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Children of the Renewal Messages


October 15, 2022  Adoration Chapel

Hello my dear Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament.  I love, praise and adore You my Lord, God and King!  Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion, Lord.  It was so beautiful and always very meaningful, Lord.  How can I ever thank You for Your sacrifice and death on the cross for My salvation?  I’m truly sorry for my sins, Jesus.  Thank You for the gift of Reconciliation yesterday.  Thank You for all the Sacraments and for the One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith.  Lord, I pray for all who are outside of Your Church.  Lead them home, Jesus where we will all be united in one Faith, one Baptism.  I pray for all who have died recently; for (names withheld) and for all who have died in our families.  I pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and for all who will die today and tonight especially those who are unprepared for their deaths.  Lord, give graces for healing and conversion for Your Church and Your Children of Light as well as for those who do not know the love of God.  Protect all who are travelling and bring them safely home.  Jesus, be with me each day especially when I am at work.  Cover me with Your precious blood so that when others look at me, You are all they will see.  Allow me to be an instrument and light for You, Lord.  My God, I entrust our children and grandchildren to You.  May Your Holy Will be done in all our lives.


Jesus, have You anything to say to me?  I am Your willing servant.  I give my life, my work, my heart and everything I have to You.  I love You, my Lord and my beautiful God. 


“My child, My child I love you.  Thank you for your visit today.  I have said this before but I will repeat it; I await My children in Adoration chapels all over the world.  My holy priest sons make it possible through the act of Consecration and through cooperation as they preside at Holy Mass.  I am transubstantiated on the Altar.  The bread becomes My true flesh, body, blood, soul and divinity for the life of the world.  When My children consume the Holy Eucharist where I am truly present (really and substantially present) I live in them and they in Me.  Pray for the opening of your hearts, My children to be more fully aware and for your little souls to sense more deeply My presence within you.  In this way you have a share of My life on earth.  My children, think of how very blessed you are.  The patriarchs and saints of old did not live to experience Holy Communion.  They longed to see the Messiah, the Redeemer and you are able to communicate and receive Me in the Sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist.  How blessed, how favored you are.  Pray for those who do not believe in My presence in the Eucharist.  Pray especially for those Catholic Christians who do not believe.  They sadden Me deeply for they have been given the richness and fullness of the Faith and yet even they do not believe.  If all My children who are Catholic truly believed in the deposit of Faith handed down from Me to My holy Apostles, the entire world would be experiencing much less darkness, more souls would have already converted, there would be more vocations and the Church would be flourishing.” 


“Children of Light there is much resting on your ‘yes’ to God.  You do not realize how even small acts of faith, penance, sacrifices, fasting and simple acts of charity can change the world.  I give My children much power through the Sacraments, but you often thwart My action by your lack of faith and trust in Me.  I invite you to a more lively faith in Me.  I invite you to more love, more hope, more joy.  Yes, the world is dark, but I am the Light.  You are acquainted with the light, the truth, the mercy, the love; therefore, what do you have to fear, My children?  My Mother and I have given you many graces, and we pour out our love on you and your families.  Accept our love.  Accept our friendship.  Walk with us under the protective mantles we extend to you and walk with courage.  Be joyful for all the Father has given you.  Be aware of the movement of the Holy Spirit in your lives.  Live now for God, My children.  There is nothing else worth living for and you will be filled with great joy when you enter into Our Heavenly Kingdom.  You will not regret a single sacrifice made for God out of love.  Keep your eyes on Heaven and you will receive guidance from Me.  Walk in My light and have nothing to do with sin and darkness.  Pray as I have asked you.  Frequent the holy Sacraments, read Scripture and fast as My Mother has taught you.  Be steadfast in the Faith.  All will go well for you, My beloved children when you remain united to Heaven.  Remember to ask the saints who are your big brothers and sisters in the Lord, to intercede for you.  They are active participants as the Church Triumphant in praying for the Church on earth.  Do not fear but only trust.  Fear does not come from God.  My children I love you.  If you have fallen down in your prayer life, I invite you to begin anew.  Start today, My children.  Prayer is absolutely necessary for you.  It is just as important as eating and drinking.  The body will die without proper food and water.  The soul will die without prayer and Holy Communion.  You know this, My children, but I am reminding you.  So many have forgotten this.  See how much I love you? And,I invite you to love Me more deeply.” 


“That is all for now, My little lamb.  Allow me to console your heart.  I am with you and I will never abandon you.  My son, (name withheld) I desire that you forgive.  I know you want to do so.  Speak to Me about each disappointment and I will comfort you.  People acted against My Will, My son.  This has happened since the beginning of man’s walk with God.  Be at peace.  I know all things, see all things and I am the answer.  Give everything to Me.  Allow Me to work in your heart, to love and to forgive.  Trust in Me.  I am a just and merciful God, the only God and I am in control.  I bless you both in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go now in peace.  All will be well!” 

September 25, 2022  Adoration Chapel

Hello beautiful Lord hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  I love, adore, glorify and praise You my Lord, God and King.  Thank You for allowing me to be here with You today.  Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion!  I pray for (name withheld) and the other men on retreat that they will be renewed in their spiritual walk with You.  Protect them and all who will travel, Jesus.  Please help (names withheld) to recover quickly.  Help them to rest and heal.  Lord, be with Father (name withheld) and all who will be speaking and working at the conference this week.  Protect all who travel to and from there and give them and their families special graces for holiness and evangelization.  Mary, our Mother lead us all to Your Son, Jesus.  Lord, bless those I come into contact with this week and all those I encounter in the cause of working.  May Your love and light radiate through me and change hearts, Lord.  So many souls need You, Jesus.  Help me to be a sign pointing the way to You my Lord and God.


“My child, My child, My little child, this is what I desire all of My children to be, a signpost pointing the way to the Redeemer.   This is why I invite you to become holy, set apart from the culture, in the world but not of the world.  I will give you the graces needed.  Pray for the world, your country and towns.  Pray for conversion and protection.  Remain close to Me and My Mother and all will go well for you.”


Thank You for the produce from our garden, Lord.  You provided so much good food, Jesus.  Thank You!  Help me to get the food canned, dehydrated, etc.  There is so much to do and too few hands, Lord.  Send Your holy angels to help me, Lord.  I know how important it is to have this for people when food becomes scarce.  Thank You for all that You do for us, Your little children.


Jesus, I’m sad that You were here unattended until I arrived.  I didn’t realize this but now I wish I had hurried to get here after Mass.  Lord, have You anything more to say!  I will be still and listen, Jesus.


“My daughter, there is little time now to increase the prayers to storm Heaven in order to blind the evil one and put a stop to the wicked plan being fully implemented against My children and the world.  My children, I implore you to increase your prayers.  Not enough people are heeding the warnings from Heaven.  Your spiritual life is much more important than the temporal, for without your soul to animate your body, life is dark, empty, void of the love and of truth.  You must focus on God and on your own conversion.  Seriously consider what you can do on an individual basis to grow closer to Me.  Immerse yourselves in Scripture, prayer and reception of the Sacraments.  Then look around you and notice what needs to be done for your neighbor, your family members, your friends.  Live the Gospel, My children.  You are not living the Gospel when you are focusing on the things of this world and putting God in third or fourth place.  Put the Lord first, My children and I will see to everything for you.  You will be filled with peace, hope and love when God is first in your lives.  Do not worry about tomorrow.  Dwell in the peace

of My presence, here in Adoration, and in Holy Mass.  I will fill you with all that you need so that you can be sent forth to be a witness to souls.  Witness by your lives lived in holiness and love.  Be love, be mercy, be joyful carriers of My message.  You will be entering into the winter season soon.  Just as you prepare for winter, prepare also for a winter time that is necessary before the spring time by growing ever closer to your Jesus.  Ask My Holy Mother Mary to be with you and lead you to Me.  She will help Her children and all who ask Her will come under Her protective mantle.  My little ones, I have given humanity all that is needed to not only survive but thrive.  Many have squandered the blessings given to them.  It is not too late to begin anew, My children.  When you see the skies growing darker, you know night is upon you.  See also the spiritual darkness of the world and realize night time is upon you.  Your holiness will illuminate the darkness and will be like a lantern for lost souls to help them find their way.  I love you, My children and I invite you to love Me in return.  The alternative is a life without love and devoid of peace.  To live without the One who is truth is to walk around with spiritual blinders.  Even common sense seems to be lacking in those who are far from Me.  With so many challenges and dangers it is difficult, even seemingly impossible, to navigate safely in the world without your God and Savior to lead you.  Many souls fall prey to temptations, to sin, and to a path that leads directly to hell.  Do not continue to choose this path, My children.  Follow Me.  Choose the narrow path that leads to Heaven where you will be filled with love, joy and great peace.”


“My little lamb, cling to Me in the coming days and weeks.  Remain very close to Me.  Lean on Me, My child.  Remember, I am your Savior and I am also your Father.  I will provide for you.  Rest in Me and be at peace.  You are weary.  Lift your mind and heart to Heaven more often to be temporarily lifted from the mire you see all around you.  Remember sweet memories of your youth and the many times I have sent small favors and warm love through family members and friends.  Recall special times together that we have experienced.  These reflections will comfort and console your sensitive heart and soul.  Bask in the warmth of My love.  I am with you, My little one.  Become even smaller and I will hide you completely in My heart.  There is nothing to fear.  I tell you this now for what is to come and I want you to remember this, My child.  You will have not only what you need but what those I send you will need.  Complete the projects you and (name withheld), My son need to do now.  Time is growing shorter, My child.  I say this not to cause you worry but so that you can complete this work and still have some time to rest before the souls you are anticipating arrive in so much need.  Remember how I multiply and provide for My people.  I will do this for your family, your household and all people who have consecrated their homes to Me for use in the coming days.  Renew your consecration, My children.  Renew the consecration of your homes and property.  Recommit yourselves to the work I have asked you to do.  Remain close to Me and I will guide and direct you.  Pray for your priests and for all consecrated men and women.  Be aware of their needs, also My children.  They are under attack by the evil ones who want to destroy those who are Mine.  They especially target My holy priest sons, the good shepherds.  Pray for them.  Protect them.  Encourage them and let them know you love them.  This is desperately needed, My children.  Be aware of all I have told you and be alert.  Live for Heaven, My children.  Live for the Kingdom of God.  Pray for Pope Francis and all Bishops.  Do not neglect them in your prayers, My children.  They are My sons.  They are successors to the Apostles.  If you love Me and love My Church, love them too.  Pray for those who have left the narrow path to return.  Pray for those who have been led astray.  Pray for those who lead others astray.  Pray, pray, pray.”


“This is all for now My child.  Go in peace.  I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Be love; be mercy; be light and peace.  All will be well.”


Thank You my Lord and my God.  I love You! 


September 18, 2022  Adoration Chapel

Hello my Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  I adore You and I love You, my Redeemer.  Thank You for the opportunity to go to Confession and Mass yesterday and for Mass and Holy Communion this morning.  What beauty and richness!  Thank You for the gift of the Sacraments and especially the Mass where we receive the most sacrosanct of all, Your very self-body, blood, soul and divinity poured out for us, Jesus.  Thank You for seeing over 2,000 years ago that we would need You so desperately in the Eucharist.  (You actually knew this before all time…)  Oh, Eucharistic Lord, You are my all, my everything.  That You provide such an opportunity for me, and for all Your children to adore You is richness beyond measure.  Thank You, Jesus!  Thank You for making Yourself accessible to Your Church, the Body of Christ.  Lord, so many people in Your Church, laity, priests, religious, Bishops, etc., are in such a mess.  Lives have been torn apart, families, neighborhoods, communities, parishes because of mankind’s sinfulness.  There is much confusion as a result, many lost souls, and so much collateral damage.  Oh, Jesus please save souls.  Pour out Your divine grace like torrents of rain on souls who are lost.  Help them to open their hearts to Your love, Your mercy, Your peace.  Everywhere I look when I am either at work or in a public place, I see bleeding, broken hearts hidden beneath facades.  Some are cloaked in gender “confusion”, some in wounds from child or spousal abuse, some from irregular unions, some have deep feelings of inadequacy, or overwhelming stresses and strains from financial concerns, loneliness and feelings of betrayal, rejection and abandonment.  Oh, Lord everywhere I look people are hurting.  We, Your children must all be ‘walking wounded’ Lord.  We are all in need of being rescued and I see the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a sort of triage station for souls where we can receive first aid.  There is nothing sweeter to me than hearing the words of a priest say, “I absolve you from your sins.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Go in peace, your sins are forgiven.”  What mercy!  Thank You, Lord for Your infinite mercy on humanity.  Thank You for being the good physician and for not only knowing just what we need, but for providing it as well.  How gracious You are.  Please reach those who do not yet know or do not yet love you.


I pray for my cousin (name withheld) who died without the benefit of being in the Church.  Have mercy on his soul, My sweet Jesus.  I don’t think he believed in You, though his father was a minister.  Lord, have mercy on him.  You know all things, Jesus and You knew his wounds and his entire life story.  You knew and know his heart.  I entrust him to Your merciful heart and hope that You revealed Yourself to him before his soul left his body so that he could genuinely and freely choose the Beloved God above all things.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  There must be countless souls who live and die rejecting the one true, holy and all-powerful God.  Give them miraculous graces for conversion, Lord.  Send Your Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth.  Lord, please bless the youth who are often immersed in the culture of death and destruction.  They are exposed to propaganda in the school systems, the media and have no grounding (many of them) in reality.  Send holy mentors to them, Jesus so they will come to know and love You and in turn will understand the purpose of their lives, why they were created and the high calling You have for them.  There are many sheep without shepherds, Lord and only You can protect them/us.  Jesus, You have given us instructions for living in these times.  I beg Your protection of our holy priests, many who are being persecuted.  We need them to be active in their ministries, Jesus especially when there is such a need for them.  Instead, they have been sidelined, benched, and it is time they re-entered the game, Lord.  Please provide the avenue for this to occur.  After all, this is Your Church, Lord and You are the great Shepherd.


“My child, My child all of these things are well within My power to do.  More prayers, sacrifices and penance is needed for souls that are hardened and have only love of themselves.  Offer Masses for them, Rosaries and Divine Mercy Chaplets.  My little one, you are struggling with many concerns.  I am working in the lives of those you are praying for.  Be at peace.  I encourage you and My son to be generous with your time.  Allow space for those in need.  I realize you have much work to do and that you are tired.  Lean on Me for the strength needed.  Trust in Me.  Ask for assistance and guidance from My Mother and from St. Joseph.  Pray for grace and direction.  I am with you.  Be at peace.  I cannot stress this enough.  When you are lacking in peace come to the fount of peace.  Ask for My peace.  Pray for the souls who come to you in need.  Not all of these souls will ask for your help, but help them anyway.  You often will not know how to best help them, but remember that I know what is needed.  I will give you the words to say.  I will prompt you when to speak and when to remain silent.  Remember, My child that I too knew fatigue.  I also knew what it was to be exhausted, but still needed by others.  Do not be concerned about this trying time in your lives.  Remember, My disciples carry Me to the world.  The entire world is weary from sin and death.  If you do not help these souls, who will?  I ask this question of all of My Children of Light.  Rest when you can so that you have more energy for prayer and good works.  But, do not be self-focused saying, ‘This is my day off.  This is my time to sit and put my feet up.’  I ask each of you, who gives you the chair to sit in, the bed in which to sleep, the clothes on your back and food for your families?  All these things come from God, My children.  You have what you need, because I provide for you.  I allow others to go without because either they have made poor choices and have more to learn about love and sacrifice, or because those responsible for them are unable to fulfill their duties.  There is no state in life that is such because of a lack of love from God.  The poor are with you and in the world because of a lack of love from their fellow man.  You have all the resources needed and more for every person created.  There is plenty for all.  It is only through greed, corruption, sin, pride, envy, etc. that there are poor and vulnerable.  I did not create My beloved children to live in such a degrading state of sin and greed.  I created all out of love and the generosity of a benevolent Father.  You, My children cannot cure the ills of society by yourself, but working with God and by the graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit, hearts can and will change.  What I call you to do is to love, to sacrifice for others, to look beyond your own situation and help others anyway.  I am not only referring to giving money, My children.  Even those who live in poverty give out of their need.  Yes, not only do they give generously, they often are holy examples of living the Gospel message.  Do not put such limitations on yourself saying, ‘I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough money, etc.’  Say rather, ‘Lord, how can I help?  What would You have me do?  Lord, I do not have enough energy to do one more thing, so give me Your energy.  Give me Your desire.  Give me Your Will.’  My children focus too much on the obstacles facing them, than on the One who can do the impossible.  I can do all things, My children and therefore when you are united to Me, I can do all things through you.  Learn to live outside of your comfort zones, My children.  A time is coming and will soon be here that will bring much change to your lives.  Be open to change for love of God.  Be joyful.  Each difficulty includes a gift for you.  It does not appear so at first but you will, through your ‘fiat’ to Me, come to know and understand what I gave you in return for each and every sacrifice done with love.  Open your hearts, My children so that I can use you to touch the hearts of others.  All will be well, My children especially so when you cooperate with the life of grace.  I am in your midst.  Love your neighbor for I am there in your neighbor.  Love the poor, for I am in the poor.  Love the one who rejects you and pray for those who persecute you.  Your love and prayers will win their soul for the Kingdom and if they choose otherwise those blessings will flow back to you.  Extend yourselves first for your family and then for those in need (not just your friends) even those who are unlovable.  I will work miracles, My Children of Light when so much love is being given by you.  Be of good cheer.  This is a time of great grace and I am raising many saints.  Focus on Me.  All will be well.  Pray for the world.  Grand change is coming and I desire My little children, under the mantle of My Holy Mother Mary to be part of this change.”


“This is all for now, My little lamb.  There is one who needs you.  Remember My words.  All will be well.  Be at peace.  I am always with you, holding your hand and giving you courage.  I bless you and My son in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go now, My child and live each day knowing that Your Father is the God of all and you are His precious child.”


Thank You, my Lord and my God.  Amen!  Alleluia!  Reign always, reign in my small heart, Lord.  I love You! 


“And I love you.”

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