Children of the Renewal Messages
August 30, 2020 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, adore You, praise and love You my Lord, God and King. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and for Holy Communion. I am very grateful Jesus to be able to receive You in the Eucharist. Lord, please bless the visit and meeting next week. Give them Your grace to know and do Your Will. Jesus, I also ask Your guidance for the team who will plan the next retreat. Thank You for the many blessings and graces You provided for the conference this past weekend. It was wonderful but I know not without so much work by the team. Thank You for Your Divine intervention and guidance. May many souls be converted as a result. Lord, I pray for all who do not know the love of God that they will be converted and come to love and follow You, especially (names withheld). I pray for peace in our country and in the world, for peace in our hearts and for an end to all violence, especially the violence committed against all children including the pre-born. Thank You, dear Lord for all churches who are providing Adoration once again. We need You in the Eucharist, Lord. I am also very grateful for so many beautiful, holy friends. Thank You, my Lord! Bless our prayer groups, Jesus. May we be allowed to gather to pray. It is a great grace!
“Thank you for your prayers, My little one. I am grateful to My children who have decided to pray the Most Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. These are effective prayers. My child, this time is what has been foretold. There will be more and more persecution coming for the church. Be prepared as I have instructed, most especially be prepared spiritually. You do this by receiving the Sacraments, praying, and reading Holy Scripture. Many know to have blessed medals and objects in your homes as well as a blessed image of the Holy Family. This is more important (preparing spiritually) than preparing physically. I love you and I will give you refuge in My Sacred Heart and in My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Therefore, do not be afraid. I will guide My children. Pray for those who do not believe, that they will accept My mercy and My love.”
“My children, the hour is fast approaching when you must choose good or evil. Do not wait, because it will be easier now to convert when My holy priest sons have time to spend with you for instruction and giving you the Sacraments. A time will come when you will be one among multitudes converting and you will feel alone and desperate to be baptized and to confess your sins. I urge you to accept My Will for your lives which is for your good, because I am all love and mercy. Do not fear. Come to Me, My children and I will embrace you for you are My beloved children. I am waiting to give you the forgiveness you long for and the love you need. Do not hesitate any longer, My little ones. Turn to Me now. Trust in Me. Ask My Most Holy Mother Mary to guide you. She will give you Her motherly love, her wisdom and she will bring you to Me. She will help you find your way to Me, your Jesus. Come, My children living in darkness. Come to the Light. I am the Light. I will bring your heart back to life and you will begin to know the purpose for your life. Do not fear the One who loves you. There is nothing to fear, only begin to trust and soon you will see that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”
“My child, continue to prepare. Obtain the food and water needed for those who will come to you. You are right to ask for My guidance in everything. My little lamb. I am directing you. Your need for an alternative heat source and the addition should also be a focus for you and your husband, (name withheld). These items will be very useful to you and ensure all who come to your home the basic necessities. Finish these tasks as quickly as possible for the window of time is narrowing very quickly. Evil has spread quickly and is more rapid towards the end of the age, as the evil one knows his time is drawing to a close. Finish organizing, My children and then you may focus even more of your days in prayer. My child, do not be anxious about anything. I will guide you. All will be well. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Be mercy, be love, be light, be joy. Soon, all will come to fruition.”
Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
September 6, 2020 Adoration Chapel
Hello my adorable Jesus, hidden in the tabernacle in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love You, adore You, praise and honor You, my Lord, God and my King! Thank You, Lord for the opportunity to be here with You in Your Eucharistic presence. Thank You for providing us access to the Sacraments of the Church and for good and holy priests. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion. Thank You for the ability to go to Confession. Bless my confessor and protect him, Jesus during these challenging days and those ahead. Lord, I pray for all who do not know the love of God, and for those who are far from You. Give them graces for conversion and may their hearts be open to these graces. Lord, I pray especially for (names withheld) as well as all of our grandchildren. I pray for (name withheld) conversion to the Catholic Faith, and for (name withheld), Lord. Thank You for our beautiful family. Please help all our children and grandchildren to be open to the vocations You Will for them. If any of them have a call from You to the priesthood or religious life, give them the graces, the wisdom and courage to respond to Your call and to follow Your Will in all things. I pray this also for those who have a call to the vocation of marriage. Thank You for a good visit with (name withheld). Protect him on his journey home today and guide (name withheld) and (name withheld) as they seek to follow Your Holy Will. Protect them both in the refuge of Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thank You, Jesus.
Lord, all that has been foretold seems to be unfolding before our eyes. It is clear to see now, Jesus; even more so than previously. Lord, I entrust my entire family to You and all of my friends. Be with all souls especially before and after the Warning. Help all souls to avail themselves of Your Divine Mercy which is infinite. May all souls accept Your generosity, Your love and mercy and follow the path You want them to follow that leads to Heaven. May we all live in Your Divine Will, Lord where we are united to You and the Holy Spirit and to God Our Father. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You! Lord, today is my mother’s birthday. Please give her my love and my greetings. I miss her very much.
“My daughter, thank you for coming to adore Me in My Eucharistic presence. You receive many graces during the time spent with me in adoration. I am working in the lives of your children and grandchildren, even when you are unable to detect it. Trust in Me for all things, My child. I am with you.”
Thank You, Jesus.
“My little lamb, do not hesitate to write My words even when you have doubts about this gift I give to you. I am still working through you in the world and touching hearts. Do not allow the evil one to dissuade you, for others are learning to listen to Me in the quiet of their hearts by reading and learning from these words. My child, even though some who read do not actively hear Me, they are more open to My direction and they are learning how to enter more deeply into prayer. This is always very important, but even more so in this present age. I want all My children to have an active prayer life and bring all problems, decisions and even their joys and suffering to Me in prayer. I will provide clarity and direction to all souls who seek union with Me and who are striving for holiness. Openness to the Spirit of the Lord is crucial to discern the spirits of the age and to follow God, the Blessed Trinity, the only One True God who is Father and Creator of all.”
“My beloved children, you will suffer much in the days ahead, even more so than you are already suffering, but unite your suffering to Mine on the cross. Offer it for souls, for conversion, for them to open their hearts to My Holy Spirit. I am counting on My Children of Light to be light bearers to a world steeped in darkness due to sin. Pray the Most Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. If you already pray these daily, I invite you to add an additional Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet so that these are offered at the beginning of the day and at the end of your day. In this way, the heavenly protection and graces will cover you throughout each day. This is very important, My beloved children, for your protection and that of your children. Bind your children and grandchildren to My Most Holy and Pure Mother Mary through the prayer of the Holy Rosary. In this way, they will also be protected from evil.”
“My children who have the opportunity and the will to pray three rosaries a day, I implore you to do so. Even more will be efficacious for souls who have not experienced My love for them. There are many people who have never heard the Good News of My saving act, due to lack of knowledge in their surrounding environment or because their parents raised them as atheists or in false religions (those who do not worship the One True God). Your prayers soften hearts and provide much love. Your prayers unite to those of all faithful Christians in the world and when united with My suffering on the cross for all of humanity, and through the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, are presented as worthy prayers before My Father’s throne in Heaven. My Holy Mother presents them herself and intercedes for you, My children. Do not underestimate the power of the Rosary, as its mysteries are the events in My life and the life of My Mother. When one prays the Most Holy Rosary, one prays the Gospel! The Divine Mercy Chaplet is closely linked to the Holy Mass, My children. This is why I request you pray both the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet daily (twice, three times and more for those who can.) I say, for those who can, because I understand that mothers of young children, people who work and care for the sick, etc., may not be able to pray more than three rosaries a day. Be faithful to your vocation and to your daily duties. There is holiness in living faith fully and being dedicated to your vocation. Always pray while you are doing important but seemingly ‘meaningless’ tasks for this honors Me and offers your work, even daily chores to God. All work, united to Me is holy work. Pray often, even while driving, My children. We will be united in Spirit and I will direct you in life. My children, remember your Guardian Angels. Speak to them. Thank them for loving you and for guarding your souls. They are your angelic friends for life! They love you and want you to gain Heaven. Your angel will lead you sometimes visibly as when the day comes to take you to a refuge. Be familiar with your angel so you are more open to their guidance every day. Every soul has a Guardian Angel because of God’s great love for souls.”
“Be attentive, My Children of Light. Be people of prayer, especially the prayer of Holy Mass, the highest form of prayer. Frequent the Sacraments. The day is coming soon when you will no longer have access to my churches and chapels. Some brave priests will do their best to make it possible for their flocks to receive Me in the Holy Eucharist, but many more will go along, like before. Seek these priests and if possible, go to them for the Sacraments. Do this even if you have to travel a distance to do so. My children, do whatever you can to receive the Sacraments so you will be strengthened in these times of trials. When the Time of Great Trials comes, which is very soon, more priests will do what they can to make the Sacraments available, but many people will go without them for long periods of time. Pray, pray, pray. Support My holy priest sons. Protect them. My sons who are among the laity, I am calling upon you to protect My holy priest sons. There is a movement underway to communicate this need to My holy and devout men. Do not be afraid. Ask for legions of angels whenever needed, and I will send them. If you lose your lives to save My holy priests, even one, you will be taken directly to Heaven for you will have died for your Jesus.”
“Listen to Me; do not fear. Fear is not of the Lord. Take courage and trust in Me. I am with you. This is a time of great darkness, but will also be known later as a time of great light. The light will prevail over the darkness. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph over My adversary and yours. Her faithful children will form her heel to crush the enemy. Her heart will reign during the beautiful time of peace. You will all be very grateful to God and to My Most Holy Mother Mary and this time of difficulties will have been worth it, My children. Think of how wonderful the world will be when you see evil doing its best to make the world I created, ugly, dehumanizing and dark. Whatever he tries to do, think of the opposite, beauty, light, love for all mankind, love among all peoples and peace that only I can give. Think of these things, My children and believe in the God who saves. All will be well. Take up your rosaries, avail yourselves of the Sacraments and be a source of love, joy and strength to your families. Be love to others, My children. Be light. Be mercy. Be peace. I am with you and I will never leave you alone to face these trying and difficult times. Remain in prayer as much as possible. All will be well, even though it will not appear so.”
“Go in peace My child. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace and with My love.”
Thank You, Lord. Amen! Alleluia!