Children of the Renewal Messages
January 10, 2021 Feast of the Baptism of the Lord/Holy Family
Hello, my dearest Jesus ever present in all tabernacles of the world, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I adore You, my Lord and my God. I love You, my Redeemer and King of All Nations. Thank You for Your great love and mercy! Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion, Lord. Thank You that my family was with me at Mass (minus one). Bring all people back to their home in the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.
Lord, my heart is very heavy today and I feel restless and burdened. Mass provided me with Your peace, Lord and I find Your peace here in Adoration as well. Lord, I know that there is a great struggle underway (has been for years). It appears to be coming to the peak, at least for this phase. Jesus, You are our King. You are God, Lord of Heaven and earth. You, Lord are in control. You are the Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords. I know You have already won the victory for us, but we also understand from Your words in Scripture that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. Lord, Your Church is about to go underground and become very small as we enter into a persecution. You have already been purging Your Church from evil and this process will continue, however we need good shepherds. So, I plead with You to protect our shepherds, Your good and holy/faithful priest sons whom You love dearly. You love all of Your children, Lord even when we fall and disappoint You. Redeem those who have betrayed you, Lord with graces for conversion. We pray they will repent and return to You. Jesus, we mustn’t be left without shepherds who will give us the Sacraments. Please protect our priests and the religious brothers and sisters who have dedicated their lives to serving You. Protect our families, Jesus in the coming trials. Lord, at this time in history, please work miracles to save our country from the evil ones who plot and plan against freedom. Protect and defend President Trump, Lord. Things are very dark but You are the Light. You are our King, our Savior, our Redeemer. Lord, I know that I am asking You to protect our country and that may seem a small perspective since we are only a small percentage of the world. However, if You do not have mercy on us and decide to work a miracle in this time of the largest coup in recent history, the entire world will be impacted and will be under communism influence. Our Lady warned us at Fatima the errors of communism would spread throughout the world if the people did not repent and if the Holy Father did not consecrate Russia to Your Immaculate Heart. Apparently, all is coming to fruition, but I am begging You to spare us, Oh Lord. With the evil plans to overthrow our elections, comes a party that worships the lord of abortion, murder, theft, stealing, lies, larceny and a host of abhorrent evils against children.
Jesus, we need You to put evil to flight. Save us, Savior of the world. I know You are most concerned for our souls, Lord but You also care for the physical needs of Your flock as well as their emotional needs. Lord, we pray that You will hear and answer our cries. We cry for peace, for mercy, for righteousness and truth. Cast evil into the abyss, Lord. Grant us peace in our day. Protect the President and his family who have received countless death threats. Relieve his stress, Lord. Give him the wisdom of Your Holy Spirit. Give him clarity and knowledge of the right, Godly steps to take. Work through him, Lord. Save us, Lord. Spare us communism, please, my Jesus.
“My child, My child, write the words I m speaking now. Things will grow worse, the days even darker before it gets better. I am exposing evil, the likes of which most people were unaware existed in this nation. I invite all peoples to conversion now before it is too late for souls. Many lives will be lost in the next year. Repent and believe in the Gospel, My children. You do not know the day, nor the hour when I shall call for you, so be wise and prepare your souls now. Live each day as if it were your last, from a spiritual perspective, to keep your priorities in order. Some of you are living this way now and it is very pleasing to all of Heaven. This suffering will not be wasted when offered for souls in need. My children, many of you are praying. I hear your prayers. More prayers are needed and you must persevere in prayer for this is how I guide and protect you. Do not give up because of your disappointment, for that shows a weak faith in God. It is not the time to give in to fatigue and weariness of heart when one is preparing to enter into the most important battle in history, besides the one I faced in the Garden of Gethsemane. Now is the time to fortify yourselves. One holy prayer warrior can transform many people. Several holy prayer warriors can transform an entire town and so forth and so on. Do not give in to spiritual fatigue. Ask My Mother to come to your assistance. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your zeal. Yes, have zeal for souls and for the Body of Christ, My Church. My children, the way before you looks bleak. Yes, this is true because you focus on your feet as you walk. Look up and fix your eyes on Me, the Light, the Love, the Truth. Keep your eyes on Me and I will lead you. The world has always been under the dominion of the evil one, since the fall of your first parents. I came into the world to redeem man and I still work in your hearts and in your lives to redeem others through your evangelization and sharing of the Gospel. I am not a God who sits and watches from afar. I am engaged and involved in human affairs. I see all that is. I know all. I am present everywhere. I am the Creator. I am the one and only God.”
“Do not think for one moment, oh evil men who persecute and kill My children, that I do not see what you do in darkness. I see! You will not go unpunished. Time on the earth is brief and is snuffed out with one breath from the Holy Spirit, but the life afterwards will last forever and your punishment, the hell that you choose will never end. Therefore, repent and believe in Me so that I will forgive your sins and you can enter into the Kingdom of My Father. Choose life, all you evildoers. Death will be binding. Binding upon your choice. Choose Heaven. Choose life. Sadly, many if not most of you evildoers will not repent for you worship the father of lies, the father of destruction. Even as you walk to your own destruction, you delight in killing those who are most pure. You disgust Me, children of satan. If you do not repent soon there will be no time for you.”
“My child, My child, I am sorry you are bearing this heavy message, but it must be said. Some souls will hear. Some souls will pray with more urgency for these lost and wayward ones. They (the wayward ones who choose evil) harm many, many children. They maim and destroy them, then offer these victim souls to me inadvertently while they offer their blood to My adversary and yours. These souls are taken immediately to Heaven where all suffering and pain is no more. They receive eternal salvation and a place reserved for martyrs of the Faith for these little ones have lost their lives in the battle of the end times. Open your eyes, My slothful children who bury your heads in the sand. Do you not realize you are all accountable for these innocent pre-born souls and the lives of My little ones who are in the slavery markets? Yes, those who endorse and approve of the pedophiles and one world globalist, worshippers of communism are also culpable. You give your approval to abortion and sins against children who cry out to Me for justice. Those of you who say you believe in Me but approve of and vote for evil, you are also accountable. Repent and convert now, My lost children. The way will be difficult for you, but you must open your eyes now before it is too late. You will be horrified later when you realize what you have done and your rationalizations will seem foolish to you then. Repent now, My children. Listen deep within your hearts where I call to you in love. You do not really believe it is alright to murder the innocent in the womb. No rational human being really believes this is fine. You excuse it because you have wounded your children also. You excuse it because you have helped others get abortions. You excuse it and even speak out to protect this holocaust of major proportions to cover your sins and to rationalize your own actions. This is complete dishonesty. Repent, for I will forgive you. Do not persist in this lie. For this crime alone, I judge the nations. For this crime, (abortion) I will purify the world, purging it of evil. Not to mention the sins heaped upon sin, women with women, men with men, sins against My creation. Male and female, I created them. There are only men and women, not 56 varieties, My blind children. How can you possibly think I created such distortion? I am God. I created a beautiful world and My most beautiful creation? Man and woman. The evil one attacks all that is good and beautiful. Do you not see this? No, many of you do not because sin blinds. The wages of sin—death. The father of lies, kills souls, souls destined for Heaven. I will prevail. My Mother’s heart will triumph. Do you really think the way you live, grasping for power, prestige, money, your willingness to stop at nothing for your false place in this world, isn’t noticed by God? I see all. I see everything. You cannot hide from Me, and all pretending may fool many on earth, but you do not fool God Almighty. Repent, I say repent. Repent and believe.”
“My little lamb, what you are praying for, your deepest concerns are heard and I am blessing your entire family, all family members (relatives). All who seek Me will find Me and I will rescue the souls of the unbelievers before it is too late for I have heard the prayers of your family members and I see their faith in Me. Those who are lost will be found. Praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever. Be confident in this, My child. I will go the distance for My faithful children.”
Thank You, Lord. This is an amazing blessing. (There are several family members who are not united with us because they do not believe or are away from the Church.) Praise You, Lord now and forever!
“My child, if more people would pray with open, loving hearts, more would be saved. Now, you all must turn your prayers to Me for those who have no one to pray for them. This will be a great act of faith. Tell your entire family this. Do not be afraid to share it. They are already praying for souls but there are many lost souls who have no one on earth to pray for them.”
Yes, Lord. I will tell them. Lord, will You please protect our country? If not, our entire country, Lord will you please protect our liberty and those who believe in and follow You?
“I will protect My children, My little one. I will protect and provide. Still, some will be and are being martyred. This is their choice, My child. They willingly die at the hands of evil ones, offering themselves as living sacrifices. This is not My Will for them, however I allow their free will. They receive incredible graces at the moment before their deaths to choose Christ and to witness to the faith. Their courage, heroism and faith even convert some of their murderers. My ways are not your ways, children of God, and yet you do understand that they follow in the footsteps of their Lord and Savior. Do not cry, My little one. It is difficult, I know. I understand and yet this is the current Calvary for the Church. My child, My little one I will rain graces upon My faithful ones. I will work miracles in your midst, I will provide beyond your wildest imaginings. You cannot fully realize what this will be like for you, but this will become your reality soon. I must do so, or all would perish. Be of good cheer. Do not become desperate, for I am with you. I will guide you at the proper time. Trust in Me and remain in a state of prayer. My child, each of your actions may be a prayer. Do all things with love and in love. It does not seem so now, but I assure you all will be well. Live in the present moment so that I can give you all that you need right now and in every ‘now’. My child, My child you have all that is needed and you know what to do. Put things in order now and prepare for those I will send you. It is not immediately but it is soon. All will be well. Let us begin.”
“I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Go in love. Be mercy, be peace, and be joy. Yes, be joy. Have the joy of the Lord in your hearts, no matter the conditions of the world for you are in the world but are not of the world. Focus on Me. Eyes on Me, My child. Be aware of all that is around you, but do not despair. I will bring about the Renewal. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. Lean on Me, My Mother, St. Joseph and all the saints I have given you. Your entire family has many angels assigned to you (all of you) now, even the youngest. I am pleased with the faith of your family. Do not fear. Be support and encouragement to and for one another. I assure you all will be well. Again, I say, let us begin.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia!
January 3, 2021 Adoration Chapel
Hello my Jesus present in all of the tabernacles in the world. I love You, adore and praise You my Lord, God and King. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion, Jesus. Thank You for dying on the cross and rising, Lord. Thank You for giving us the Sacraments, that are my support. I don’t know how I could live without them, Jesus. I am so glad Father keeps the church doors open. Bless and protect him, Jesus, for being such a good shepherd. Thank You for Fr. (name withheld), Lord. Please bless and protect him, and all priests and religious. Lord, give our bishops graces for courage and fortitude. Help them all to see clearly the need to keep Your Church doors open, have Masses and offer the Sacraments even during times of persecution and societal pressures. Lord, especially during these times. Give them zeal for their flock and help them to care for our spiritual lives, versus focusing so much on only our physical lives. It is the soul that lives forever and we need the help and support only found in the Sacraments of the Church. I know it won’t be any easier in the days to come, Jesus and we need our Bishops to be courageous now while it isn’t too difficult. If they can’t stand up for the faith and the faithful now, Heaven only knows what they will do later with real adversity. Help us, Father. Jesus, so many people in other countries look to our nation for hope and as a model of freedom. I am so very concerned about our country’s future with the communist party take over occurring. Lord, we obviously didn’t listen to Your Holy Mother Mary at Fatima and Russia has spread its errors all over the world. Lord, please open the eyes of our fellow citizens who do not see the truth and the dangers of our present day. Lord, convert the hearts of those in the media who spread lies and blind the people. Give them graces for conversion, Lord. Jesus, You are the truth. May truth reign in our hearts and minds. Open eyes so that blind eyes can see. Blessed Mother send graces for conversion of hearts. Lead all to Your Son, dearest Mother.
Lord, I noticed a man sleeping in the narthex near the front door. Lord, please bless him. He is probably homeless, Jesus. Be with all who are without homes, Lord. Bless and protect them. Help all who are ill, also Jesus particularly those with the Covid-19 virus, and those who have cancer, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure and other incurable diseases. Grant them graces for healing and for a special closeness to You, Lord. Be with their caregivers who sacrifice tirelessly to care for their friends and family members. Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. Thank you for your prayers. I hear them and hold your requests in My Sacred Heart.”
Thank You, Jesus!
“My child, thank you for your alms this morning for the beggar on whom you took pity. You were merciful and this is what I ask of you and all of My Children of Light.”
Thank You, Holy Spirit for inspiring us to do something, even though it was small.
“My little one, something is better than nothing. So many pass by and ignore the poor.”
I have done so, Lord. I am not always attentive or I am too slow to respond and then the light (traffic) changes and I am inclined to move on due to the traffic. You are such a merciful God and don’t point this out, but I know I am guilty of neglecting the poor.
“Yes, My child, you have in the past, but you have also been generous. You are not perfect but we work together on your holiness.”
I am a work in progress, Jesus.
“All who are alive today are so, My child. If it were not so, you would already be with Me in Heaven.”
Then I will live a very long life on earth unless You infuse me with many graces quickly. I have so far to go on this journey, Jesus. Please help me, Lord. I seem to take one step forward and several steps backward.
“MY child, you are growing but it is not noticeable to you.”
Lord, I often feel very far from You lately. It’s as if I can’t detect Your presence, but I know You are near. I trust You are, Lord. I think my sins are blocking us, Jesus. I am very sorry that I continue to disappoint You, my Savior.
“My little lamb, this is a small trial you are enduring. It is only for a brief time, My child. I am giving you graces for growth in holiness and you will endure and afterwards your faith will be even stronger. You are behind a thick veil now, My little lamb. You look for Me in your soul where you often have consolations, but none are to be found. Do not be concerned, My child that you are unable to go deeply in prayer during this trial. What I am asking is that you remain faithful in prayer, especially when you do not ‘feel’ like praying.”
Yes, Lord. I have missed some evening prayer during this holy season. And, I actually have more time to pray since I’ve been off work.
“My daughter, when your routine changes, it is challenging for you. This is part of life. Return to the structure I established for you and you will pick up where you left off, My child. This is a natural part of life, but rededicate yourself to the prayer routine I established for your family. My son will help you.”
“My (name withheld), I remind you that I am counting on you to lead your family in the prayers I have requested, for you must establish this commitment for protection of your home and family for the times to come. This takes discipline, My son. I have given you the gift of self-discipline and it is time to use this now to lead your family. Soon, your family will greatly enlarge. It will not be easy to establish a prayer practice later when there are more people if you have not laid a firm foundation. I know I ask much of you, My good son. I am relying on you and My (name withheld) to be the Father and Mother to those I will send to you. If you do not remain steadfast, it will jeopardize the protection and structure that is needed now in this dark time, and during the most trying days to come. Ask My St. Joseph to assist you. Speak to him each day and request his guidance. He will remind you and guide you, for he is the perfect earthly father and role model for all fathers and for all men. He awaits your request for assistance. Remember your Guardian Angel. My son, when (name withheld) is with you, ask him to pray also. The prayers of My faithful little ones, are pure and powerful. Be patient with him as he prays and encourage him to speak his petitions. He has a big heart and is concerned for My people. Nurture him in this, My son and you will support him as he discerns his vocation. He has My blessing upon him.”
Thank You, Lord!
“My child, My child, I long for all the children in the world to have loving families. So many of My little ones are suffering greatly due to lack of love. I shower them with My love from above yet many are not well disposed to receive it for their tender little hearts have become hardened for lack of love and due to the cruelty that many receive from their parents or caregivers. There is much cruelty and even torture inflicted on My little one. They are unable to understand why this is so, for they are innocent and deserve to be loved. Woe to those who inflict pain on innocent little children. Pray they repent and convert or My justice will be severe.”
Lord, what can we do to help these innocent ones? Where are they, Jesus? How can we help them?
“My child, they are everywhere and yet they are hidden due to the shame of their persecutors. They are in homes, allies, in the back of restaurants and abandoned buildings. There are some who are held like hostages and slaves. Not one blow to them escapes My eyes and soon My wrath will rain down on their persecutors like fire. There will be no escaping the wrath of God for those who abuse My little ones. If they do not repent and beg for My mercy, they will suffer the fires of hell for damaging the souls of My children. My child, there is nothing for you to do at this time, but soon, I will send many of these children to you. You will bring them into your home and under your arms of protection and love. My son, (name withheld) will be their provider and protector and you will give them your motherly love, patience and mercy. Much patience will be required for their tender souls and their innocent hearts have been afflicted with more suffering than most adults experience in a lifetime.”
Lord, isn’t there something we could be doing now to help them? Where are they, Jesus? Show them to us, or lead us in the direction they are so we can find them.
“My child, there are others serving them now, such as (name/situation withheld). Others are doing this. It is only scratching the surface of need, but I bless those who sacrifice their time, talents and their love. For you, My child, be focused on the work at hand that I give you. There is much to do to prepare, is there not?”
Yes, Lord. I still need more supplies for the evangelization packets.
“Yes, My child. Continue to work on getting the necessary supplies. You have a good start. I will provide others to assist you. It is a large task and I do not expect you to do this alone. Your family and friends will help you. I need many, many people to take this project on all over the world. My Children of Light, you must be prepared to help your brothers and sisters when they have opened their hearts to God. There will be a small window of opportunity to give them information. There will be too many people to work with each one individually. The packets of information will be like offering a drink of cold water to one who is in the desert. My child, My little one, hearts are barren, dry and parched. Those who are far from God are in a desert state, so to speak. When I pour out graces and the fire of My love and mercy and reveal the condition of souls, many will be searching for priests to receive Baptism, Confession and Confirmation. They will need to know the basics of the Faith. I am counting on you, My Children of Light to help them. But, you must realize there are fewer of you than there will be for My lost ones who will come home. Give them packets of information, holy water, blessed exorcised salt and a Miraculous Medal and a St. Benedict Medal. They will read the material and have enough knowledge to understand and the sacramentals to give them encouragement and protection. If you can include Rosaries (blessed) and teach them how to pray, this will be very efficacious. Use your intellect and reason to determine why these packets are important. I am calling upon a great number of My children to prepare for this outpouring of My Spirit. Do this now, My children so you will be ready for your brothers and sisters when they convert in great numbers. If you do not prepare now for them, it will soon be too late, so do not delay. If there are some who are willing, but cannot afford the supplies, tell your friends and prayer groups or fellow parishioners and work on this together. Some will not have time, but are willing to donate money for the supplies. I will provide for this endeavor but seek assistance and collectively, all can be accomplished. Do what you can, My children. I will multiply your efforts. Ask your shepherds to bless the packets, the holy water, salt, Rosaries and medals. Many of My holy priest sons will be glad to do so.” Evangelization Packet Instructions Link
Yes, thank You, Jesus that Father (name withheld) said he would be glad to do this for us. I am very grateful to him. Jesus, I need Rosaries for our packets. Will you please provide them? Father said he will bless everything and I forgot to ask him about Rosary donors. I am sure You will guide me to a source for Rosaries, Lord. I need a great number, Jesus, more than our parish has on hand. Lord, help us to do this in time. I sense this is an urgent request due to the time remaining, or perhaps the events/obstacles that will occur soon. Regardless, please come to our assistance.
“I will help you, My child. I will send other hands to assist you. Thank you for taking My request seriously and acting upon it.”
Lord, I didn’t realize how much time it takes to order things and for them to ship. (Not to mention the cost of some items.) Thank You that some things have been easy to find and some required only a donation. God, bless those who provide items freely. Bless them and their missions.
“My child, there will be some souls who need more than a packet of information. Some will need loving care and mercy for they will be very sorry for their sins and they will be traumatized at the state of their souls. The packets will help a multitude, but be aware there are some who will need 1:1 attention and love. Much tender mercy will be needed. Console them and assure them of My great love and mercy. My mercy has no limits for repentant souls. My heart is open wide to them and I embrace each soul who is remorseful and wants to find forgiveness. All will be forgiven for those with contrite heart. I long to shower them with My peace, My love, My mercy, My kindness. I will do so through you, My people. My faithful ones, you must recall the parable of the workers who came late and received a full day’s wage. Such will be the situation for the souls who repent at the hour of the illumination of their consciences, the real Great Awakening. Their sins will be forgiven when they seek the graces of Baptism (for those who have not been baptized) and the Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation. Their souls will be washed with My blood, the blood of the Lamb of God and they will be as white as snow. For those who die in the state of grace, they will come straight to Heaven. Do not be concerned that My Children of Light have lived the full day working in the vineyards of the Lord while they have come late to the fields. My mercy, My goodness will be upon them, also. Rejoice and be glad that the lost have been found, My children. Remember this and do not begrudge them. They are your brothers and sisters who were lost but have been found.”
Oh, Lord, You will be so filled with joy that so many souls have been saved and have been open to Your love and mercy. How happy I am to think of this great time in human history when Your Holy Spirit will prepare the earth for The Renewal, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
“Yes, My little lamb. This will be a great time for the Kingdom of God. It will be a great reprieve. There will be a time of grace allowed for souls to receive the Sacraments during this outpouring of My Spirit. After this short, but great reprieve, My adversary and yours will have a loud and obnoxious rebuttal. His anger will be directed at My children. It is then you will all go to the refuges for protection and to continue to learn and live My Gospel. You will survive by being with those in union with Me. You will live in these small (in some cases large) communities of faithful to endure the Time of Great Trials. It will be difficult, My children, but many graces will be given to persevere in the Faith. Pray together. Work together. Help one another. Teach the Faith to those who are still new to the Faith. The time will create many, many saints. Prevail to the end and you will experience the great and wonderful renewal that I have in store for you, My faithful Children of Light. Afterwards, you will be known as the Children of the Renewal. My little children, endure to the end. Remember, the goal is Heaven. I love you. I am with you. You have nothing to fear for I am with you. All will be well.”
“My daughter, My son, I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, My mercy and My love.
Amen! Amen! Amen! Come, Lord Jesus. Come. Send for the fire of Your love.