Children of the Renewal Messages
October 17, 2021
Hello, my Savior and my Lord! It is so good to be here with You. Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion today. Thank You for making it possible for me to go to Confession yesterday. Please bless our good and faithful priests, Lord. Thank You for their vocations. Please send us many more priests and sisters. We need them, Jesus. Lord, praise You for the beautiful conference last weekend. Thank You for the priests who were there and for the beautiful shrine and retreat grounds. What a great grace to be with other faith-filled people and to meet others who want to know more about our Blessed Mother! Lord, Jesus please pour out Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Praise You, merciful Lord, loving Father and Holy Spirit. Praises to the Most Holy and Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lord, You often remind me to bring all burdens and concerns to the foot of Your holy cross. Jesus, I bring many concerns to You today. I leave them here with You to be bound in Your saving work of redemption. I ask You to mend every relationship in my family in need of mercy and forgiveness. Bind every wound and soothe hurt feelings. Pour Your precious blood over my children and grandchildren, our siblings, their children and grandchildren and shower graces for healing and conversion on those who have left the Church. Lord, heal the wounds of those who have felt abandoned, rejected or misunderstood. Jesus, bring all people to the water of Baptism. Send the winds of conversion to sweep across our nation. May the scales of indifference and hatred fall from eyes and hearts, Jesus so that we become once again a nation under God and for God. Heal our land, Lord and begin in individual hearts, in families, in the Church, and in every community. Carry us, Holy Spirit. Blessed Mother, our Mother, Mother of God, Spouse of the Holy Spirit teach me in Your school of love. Show me the best way to love Jesus. Give me Your virtues, Your graces, Your heart and Your Will perfectly united to the Will of God. I love You, Most Holy Mother Mary. Help me to love You more and more. Hide me under Your mantle, Blessed Lady and send me the Flame of Love in Your heart so that I may also be inflamed with the fire of love, the Holy Spirit, the lover of souls. Thank You for Your patience, Your love, Your mercy, Mother of Mercy and for interceding for me on countless occasions in my life. My Mother, my Queen, pray for me.
My Lord and my God, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, hope in You, trust in You and I adore You. Jesus, bless and convert all who do not believe in You especially those who do not know You or who have run far from Your love because they have been wounded deeply and have not begun to heal. Your mercy is infinite. Have mercy on mankind, Lord and bring all to salvation through Baptism and friendship with You. Save us, Savior of the world for by Your cross and resurrection, You have set us free.
“My child, My child it is good that you are here with Me. Your heart is heavy and you are in need of My peace. I give My peace, daughter. I hear your cries, your pleas for humanity. You long for the day when all will know and love Me. My little lamb, this weekend has been challenging for your family. This is because there is a stirring and a movement of the Holy Spirit. I am beginning another new chapter in your journey and My adversary does all he can to resist. He causes many temptations, confusion and tensions in individual hearts in order to disturb your peace, the peace in your family and to sow seeds of disunity. You must resist him even more by calling upon My name. I speak these words to each one in your family but particularly to you and My son, (name withheld). You are called to a singular purpose, a mission and many souls will look to you for security and peace so you must first have this from Me. If you do not remain anchored in My peace you will not be able to convey this to others. Be steady, My children. Stand on the firm foundation of your faith in Me, your trust in Me. Ask Me for clarity and I will bring the light of truth to every situation. Do not allow others to disturb your peace. Remain firm, loving and consistent, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). There is no need to become angry, for anger does not resolve conflict. Always stop and pray together. Invite Me into the situations, the circumstances of your lives and I will work many miracles. Graces for healing will be given when you ask and when you seek My Will in each and every problem. Yes, I know this sounds simple, My children and yet in the moment when there is much pressure and strain, especially when there is little time to think, this is not easy. I understand this. It is very important to stop and pray in times like this. I will give you peace, wisdom and clarity and you will be filled with My Holy Spirit. In this way, the enemy of peace will be resisted and overcome. Love, mercy and peace will rule the day. This is how you are to live through these difficult times. My children, I am teaching you this because tensions and conflict is rising in families and in hearts. The darkness has covered the earth and the enemies of love roam freely about inflicting pain and wounding hearts. Your ancestors did not contend with so much darkness to the degree that this generation experiences. You must come to Me with every problem and each time conflict presents itself. Do not forget this, My children. I want you to become so accustomed to this practice that you do so quickly and frequently. I want this to become the normal way you approach every problem and difficulty, first in prayer, waiting upon Me to bring clarity and to give you direction. Then, your actions will be holy and will be most efficacious because they will be united to My Will. My Children of Light this is the way to handle difficult situations. Pray first and bring every problem to Me. I will direct you.”
Thank You, Lord for this reminder. I don’t know why I forgot to come to You, Jesus. It seemed like a ‘surprise attack’ and a relentless one at that. Give me Your clarity, Your temperament, Your resolve and above all Your love, Jesus. Blessed Mother, help me to be more like You who loves perfectly.
“My little lamb, continue on the path I have set before you. My Mother will show you. She will teach you. Trust in Her. She was the first disciple and the perfect disciple. She is Queen of all disciples. Her heart is united to My heart. Ask St. Joseph to guide you, also. This is his year (dedicated to him) and he is watching over and protecting My Children of Light. I am pleased that you stopped by his shrine to pray and honor him. You all received graces specific to each need and took these home to your families. This pleased Me and of course displeased My adversary. St. Joseph, terror of demons, causes them to flee, but they also become angry and lash out. Do not be concerned about this, only be aware as one who observes the weather. All will be well, My little one. All will be well. This is simply another storm that will pass over and will serve as a source of preparation for other storms to come. Remain calm and pray together as I have asked. When you do, you become stronger and are more aware of and able to resist the evil minions who prowl throughout the world. They are rampant now, My children, fueled by the many souls who cooperate with evil. You must remain apart from strife and conflict by remaining at peace. You will find peace and strength by following the course of prayer that I have given you. Guard this prayer time, My children. It is the most important part of every morning and evening. This is not just another devotion, My children, but this is part of the armor needed for battle. Pray, frequent the Sacraments (Eucharist and Confession) and be love and mercy to others. Read My Word (Scripture) each morning and evening. All I have instructed you to pray has a purpose, My children. It is like this—each prayer, scripture reading, Rosary and Chaplet are different tools or weapons in your arsenal and you must be steeped in prayer when you rise, during the day and before you go to sleep each night. You see how smooth each day goes when this course is followed and how difficult the days are when it is not. Do not be concerned, My children. I know you are not perfect. I tell you this out of love, for your growth in the spiritual life and for your future mission. This will begin soon, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld), and so reaffirm your commitment to prayer so that I can prepare you.
Be at peace, My children. All will be well. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in My Holy Spirit. Go now in peace. I love you and I am with you.
Amen, Lord. Thank You! I love You!
October 3, 2021 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my dearest Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is so very good to be here with You, Lord. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion today. Thank You for the opportunity to go to Mass a couple of days during the week. Oh, Lord how I long for daily Mass, but I am grateful for the opportunities that were presented to me this week. Lord, I praise You, thank You and adore You for all that You have done, are doing now, and will do for me and all humanity. Thank You for Your mercy and love. Thank You for Your passion, death and resurrection. Thank You for establishing Your Church on earth, for the richness of the Sacraments, for Your holy priests, for the Bishops and religious. Thank You for the angels and saints. Thank You for the beautiful prayers, the liturgy and for the beautiful sacred music. I love and treasure this beautiful and holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith, my Lord, God and King. Thank You for my parents who raised me in the faith, and for my siblings and grandparents who have been loving witnesses to the devout life. Oh, Jesus thank You for my children and grandchildren, for my loving, merciful husband who is a tremendous blessing. Lord, You have always given me everything I have needed and yet I do so little for You. Jesus, You know with perfect knowledge what is going on in the world today. You know what is going on in and around Your Church. Oh, Jesus You know all, see all and even though You are all powerful, You wait patiently and with incredible restraint, for each soul who will still (even now) decide for You. Incomprehensible, Divine Mercy, incomprehensible, Divine Love, our beautiful God, thank You for Your benevolent love and mercy. Thank You for the fire of Your love that burns with the highest heat, hotter than anything known on earth, that burns to purify us, to cleanse us and to make us new. Lord, this same fire, like the one Moses saw in the burning bush, burns but does not consume, does not kill, does not maim and yet it is purer and hotter than any flame known to man. Lord, it was this fire of Your love that caused You to exclaim, ‘I thirst’ from the cross. Of all the things You could have said, and did say, only words of love came from Your lips. I know You really were thirsty physically from so much loss of blood, but You were the spotless lamb, the perfect victim who did not complain. You, my Jesus were conveying the thirst of Your heart, thirsting for our love. Oh, Jesus help me to love as You love. I know it isn’t physically possible for me to love as You do, because You are God, but You can teach me to love more. When I go only as far as my short limits, give me Your grace, Your mercy, Your passion, Your Sacred Heart so that I may love with Your love. Jesus, help those who are suffering, those who are lonely and abandoned, those who are critically ill, those who are abused and those who are dying to feel the power of Your love for them. Console them, Lord and give them graces to resist the temptations, to not give in to despair, and to resist the deceptive words from the enemy of souls. May they hear only the sweet, tender thoughts of Yours, the words You whisper to souls from the cross. Help them, Lord. I pray for all who are working in hospitals, residence care homes and those who serve the ill patients whether physically ill or mentally ill. Give all caregivers the strength to serve and to love. Remove the blinders from physicians’ eyes, Jesus so they may see what You want them to do and give them the courage to follow through. Lord it is difficult to stand in the face of such evil. You stood in the face of the ultimate evil when the world attacked You, betrayed and beat You and You returned only loving gazes. Lord, we want to look away from those who are suffering, because it seems there is nothing we can do. But, with You, Lord all things are possible. Do the impossible through us, my Jesus. Help us to love, to pray and to take the actions You want us to take. Oh, my Jesus my heart is so heavy. I give it to You. Make something out of My weak, flawed, sinful heart. Transform it for love, my Lord.
“My child, My child, My little child. It is good to have you with Me. This is just where you should be when the world seems to be in chaos all around you. You feel surrounded by so much evil and confusion. People are unable to think clearly, My little lamb because a great cloud of darkness is covering the earth and men cannot see. They are even having difficulty using their intellects and their minds in the way they would have prior to so much darkness. My child, pray for them. Pray for souls to have clarity of thought. Pray for hearts to convert. Only with true conversion, repentance and purity will they see clearly once again. What you see, the chaos and confusion, is the result of so much spiritual darkness. My daughter, do not be afraid of this darkness. Listen to Me, My little lamb. When the electricity goes out in your home, you are not afraid are you?
No, Jesus. We have a generator. I used to worry and pray so hard for Your intervention when we lost power before the generator, because we knew in a matter of time, our basement would flood. Now, when I hear and see the generator turn on and the lights and power restored, I just thank You for the generator.
“Yes, My child. You do not become afraid because I have provided for you in My goodness. I am the Light, My child. No matter how much darkness covers the earth, My children possess the Light, the Light of the World. I am like the whole house generator. I provide the power, the warmth, the light and the strength for My children to carry on even in the face of so much darkness. However, when your house has light, electricity, warmth, you don’t sit and worry and become anxious because the sun has set and its evening. You do not focus on the night but on what is needed and the tasks at hand. This is what I want My Children of Light to do now. Be aware of the darkness, pray and discern, but do not become focused on the darkness. Focus instead on Me. What am I asking of you now? What can you do to help those who are out in the night and do not know how to make their way to the Light? What can you do to help them? Can you do something to show them the Father’s love? What am I calling you each to do, My children? Indeed, I am asking and patiently waiting for My children to do something in service of love. It is always the time to live the Gospel, My Children of Light and especially so when darkness covers the earth. Remember, you each have the Light. Nothing can put this light out unless you choose to extinguish the flame. You must keep the light of faith burning brightly, My children so as to give it to others. Do not be afraid. Have I not provided for you? I will continue to do so, but you must freely give of the love I have given you. I am counting on you, My children. Be not afraid. Trust in Me. Whatever you give, will come back to you, My children, so give freely. What do you have that I have not given you? Trust in Me, My children. The children of a wealthy king need not worry that giving their bread to the poor will cause them to go hungry. No, this would be absurd, My children. If a worldly king’s children do not worry about going hungry, then certainly the children of God the Father who is King of All should not be concerned. All will be well, My children. Live the Gospel. Share My love with others. Be light in a world so covered in darkness. Remember, this darkness covers all who are not following Me and they genuinely cannot see. The darkness is beginning to penetrate hearts, My Children of Light and you must do your small part to show others the way. Give them light so the path will become visible to them. Pray and have Masses said for others, My children. We will change the world one heart at a time. Then, when it is the moment appointed by God, My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. The evil one, the deceiver of souls will be driven out of the world and the peace of Christ the Redeemer will reign in all hearts. Take care, My children so we don’t lose more souls. This is our work, yours and Mine for I enlist your help in this, the greatest battle for souls. I have given you much direction and guidance through My saints and prophets. You are prepared for what is coming, My Children of Light. Now is the time to evangelize your brothers and sisters so in need of My love. Be love. Be mercy. Be peace. Be a light bearer to illumine their path that is in such darkness they don’t even know where to step. Show them. Love them. Forgive them. Be merciful and do not give up on them, just as I do not give up on souls. I poured out My life, every drop of blood for humanity, My children. What will it cost you to smile and show love to those in need? What will it cost you to show kindness to a stranger who may have no one to love them, but you? Be generous with your love as I am generous with Mine. The darkest hour is also when the smallest light can appear to be even brighter. Remember the cave parable that My Most Holy and Pure Mother told you, My little lamb?”
Yes, my Lord, I remember.
“Others would do well to read this again, My child for it illustrates light and darkness well and will provide further insight regarding how one must behave during the rescue mission for souls.”
Thank You, my adorable Jesus for reminding me of this. Lord, help me to know what You want me to do in this time of great darkness so that the Light of Your love will shine through me. Help me to forgive and to love those who persecute me, Lord. Help me to see them with Your eyes that are filled with love and mercy. Oh, Jesus You only returned hatred with love. Help us to do the same, Lord. This is a time of great division, but You are the bridge, Lord. Help us to be bridge builders, too so we can bring the needed materials to those on the other side. Help us to walk confidently on the firm bridgethat is You Lord, to take the needed love, mercy and peace so desperately lacking. Lord, actualize the plans You have and give us Your orders, Your direction. We are like soldiers in the midst of a battle with much smoke all around. We do not see where You want us to go, Lord or where there are wounded soldiers. Show us the way, Jesus. Take each one of us by the hand and lead us where You want us to go. Even if we can’t see clearly because our lights are not so bright, You see Jesus. You know where each and every wounded soul is and You know who can give them just what they need. Align our gifts, Lord with the correct mission to the wounded and give us right judgement and clarity of thought to follow Your Will perfectly. Not because we are perfect in any way, Jesus but because You are.
“Yes, My child. I will make it more clear to those who ask Me. This is the time of great danger for souls who are wounded in the battle and they cannot help themselves any longer. My children must go to them. Do not wait for them to come to you for they cannot see you, nor can they see the path ahead. Go, My children. Seek My direction, pray and then go do My Will and the Will of My Father.”
“That is all, My child. Go in peace. I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of the Father, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go and bring My light to others.”
Amen, Lord. Amen and I love You!