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Children of the Renewal Messages

July 16, 2017  Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.  It is good to be here with You.  I believe in You, adore You, trust You and love You.  Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion last evening, Lord.  Praise You, Jesus.  Lord, thank You for our family, for all of the blessings You give us especially the graces given via the Holy Sacraments.  Thank You for Your holy priest sons, who bring us the Sacraments.  Please protect them in all they do to bring You to us, Your people.  I pray for the Bishops, our Shepherds.  I pray for those who speak the true teachings of Your Holy Church and who are persecuted as a result.  Give them many graces, Lord and please protect them from harm.  Guide, guard and direct them and shelter them within the mantle of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother and Yours, so that nothing may touch them. 


Jesus, my Lord and my God, please protect the Holy Father, Pope Francis.  Please guide him and keep him in the light of Your truth.  Lord, there is great confusion today in Your Holy Catholic Church and I pray that the Holy Spirit will bring all error to light and remove the scales from the eyes of those who do not speak truth.  Lord God, You are truth.  You are light. You are love and mercy.  You, Lord are life.  Please, Lord renew the face of the earth.  Protect Your Holy Church as You promised in the Gospel of Matthew when You said that the gates of hell will not prevail against Your Church.  Jesus, You promised and Your word is truth.  Lord, Jesus send us good and holy priests and bishops who speak Your Gospel and teach the truths of the Church.  The world depends on this, Jesus, because we need the Church You established for us in order to live and not perish.  Jesus, help us.  Jesus, we need Your help.  Come to our assistance.  Lord, make haste to help us.


“My child, My child.  Have no fear, but only trust.  You are now in the midst of the apostacy which has been foretold by My prophets.  Hold fast to the truths of the One True Holy and Apostolic Church which I established and which the Spirit continues to guide.  I will provide holy priests and bishops for My faithful ones.  Do not fear.  I will remain with you.  Yes, My little lamb, the church as you know it will grow smaller during the purification, but it will be made holy and pure.  It will be made bright white like the brightest snow so that the light will radiate from it to be, once again light for the world.  Trust is what is needed, My child.  You have already prepared physically in the way I directed you.  The time I am giving you now is for your spiritual preparation.  This time of renewal for you has been painful because of your many losses, but My child, this is all according to My plan.  This time of grace affords you the opportunity to pray, rest, reflect and to frequent Holy Mass.  My little one, you will be very grateful for this time, I assure you.  Take advantage of this time, My daughter for it is a gift to you.  This is also a time of healing and a time to discover new gifts and learn new skills that will be needed.  Trust in Me, My daughter.  Have I not always provided for you?”


Yes, Lord.  You have always provided for me.  Even when times were very austere and I didn’t know how we would pay the bills or provide food for our children, You always provided.  Thank You, Jesus!  I love You and I am grateful for Your provision, Your love and Your infinite mercy!


“My child, I will also provide for you in the way of your faith.  When those who are faithful to My Holy Catholic faith are in hiding and there is difficulty in finding a priest, I will provide.  My remnant will be under My Mother’s mantle of protection, My child.  You will witness a time of great duress for My Church, but you and all of My faithful children will also witness an outpouring of graces and you will see miracles, for I will sustain you.  Do not be afraid.  I am the light that illuminates darkness and My light will shine through you and My other faithful children.  Continue to pray for your shepherds who are entrusted with much responsibility and are in a turning point.  Soon they will have to choose, My child.  Pray for them that they choose Me and that they do not deny the faith.  Pray much for them.”


Yes, Jesus.  Thank You, Lord.  Jesus, please give Your holy priest sons wisdom and courage.  Lord, at first, I didn’t understand what You were showing me in the scripture passages You gave me.  I thought I must have been mistaken and didn’t hear You correctly.  The passage in Proverbs Chapter 6 about the sluggard and the discourse soon after against adultery and Chapter 7 that advised to hold fast to Your commands and do not be seduced.  Jesus, I really didn’t think that was the passage You intended, but after reading and reflecting I think I am beginning to understand.  The Church is Your bride.  The adultery is when we do not follow Your teachings, handed down through the Apostles from You.  The Church commits adultery when we go against Your teachings.  Is this correct, Jesus?


“Yes, My child.  Furthermore, when My people go astray they come back to the fold through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and are reunited to Me in Holy Communion.  When the leaders within My Church lead My sheep astray they commit adultery, which is an abomination to God!  My child, it is further and even more grave when they commit adultery with the abominators.*  This is a most severe and grave offense to My Father, the Creator and it will not go unpunished, for God corrects His people out of mercy for the sake of souls.  Therefore, My Church will enter into the time of chastisement and purification.  There is no other way now, My little one.  Much time has already been given out of mercy and due to the intercession of My Most Holy Mother Mary the Immaculate.  I have heard My children’s prayers and She has brought all to the very throne of God.  Now, My little lamb, there can be no more time given for additional time will now only allow serious and grave sin to multiply.  This is the point of no return, My daughter.  I urge you to exhort the faithful to pray from the depths of their hearts for their shepherds.  Pray also for those who do not know God to open their hearts to the One True God.  Pray for souls who are astray.  This must be your prayer focus, My Children of Light.  Live the Gospel I have given to you, My children.  Love and be love to others.  Do not be like the ostrich and hide your head in the sand out of fear.  Extend yourselves to your neighbors.  Help them out of love.  Be generous and share what you have with those in need, and do not be afraid, for I will provide for you.  The time is coming soon when your friends and neighbors will be in great distress.  Many will lose all of their physical possessions.  Share what you have, even your homes so they have a place to sleep and food to eat.  Do not be afraid.  Be generous and I will provide.  I will protect My flock in every way, so have confidence.  There will be many who will be in a state of panic.  My children, you will pray for peace when you become anxious and My peace will be yours.  It is important that you remain at peace.  If you do not have My peace you will be unable to give peace to others, but with My peace you will have confidence and clarity.  Then I can bestow wisdom upon you and you will be open to the guidance of My Holy Spirit. 


My Children of Light I will be with you during this difficult age of disobedience and defiance, for you—remain in My light and hold fast to the teachings of My Church.  Remain close to My Holy Mother Mary and She will take your hands and She will guide you.  After the Time of Great Trials, Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, My Children of Light.  Then, you will be My Children of the Renewal.  Reflect on this when you are tempted to discouragement.  Be encouraging and supportive to one another in the faith and be mercy to those who have not yet come to the faith, for the ones who leave the Church may seem like many, but I assure you there will also be a multitude who will convert.  This is a time of grace, My children.  Do not be dismayed and when you are tempted to discouragement, meditate on My Passion and Death, and then upon My Resurrection.  One day, My beloved children, your mourning will be turned into great joy.  I have given you all that you need.  Remember this, you have all that you need.  Use the tools at hand.  Read Holy Scripture, frequent the Sacraments, pray the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.  Ask the saints to assist you.  You have everything you need My children.  Most importantly, you have the Lord your God and My Most Holy Mother Mary, Mother of God, Mother of the Church and your Mother.  Be at peace.  Walk with Me and all will be well.”


Thank You, Lord for Your assurance and for Your words of wisdom and light.  Help us, Lord and when things look bleak, remind us all of Your love, Your mercy and Your peace.


“My little lamb, when you feel discouraged (you) reach out to someone in need and help them.  In this way, you will focus on the other and caring for their needs.  Then, you will see My face in them and you will no longer be discouraged but encouraged.  This is the way I wish you and your family to proceed.  Many will come to you in need, but I will provide through your ‘yes’ to Me.”


Yes, Lord.  Thank You, Lord.  (Name withheld) and I give You our ‘yes’ again and we long to do Your Will.  Keep us close to Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Jesus.  Keep us in Your Divine and Holy Will.  Lord, we love You and want to love You more.  Help us to love You and to show our love for You by loving our neighbor, all You send to us and all who cross our path in need.  Jesus, we do not know what others need, but You do.  Guide and direct us, Lord and give us the grace to do Your Holy Will.  Lord, thank You for the meeting with (name withheld) yesterday.  It was such a surprise and a joy to talk with her on the phone and then to run into her.  I am looking forward to our visit with her this afternoon.  Thank You for her beautiful vocation.  Please bless her and all religious brothers and sisters.  Protect them and keep them safe from all harm.  Please go before her as she goes to her next assignment in (location withheld).  Thank You for the gift of our friendship.  She is so very dear.  I love You, my Jesus.  Help me to love You more. 


“You are welcome child.  Go in My peace.  I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”


Amen.  Alleluia!


*In this case, I take Jesus to mean that the leaders in the Church who have chosen sin over fidelity to Christ’s Church commit “adultery”.  God expects us, especially our shepherds, to be faithful to His teachings as handed down from Jesus to the Apostles and through the magisterium to His people.

Additional scriptures to read:  Malachi 1, 2, & 3 and Matthew 16: 5-9.

July 9, 2017  Adoration Chapel

Dearest Jesus present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.  I believe in You, hope in You, adore You and trust in You.  Thank You for holy Mass and for Communion with You.  Bless all of Your holy priest sons who are in transition in new parishes, especially (names withheld).  Bless Fr. (name withheld), Lord as he travels.


Jesus, I am very concerned about the people of Venezuela.  Things seem to be getting even worse, though I didn’t think that was possible.  Please, please intervene there, Lord.  They are truly suffering.  Many people do not have the basic necessities for survival and for those who can buy food, it is so expensive and is in very short supply.  This once great country is in chaos, Jesus.  Lord, this is a Catholic nation.  They have been stripped of almost everything.  Please help them, Jesus.  I recognize what is happening there could happen here at any moment.  Lord, in our country, we need repentance and conversion.  I pray for this, Jesus and I beg Your mercy on Your children everywhere in the world who face persecution, oppression, economic hardships and all manner of evil they must endure.  Jesus, we are lost and in need of You, our Shepherd.  So many do not know this, because they do not know You.  Help those who do not know the love of God, to come to know You.  Grant us peace, Jesus.  May Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart triumph soon, and Your Holy Spirit renew the face of the earth.  We await this, Lord Jesus; just as Your people, our ancestors in faith, awaited the coming of the Messiah.  Come, Lord Jesus, come and renew the face of the earth.  Lord, I pray for all who are sick and on the parish prayer list.  I pray also for (names withheld) and for all of the caregivers.  Lord, please heal (name withheld) of anything and everything that is harmful, Lord.  Heal him from the top of his head, to the bottom of his toes.


Lord, is there anything You would like to say to me?


“Yes, My child.  I have heard your prayers and I hold each petition close to My Sacred Heart.”


Thank You, sweet Jesus.  You are good, kind and merciful.  Lord, help me to be like You.


“My child, as you have discussed with Me, there is much unrest in the world; Much, much unrest.  More than you realize, My little one.  There are countless children who are very young and who cry out to Me in great pain.  Some of the smallest and youngest of My children have terrible atrocities committed against them.  I am wounded over and over again by the sins of mankind and I am especially wounded by sins against My little children.  They invoke Me and beg for My help and to be rescued.  The hand of God is ready to fall and only My Most Holy Mother Mary protects the world from severe chastisements, while She also pleads on behalf of the innocent victims.  Her heart breaks for them, but She is also moved to pity for Her children steeped in sin who have allowed darkness to envelope their hearts.  She loves all of Her children and wants no one to go to hell.  Because of Her love, Her purity and Her complete abandonment to the Will of God, Her unity with the Blessed Trinity, the hand of God’s justice continues to be withheld and His Age of Mercy extended.  Do not presume on this extension of mercy, for it could come to conclusion soon.  God’s justice will issue forth from Heaven and evil will be put in its rightful place, hell.  My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will prevail over evil and My Holy Spirit will renew the face of the earth, My child.  This will not occur, though until My Mother’s secrets are announced and come to fruition.  My child, the hour is growing very late and there is not much sand left in the hourglass. 


Pray for your brothers and sisters who live in sin.  Pray for their conversion.  Be love and mercy to them so that the way to God is illuminated for them.  They are in such darkness and desperately in need of the light of salvation, which is Me, Christ.  I am the Way, My child and yet many of My lost children seek other ways.  They seek the ways of the world which glitter and seem exciting, but only for a time.  They run after one worldly affection after another, often developing crippling addictions and destroying themselves in the process.  They fall into the snares of My adversary and listen to his lies.  My children, do you not see that he wants only death and destruction for you?  He delights in your misery.  I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  I want salvation for your souls, because I love you.  I love you so much that I came to give you life and I gave up My life so that you could be free of sin and dwell with Me in Heaven.  In Heaven, My children live forever in the home of the Trinity.  Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the father of lies any longer.  Come into the light of truth.  Repent and turn from your wicked ways.  Do not fear Me, for I want only what is good for your souls.  I love you.  I stand waiting for you with open arms waiting, waiting, waiting and longing to embrace you.  I will heal you of your wounded hearts and all will be well in your soul.  Do not be afraid.  I will not reject one who is sorry and who wants to begin anew.  I am God and I created you out of love.  I will make your heart like a new heart.  I will not remember your sins against you, but you must reach out to Me for I have endowed every child of Mine with free will.  Give Me your hand, children and I will pull you toward Me and away from the one who wants to devour your precious soul.  Yes, My children who are living in darkness, your soul is precious to Me.  Do not delay, but return to Me before it is too late.  Do not reject your heavenly inheritance for the fires and stench of hell.  The evil one lies to you and tells you that your sins are too horrible to be forgiven.  My children, there is no sin that is too horrible for Me to forgive for I am all powerful.  I can do all things and I long to be mercy to you.  Speak to Me, My lost children and tell Me everything.  You will be met with the utmost respect, love and mercy.  You will be relieved and filled with peace.  Do not delay, My lost children.  Your brothers and sisters pray for you.  All of Heaven is praying for you.  Come, let us begin anew.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  Nothing.”


Thank You, Jesus for Your words of life, love and truth.  You are truth, Jesus.  You are love; You are light.  You are God, my Savior.  May the hearts of many be open to You today, Jesus.


“My little lamb, bring all of your burdens to Me so that I may help you.  I remind you of something you know but sometimes forget.  You have nothing to fear, My child, I am with you.  You have My love and constant companionship.  There is nothing to fear, little one.  Trust in Me.  I was listening to you in the quiet of the morning, My little lamb.  I am with you.”


Thank You, Jesus.  Praise You, Lord.  I have no words, other than thank You, I am grateful.


“Yes, My daughter.  I understand.  Your future seems uncertain now, but it is no less certain for Me.  I know it is unclear to you, but it is perfectly clear to Me.  All that has occurred, was already known to Me, before you were created.  All is going according to My plan, even though it does not seem that way to you.  Trust in Me.  All will be well.  You will see.”


Thank You, Jesus.  You are correct in that it is not clear to me.  I feel as though I am looking through murky water at what was once very clear and distinct.  Help me, Jesus.  Help us.  Restore clarity, Lord.


 Jesus, please help (name withheld).  Give him guidance so that he knows what You want him to do and help him make the best decisions for his future.  Help him to find a place to live and help him with his financial needs.  Thank You for being close to him and keeping him safely on the path towards Heaven.  Please bring (name withheld) back to You and Your Church.  Please help (name withheld) with her finances.  Lord, I entrust My children and grandchildren to You through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Jesus, I place all of my trust in You.  Lord, please bring (name withheld) into Your Holy Catholic Church, also as well as his daughters.  Save us all, Jesus.  You are the Savior of the world.  May we serve you (names withheld) all the days of our lives.  I love You, Lord God.  You are my all.  Help me to love You more. 


“Child of My heart, continue to walk with Me.  The path is often rocky and you cannot see where it leads.  Hold fast to My hand and the hand of My Mother.  The road you are on is the one I have chosen for you.  It is not easy, My child, but it is what I have chosen.  It is the only way for you if you desire My Will.


Yes, Lord.  I do desire Your Wil.  There is no other way for me, Jesus.  I choose You.  Help me, though Jesus because I am not good and surefooted on rocky ground, but with You I know it will be alright.  (As long as You climb and walk with me.)  You are like a gazelle, Jesus.  Keep me close to You, Lord and it will be alright.  I am confident in You.


“Yes, My little lamb.  You recall the time you climbed the steep path to My Mother’s grotto?  You didn’t know how you were going to make it to the top since the way became even steeper.”


Yes, Jesus.  I still have the image of You in my mind.  You came to me in the grotto after I finished the rosary.   You were smiling and seemed so energized.  What a stark contrast to the way I was feeling.  You appeared to have been climbing Yourself, but You were so youthful, and full of energy and light.  You were happy.  Then You leaped up, bounded out of the cave and said, ‘Follow Me.’


“Yes, My child.  I went before you, did I not?”


Yes, Jesus. Only I couldn’t see You anymore.


“You did not see, and yet you knew this in your heart.  I climbed ahead of you and you followed, though you could not see Me, yet you had more confidence knowing I was with you.”


Yes, Jesus.


“It is the same now, My little lamb.”


“You do not see Me, yet I am with you.  The way seems uncertain, even treacherous, yet I go before you to prepare the way for you.  I direct your steps, even when you cannot see that I am doing so.  You trust Me, and so you continue on.  This is how it is with us.  I am with you.  I encourage you in many different ways, often, and usually not in such obvious ways as I did in the grotto, but still I am encouraging you.  Often, I send others to meet you and provide encouragement.  Often, you find it in prayer as My Spirit speaks to your heart ever so quietly in the stillness of the morning or evening.  I speak to you in My Holy Mass, during Communion and here in Adoration.  I am always and ever encouraging you, My child especially when you feel discouraged and disheartened.  Remember this My child when you feel alone, for you are never alone.  II you forget this, your guardian angel will remind you, so do not be concerned.  You are not alone and you have the best company.”


Yes, Lord. Thank You, Jesus!  You are a magnificent God, who loves like I could never have imagined, and I am grateful.  Undeserving, but grateful.  I love You, Jesus.  Thank You for loving me.


“I love you because I love you.  There is nothing to deserve when it comes to love.  It is given freely, My daughter.  I love each and every one of My children and I long for all to receive My love.  Freely I give it to each one of My children, and I patiently wait for My love to be received.  Thank you, My child for accepting My love.  You console My Sacred Heart so full of love for My children.”


Jesus, I want to console you.  I am sorry for the many times I offend You because of my lack of love, my sins and my lack of trust.  Thank You for forgiving me, for Your mercy, Your patience and Your love.  Help me never to disappoint You again, Jesus.  Hold me in Your Sacred Heart, close enough that I feel Your heart beating and where nothing can harm me, not even myself, my own actions, my thoughtlessness, my pride.  Keep me close to Your heart and embedded within Your Holy Will.  I love You, Jesus and I desire to love You more.


“Thank you, My child.  You are growing in love, though it does not seem that way to you.  You are learning to bring each trial, burden and wound to Me, your Jesus and little by little I am healing, carrying, and guiding you.  We will continue this process together, My child.  All will be well.”


Thank You, Jesus!


“I bless you, My child in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go now in peace.  Be love, be mercy, be joy.”


Amen.  Alleluia, Jesus!

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