Children of the Renewal Messages
August 9, 2020 Adoration Chapel
Hello my Jesus, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, adore You, praise and love You, my God and my King. Oh Lord, it is so very good to be here in Your presence today. Thank You, Jesus that my friend (name withheld) told me about this opportunity to adore you here. Lord, I have struggled so much since not having access to be with You in Adoration, in Your Eucharistic presence. My soul seemed to be in such loneliness and desolation without the Sacraments and I am grateful we are now able to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion. Even still, I have missed Adoration very deeply. Thank you that some brave priests are making Adoration available for us. I feel as though it is almost in secret, though since we have to depend upon “word of mouth”. Lord, there is so much fear in the world because of this pandemic and the way in which government officials have reacted and our Bishops have followed suit. I understand the need to be charitable to our neighbors but some of the measures taken seem extreme. I feel we are being ‘conditioned’ to relinquish our freedoms in the name of safety and health. Help us, Oh Lord. Have mercy on us, Jesus. Forgive me for the times I may have taken You and the Sacraments for granted. Help our shepherds, Lord to be courageous and bold witnesses to the Gospel. Help the laity as well. Prepare us for what is to come, Lord and help us to be open to the graces You have for us. Jesus, thank You for Your kindness, patience, mercy and love. Thank You for every good thing You give to us. I am grateful for my family and friends, for our health, for the miracles of healing You have worked in my family and for our spiritual growth. Lord, please bring all people outside the Church into the One Holy and Apostolic Church. Shepherd us, Oh Lord. Bring lost sheep back to the fold. Please help (name withheld), Jesus. Keep her safe and keep (names withheld) safe. Protect them, Jesus from all who want to harm them. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You!
“My little one, I am with you. I have not forgotten you when you were away from the Sacraments. I waited patiently for My sons to open their churches. I repeat the passage in Scripture that I said countless times to My Apostles and disciples, “Be not afraid.” Do not fear that which can kill the body, but only fear that which can kill the soul. This is what I want you to express to My holy priest sons. Would I, as your Savior and Redeemer who walked the earth, close My churches? Did I not lay hands on the lepers and many others who were ill to heal them? Why do you have so little faith, My Apostles? Your flock needs you to bring Christ to them and to the world. Do not continue to align yourselves to worldly powers and worldly rulers. Fulfill the priestly ministry bestowed upon you by Me. Take up your cross and follow Me. If you are ridiculed by the world for providing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to My people, so be it. Many holy men and women died for Me and you are afraid of what others will say? Fear sin, but do not fear worldly approval. Fear God, but do not fear man. I have given you many responsibilities and the greatest of these is to shepherd your flock and to be a priest. Yes, you offer thanksgiving to Me when you offer the Sacrifice of the Mass. I also want My people to receive Me Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity and then to take My Light out into this hurting and dark world. Be not afraid. Remember the early Church hid in the catacombs for Holy Mass, but they attended. They risked their lives to do so. Will you be risking your lives to offer publicly the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? Is this what you fear? Or, do you fear being criticized? Why do you fear this, My sons? Are you not sons and priests of the King of Heaven and Earth? Did He not create the World? Did He not create you and all of mankind? Did He not give you your very life and each breath you take? What is the world to you when you will share in the heavenly Kingdom? Why is it, My sons, that you fear a virus when I ask you to Baptize and to take the Gospel to the world? Do you not think there were other communicable diseases present in My people, long before this particular virus? Why have you been unafraid until this virus? Ask yourselves these questions and pray to examine your true motives. Are you really concerned for your people; for the health of their souls? Bring all of your concerns to Me and we will examine them together. I will give you clarity and you will know what I want you to do. Do not be ashamed to proclaim the Gospel to My people and do not fear having contact with them. You are My holy priest sons. You are to bring Christ to the world, to meet souls where they are and not to erect barriers for them, trials and difficulties for them to receive Me. Be courageous. Be My holy Apostles. Lead My people. I will give you every assistance. My holy lay people will also assist you. You will see many people support you publicly when you step out boldly in faith for Me, your Jesus. Evil is on the rise, My sons. Do not cooperate with it.”
“This is all I will say on this matter, My little one. There is no more to say at the moment. I watch, I observe, and I await My children’s requests. Your shepherds have only to ask Me for direction and assistance. I stand in the ready to address My children’s needs.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus! Thank You for not giving up on me and for not giving up on all Your children. I love You, my Lord. Help me to love You more and more. Lord, please grant us the time to complete the addition to the house. Please guide us in all else needed to prepare. Help me to be focused on what is essential and important. I sometimes feel pulled in many directions with all the tasks and projects and with work, also. Help me, Jesus to stay focused on You. Help me not to be so stressed, Lord but to be open to Your direction and to be open to loving others. Thank You for the healing You are beginning in (name withheld) heart. Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit give (name withheld) all that she needs to open her heart and her mind to Your love and to return to my Lord’s Church. Father, please guide her and be the father to her that she is looking for. Thank You that she has (name withheld) too Lord. Help her to be open to his assistance and his fatherly advice. Thank You for healing our relationship. Protect her under your watchful gaze and keep her and her children in the palm of Your hand. Heal (name withheld), Lord. Give him graces for conversion and healing. Jesus, I also pray for (names withheld) and all our grandchildren. Help each one to walk the path to You, Jesus so that we all will one day be with You in our Father’s Kingdom.
“My child, I am working in your family and guiding each one. Continue to pray for hard hearts to become pliable to Me. Much progress is being made now as I know the hour is late. As things continue, My little lamb, remember to take My Mother’s hand. She will lead you to Me. She will never lead you down the wrong path. Remember this, My child when the storm rages around you and the night is very dark, My Mother will lead you to Me and together we will weather the storm. Pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day as I have asked you and My son to pray. Begin each day in prayer together and end each evening with family prayer. This is important for your protection and that of your family. Besides Holy Mass and Reconciliation, this is the most important work you can do. From there all other works of love and charity flow. Please make this a high priority out of love for your Jesus. I am in need of your prayers, because this is the way we remain united and you are protected in the heart of My Will. Pray the St. Michael Chaplet for My little (name withheld) who is My warrior. He needs assistance in the battles he is facing. Tell him he is not fighting in vain but for the very life of souls who are in dire need. There are many children being abused and terrorized. They feel all alone and are tempted to despair. There is no one to care for them. They fear the adults who abuse them and they need a friend, one whom they can trust. I, the child Jesus am there to console them. Your prayers and sacrifices, (name withheld) assist Me in this urgent work. I need more pure souls like yours willing to do spiritual battle for the lost purity of their souls. This purity was stolen from them. Their innocence victimized brutally for no other reason than the fact that they are children. Children are closest to Me, (name withheld) because of the openness and trust because of purity of heart and purity of intention. Thank you for your courage, My fiery one. Be not afraid for I am with you. I send St. Michael to protect you. The fact that you cannot see him does not mean he isn’t there. You cannot see with human eyes, St Michael’s presence in your life, but one day you will. For now, he is hidden from your sight, and yet clearly present to you. Call on his name whenever you are afraid. Call out to Me and to the Blessed Holy Mother of God. Call out to Me anytime you need help to fight these battles and ask Me even for a legion of angels and I will send them. Be encouraged, My child, My son. Your sacrifice is helping other children who are in desperate need. One day in Heaven you will meet all the souls you assisted. For now, trust My words and pray, pray, pray for those in need who do not have a loving family like yours. All will be well, My son. All will be well. Do not be afraid to carry this cross, for I am assisting you. Do not believe the evil one’s lies. He is the father of lies and he creates many lies to push My children down and make them fall. Listen only to the loving words I whisper to you from the cross. I love you. I forgive you. You belong to Me and I to you. You are My beloved little son. I created you and I know every need you have. Bring each one to your Jesus. Give them to Me and allow Me to resolve every problem. Relax and trust. Your Jesus is leading you.”
“My daughter, this is all for today. Thank you for following the promptings of My Spirit and for coming to (church specifics withheld). I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My child. I love you and you are Mine. Thank You, My son for being here with Me, also. I know this was a small sacrifice for you. Your time with Me is never wasted, My son. I fill you with many gifts to help you in your important work. I do this because I love you. You and I are friends. Thank You for your loyal friendship and for being a strong witness to others. Go now in peace, My son and My daughter. All will be well. Follow Me into the next phase of the storm. Pray and be steadfast. I am your anchor and your rock.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. I love You!
July 12, 2020
Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I praise You, adore You, glorify You and give You thanks, my Lord and my God. Oh, how I miss being in Your presence, Lord. I am very sad to know that You are left alone and ignored during this time of adversity, as You remain hidden in many of the tabernacles all over the world. I lament this time of separation, Jesus. Yet, I am grateful that we have been permitted to return to Holy Mass. Lord, I am very sorry that we didn’t have more faith, more courage, more boldness for You. What a sorry lot we have become, Lord. Please forgive the Bishops for going along with local governments. Some really thought they were protecting us, but my spiritual health is vital to me, Jesus and I would risk being exposed to bacteria and viruses to receive You in the Most Holy Eucharist. We would be protected if we put our complete trust in You.
Lord, thank You that I am beginning to feel better after my accident. Thank You, Lord also for the opportunity to offer my sufferings for poor souls. I love You, my Jesus!
Thank You for the wonderful time with my family today. I am very grateful you held back the rain all day, Jesus! You are most generous and thoughtful. It was predicted to rain all day and we had blue skies and sunshine. Thank You, Lord God Creator of the world. I do appreciate the rain we had yesterday, also! The plants needed it.
Lord, You know every desire in my heart, especially the desire I have for my children and grandchildrens’ souls. I lay each and every prayer for others and each one’s needs before You, Lord. Please do Your Will in their lives, my Jesus. Be with all Your children, those who are ill, those who are lonely and those who will die today or this evening, especially those who are unprepared for their deaths.
Jesus, there is utter madness in the world now. The conflict and tension is apparent everywhere and especially in the hearts of mankind. I know this is only the beginning, Jesus. Fill me with Your love, Your light, Your peace so that I may take You to the world. I don’t know how, Lord but You do. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, My child. You are correct. This is just the beginning. This is the time, the beginning of the time for which I have prepared you. This is a sobering thought indeed, and yet it is true, My daughter. I am with you. Rest in this, My little lamb. I am your shepherd. Recall when I told you there would come a day when your churches would be closed?”
Yes, Lord. I remember. I just didn’t think it would be from a virus and that our own Bishops would do so. Very difficult to believe.
“Yes, My child and yet I said it would be so. I prepared you. I am preparing you again for this will reoccur. As you say, it is the preparation and testing time. This time, My little lamb, the time of the Church closings and withholding My Sacraments is not My Will. I do not abandon you and yet many of My children feel abandoned. This will occur again, My little one, but you have already surmised this. Things will not go back to ‘normal’ for a very long time. A very long time, and it will seem even longer to all who are living on earth. I will always be with, My children.”
(Personal dialogue omitted.)
“My daughter, one day soon you will all be together. Tell My dear (name withheld) that if love him. I know of his pain and that of his mother’s also. (Name withheld), My Mother and I were united more than any other mother and son on the earth. I know what it is to love one’s beautiful mother and to be separated from her. We endured separation while I was carrying out My Father’s mission. It was very painful for both of us and yet out of love for My Father, for our children and for you, dear (name withheld) we endured this separation. This time is very difficult for you and that is why I have given you two grandparents to love you in this most difficult time. Your mother is fulfilling her mission for God the Father, too. Do you know that her special training is a mission from Heaven? Do you know I send her to some very lonely and sick (physically and emotionally ill) children of Mine so that through her beautiful, warm smile, her gentle care and her bright, loving heart they will see a glimpse of My Mother? She suffers to carry out this mission, because she is separated from you her most loving and beautiful son. She suffers because she is not with you, My (name withheld). And yet, she is courageous and brave in fulfilling this mission because she does it for God and for you. She is a very good mother. She is setting an example for you. While you are lonely, think about Me, your Jesus and My Mother. She was alone without St. Joseph and without Me, Her glorious Son, whom She knew was also the Son of God. She knew all along that I came to die for My people and yet She considered the time we had together to be her greatest gift. That is what I want you to focus on, My son. The time you are together is a great blessing. Allow the time you are apart to be your mission to suffer for souls. Offer your longing for her to Me for the children who have no mothers. Offer it for the children who are unloved or abused. Offer it for those who have lost their mothers and who have no grandparents to care for them. Try very hard to be brave and to be grateful that I gave you such a loving mother. It is difficult, I know. (And I know this very well.) But, I ask this of you because I have a very important mission for you. My warrior (name withheld). You will see this mission unfold before your eyes. I am counting on you to do very important things for Me and for God the Father. Ask St. Joseph to guide you. Ask St. Padre Pio also for I have assigned him to your family and he takes a special interest in you. I have also given you a love for St. Michael and for Fr. Capadonna. Ask for their help, their protection and their guidance. My little son, I have given you many gifts. Use them for others. Be a source of encouragement for those who feel afraid or lonely. In this way, your wounds will heal. I love you, My son (name withheld). All will be well. Soon, you will all be together and you will be busy about your Father in Heaven’s work, just as I was and the Apostles who carried on for Me. You must do the same, My child. I am counting on you and I will give you every grace needed. Be patient with your family and with (name withheld). He does not like to see you hurting and he does not know what to do. Pray for him. He loves you very much. Forgive him, My (name withheld). He means well. Help him to be a better person, by giving him your love and your forgiveness. I am healing his heart with your love.”
“My daughter, this is all for now. We will talk later about the world and your family’s mission. Go in My peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. I am with you and I will not leave you to face the trials alone. All will be well.”
Thank You, Lord! Jesus, are we doing the right thing regarding the room addition? I want to be sure this is in Your Will.
“Yes, My child. Begin soon. Time is of the essence, My little lamb.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. I love You!
“And, I love You!”
Thank You so very much for Your words for (name withheld). Thank You, my kind and gentle Jesus for all that You re doing in our souls and in our hearts. Help us to love one another more and more each day. I am so very grateful, Jesus for each and every blessing!
“You are welcome, My child. Be peace, be mercy and be My love to others. I work through My children and I need your willing and open hearts. Thank you for your love, My (name withheld). All will be well. Remember this. It is very important that you remember these words that I give to you. When things seem to be complete and utter chaos, recall that ‘all will be well.”
Yes, Lord. I will try to remember this, Jesus. I love You. Amen! Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever!