Children of the Renewal Messages
May 29, 2022 Ascension of Our Lord, Adoration Chapel
Happy Ascension Sunday, Lord Jesus! Hello my adorable Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. My God, I adore, praise, glorify and love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You and I entrust myself, my family, all that I have, and all that I am to You. Lord, I also entrust my Goddaughters to You and especially pray for (name withheld). I am very sad by the loss of her and ask for Your mercy, Jesus. I realize I am praying after she has already died, but You are outside of time and had full knowledge long before her death that my family and I would pray for her now. Lord, please apply the many Divine Mercy Chaplets (name withheld) and I have prayed for those who were dying ‘especially for those who are unprepared for their deaths’ to her soul. I was unaware of her circumstances and for this I am sorry. However, as Father said, my role in her life has not ended but will be one of praying for her soul. Lord, I pray also for her family and for her sister (name withheld). Draw them all near to Your Sacred Heart, my Jesus. Lord, You don’t want even one soul to be lost and it is to this, Your divine, unconditional love and mercy that I plead for her soul. Thank You that I am well acquainted with Your love and mercy. Jesus, I trust in You! Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, thank You for Holy Mass and Communion today. Thank You for the time with our family yesterday. It was good to be together, Lord.
Jesus, help us to remain strong, faithful, merciful and loving in the face of much adversity. There is so much evil all around, but we know from Scripture that where evil abounds, grace abounds all the more. Please send a great shower of graces to us, Your people. Please give graces for conversion to all who are far from You and even to us who need ongoing conversion (like me). Lord, I give each and every concern to You and ask You to take care of everything. Some situations seem insurmountable indeed, but with You nothing is impossible. I pray for each family member especially for those who have not yet been baptized. I pray also for (name withheld) and his upcoming Confirmation. Send forth Your Spirit and fill him with the fire of Your love. All honor and glory to You, Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for those who have left the Church, for those who are ill, for those who will die today and tonight especially for those who are unprepared for their deaths, and for all who will go through the Illumination of Conscience that all will avail themselves of Your infinite mercy.
“My child, mankind will experience another storm and this time is the ‘calm’ before the next storm. There will be a series of storms, My (name withheld). Stand firm in prayer, frequent the Sacraments, pray as I have asked and read Sacred Scripture. Encourage one another in the Faith. Do not focus on the storms but focus instead on Me. Remember the image of Me standing in the water, waves crashing all around?”
Yes, Lord. I remember.
“Where were My eyes, child?”
Your head and Your eyes were lifted to the Heavens as You prayed for us.
“That is correct, My little one. Was I concerned with the waves, the storm?”
No, Lord but You were focused on the Father and concerned only for our well-being and salvation. You prayed to the Father on our behalf.
“Yes, My child. That is correct. Then, I went about preaching, healing, teaching and glorifying God with My life as I helped the poor, the sick, widows and children. By My love and attention to them, My great respect for them, I restored their sense of dignity as children of God. You do the same, My Children of Light. Pray for others and then be busy about Our Father’s work. Do not forget about souls because of a consuming focus on preparations. That would be unwise, My children. Remember to take time to pray and to be filled with Sacramental graces, then take My love to the world and to the areas of the world where you can make an impact. For many, this is the area, the environments where life and daily activities, takes you. Work, errands, household chores, your own family members, neighbors, friends, people you encounter in the grocery stores, etc… My children, be open to encountering strangers versus simply passing people by. Greet them. Acknowledge them. Let them know you truly ‘see them’ and they are not unnoticed in the world. The past few years have been very isolating and many children of Mine feel unimportant, not noticed by others, and feel as though no one truly cares for them. Make eye contact with all you pass by throughout the day. My children, when I encountered people during My time on earth I noticed each beautiful soul. If they were not beautiful at the moment, I saw the beauty in their soul when each one was created and how beautiful they would be after learning about the love and forgiveness of God. If they would never accept God’s mercy, then I saw their soul as it was planned to be by the Father and I prayed very hard that each soul would be open to grace and mercy in order to open fully like a flower in bloom. Yes, I could see the stain of sin on souls, but prayed to wash them clean in My blood, the blood of the Lamb. This is why I came into the world, to shed My blood for you, My children. I came to seek and to find the lost, to save and redeem them. You do not all have gifts to discern souls, but you can learn to see each person, made in the image and likeness of God. Please, My Children of Light, cease looking at the exterior and begin to see the interior. The soul, My children is what matters most. Of course, it is your duty to also care for your brothers and sisters in physical need; feed the hungry, clothe the sick, etc. but do not judge someone who is physically beautiful, dresses in nice clothing and appears to ‘have it all together’ as you say, but realize many people you encounter like this are very wounded. Some have impoverished souls while they are wealthy materially. See beyond the externals, My children. Do not judge the condition of a person externally. See to their physical needs and be open to and aware of the needs of the soul. Souls are crying and longing to know the One who made them, who created them for and out of love, but sadly due to the secularism of these days, do not know God. Show them love. Show them mercy. Allow them to experience My love and mercy through you who are instruments of love and mercy. I am not telling you something new, My Children of Light. I realize this. But, I remind you because many of you have forgotten this.”
“You are so very focused on what is wrong in the world, but you are unwilling to do something positive to change this condition. What can one person do, you may be thinking? One person, united with Me can do much. Do the small things, My beloved but do them in union with Me and in My Will. This is how the world can and will change. Little by little, even in the midst of the gravest evil, souls will change. Yes, I will also intervene in the time appointed by God and the Holy Spirit will renew the face of the earth. But, do not sit idly by waiting for Me to do all the work. Be co-operators with this work. Be united to the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit My children and be busy about the Father’s work which is to bring about the Kingdom of God. I want each soul to be so united to My Will that the Kingdom will dwell within you and you within Me. Reflect on this. How will you impact other souls? Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Ask My Mother, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit to guide you and to teach you. Each one of you was created out of love, by the love, for love. How will you with the talents and gifts I have given each of you show My love to others? If you do not know and can’t think of anything, ask Me and I will reveal it to you. First, be faithful to your vocations. Love your vocation. Be faithful. That is the first way to bring about the Kingdom of God. For the youngest children who do not yet know their vocations, pray for them. These little ones should also pray to Me, Jesus and ask for My help discerning their vocations. After all, I already know what they were made to be but out of great love and respect it is (because of free will) theirs to choose. More prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit will be fruitful. Wait upon Me, My children and all will unfold. Trust in Me.”
Thank You, Lord! Things always seem simple when you explain them, but then we become more entrenched in the world (working, etc.) and it seems more complicated. This is why you invite us to pray more and to increase our prayer time. Not only because the world desperately needs our prayers, but because we do, also to remain in the world but not of the world.
“Yes, My child this is exactly right. Also, when one is driving through the mud, it splashes on windshields and doors making it difficult to see clearly. When one stops, washes the windows and proceeds on the journey, things are much more clear and the driver is able to negotiate the rough roads. When souls do not pray, and do not frequent the Sacraments, the mud of the world clings to you, even if just externally, causing your discretion and vision (spiritual) to deteriorate. Stay within the Church, the Sacraments, prayer, Sacred Scripture and your spiritual vision will be much more clear. My Holy Spirit will guide you and help you to navigate rough roads. This is imperative in these times, My children, like never before. I mean what I say, children. This age is like no other. This must give one pause as you reflect on the people of God throughout salvation history. Reflect on this and remember all that My chosen people experienced and in the light of this realize My words are very sobering. This current age is worse than the other times. This should fuel the impetus to pray, fast and do penance for souls. Listen to My Mother and read Her messages from many apparition sites in the world. You are being called to this rescue mission for souls, My children. Be love. Be mercy. Be light. Be joy. Be peace. Have hope and be hope to others. You can do this with Me, My children. I will help you. You have only to ask.”
“Thank You for writing, My child. I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of the Father of all, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My children. Walk in My light, the light of My love.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia. Come, Lord Jesus. Come!
May 22, 2022 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my dearest Jesus present in the Most Holy Eucharist. Thank You for the opportunity to be with You, my Lord, God and King! Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion, Lord. I love You, Lord. I love You Most Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I love You, Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and all the Angels and Saints! Thank you for your prayers for us, the Church Militant. Lord, a friend has ended his earthly pilgrimage and submitted to You in obedience, accepting his earthly death in order to join You and the Saints in Heaven. Please comfort his beautiful wife and their sons. Give her much peace, and yes even joy in knowing her (name withheld) is in Heaven and hopefully meeting Our Lady and St. Joseph. Jesus, please comfort (names withheld) and all who love (name withheld) so dearly. Give them peace, comfort and consolation as they recall with deep joy what a blessing it was to be known and loved by him. Lord, embrace Your courageous and loyal servant who surely brings You so much love and joy that You no longer wanted the earth to separate him from You and so You brought him in Your arms to Heaven. Lord, Jesus we entrust him to You, our Redeemer and friend, our Savior and Lord. Thank You for holy souls, Jesus. Help me to be holy like (names withheld). (Name withheld), pray for me, pray for us! May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Lord, bless (name withheld) on the anniversary of his ordination. Thank You for his vocation and his priestly ministry. He is a good shepherd, Lord. Bless and protect him. I pray also for Archbishop Cordileone who is standing for the Church in the face of the evils of abortion and violence. Bless and protect him and all good and holy Bishops and priests who lead us in the way You want us, Your Church to go. I pray for all priests and religious including Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Lord, as the Church continues its agony, just as Your agony in the garden, please guide us and give us graces to accept Your Holy Will. May we boldly proclaim the Gospel with love and also accept what Your Holy Will allows as a purification and an expiation for our sins. Lord, I am a sinner and I deserve whatever trial comes. Help me to face each trial, not only with acceptance and resolution, but also with joy knowing it comes from/through the loving hands of my beautiful God and Savior who knows what is best for my soul. Lord, I want to be Your instrument, but often I am a poor, blunt instrument. Sharpen the blunt edges of my soul and purify the stains caused by my pride and my thoughtlessness. Give me a loving heart of flesh and help me to be a student of love, and Your Most Holy Mother Mary my teacher. Lord, thank You for the many lessons You have taught me. Help me to recall and remember them as I am so quick to forget. Give me presence of mind so that I keep the fire of Your love and Your presence always within and in front of me. Put my Guardian Angel and others if needed like a sentry to guard my heart and mind reserving it only for You and Your Word. Thank You for life and for love, Jesus. Help me to spend my time on earth wisely. Lord, I give You our children and grandchildren. May Your plans for all our lives be brought to fruition and may we produce good fruit for the Kingdom of God.
“My child, My child, this prayer is pleasing to Me.”
Thank You, Lord. I recognize I have fallen short throughout the last few weeks and have felt very disconnected from You.
“Yes, My child. You experienced a spiritual dryness which has been difficult for you. You felt ‘unloved’ or ‘lost’ as you said earlier, but you were not lost to Me, My little lamb. I knew exactly where you were, My child. Thank You for accepting this condition, and I assure you it was My Will. At times I allow you to experience this to recognize even more so how much you must depend upon Me.”
I know I disappointed You, Lord as I fell into a state of grumbling and this was not of You. Please forgive me, Lord.
“I have already forgiven you. My child, this is all part of the soul’s journey on earth as you know. You have counseled others that when they sense I am far away, I am actually too close for them to see, as something held right up to one’s face. The eyes cannot focus on something so proximate to the eye.”
Yes, Lord. I do recall saying this… I just didn’t remember to apply it to myself!
“My little one, it is difficult to remember when one is experiencing the dryness in spirit but you will remember when others are in this similar condition. I send others to console My children in their suffering.”
Thank You, Lord. Please console (name withheld). Lord, I try but she needs Your peace and consolation in addition to mine. A human being can only do so much, but I pray Your Holy Spirit will work through others to console her. May she heal quickly, Lord. Jesus, (name withheld) will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation soon. Please set him on fire with Your Holy Spirit. I pray that he discovers his vocation, too Lord and knows clearly what it is You Will for him. May he always follow You, Lord. Bless and protect his sponsor (name withheld) also, Jesus.
“My child, all is within God’s Divine plan. I will see to everything. Continue to surrender all to Me.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Jesus!
“My child, when a soul comes to Heaven either directly or from Purgatory, they have full knowledge of the way I see, not only their souls, but the souls of their loved ones. Their love becomes not only more intense for God and the Saints, but also for their loved ones on earth. They speak to Me about their loved ones on earth and recommend your needs to Me. There is a deep, pure, perfect community of love in Heaven and this extends to those they love on earth. Though you no longer see or can speak directly to your loved ones in Heaven or in Purgatory, your prayers are efficacious and rise to Heaven. There are no limits to time or space for souls in Heaven, for they are in My Kingdom. The limits experienced by those on earth are not present, do not exist for them. Therefore, speak often to Me about your loved ones, either on earth or who have left the earth. They do the same for you. Be comforted in this, My children. Your family members do not forget about you (not even temporarily) when they come to Heaven. (or when they pass through Purgatory) They are joyful when you pray for them. Do not forget to pray for your loved ones. This brings Me joy, also for it is a sign of your love for them.”
“My little one, I am with you and I will assist you this week to manage the unmanageable schedule you face at work. Give all to Me and allow Me to take care of some of the heavy burdens placed on you. May this be the reason people realize you are different, for you belong to Me.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“All will be well, My child. I thank you for your visit. I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name (the Son) and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Go in My love. Be mercy and joy, My children.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia. You have risen just as You said! I love You!