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Children of the Renewal Messages

March 14, 2021  Adoration Chapel

Hello my adorable Jesus present in the Most Holy Eucharist.  Praise and glory to You my Lord Jesus Christ.  It is good to be here with You, Lord.  Thank You for Holy Communion and Mass.  Thank You for the opportunity to praise and adore You, Lord.  It is such a blessing!  It is difficult to concentrate with the loud music and noise in the streets.  Please help me to focus on You, Lord.  Bless all the people gathered here this weekend.  Help those who are far from You to see by the light of Your grace, the truths of the faith, the beauty and richness, my Savior.  Thank You for the blessing of faith, the gift of family and for Your deep love and mercy.  Thank You, my Lord, my God and my All.  Holy Spirit please pour out Your Spirit upon the earth in these days.  Renew the face of the earth my Lord and my God.  Lord, I pray for (names withheld) and all who are ill with cancer, Alzheimer’s, renal failure, heart disease and all terminal illnesses.  Be with all those who will die today or tonight, especially for those who are unprepared for their deaths.  Jesus, console them and their family members and if it is Your Holy Will, heal them my Lord.  Thank You for many healings You work in Your people, Lord and for the times You have healed my family members.  I am so very grateful to You.  I love You my Jesus.  Help me to love You more and more.  Help me to love You as St. John and the Blessed Mother love You.  Help me to love others, also Jesus.  Purify my heart, mind and soul so that I will be closer to You my sweet Savior, God and King.  Lord, I love You in the Most Holy Eucharist.  I love You in all the tabernacles in the world.  I love You as King of Heaven and earth and as My King.  I love You as Shepherd, Redeemer, and Prince of Peace.  I love You as our Infant King born in the stable in Bethlehem.  I love You as a child, so little and vulnerable in the years in Egypt and in Your childhood in Nazareth.  Lord, I love You in every age and even as You re beyond time, I love You.  Thank You for loving me.  Help me to show my deep gratitude to You, my God by loving others, by serving them and by overlooking other’s faults especially since I know I have so many and You forgive me immediately upon my contrition for having sinned.  Help me, Jesus to take Your words, Your love and news of the redemption You won for me and for the world on Calvary.  Oh, Lord there is no way to properly thank You but I sincerely want to express my gratitude by my life (which belongs to You).


“My child, My child I love you and I thank you for expressing your love for Me.  I know everything about you, My little one it is true.  You are thinking about your many faults, your shortcomings, your sins and your weaknesses.  Yes, I know these things, My child but I also know how quickly you run to Me when you fall.  I know how much you long to be near Me even closer than is possible on earth.  I know how tirelessly you work for Me when I ask that you complete a task or project for Me and I know how your heart suffers with those who are lonely, neglected and abused.  I know these things, also My child.  Do not be concerned that I tell you of My love.  You feel you do not deserve this, My little lamb, but I love My children because I love them.  I love My children regardless of what they do for Me and I long to be close to each one.  You, My child long for this, also.  You want each person to be in communion with me in My Church.  Yes, My child you are not perfect.  This is true, My child but My love does not depend upon your perfection.  Rather, My love will be the cause for your perfection one day when you are with Me in paradise.  This is what I want all of My children to know about Me.  I love each and every person in the world.  You are all My children.  I love for I am love.  Many of My children stay away from Me.  Many will not pray or read scripture because they do not want to get to know Me.  They think they already do, but theirs is a false notion of God.


My children, do not think that I will not forgive your sins, because I will forgive every sin when I am asked sincerely.  I know it’s difficult to believe, but it is true.  I realize also that people often ask for forgiveness but do not ‘feel’ forgiven.  Yes, My children, I understand and I know that it is necessary to hear the words, ‘you are forgiven’ for true healing.  My children, this is why I gave you the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  If you will frequent this Sacrament, you will know forgiveness and healing.  There are many graces available in the Sacraments of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, My children.  Great blessings are yours when you avail yourselves of the Sacraments.  I gave the power to forgive to My priests and this is why the priesthood is attacked from within and from without the Church.  My priest sons convey the Sacraments for My people.  This is the plan for you, My children so that you can experience My healing presence in your lives in a real, tangible way.  My children, I do not leave you or abandon you.  I will never do so.  Come to Me, My children.  I will comfort and console you.  I will forgive your sins and give you peace.  I love you and I will teach you how to love Me and to love your fellow man; your brothers and sisters.  Bring every burden, each concern to Me, My children.  Lay them at My feet and I will give you wisdom and right judgement to know what you may do to resolve any issue you have.  Speak to Me in the silence of your hearts.”


My Jesus, I know that You never abandon us, and so I believe You are present to Your children at all times, even though they may not know You or realize You are there.  Thank You for directing the search and rescue efforts underway in this country and in other countries to free the children in bondage due to human trafficking.  Lord, please heal these children who are innocent victims.  Lord, I pray for mercy and also for Your justice, Lord so that truth, love and light will return to the earth.  Liberate captives, Lord just as You liberated us from sin by Your death and resurrection.  Jesus, may this horrid, ugly sin of human trafficking and the sin of abortion be eradicated from the face of the earth.  Defeat the evil one and his minions as I know You have already done, Lord but eradicate this horrific evil from the earth.  Lord, all belongs to You, the Creator, our God and King.  Even the earth which is filled with abomination belongs to You and not to the adversary for You are God.  Only You can purge this sin from the earth.  Purify us, Oh Lord.  Heal all victims of violence and abuse, Jesus.  Heal our nation, Lord and the whole world.  Lord, help me to be an instrument of healing in the world.  Help all of Your Children of Light to be instruments of Your healing.  Give us the graces to love heroically.  Grant us this love, Lord so that we proclaim Your holy name boldly and courageously speak of Your love and mercy which is infinite.  Save us, Savior of the World, for by Your cross and resurrection we have been redeemed.  You are the Savior of mankind.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You!


“My little lamb, thank you for coming to adore Me.  Thank You and My son for keeping company with Me.  Continue to pray as I have requested, My child.  Your prayers are needed for souls.  My children do not realize the power of prayer.  I bestow many graces on souls by the prayers, sacrifices and penances of My beloved children.  You will not see the many souls who are aided through your prayers and good works, but I know each and every soul who is.  One day, you will know when you join Me in My Heavenly Kingdom.  Believe and do the work of holiness, My children.  Do not underestimate how this benefits not only your own souls but the souls of others.  A pure crystal glass filled with bright light is visible in the darkness.  It not only provides light to illuminate the path, but it provides hope to those in darkness.  Take My light to the world in darkness, My Children of Light.  Draw very close to Me and bring others with you.  It is crucial now, My children that you take your life of the Spirit most seriously and focus on bringing the Gospel of life and love to others.  I will help you to do this.  My Mother will also help you.  Ask St. Joseph in these special days in honor of him (Year of St. Joseph) to assist you also.  All of Heaven is ready to assist you with their prayers.  Ask them, My children.  I permit this because we are the family of God.


My child, I will be with you as you go about the work you have to do this week.  I will be with you in each meeting you have with others.  I work through you, My child to touch others.  Do not be concerned if you don’t say all that you think you should.  Your love shines through your compassion and mercy.  I gift this to others through you.  This is what touches hearts, not so much the words but what is behind these words.  Love conquers all, My little lamb.  It is love not perfection that touches hearts and minds.  Be at peace and know that I am with you.  All will be well.  Trust in Me.  The one you are concerned about who is lost will be found by Me.  My Mother has Her hand on her shoulder and gently guides her.  Rest assured that one day she will be safely in My arms.  For now, rejoice knowing that I am the Good Shepherd.  I will not lose a soul who is so loved and has so many prayers storming Heaven for her.  Even your sighs are noted by Me, My little one.  All will be well.  Be joy, be peace, be mercy, be love.  Go in peace My child.  I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of the Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  All will be well.  Let us begin.”


Thank You, my precious Savior.  I love You!  Amen!


March 7, 2021  Adoration Chapel

Hello, my beautiful Lord Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  Thank You, Lord for making it possible for us to be here with You today.  Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion.  Thank You for the opportunity to go to Confession yesterday.  Praise You Lord for the many blessings You give to us, Your people.  Lord, Father’s homily was excellent today.  Thank You for our good, holy priests.  Bless and protect them, Lord.  May all of us (those who heart Father’s homily) reflect on these words and choose to love You above all things and our neighbor as ourselves such that we have true courage.  Give us grace to love heroically, Jesus.  Please give me this grace, Lord.  Not just when You ask me to do something ‘big’ for You, Lord but every day in each small thing.  In every way, each day give me the graces needed to love as You love, Jesus.  Help me, Lord to die to myself in every small way, so that when You ask something of me that is a difficult task, I will respond (by Your grace) wholeheartedly.  Jesus, that is how I want to love You, with my whole heart, my whole mind and my entire soul, and then I will love my neighbor as You love.  Thank You, Lord for demonstrating what true love is; giving up one’s life for a friend.  Thank You for living for us and for dying for us, Lord.  Thank You for rising and bringing us new life.  Lord, this precious, priceless gift is difficult to fathom and yet You did so while we were yet sinners.  Lord, help me to forgive as You forgive.  Help me to live as You live and help me to love as You love.  It is impossible for me on my own, I know Lord, but You make all things new and You are Lord of the impossible.  Through You all things are possible.  Praise You Lord, my God and my King!  Lord, please bless and protect those who are rescuing children from the terrors of the slave and trafficking going on in the world.  Help them to find all of the children who are victims of this heinous crime against humanity.  Help us to put an end to this Jesus as well as an end to abortion.  Bless and protect all who are in the pro-life movement and heal every man and woman touched by abortion.  Please help us to protect the children.  Lord, I pray for my family and for all the intentions for them that I hold in my heart.  I pray also for those who are ill, (names withheld), and all who are suffering from Alzheimer’s, renal failure, dementia, heart failure, Covid and cancer.  Comfort and console them, Lord.  Lord, be with all who are dying or who will die today and hold them close to Your Sacred Heart.  I trust in Your great mercy and love, Lord.  You know what each person needs, Lord and I pray that all needs will be met by You, Lord.  All glory, honor and praise be to You, Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man!  Lord, what can I do for You?


“My child, My child.  Write My words to the children I know and love.  Each one is so precious to Me.  You, My children are greatly loved by Me.  I prefer that not even one hair on your heads ever be harmed and yet I allow you to face the hardships that walking the narrow path to follow Me, your Jesus brings.  This is so that you will grow and become spiritually mature.  This, My children is what all good and loving parents do in the natural, and so you understand this is also true in the spiritual.  This does not mean that I stand far away in the distance watching.  No, that is not what I do.  Yes, I see everything, but I am not a distant God.  Instead, I am engaged in your lives.  When you begin to understand this, you will also begin to see where I am at work in your lives.  My children, if I took My eyes from you, even for one second, you would not be able to function.  Life as you know it would cease to exist.  Not only do I know all and see all but I love all.  I love each and every one of My children, and all people are My children.  Even if you do not know or love Me, I know and love you.  Believe Me when I say so. 


You have a choice to make, My children and that is to choose God or to reject God.  It is that simple.  You can no longer say, ‘I do not choose to follow Jesus, yet perhaps one day I will.’  You do not perhaps realize that by making this statement you have declared your choice.  That apparent indecision is actually a decision to reject God.  My children, My children, one does not know the number of days afforded you.  Only God knows this.  Decide for God today, My little children.  Decide for Me then repent of your sins and follow Me.  Do not turn and walk away in sadness.  Come to Me and know true peace, joy and love.  The kingdom of God awaits you, My children and when you follow Me, I will set up My Kingdom in your heart.  Yes, My little lost children, I will reign in your hearts, but only when I am welcome and when you have been reconciled, so seek forgiveness, My children and I will forgive you.  You will then begin to know Me, not only as loving Father, Savior and friend, but you will know Me as Prince of Peace.  Your souls will know peace like never before, My repentant children.  You will know the sweet, gentle kiss of peace in your soul.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  My little lost souls, do not be concerned about what you think you will love, greed, worldly power, sinful lifestyles, worship of false idols, for these things kill the soul.  The soul lives forever, My lost children.  My evil adversary wants your soul to be in the compost pit of hell where you will know the most excruciating pains and separation from God.  Souls who choose to follow the evil one, satan, will live forever in his kingdom of hatred, suffering, pain and agony forever.  Souls who choose God, the author of life, will live forever in My Kingdom of love, peace, kindness and understanding.  My people will live in My Kingdom where there is no suffering, no pain, only goodness and beauty.  Many of your family members, friends and loved ones are already there, in My Kingdom.  You will be reunited with them one day if you choose to follow Me, while you are on your earthly pilgrimage.  Come, My children choose wisely, because your eternal soul is at stake.


Pray, My Children of Light.  Pray for your brothers and sisters who choose Me.  Go to their assistance.  Pray for them.  Show them the love of Christ.  Live the Gospel.  Love the Gospel.  Be Christ to others.  My children, I give you everything that you have and even more.


My Children of Light, I hear your prayers, your pleas.  I see what is going on in the world.  I ask you to change your perspective.  Evangelize, My children.  Spread the Gospel.  Show kindness to your neighbor by your loving acts whether you think they deserve them or not.  I died even for those who crucified Me.  I poured out My life for each one.  Go and do likewise.  For most of you, this does not mean you will die a martyr’s death.  Pouring one’s life out for others is done by loving, serving and having mercy.  This is what you must do for others, even those who do not love you in return.  Even for those who cannot repay you with their love or affection.  Love your enemies My children.  This does not mean to stay off in the distance but to engage with them.  For some people that will mean the gift of a smile.  For others, you will help them materially.  For some, you will befriend them, listen to them, advise them, or simply listen from the heart.  You may take groceries to an elderly neighbor, or help them by doing odd jobs for them.  Whatever it is that you can do for others, do so out of love, expecting nothing in return.  Do so joyfully, knowing that all of Heaven is smiling.


Be at peace with your family members, even those who are difficult to love.  You must learn, My children to live now as if you were living in Heaven where you will love and be loved unconditionally.  Do this now, My children and you will bring about the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth.  Remember, My children that love spreads and grows.  It cannot be otherwise.  Light permeates the darkness.  Be courageous, My children.  Do not fear for fear is from the evil one.  Trust in Me, My Children of Light and together we will love.”  (Read Corinthians My little lamb, this is the message for today.  There is more I could tell you, but My children need to reflect on this for now.  Much change is coming for the world.  The darkness is growing and evil will not be allowed much longer.  It is not possible for Me to allow the evil to overtake the light, because I am the Light.  I am the Way.  I am the Truth.  I am Mercy.  I am Love.  Therefore, I will not relinquish what is already mine, My beloved.  My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph but before this occurs, you must remember that the battle is for souls.  It is all about souls.  It is not about this world but the one yet to come and so you must set your shoulder to the plow and you must work, pray and love God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and your neighbor as yourself.  This is what I ask.  Pray for conversion of your own hearts and the hearts of others.  Pray, love and do not give up hope for your hope is in the Lord God Almighty.


Thank You, My little one.  I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in peace, My children.  Take My light and My love, My mercy and My peace to the world.”


Thank You, my beautiful, adorable Jesus.  Praise You, Lord!  Amen to all that you have said.  Help me, Lord to live Your Word, the Gospel, and help me to pic up my cross and follow You.  I am all Yours and all that I have is Yours, Jesus.  I love You, Lord.


“And I love you.”

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