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Children of the Renewal Messages


May 28, 2017  Adoration Chapel, Ascension of the Lord 

Hello my Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament.  I love You, praise You, adore and worship You, my Lord and my God.  Thank You for enabling me to be here with You today.  Thank You for Holy Mass and for Holy Communion. 


Jesus, thank You for the beautiful funeral Mass for (name withheld).  I am grateful that there was peace and it was a beautiful time of prayer.  Thank You, Jesus.  Lord, be close to my children as they grieve their grandfather’s death.  May they see this as his birth into Heaven.  I know they are sad.  Please give them peace and consolation.  Help me to comfort them.  Lord, I love them.  Thank You for the gift of being their mother.  Thank You for all of my family, especially for my husband, for (names withheld).  Please bless and comfort (names withheld) as we continue in this time of mourning for (name withheld).  We have so much for which to be thankful, Lord.  Thank You!


“You are welcome, My daughter.  I was with you in a special way during these difficult days and I gave you My peace.  You felt My peace, My child because you were open and you relied on Me.”


Thank You, Lord.  I appreciate Your presence with me and Your gift of peace. 


“You are welcome, My little lamb.  I am pleased at the way you conveyed My peace to others.  Your love and your support impacted all you met in a very positive way and I was able to give many graces to My children as a result.  Your kindness softened hearts and provided the opening I desired.”


Thank You, Jesus for Your great generosity.  Imagine that by just being kind, You send graces to flood souls who receive and are open to kindness!  I am very happy about this, Lord!  You are good beyond measure!!  What a kind, merciful Savior You are.  Lord thank You for using me, such a small and poor instrument, to touch others.  I love You!


“And I love you, My child.  I work through all of My children in this way.  It is very simple and yet so many wish to make their walk with Me complicated.  It is simple, My children.  Allow Me to walk with you and use you through your interactions with others.  Being kind and showing love is all that I need, My children.  Live your faith and do not be afraid or embarrassed to mention Me to others.  Share the love I freely share with you.  Share this love with all you meet, My children.  Through you, I can change hearts.  It all begins with the heart, My children.  Conversion of heart leads to conversion of the mind and the body follows.  In this way of complete conversion thoughts are changed for goodness and love, then loving acts follow.  By conversion of the hearts of others, I can change the world.  It begins through the love and kindness of My children and will spread through families, towns, cities, states, countries and the world.  Eventually, My children, those remaining throughout the entire world will love and follow me.  This will be a reality during the Era of Peace.  All will follow Me.”


Praise You, Lord!  We wait in joyful hope for this time, Jesus.  Please may all people love and follow You soon, Jesus.  May we be of one faith, one heart and one mind all in the love and service of our Lord Jesus Christ and beautiful Mother Mary.


“My child, it will come to pass, but first the transition time will occur.  The Time of Great Trials has already begun, but you (in your country) have not felt the full effects of it yet.  I urge My children to frequent the Sacraments while you are still able to go freely, for a time will come when you will be seeking priests and they will be difficult for you to find.  When you do find a holy priest, you will go to Confession and Holy Mass in secret.  Take advantage of this time, My children.  My little lamb, continue making use of this time of renewal.  Go to Mass as My Mother instructed you.  This is important in your formation especially at this time.”


Yes, Jesus.  Thank You.  I love Holy Mass!


“My child, you are tempted to begin looking for work.  Reread My words when you feel this temptation approaching.  It is not yet the time.  It is alright to meet with people, but do not get ahead of Me, My child and the plan I have for you.”


Yes, Jesus.  Thank You, Lord!  Lord, I forgot to pray for those who are ill.  Jesus, please give them many graces as they suffer for love of You.  Please comfort and console all those who are on our parish’s sick list, and be especially close to them.  I pray this for (names withheld) and for all those suffering from cancer and Alzheimer’s.  I pray especially for (name withheld).  Comfort and console him and (name withheld).  Jesus, I beg You to intervene in the life of little (name withheld).  Rescue her, Jesus from the decision of the judge who forced her from her loving grandparents, to live with her dad whom she doesn’t know.  He refuses to allow her to be raised in the Catholic faith and he is rough and unloving.  Jesus, (name withheld) has already lost her mother and now her grandparents.  Her world must feel desolate, lonely and without hope.  Rescue her, Jesus.  Blessed Mother, please untangle the knots for this precious little girl.  Be close to her, guide her and love her so that she feels Your motherly presence.  Her grandparents must feel that all is hopeless.  Help them to know what steps to take, Jesus.  Give them good legal counsel, Lord.  This situation seems in need of a miracle from You, Lord.  Please do whatever it takes to restore peace and love to this little child’s life.  Please, Jesus, her soul is at stake, as You know.  You know all things, Jesus.  May Your Holy Will be done, whatever that may be in her regard.  Also, Lord, I pray for the conversion of her father.  Change his heart, Lord so that it is filled with Your love.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You. 


“My child, I am working in this child’s life.  I know this is difficult to understand, and it is a time of trial for her grandparents and father.  Trust Me in this, My child.  I am with her.  Continue to pray and offer your petitions for her well-being and that of her family.  Ask others to pray.  Trust in Me.”


Yes, Jesus.  Thank You, Lord.


“My child, while you are entering into a personal time of renewal, growth and formation, the world is in a critical time in its history.  There is great unrest, discord and disunity as families, towns, cities and countries experience brokenness, despair and upheaval.  There are wars/hostility, violent outbursts, protests and a general spirit of unruliness permeates many societies.  This period of disobedience is about to give way to a time of chaos and darkness such that this current generation has never experienced.  More prayer and sacrifice is needed for souls.  Focus on what is really important, My children.  Pray as if your life depended on it.  I do not exaggerate when I say this, My children for the way of life as you know it will change drastically and lives do depend on your prayers.”


“Please children, take to heart the words I have been saying and heed My direction that you frequent the Sacraments, especially Penance and Holy Eucharist.  This communion with Me is crucial for what you face.  Do as I say, My Children of Light.  Allow Me to strengthen you with the graces I give to you in the Sacraments of My Church.  Be a light in the darkness and take My light to others in need.  The world has fallen away from Me and from My Commandments.  I will strengthen My followers, My Children of Light through the Sacraments and this will be of tremendous support to you in the coming days.”


“Times are coming in this country (USA) when you will lament the many missed opportunities for daily Mass, reception of the Eucharist and Reconciliation.  It will be a time of scarcity, not only in food for the body, but food for the soul.  I ask My children to focus on Me, the life of the Church, the life of the soul now.  Choose a life of prayer over a life of entertainment and leisure.  Choose a life in My Spirit over a life of work-a-holism and focus on what matters most, your spiritual lives and that of your family members.  Be a living witness to others.  Show the world what a life with God is, simple, peaceful, beautiful, joyful.  It is time, no My children, it is past time to be detached from worldly things and attached to the life of your soul.  Pay attention to your souls, My children.  Assess the condition of your souls, much like you do your physical health.  The world focuses almost exclusively on the physical.  Do not be like the rest of the world, but focus on your soul for the soul lives forever, but the body will go to the grave.  I desire Heaven for you, My children.  I desire this for every soul created.  Help Me, My children to reach souls living in darkness.  Pray for them.  Fast for them.  Make sacrifices for them.  Do this out of love and concern for them, for they are your brothers and sisters and many, many of them are headed to perdition, for they reject My love; they reject Me.  This is not My Will for them, and yet I give each soul free will.  Your prayers, sacrifices, fasting and love can open the door of their hearts, My children.  Pray for the saints to intercede for these souls, My children.  Offer Masses for these souls who do not know the love of God.”


“One day I will pour out My Spirit upon the world in much the same way as occurred on the first Pentecost.  You will witness conversions as never before in the history of the world, but you must pray, My children.  Pray to bring this about.  I desire your holy cooperation in My plan.  My Father desires this.  My Mother works tirelessly for this.  She brings countless prayers before the Father for you and for all of Her children.  Cooperate with Her, My Children of Light.  This is a time of serious need.  Soon, I will no longer plead with you, but it will be a time of pleading with Me.  Why do you close your ears to My requests?  Are you so busy that you cannot take time to pray?  Who is it that gives you time?  Who created time?  You know this, My children and yet there are many who follow Me who are unwilling to pray more, to go to confess their sins more often, who put off going to daily Mass because they feel they have more important tasks to tend to or their jobs are more important.  This is not the proper priority, My children.  I would not be speaking through so many prophets and chosen souls if the times were not very urgent.  Examine your lives and ask Me to help you to have clarity regarding your priorities.  It is time to reorder them before it is too late.”


“Take advantage of this time of grace and get your spiritual lives in order.  Decide for Me, My children and I will help you.  Do not put off until tomorrow what I ask of you today.  You know that nothing in life is certain, but the Lord your God.  I am your rock, your salvation.  I ask only what is good for your souls.  I love you and I want what is in your best interest.  Many of you do not see this, for you remain in your comfort zone of worldly attachments.  When these are absent from you, My children (and they will be one day), what will you have left?  Come now, My children and repent, return to the Sacraments and a life of grace.  I want to guide you and to protect you but you must step out in faith.  You must decide for Me, My children or you are deciding for the world and the life of the flesh.  It cannot be both.  My children, do you understand?  To make no decision for change is a decision in itself.”


“I say now, decide for God and for Heaven before it is too late.  I love you and I long for you to be with Me in My heavenly kingdom.  You will experience love as never before and you will be fully and completely loved and understood.  You will be full of joy and life.  You will know happiness, My children; true happiness.  This is not known in the world, but you will possess complete joy, peace, love and freedom in Heaven.  Decide for Heaven, My children.  Decide this today, right now as you read My words.  I await you with open arms.  I await you with open arms and an open heart to forgive you and to shower you with My peace.  Come and do not delay.  When you come to Me all will be well with your soul.  You will see.”


Thank You, Jesus for Your words of love and longing for the hearts of Your children.  Save souls, Jesus.  Save many, many souls, dearest Lord.  Lord, is there anything else you would like to say?


“Yes, My child.  Be aware of My presence this week.  Focus on My presence each day and even in each moment of the day.  I realize this will take practice, but begin now and one day it will be routine for you.  I want you to be more aware of My presence with you, so let us begin this now, My little one.  It will be very important later during the time when you will be working almost non-stop to care for those I will send to you and to your family.  I will lift the veil, My child, over time and there will be moments of great grace for you and for your family.  This is what we will focus on this week and over the coming weeks.  I will assist you.”


Yes, Jesus.  I certainly am counting on You to assist me, since I’m not sure what I need to do exactly but I want to do Your Will, Jesus, so ‘yes’ let us begin.


“Thank you, My little lamb for your openness to My Will.  Go now in My peace.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go now to love and to be love to others.”


Thank You, Jesus.  Amen and Alleluia!  Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!


May 21, 2017  Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Holy Eucharist, I adore You, love You, praise You and worship You, my God and my King.  Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and Holy Communion, my Jesus.  Thank You for the beautiful homily (name withheld) gave and for his priesthood.  Please bless him in his new assignment, Lord.  Be with all the priests who will be making transitions to other parishes, Lord.  Help them to adjust to their new roles and parishes and help the parishioners adjust to them. 


Jesus, I bring my concern for the welfare of the little girl (name withheld) who lost her mother and was just taken from her grandparents and given to her dad who hasn’t seen her all her life.  He said he won’t raise her in the Catholic faith and seems to disdain his daughter’s grandparents.  Lord, they didn’t get to speak nor did their attorney as the judge did not allow them to present their case.  Jesus, (name withheld) father was previously arrested for choking his girlfriend.  I am concerned for (name withheld) welfare, Jesus.  How can she be put through so much loss at one time when she is so little.  Protect her, Jesus.  Convert her dad so that he becomes a believer and follower of God.  Comfort and console her grandparents who have recently lost their daughter and now their granddaughter.  Lord, send someone to help (name withheld) and to return her to her grandparents where she is loved and well cared for.  Lord, surely it is not Your Will for (name withheld) to be with someone she doesn’t know, who is hostile to the faith and who has a violent temper when she could live with grandparents who love her and who are devout Catholics.  She is comfortable with them and must have felt close to her mother when she was with them.  Please rescue her, Jesus.  Help her grandparents with what they should do next.  I know You are well aware of this situation, Jesus but You said to bring every concern and problem to You.  Jesus, I also bring (name withheld) to You.  He is having severe back pain, Lord and is in the emergency room.  Please help him to bear this trial and may everything come out smoothly with no major spine problems.  Comfort and console (names withheld) as I am sure they are so very concerned.  Lord, I recommend all those who are ill, especially (names withheld), all those on the church sick list, and I pray for (name withheld) who just died.  Please take his soul to Heaven, and be with (name withheld) as he is grieving his Grandpa.  Please provide housing to (name withheld) now, Jesus.  Comfort and console his kids and grandkids, Lord.  Please take all souls who will die today to Heaven to be with You, Lord.


Jesus, have You anything to say to me?


“Yes, My child.  I hear your prayers, daughter.  Thank you for your love and concern for My children, your sisters and brothers.  Continue to pray for them.  Ask My Most Holy Mother Mary to give them graces.”


Yes, Jesus.  Thank You!


“My daughter, always bring the sick and dying to Me, just as you have been.  I will comfort them, My little lamb.  Everything is under control, and all will be well.  Now do not worry or have any anxiety; your concerns are safely with your Jesus.”


Thank You, Jesus.  I love You.


“My child, be content with your life at home as it is now, for this is My Will for you.  This is a time to pray, reflect and do your daily duties within your home.  Trust in Me to provide for your family and you.  I am providing, am I not?”


Yes, Jesus You are.  Thank You, Lord.


“This is My plan for you now, My child.  You will look back on this as a time of grace My little lamb.  You have spent a great deal of time caring for others over the past few years.  It is now time for you to rest in Me, to renew your soul and to be present to your immediate family and to Me.  I have ordained this, so rejoice.  Focus on the present, My child and on My presence with you.  This is a great grace.”


Thank You, my Lord, my God, and my friend.


“You are welcome.  Be at peace.  The world does not have peace, but constant disunity, noise, distractions, and positioning for power.  Be content to be in this time of grace to be renewed and formed in Me and in My Mother.  Use this time well, My child so that it will be a time of growth in holiness and trust.  Be at peace and soon I will restore your joy.  It is My desire that you share this peace and joy with others but for now focus on this time of renewal.  My child this time period marks a transition period for you in which I will begin to use you in new ways.  I will speak more about this to you as time progresses.  You will be more in tune with My Will and this is why I give you this time; this hidden time.  Again, I say rejoice, My little lamb.  You are not to feel useless, My daughter for this is quite the contrary.  I need you and you will begin a new phase in your life of mission for Me.  Until then, be at peace and enjoy the quiet and simple life.  Do not put pressure on yourself.  You have been ambivalent about beginning to search for work, for you sensed that this time of reflection is My Will for you and yet you feel responsible to your family to provide.  Rest assured, My child, that My Holy Spirit inspires you and gives you insight regarding My Will for you.  There is no need for pressure, for stress and strain, but there is room only for trust and for resting in Me.  I go before you and I walk beside you at the same time.  I provide for you; for you are My child.  I am a good father and I provide for My children.  You have given your all to Me.  Will I do less for you?  Of course, you know I will not!  Be at peace, My child and do not allow your heart to be troubled.  All will be well.  When it is time for you to do something different, I will let you know.”


Thank You, Lord!  You are so very good to me and though I don’t deserve it, I am very grateful.  You have put My mind at ease and I think I will be better able to focus on using this time well, versus feeling torn and having regrets.


“Yes, My little one.  Have no regrets for all has been according to My plan.  I have allowed this time for you and I have orchestrated it.  Be at peace.  Rest in My love and in My Heart.”


Thank You, my Lord and my God.


“I will reveal more to you, My child but for today, this is all.  You are in recovery and renewal mode.  You love much and have poured out your heart for others.  It is now a time of rest and a time to regain your strength.”


Jesus, others have done more than I, but I accept Your generosity and I am grateful.


“That may be true, My daughter, but others do not have the same mission that I have asked you and your husband and family to accept.  Each child is different and each one’s path is unique.  It is good not to compare oneself with others.  What I am doing for you, I am doing for you.  I will care for all of My children in the ways needed for them.  Now, remain here with Me in silence and we will simply be with one another.  Afterwards, you may go and tend to your little one’s needs.”


Thank You, Jesus!


After time spent in silence with Jesus:


“Remember, My child simple and small is what I ask of you now.  Be at peace and know that I love you.  All will be well.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Be peace, be love, be mercy.  Be at prayer and focus on Me.”


Thank You, my Lord and my God, my Jesus.  I love You.


“And I love you.”


Amen!  Alleluia!


May 14, 2017   Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  I believe, adore, praise and love You.  Thank You for holy Mass this morning!  Thank You for holy Mass yesterday and for the beautiful Feast of Our Lady of Fatima.  Thank You for the canonization of Saints Jacinta and Francisco.  Thank You for all the blessings You bestow on the world.  Please bring those who do not know the love of God into Your family.  Give them the gift of faith.  Help them to see with the heart.  Jesus, be with (name withheld).  Guide him and direct his next course of action.  If this property is meant to form Our Lady’s community, please allow it to come to fruition.


Lord, I pray for all those who are ill; for (names withheld).  Please heal them if it is Your holy Will.  I also pray for those who do not believe in our family and for those who have left the Church.  Please bring them safely into the ark, Your Church.  Give us the graces we need in this important hour, Lord.  Keep us in Your holy Will and sealed in Your Sacred Heart.  I love You, my Lord and my God!


Jesus, have You anything to say to me!


“Yes, My child.  I am with you.  I walk with you.  You felt My presence today.  You felt My presence yesterday after realizing that though you felt lonely, you are never alone for I am always with you.  You are concerned My little lamb, and yet you remember that during times of concern, you are to trust in Me.  As soon as you meditate on trusting in Me, your peace is restored.  You are growing, My child.  You are learning to trust and even though you are going through many trials, you know My peace.  Even though you are filled with sorrow and are experiencing the pain of separation from loved ones who have completed their earthly pilgrimage and have been born into Heaven, you also know the quiet calm, flow of peace and of My love.  You are not alone, My child.  You are not an orphan, though you have been tempted to think this.  Your Father in Heaven who is truly your Father, shepherds you.  He leads you.  He directs and guides you.  Your earthly father prays for you.  Your mother and grandparents also intercede for you.  They have a deeper knowledge and a new understanding of the role I have asked you to assume; the mission God the Father has given you.  I assure you of their prayers and the prayers of all of your relatives in Heaven, of your friends, the saints and the angels.  No, My little lamb, you are not alone.  You are surrounded by a heavenly band of angels, though you are unaware of this.  My child, because the veil shrouds your ability to see this heavenly band of angels and yet you believe, gives more merit to your soul.  Those who believe in Me, yet cannot see receive many graces for their belief.  It is easy to believe that which one can see.  My child, one day the veil will be removed and you will see everything that I desire you to see.  You will see the things of Heaven and how very close Heaven is to earth.  Then, your joy will be full and your trust complete.  For now, you must continue on your journey with trust and in confidence that I, your Jesus am guiding you.  Though the path through the wilderness is difficult to see and to navigate, you must continue to walk taking one step at a time holding fast to My hand, child.  The way is unclear to you.  The mission, dear little one has not changed.  It appears so to you, but it has not.  What is needed is trust, My daughter.  Today, I want to assure you that I am still calling and inviting you and your family to all that I have asked from you.  You are confused because to you it appears that My plan is falling apart.  My child, this is understandable, and yet the circumstances are only that; circumstances.  My plan is grander than mere circumstances.  I have told you on many occasions that I do not set My children up for failure.  Though others have let you down, I will not let you down.  The formation of My Mother’s community is My Will.  It is the Will of My Father.  It will be accomplished.”


Jesus, I firmly believe that You will establish this community and possibly many others like it all over the world.  I believe Your plans will come to fruition.  I believe everything that Holy Mother Church teaches us, because You established Your Church and I believe all that the Apostles have handed down to us comes from You and Your Holy Spirit.  I believe in the Era of Peace and the Renewal.  Jesus, I also realize that some of Your children have not cooperated with the Holy Spirit and were irresponsible with Our Lady’s land.  Jesus, just because I believe all of this, doesn’t mean it will occur when I thought and in the way I thought.  My expectations are open to Your Will, Jesus.  I will be disappointed if we are not being called anymore to the specific place You have given to Your Holy Mother Mary, yet You can move us anywhere.  You can also use other people to fulfill the plans and the mission entrusted to us (though I hope You won’t).  I have no right of ownership to Your plan for I give You my ‘yes’ regardless, Jesus.  I am your instrument, your tool.  I only ask that You guide and direct me, Jesus so that I do not go astray.  The ultimate victory is Heaven, Jesus.  Everything else is a means that leads to our destiny, Your Kingdom.  I pray that Your Kingdom begins to be planted and grows in my heart and soul so that one day I will transition easily into Heaven.  Give me more love, Jesus, more trust, more joy, more peace.  Make my heart a flame of love for You, Jesus such that my heart burns like the hearts of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  I love You, Lord.  Help me to love You more.  Forgive me of my sins, Jesus.  Create in me a clean heart, Lord and put a steadfast spirit in me.  Give me Your heart, Lord.  My heart is too weak to contain the love from You and for You that I desire.  If not Your heart Jesus, then the heart of Your holy Mother Mary, who loved You perfectly. 


“My child, My child, I hear your prayer and I know of your desires.  They delight Me.  You, My little one, know the path to the center of My merciful heart.  You are My tender, loving child and friend.  Your desire to love Me even more, consoles My Sacred Heart which has been deeply wounded by the lack of love from many of My children.  My little lamb, I handed My little ‘orphaned’ children to you and you received them into your heart.  You and My son, (name withheld) caress them with your prayers.  They are not physically with you, yet but when they come to you, your love, your prayers, your embrace, though in the spiritual sense now, will ease their physical transition.  Your beautiful and loving acceptance of My request, is almost as meritorious as fulfilling this role.  My child, the responsibility given to you is very real.  Just because it has not occurred yet, does not make it less real in Heaven’s realm.  I am outside of time, My child, but your ‘yes’ to My plan gives eternal merit.  The responsibility for delivering the children to you is Mine.  You have done all that I have requested thus far and now you are to pray and wait upon Me.  This is the time for great, deep prayer.  This is the time for increased levels of trust.  Assume not the burden of worrying about the details of (location withheld).  Leave those to Me.  They are My responsibility.  My Father assured you that My Mother’s community will come to fruition.  He assured you that you are indeed invited to be part of Her community.  You will know when it comes to pass that My Father and I Will this community for otherwise, it could not succeed, such are the obstacles laid in your path.  Now, I call you to trust, to love and to be a light to others.  There are many people who doubt, are questioning their invitation, and now have no desire to be full members of My Mother’s community.  That is their prerogative, My child.  Do not be concerned for even if all of My children followed their own plan, I will send others to join you.  They will not all leave, My child; I am merely explaining so you will rest assured that all will be well.  My child, do not be concerned with who will remain.  It is not for you to know now.  You will know in time and over time.  Be at peace.  My plan will come to fruition.  My Mother desires this community and I have given this land to Her.  She searched and found this location to be pleasing to Her, and so, it will come to pass.  Do not be concerned with the timing, for My Mother had secured yet another delay from the Father.  She is the most powerful intercessor for Her children.”


Thank You, Lord.  You have given me much peace.  Thank You for Your prayers, Blessed Mother.  Thank You for Your holy love for us.  Help us, dear Mother.  Lead us to Your Son, Jesus.  Heal our wounds, Jesus.  Blessed Mother, please ask Jesus to heal the emotional and financial wounds from which we all suffer.  Heal our relationships, Lord.  Help us to recover from this major disappointment and restore our unity.  We have become disjointed, and some are acting like unruly children.  Give us the peace that passes all understanding.  Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords, come to our rescue.  May Your Holy Will be accomplished soon, Jesus.  Keep Your Holy Will front and center for me, Lord.  May I be safe in the embrace of Your precious, adorable Will.


“My daughter, My Mother is pleased with your ‘yes’ and that of My son, (name withheld).  We know of the sorrow and concerns of Our little (name withheld), too.  Please tell her that she is in the palm of My hand.  My plans for her are for her welfare and her well-being.  She also is being called to a new level of trust.  I know of her sacrifices and of her suffering.  They are precious in My sight.  All will be well.  Continue to walk with Me.  All will be well.  This time of trial serves to prepare you for what is to come, which will be even more difficult, but when the trials increase in intensity, you will be better able to bear them and when you are not fully prepared due to the urgency of the time and the level of upheaval created by the evil one, I will supply all graces needed.  They will be sufficient for you.  Be at peace.  The world does not have peace, but you are not of this world.  You belong to My Kingdom and My children walk with the light and therefore have peace in the midst of great turmoil.  Peace is peace in the midst of great turmoil.  Peace is desperately needed, My children and you must remain at peace in order to minister to others.  I am your rock, your foundation, your fortress.  Of what should you fear when I AM protects you.  My little lamb, I want you to be very little indeed and so I will provide for your every need.  I give you this time to rest, to pray and to be with Me.  You will reflect on this time period as a time of great grace.  You will realize what a great gift it is.  I give you this gift out of love and concern for you and your family.  My child, you miss your earthly father.  You miss even the times you did not have with him.  Allow God this time to be father to you.  Allow him to provide for you, My little lamb.  He will provide for your every need.  Hasn’t He provided for you all along, My child?”


 Oh, yes, Jesus.  He certainly has.  He is the perfect father.


“There, My child and so you see that He is to be trusted.  He is dependable.  He always provides for you.”


Yes, Jesus.  This is true.  Thank You, Father God.  Praise You, for Your love, Your concern, Your action in our lives.  Jesus, when it is time for me to begin searching for a job, will You make it simple, just like before?


“Yes, My child.  It is not yet time, though.  You will know from My prompting and from the state of your heart when it is time.  I am granting this time for you, and you have sensed this, have you not?”


Yes, Jesus, I have.  I have not felt prepared to give my attention and time to looking for a job, though I think that time will come.  There is a certain sense of uneasiness about this, as I am responsible to work for my family, though I wish I didn’t have to do so.  Money doesn’t grow on trees, as the saying goes, so….


“My child, this is why I have assured you today, for I know of the cares and concerns weighing on you.  Trust in Me.  Rest in Me.  Be aware of My presence.  Speak with Me often.  I will direct you, not just in our visits on Sunday, but at any time that you call on Me.  Relish this time, My child.  Be in the present moment.  All will be well.  My son, (name withheld) put your mind at ease.  Trust in Me, your Jesus.  I am guiding you and your family.  Focus on their well-being.  Be present to them.  Your peace, your trust, your prayers, your tender heart of a father and husband, form a solid foundation of security for your wife and children.  You are growing into the spiritual leader I am calling you to be.  This is a leadership of real presence and engagement, not only one of prayer, My son.  Enjoy the time I am giving to you with your family.  All is a gift from God the Father.  Give me your concerns and worries.  Reflect on all I have done for you.  Reflect more, My son on the things of Heaven.  One day, you will all be so busy, fulfilling the mission you will scarcely have time for relaxation.  ‘Be’ with one another and bring My presence to others.  I will guide you.  Make this short respite a time of fond memories.  My Mother and St. Joseph did this for Me.  I still relish the hidden years of My childhood and early adult life.  They are treasures that I can remove from My Heart and gaze upon.  They comfort Me in times of sorrow over My lost children.  How I long for all families to give the gift of love and happy memories to their children.  You must build this way of living into your family life now, so that you will be able to live this life of love with My little children so in need of love and safety.  All that I am teaching you is for your good and for the good of others.  Put this into practice, My children.  Ask My Mother and St. Joseph to teach you and to assist.  Make them participants in your family life.  All should be done in a light-hearted and relaxed manner, not in a heavy-handed way, for that is not the spirit of the Holy Family.  Pray for these graces and they will be given to you.  I love you.  I walk with you, My (name withheld) and My daughter.  All will be well.  Let us begin this new period of watching, praying and waiting in joyful hope for My plans to come to fruition.  Ask My Holy Mother Mary and all the saints I have given to you for their intercession.  This is a time of rest and building a life of holiness to a deeper degree than ever before.  Holiness, a sense of awe, joy and wonder, a sense of peace that comes from the depths of trust in God; this is what I Will for you.  Pray for this.  Accept the graces My Holy Mother is handing you.  Relax and be love to one another.  My little warrior, (name withheld) is especially looking to you, My son to lead him, and to teach him how to be a holy man of God.  A holy little man of God, is one who plays, pretends, enjoys life, learns, is obedient to his parents, and is learning the beginning of responsibility, simple chores, and the dignity and worth of every creature and child of Mine.  He is a good, holy boy who needs loving correction, but most of all needs love. Continue to guide him in his faith and he will grow wise and holy.  I have special plans for him and these formative years must serve to prepare him well.  Be joy; Be peace; Be mercy; Be love.  Walk with Me, My children.  You do not know the way, but I do.  Follow Me.  All will be well.  Let us begin.”


Thank You, Lord for Your words of life and Your lessons of love.  Thank You for Your love and for Your wisdom.  Thank You for Your mercy.  Please bless our priests, Jesus and bless the future Bishop.  Dear Blessed Mother, I forgot to tell You, Happy Mother’s Day!  I love You!  Thank You again for Your intercession for us.  Thank You for Your love and protection.


“You are most welcome, My child.  Thank You for honoring Me yesterday.  Listen to My Son.  I love you.”


I love You, dearest Mother Mary.  Please give my Mother my love.  She is such a good mother.


“Yes, My child.  I will tell her.  You may also tell her.  Speak with her on this special day for mothers.”


Thank You, Blessed Mother.  I will do as You suggest.  (Quiet time in prayer)


Thank You for this great grace, Jesus!  I love You and appreciate all that You do for me.


“I love you, also My little one.  Be at peace.  Rest in Me.  Allow Me to heal your little wounded heart, so full of sadness.  Offer it to Me, My child for souls.”


Yes, Jesus.  I offer You my sadness for the good of souls.


“I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in My peace so that you can give My peace to others.  I am with you.”


Thank You, Jesus. Amen!  Alleluia! 



May 7, 2017  Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament.  I am so very happy to be here with You today!  Thank You for holy Mass this morning, Jesus!  Thank You for the many beautiful scripture passages read today at Mass that reminded me of my Grandma.  I miss her and have been thinking of all of my grandparents lately.  I miss my parents very much, also but rejoice for them to be with You. 


Lord, please give special graces to all those who are at (name withheld) house/chapel and especially on the priest who is there.  Praise You, Jesus for Your holy priest sons!  Please also bless all those who will be attending the prayer cenacle (MM of priests) at Holy Rosary today and especially (name withheld).  Thank You for his vocation, Lord Jesus.  Please give him special graces for all he is doing for Your holy Mother Mary.  What beautiful priests you have.  Help us to love and cherish them my Jesus.  Lord, I also thank You for (name withheld) who so lovingly serves You and Your Adoration Chapel.  She does so much for the chapel and for all of us who come here to adore You. 


Lord, I pray for (names withheld) as they mourn the loss of (name withheld).  Give them peace and consolation.  Please heal (names withheld) and all who are ill.  Bring them close to Your Sacred Heart.  I pray for the repose of the souls of my parents and grandparents, (name withheld) parents and grandparents, and of (names withheld).  Lord, I forgot to mention (name withheld) to you who is mending after surgery.  Please help his recovery to be quick and smooth.  I also pray for (name withheld) continued good health and for (name withheld) return to the church.  I love You, Lord and I thank You for each blessing and for every loving encounter.  Please bless each encounter and meeting with others that I have today, Lord, and direct my thoughts, words and actions so that all are within Your holy, perfect Will.  I love Your adorable Will, my Savior.  I love You!


“Thank you, My daughter, I love you also.  I am glad to see that you are more at peace today.  Yesterday was difficult for you, My little lamb.  I know of your struggles and suffering.  I was with you, My child.  Thank You, Jesus.  I don’t know why it has been particularly difficult for me to let go.  Losing (name withheld) to Heaven (it’s not really losing him) has been much more difficult than I thought it would be.  It seems I am saying goodbye to (name withheld) again, too for some reason.  I’m even missing my grandparents now much more than I usually do.  I understand why this is after Your explanation at Mass, but I just didn’t expect this.  I am not unfamiliar with loss, either, but I guess one can  never really be prepared for such a great change.


“You are correct, My child.  I have prepared you, but until you step through large changes in life there is no way to be completely prepared.  This is why I walk with you.  My children must lean on Me during times of difficulty and sorrow, firmly rooted in My love.  You are so rooted, My little lamb.  This suffering serves to prepare your heart even more for those I will send you who will be grieving and suffering so.  You will be empathetic and tender with them in light of your life experiences.  You will have the opportunity to walk with them during a time of crisis in their lives and the time you and My son (name withheld) spend doing so will (in retrospect) be viewed clearly as a holy time.  This is true of those who support and care for the dying, as they prepare themselves and cooperate with My graces, for their entry into Heaven.  My child, these days are given to you to rest in Me, to be present to your family and to recover from the many people in your lives that you are mourning.  Trust in Me, My child.  You are doing what I desire of you at this time.  I love you and I am directing your steps.”


Thank You, Jesus.  I am grateful to You!


“My daughter, it is My Will that you attend the cenacle.  There is important information awaiting you and in these times there is an urgent call to prayer, especially the prayer of the rosary.  My Mother is assembling Her children and the times ahead are very urgent, indeed.  Many, many souls are at stake.”


Lord, I do wish (name withheld) was going, but for some reason he isn’t interested right now.  Perhaps You are not calling him to attend. 


“My daughter, you have invited.  That is all one can do, and he is free to choose.”


Yes, Jesus.  Thank You, Lord.


“My child, I would welcome him being there, it is true; however, it is My Will for you to attend, and this is why I have worked everything out accordingly.  You will gain wisdom from being present and I will give you many graces.  My Mother will be present and She will pray with all of Her children.  The time is ripe for Our children to gather in groups and pray the most holy rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.  It is important now and for the future.  Group prayer, with My holy apostles is especially effective in fighting evil and saving souls from the fires of hell.  During the Time of Great Trials you will be praying in groups and those who have already done so will be able to lead those who have never done this, and in some cases do not know how to pray.”


Thank You, Lord.  You prepare us all so well.  Even so, I realize, as You said, there is no way to be completely prepared.  I trust You to walk with us, Jesus and to remain with us during the upcoming difficulties and purification.  Help us, Lord to grow in holiness and love.  Help us to trust You more. That may be the best way to be prepared.


Lord, I’ve missed being here with You the past few weeks.  Thank You for the time I was here on Friday, for first Friday Mass and Confession.  It was very beautiful.  Please bless (name withheld).  I know our time together in Adoration today will be brief but it is better than not being here at all! 


“Yes, My little one.  I understand.  You have had many missions of mercy lately, and I am pleased that you have put your own plans on hold for others.  Thank You, My child.”


You are very welcome, Jesus.  I was torn on several occasions, but decided for the acts of love.  Thank You for the Adoration Chapel in (location withheld) where we were able to pray briefly during the visitation for (name withheld).  Please continue to help the (names withheld), Lord.  They must be extremely sad, especially (name withheld).  Help him to know what to do next, Jesus. 


Lord, help me to take full advantage of this time You are giving to me.  I don’t want to waste any of it.  Will You please help me to find a job?  It’s not that I want to work, but we do need to pay the bills, groceries, etc.  I know You will provide as You always do, Jesus.  I trust in You.  Jesus, I love You.  Lord, I wish I didn’t need to leave now to go to the cenacle, but it will soon be time.  Be with me, Jesus as the adversary often tries to disturb me when I try to do Your Will.  


“I am with you, My little one, and I will protect you.  For your part, do not fear or allow yourself to become anxious.  Only trust in Me.  Fear is useless, My child and so is worry.  In all things be at peace.  If you do not have peace, it is yours for the taking.  All that is needed is to ask it of Me.  I have an endless supply.”


Yes, Jesus.  Thank You, Lord.  I love You!


“And I love you.  Go now in My peace and with My blessing.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and the name of My Holy Spirit.  All will be well.  Remain in Me, as I am in you.”


Amen!  Alleluia!




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