feast day! Please give them graces, Lord for being here. (Name withheld) seems a bit disheartened, Jesus. Please shower Your graces upon him!
Lord, it seems the world is in just as much chaos and unrest as it was in October or November of last year. So many countries are posturing for war. There is very little peace, Jesus. We seem to be right back where we started and our President, who campaigned on America First, focusing on rebuilding our country, and not going to war, has done just that. He seems to be listening to the people he said were corrupt and rather than draining the swamp, is swimming with the alligators. Jesus, is this true or am I mistaken? I hope I am mistaken, but he seems to be flip-flopping. First he said he would be friends with Russia and would not consent to the unfair trade deals with China that we have in place, since they are so partial to China and are hurting us economically, and now he is bombing Syria against our Russian ‘allies’ striking at the democratically elected Syrian President as if to topple their government that is fighting ISIS and it seems he is befriending the communist Chinese President. I don’t understand this, Jesus. I thought You helped put him in office. Was I wrong? Has he changed or am I just reading things the wrong way? I know things aren’t often as they seem, but he has shifted philosophically in a very big way.
“My child, I did answer the prayers of My children when Trump was running for the office of President. He has shifted in his views and you are correct in your observations. Pray for him. He is under a great deal of pressure and he is listening to bad advice for he trusts the wrong people. Things are not as they seem, for they are far worse. There are many wolves surrounding him and even those he thought he could trust do not have America’s best interest at heart, but the sinister plans of the one world order that My adversary is behind. The times in which you are living are most dangerous and this is why you are to pray the holy rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet each and every day. Pray also in the evening, the family rosary. If all of My children who love and follow Me will pray the rosary for My Most Holy Mother’s intentions, My mercy would shower the earth and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart would triumph sooner. Sadly, though there will be few of My children responding to My pleas, for My children seek entertainment and pleasure. They would rather watch sporting events and television than spend an hour in prayer.”
“Children, your lives depend on prayer and yet you will go to your graves being entertained to death. Heed My warning, for the evil one seeks to devour souls and many, many are slumbering while the thief is stalking your house and is ready to break in; all the while there is noise blaring in your homes and you walk around in a daze completely numb to the spiritual darkness all around you. Awaken, My children. Return to the Sacraments and remain in a state of grace. If you will seek Me, you will find Me. If you will open your hearts to Me, I will give you My mercy, forgiveness, love and direction. The times are unsafe and it is dark. You would not leave your home for a trip without taking directions so as to locate your destination and yet you go through the perils of life with no spiritual roadmap. Read holy Scripture. Return to My Church and to the Sacraments so that you will have grace and wisdom. I tell you this because I love you and I do not like seeing My children wondering about, lost in darkness and ignorant of the traps My adversary has set for you. I am standing near you with My light, My life, My love. I am ready to guide you so that you will be safe with Me one day in Heaven. Please children, do not wait too long, for you do not know the day nor the hour when your life will be required. Come to Me while there is still time, My beloved children.”
Jesus, please open hearts to Your mercy and to Your grace. Help my brothers and sisters to experience Your love, kindness and Your mercy. You are all good, Jesus. You are kind and loving. If they only knew You, Jesus they would love You. Please open the hearts of those who do not know the love of God. I pray especially for (names withheld) who say they do not believe in God. I don’t understand this, Jesus but please remove the blinders they are wearing. Remove the scales from their eyes that keep them from seeing the truth that is You, Jesus. Please do this for all who do not believe so that all of Your children will be with You in Heaven one day. Please bring (name withheld) back to Your holy Church, Lord. Please Jesus. I entrust her to You, Lord as I do with each loved one. You love them more than I can love them, Jesus for You are all love and all love is You.
“My child, I am trustworthy. I will guard their steps and will give them all that they need. If they do not return soon, they will during the Illumination of Conscience when I reveal Myself fully to My children living in the world. All will know Me and will fully know themselves. There will be no excuse afterwards for all will know the truth, the reality of God and the truths of the faith. Do not be fearful, but wait in joyful hope. Remain in a state of grace and in this way you will be prepared to help souls in need. There will be many people coming to My Children of Light after the Illumination. You, My children who remain in My grace will be like beacons of light for those weary travelers who journey in the storm and are unable to see the road ahead of them. They will see the souls who are united to Me and they will turn to you for guidance. You will help them and guide them to priests who will give them the Sacraments.”
“There will be an outpouring of My Spirit as in the early Church on Pentecost and many souls will enter into the Ark of My Holy Church. You will help steer their course. They will be awakened from their slumber and they will be hungry for My truth. Be gentle with these souls, My children for they will be very vulnerable. They will need My mercy and you must give them mercy and love. Guide them, My children with the truth, but be gentle so they heal and solidify their relationship with Me and with their brothers and sisters. Do not judge them and do not rebuke them but be merciful. Walk with them, My Children of Light and lead them to Me. When one of My children comes to you, afraid and feeling convicted, encourage them. Tell them of My mercy. This is imperative My children, for they will know My mercy and yet they will begin to doubt. The evil one will whisper words of condemnation and will tempt them to lose heart. You must counteract these devilish tactics with the love of God, the mercy of God and with the blood I shed on Calvary. I love all of My children, and I would die again for each one if it were needed. Since I have already done so, it is not needed, but I truly would if it was. I desire mercy, My children. Give lost souls mercy and love. Bring them to Me, My children and I will do the rest.”
Thank You, Jesus for Your great love and mercy! We are all sinners, Lord and we are all in need of Your mercy. Give us the grace to be merciful to others.
“My little lamb, while it is mercy I desire, you will also need to speak the truth. Teach souls who come to you the truth. It is unjust to flower people with niceties and cause them to think they can continue in their sin. What I am saying for My Children of Light is to be merciful. Truth is mercy, but all must speak this truth with love for the other’s soul. Some think it is loving to ignore sinful behavior and pretend that this is love. My children, leaving your brothers and sisters in sin, is not love. Do not hide behind this false notion of love. If someone was drowning in a lake and you complimented them about their appearance and told them they were fine, it would be ridiculous, would it not? All the while, the person is drowning. Their life is at stake and rather than acknowledge this and jump in to save them, you think calming their fear and giving them compliments, changes the fact that they are drowning? No, of course not. You see how preposterous this is and yet many of My children take this approach to their brothers and sisters living a life of sin. This is not love, My children. This is quite the opposite.”
“I realize that it is uncomfortable to speak the truth to one who has gone astray, but true love sacrifices and does not count the cost. What do you fear, My Children of Light? Do you fear your reputations! Do you fear being called names or being labelled by your unholy culture? Do not fear persecution for My name’s sake for it is in dying that you will rise to eternal life. You must die to self, My children for the sake of love. Love your brothers and sisters who are living in darkness, for their lives depend upon it. You must cooperate with Me to free the prisoners who are being held in shackles of sin. You must free the oppressed who do not know truth, do not know love and the source of all life. I am counting on you, My children. My Father is counting on you. My Holy Mother Mary is counting on you. Pick up your cross and follow Me. It is time to remember your Baptism and that I send you forth as fishers of men. My children, all mankind is at stake now. Now is the time. Pray as you have never prayed before. I love you. I walk with you. I am with you and I will always be with you. Do not doubt Me, especially when all seems dark for there in the darkness, My light will shine in and through you as never before. All will be well. Be carriers of the Gospel. Be carriers of your Jesus, My children.”
“My little lamb, I love you. We are entering a time of heightened closeness. Draw even closer to My Heart, My daughter. A new phase in your journey is nearing and I do not want you to fear this for it is a time of deeper trust in Me, your Jesus. I will work even more in your soul for these days require it. You sensed this was coming, My child. You sensed I would give you important information, did you not?”
Yes, Jesus. I sensed that You might have something important to say to me, but I had no idea what that might be. But then, I have felt this before so I wasn’t sure.
“Yes, My little one. My Spirit prompted your soul in this regard and gently called you to come to Me on this most sacred of days. You are in the desert now, My child but I assure you that you are not alone. I have equipped you well and you are prepared. It is time, and I must rapidly prepare you during this next phase in your spiritual walk with Me for much is unfolding. You must be prepared for what is to come. I am preparing My son (name withheld) also and this is why much trust is needed. Trust in the key to My Sacred Heart and this key will unlock untold mysteries. I desire trust and confidence in My provision for you, as well as My provision for all of My children. Trust is the key that unlocks My infinite mercy. This is the Age of Mercy, My child and the current state of the souls in this world is abysmal, but My mercy will reign in the hearts of My people through their trust in Me. I gave My very life for My children. What is not to trust?”
You are so right, Jesus. You gave Your life, so we know of Your love. There should be no doubt that You love us, Jesus. And since You are God and You love us, You will take care of us. I love You, Jesus and I place My trust in You! Thank You, Jesus for loving me and for loving my family and all of Your children in the world. I am confident in You, Lord and I thank You for giving me this grace!
“You are welcome, My child. This is My gift to you on this, My feast day. Remember this day, My child. Easter, 2017, the day of the gift of trust, given by your Jesus to My daughter, My little lamb.”
Thank You, Lord God of the universe and of all creation. I am very grateful for this most beautiful and precious gift. Guardian angel, please guard this precious valuable gift and do not let anything happen to it. Be my protector and protect my heart so I do not lose the gift of trust Jesus has given me.
Thank You, Lord! Jesus, I think we should go now. (Name withheld) is becoming restless and I don’t want him to disturb others.
“I agree, but I am very pleased that My little (names withheld) came to visit with Me. I will give them graces for love and mercy and also for perseverance. I am with them. I am with you. Go now in peace, child of My Sacred Heart. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, My mercy and love. Be joy, My children. You are to trust in Me and show others how to trust. This is the key. I love you.”
Jesus, I love You. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen and Alleluia! Jesus Christ is risen today! Praise You, Jesus.
April 2, 2017 Adoration Chapel
Hello, dear Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, adore You, praise You and love You. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for the opportunity to visit You in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Thank You for Holy Mass last evening and for Holy Communion.
It was nice to be with (name withheld), Lord. Please bless him and keep him always close to Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of our Holy Blessed Mother Mary. Jesus, Lent is especially difficult this year. I probably say this every year, Jesus. It seems so this year due to the deaths of our friends (names withheld). Please be with (name withheld). Be very close to her, Jesus. Help her at this time of such intense suffering. Jesus, I believe in You and know You can heal her. Please, if it is Your Will, heal her, Lord. She is so young and beautiful. She loves You, Lord and we need her soul in the world. Your Will be done, Lord and I pray Your Will is to heal her. If not, Lord, I pray for the grace to accept Your Will. Be with her parents, her sisters, brother and especially with her husband. Give them courage. Comfort and console them and give them a steady faith in Your love. Lord, I also pray for (names withheld).
Jesus, I love You. Thank You for Your passion and death, Lord. Please forgive my sins. I want to be holy, like the angels and saints, but am far from this, Jesus. Bring me closer to Your Sacred Heart; So close that I am enfolded within Your heart. Purify me, Jesus. I want to be closer to You. Remove every obstacle from my heart that creates an obstacle to Your love and mercy. Fill me with Your love, Jesus for I do not have the ability to love as You love. You are kind, gentle, merciful and accepting. Help me to be like You, Jesus and like Your Holy Mother Mary.
Jesus, I pray for Your Holy Church that is being persecuted from within and from without. Protect Your Church, Lord, and protect Your holy priest sons and religious who are loyal to the Holy Father. Jesus, please expose those who are leading Your people astray. Please bring the truth to the light, Lord. Guard us all from deception, Jesus. Protect us from the father of lies who wants to deceive the Children of Light.
Lord, I also pray for Your Mother’s community. May it come to fruition in the way You had planned, Jesus, so we are able to fulfill the mission of Our Father in Heaven. Blessed Mother, even now please spread Your Mantle of Mercy and protection over the community and preserve it from falling into the hands of those who would do harm. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love You, save souls.
Jesus, have You anything to say to me today?
“Yes, My child. There is much to say. Please write. A day is coming soon, My child when what I have told you will come to pass. You know of the coming day of persecution of My Holy Catholic Church. The day is on the horizon and will arrive soon. You have been told of this many years ago and so it is not surprising to you. My little lamb, have no fear. I am with you. You are not alone, nor are you without weapons. Take up the rosary and pray it every day, even more than you are now. Many are not praying and I need My faithful children to pray even more for you carry the burden for the world and those who will not pray. Pray much My children. My adversary is very busy for evil to ruin souls. You must be even more focused to help save souls. It is My desire that no one perish, but that all are saved and dwell in My Kingdom.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.
Lord, I was hoping to be in Your Mother’s community by now, but especially before the Time of Great Trials. So much has happened, though, Lord. Please straighten everything out, my Jesus. I realize this is a time of purification, Lord but we want to be within Your plan, Lord and in Your Holy Mother Mary’s community. It seems impossible that we will get there, now, Lord and yet, You are the God of the impossible. You created the world out of nothing. You can easily provide all that is needed for the completion of the work You started. May it please be Your Will, Jesus.
“My child, My child. The way appears dark and you do not see any light. Tensions continue to rise among the members. Be a voice of calm, My little one. Do not be dismayed, for you and (name withheld), My son are still needed and this is My Will. Do not listen to the voices of fear, judgment, condemnation and speculation. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, My Holy Mother Mary and St. Joseph. The way is dark indeed, but one small light makes all the difference. Recall My Mother’s cave story.”
Yes, Jesus.
“I am asking that you and My son (name withheld) be this light to illuminate the darkness. You must pray for My mercy and My love to fill your hearts. Pray for the gift of peace. You have not been recollected, but you have been focusing on the wrong things. These distractions are a trap strategically placed by the enemy. Now that you know this, avoid the traps and pitfalls which the enemy sets for you. Be at peace. Ask Me for peace. Ask Me until you see that peace has been restored to your soul. I am the Prince of Peace. I am an endless source of peace. When you sense that you are not recollected, you must pray for peace to return to your souls. Pray for one another. Ask Me for guidance and direction and I will give it to you. My (name withheld), you are to be an example to the others. I need you My son, contrary to what you think. This is to keep you humble, but you must also be wise. Be aware that the tempter seeks to foil My plans and wants to discourage you. Discouragement is not from Me. Discontent is not from Me. Unrest is not from Me. Yes, My son, people have and will disappoint you. This has always been true. Bring it to Me, My son and I will comfort you, restore your peace and give you clarity regarding the next step to take. Lead these sons of Mine in prayer. They must seek My will for each decision, for it is imperative that I direct My Mother’s community at this most perilous time. All must learn this now for later it will be vitally important to have already formed a habit of bringing each problem and every decision to Me. If this does not begin to occur, I cannot direct you and there will be no way out. Heed My words, My son. Do not give up now when I have called you to this work. The spiritual work is by far the most important undertaking. It is the reason you are all here in this mission. Anything important for the Father will be evident to you, for when you sense the struggle and see signs of the adversary at work, know that the plans of My Father are under attack. You have sensed this for a long time, My son and you were correct. St. Joseph guides you. He is guiding you now, but you must decide to follow him. He knows how to lead, My son for God chose him to lead the Holy Family until I was of age. He is the protector as you so aptly call him and he desires to protect My Mother’s community. Be on guard, for the free will of men leaves all of you easy prey for the adversary who wants to destroy My plans and to destroy My children. My Mother’s community will be a safe haven for My children and My holy priest sons. This land will provide a port in the storm that will ravish many parts of your country. My children must cooperate with me and must submit to guidance from My Holy Spirit or the same issues that you are working to overcome will be perpetuated. My son, it is you who I am calling to lead them and by this I mean spiritually. You have been humbled, My son but you now see what is lacking in you. You must be a father to many including the men and women of My Mother’s community. Are you not the elder now, My son? Do you understand the importance of your role? I will ask a hard question, My son. Be open and honest within your heart. This is My question. Reflect on the many years of leadership you experienced and in the roles I placed you to prepare you. Was there ever a time that someone disappointed you and did something you advised against? How did you handle it, when there was a successful outcome? How would I handle such a situation? Did any of My Apostles disappoint Me? Did anyone go against My advice? How many of My dearest friends disappointed Me, My son? How many disappoint Me now? My son, have you ever disappointed Me, even though you love Me? How have I treated you, My son?”
“This is the Time of Great Mercy. Ask Me to instill My mercy in your heart. Ask for My grace to forgive your brother who loves you. He is impulsive and he did not heed the advice of his wiser, older brother. He will see the error of his ways, if you love and forgive him. If you choose not to do so, only My plan will be thwarted. Do not close your heart to what your friend, Jesus is telling you, for I love you. I am wiser and older than you. Listen to Me and heed My advice for I have every answer to your difficulties but you must choose the way of peace, love and mercy to learn My ways. Come, I will direct you. I love you and I am counting on you.”
“I have another question, My son that I must ask you. Reflect again on your past experiences. Go back to the early days My son. Did I ever give you a person with whom to work that you disliked or found to be abrasive? Was there someone you found difficult to be around at first, but upon getting to know them better, you began to overlook the annoyances? Think about this, My son. There will be many people and things to annoy you in the future, but they will not seem very important to you compared with the issues of life and death that you will face each day. Ask yourself if the annoyance is just that or if it is a sign of a spiritual matter. Evaluate this in prayer, My dear son (name withheld) for I am trying to teach you something. You must become thoughtful and introspective to evaluate your feelings. What is the basis of them? Ask Me if I am showing a deeper truth to you or if it is merely a personal preference. Personal preferences come and go. It is the heart of the matter that is important. Some annoyances are like gnats that cross your path. You merely swat at them and move on, following your Jesus. Other annoyances are distractions set as a trap for you from the adversary. These must cause a warning sign within you. When your peace has left you and you feel a sense of unrest or a spirit of anger, you must bring this to me immediately. Pray for the protection of My holy foster father, Joseph and ask for My direction. Pray the prayer of the Holy Spirit and plead with My Spirit to give you wisdom, prudence, fortitude and every gift needed. Ask for My counsel and it will be given to you. Not every situation is the same, My son, but when you bring them to Me, I will teach you. You will begin to recognize these traps and you will help others to avoid them. I know this struggle is difficult, My son. It is a difficult set of circumstances that no one has the ability to lead you through except Me. You must follow Me, My son. Be an example for the others and speak to them about praying and seeking My Will in every decision. It was the reasoning and the strong will of others that created this web of problems and only I know the way to correct each snare.”
“I have one additional question, My child. It is this; Do you trust in your Jesus? I know what you will say, My son, but it is an important question. Show Me your trust in Me by your actions, by your love and by your mercy. Speak the truth, My son but always with the heart of your Savior. Souls are at stake. It is not a question of retribution, but a matter of salvation. Ask for My direction and you will have it. Speak to your brothers and tell them what is bothering you. Be a model for them and show them how to deal with one another in love. Follow My word; I have given My children instructions for dealing with those who offend you. Give them this respect and the opportunity to repent and reconcile. You would want the same opportunity. Pray before you speak and I will give you the words to say. Be a source of healing and peace to all you encounter; even those who have betrayed you, for your mercy will remind them of My mercy and will give them an opening for grace. Be encouraged, My son for this is only a minor setback. (If you decide to follow My direction.) I love you. That is all. Be at peace. All is going according to My plan. Things will grow bleaker before the light comes and I need you in position to be a leader and a light. You can do this if you allow Me to work through you. All will be well. Take some time to reflect and know that I am with you.”
Thank You, Jesus! You are the way, the truth and the life. Praise You, Lord that You care so much for souls and for our everyday lives. Thank You that You come to us in the ordinariness of our lives and that You direct us when we are lost and help us find our way through the darkness. Go before us, Jesus. Go before (name withheld) and prepare the way. Jesus, we trust in You. We trust in You when the tempest rages all around us, but sometimes we focus on the wind and the waves, rather than on You, Jesus. Please heal me and take all of my sins and bury them at the foot of Your holy cross. Give me the graces I need Jesus to begin anew. I love You, Lord and I want to serve You.
“My child, you feel alone, isolated and unneeded. This is a trap from the enemy and it is not truth. You are not alone, My child for I am with you. I desire peace for you. I desire joy. I desire friendship and conversation with you. Spend time with Me alone, My little lamb. You are needed by Me. You are valued by Me. You are precious in My sight. You do not need the respect of men, when you have the respect of the Son of Man. I have called you to a special ministry of souls. I have called you for a unique role in the Father’s plans. Your role is one of love. Your love is needed for the poorest of the poor who will come to you. They will be without a mother and they will need love from My Mother that will flow through Her Immaculate Heart into yours. You will welcome the stranger in the way your grandmother welcomed you. You will welcome them as if you had been waiting for each one for a very long time, for in fact you have been. You will provide the ministry of hospitality to My holy priest sons who will have risked much for Me. Some of them also will have lost loved ones and will be in need of healing. You will be like a mother to them and a sister and they will experience My Mother in you. You will be like a little Saint Therese of Calcutta within your home and community. I would like you to begin these acts of love now, My child. Reach out to your sisters and brothers in community and show them your friendship and your love. Be this to all you meet, My little lamb. You have many skills and talents, My child. Use them for Me and be at the service of others. I would like you to be My Mother’s little handmaiden. She is God’s, and you will be Hers. She has many others, it is true, but each soul, each person is gifted with special, unique gifts for service. Your gifts and your special way of loving is needed. Rest assured, My child that I am saving you for this, and that while this work is important, it is not nearly as important as the work that is needed for the healing of souls. You have been through many trials recently, My child. Do not allow this inconvenience and this seeming lack of value derail you from My path. My way for you is different, My child. It is better for you, so take heart and set about the mission I have for you. Take this opportunity to prepare for Easter and My resurrection.”
(Private Dialogue omitted)
Thank You, Lord for Your concern with the details of our lives. You are marvelous! You are such a mystery, too. Lord, Your ways are difficult to comprehend, because You are so great and so loving. You love Your children even when we hurt and offend You. You forgive and embrace us before we can even get the words, ‘I’m sorry Lord.’ out of our mouths. Your glances of love penetrate My dull heart and awaken me to the wonders of creation and the wonder of Your love. Thank You, Lord for bringing life to My days that often seem so dark and lonely. I know this is a disguise, Jesus and that I am not alone, nor am I in darkness when the light of the world is with me. I love You, Lord! Thank You for loving me.
“You are welcome, My child. I am also with your children and grandchildren. I am with (name withheld) in a special way during this time of preparation. (Private dialogue omitted.) Be confident in your Jesus, My (name withheld) for I am with you and I will never leave you alone. Take Me into your home and I will shepherd you, My child. Lean on Me. I will provide for all of your needs. I love you.”
“That is all for now, My little lamb. Be still and sit with Me for a while. Be at peace. I am still your God and I am in control.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. You have the words of eternal life for You are life, You are light, You are love. I love You.
“And I love you. Go now in peace when you are ready. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be love, be mercy, be joy.”
Amen. Praise be Jesus, now and forever!