Children of the Renewal Messages
February, 2023 Messages
February 26, 2023 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my Lord and my God present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Thank You for the opportunity to be here, Lord and to praise You face to face. I love You, my Savior and my King! Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion! Thank You for the incredible weekend filled with so many gifts! I am unworthy, Lord but in spite of my unworthiness, You continue in generosity and kindness. Praise and thank You my Lord, God and King!
Thank You for each person I encountered this weekend, Lord. So many people too numerous to list each one. (Personal dialogue omitted.) Thank you for Father’s homily and for (names withheld) who attended the Liturgy. It was marvelous having all of them present. Please protect these good and holy priests, Lord. Blessed Mother, cover them with Your mantle and protect them in the refuge of Your Immaculate Heart.
I pray for all who have left the Church, for their quick return home; for all who are ill, especially those with cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, MS, MG and all kinds of nervous system disorders and autoimmune diseases, heart failure, liver problems, etc. Heal people, Lord like never before in history (by the magnitude/numbers). Heal all emotional and mental wounds Lord, all wounds of the heart, mind and soul. Lord, Jesus bless and protect all who have requested my prayers. Please see to all spiritual, emotional and material needs of our children and grandchildren, especially those who are outside of the Church. Thank You for the chance to speak with (names withheld), Jesus what a beautiful weekend it has been.
Lord, Jesus will You please tell me more about the interior vision (name withheld) had concerning my hands?
“My child, through the works of your hands you will bring My love to others. You will show My love. You will bear Me to others. Recall the interior vision (name withheld) had of your hands (being like) with water flowing from them? I am the water of life. Your hands are to bring Me, the living water to My children in need. My child, I will send My graces through your hands to calm and reassure, to console and bring peace. I will do this through you, My little lamb.”
What does the color gold mean, Jesus? Anything besides ‘light’?
“Yes, My child. In addition to light, it is also the color of royalty. In this case, the Prince of Peace and your hands will by My grace bring peace to troubled souls.”
Thank You, Lord. Praise You for Your willingness to work through such a broken vessel. Thank You for allowing Me to present Your love and peace to others.
“My child, remember it is love which will be victorious over evil. Love is the answer. I am love! With love, My children will slay the dragon which seeks to devour My Church (My children) and all that I created. The father of lies (also the father of death) is the dragon. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Trust in Me. Follow Me. All will be well.”
Lord, thank You for providing me with insight and meaning so to understand the vision you gave (name withheld). Thank You for Your goodness, Your beauty, for being the Light of the World, the peace that passes all understanding, for being mercy and love! Praise and thank You, Lord! Jesus, I give all of my concerns to You. I give you each loved one, all relatives and friends and pray for Your abiding presence and peace in their lives. Give graces for conversion to those in need of faith. Jesus, I pray for all who are discerning their vocations. You knew each child of Yours before they were conceived and You placed their eternal life’s call within them at the moment of their conception. I realize You give each person free will to either answer Your call or to do their own will. I pray each grandchild discerning Your Will come to know what that is from You and that they will accept it for Your glory. I know they will only be fully at peace and filled with joy when they are doing Your Will. If there are any being called to the priesthood or religious life, please let them hear Your voice and answer as You Will. Lord, my heart is so full from the encounters with You over the past few weeks. Thank You, Lord. I can’t find words that adequately express my gratitude!
“My child, you are welcome. I love you. I am pouring out spiritual gifts upon My children who are open to Me and will accept them. As I told you, there are still more gifts waiting for you to be opened and they will be when the time is right. I am preparing My children first to help those who will come to the knowledge and love of Me soon. I want My children prepared. I invite each one of My Children of Light to enter more deeply into this Lenten Season. Seek Me and you will find Me. Ask Me to reveal your sins, your shortcomings and all that is in need of purification so that you may be cleansed of your sins, your faults and will have more room for Me to penetrate your souls with My love. My children, the world has impacted all of you in some way. Ask Me to show you how you have been affected. I will direct you and enlighten you. I want to heal your woundedness so that you have the capacity to carry My love (more completely) to the world. When you are healed, your rough edges are smoothed, your hearts become more tender, welcoming, less judgmental. You will have much greater ease to be open to the love when I heal your wounds. Do not be afraid. Only I can do this for you but you must be willing and step out in faith. Enter into the silence of your hearts and speak with Me, your Jesus. Ask Me to reveal Myself to you. Pray for healing for forgiveness. Allow Me to whisper My words of love and truth to you which will shine like a beacon of light in your weary, sad, discouraged heart and give you a new sense of hope and purpose. Wait on Me, My children. This is a process, this healing of wounds and memories, but it is necessary so that you can draw closer to Me without these obstacles. Once you have experienced My pure love for you, it will flow easily from your heart to others. Only with My love, can you begin to love like Me, but many, many are in need of a healing of your own heart first.”
Thank You, Lord. I am beginning to sincerely understand these words, not just intellectually, but in my heart. You are all goodness, truth and beauty, Lord. Thank You for Your love, for Your unconditional love. Thank You for showing me a glimpse of the Father’s heart. Jesus, I trust in You! I love You!
“And I love you. I bless you and My son in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, My children. Be love to others. Be mercy. Be joy. Be peace.”
Amen, Lord. Amen!
February 19, 2023 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my dear Jesus, my King and my All! Thank You for Your presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion this morning. Thank You for the opportunity to go to Confession last week and thank You for the healing conference. Lord, You provide so many opportunities for me to come closer to You. Thank You for the many graces You give so willingly. Help me to be well disposed to receive them and to act with love in each situation and encounter with others in my life. Please bless the man I saw last week who was begging. I couldn’t get close enough to him due to the traffic to give him a donation. I hope others were generous with him. Bless him, heal him in any way he needs healing and help him to get back on his feet. There are probably many, many people who are homeless in the city, Jesus. Bless them and send them what it is they need. Lord, the family I saw a year or so ago at Beggars for the Poor, I pray for them now, also. Please help them, too Jesus especially the children. It must be frightening to be homeless with two young children, Lord. I pray they are no longer homeless. Thank You for the mild weather this winter. Lord, there are many who are in need of prayer. I bring all those who are ill and those who are dying and place them at the foot of Your cross. Glance at them, Jesus and fill them with the peace and consolations that only You can give. Help them. Heal them, Lord Jesus. I pray especially for (names withheld) and all who suffer from cancer, Alzheimer’s, renal and liver diseases, and heart problems. Lord, I pray also for our shepherds, all priests, Bishops and religious. Bless and protect them and give them abundant graces for holiness, courage, fortitude, trust and love. Lord, You are so humble to come to us in the bread and wine by the consecration of our priests at Holy Mass. Thank You, Lord. Help me to learn more and more about the mysteries of Your love, Lord. You are so very beautiful. You are beauty. May the whole world be on fire with Your love. Send Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth! Begin with all who have suffered the terrible earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Oh, Lord so many casualties! Bless and comfort all who lost loved ones and friends. Bring those souls to Heaven, Jesus. May they rest in peace.
“My child, My child, I was with the people who experienced the earthquake. I am with them now and I was with each one who died. I gave each person the opportunity to accept Me, to choose God before their souls came before Me in judgement. I am merciful and I desire all people to live eternally in Heaven but each creature of Mine has been given free will to freely choose Me or to deny Me. Out of My mercy and love I visited each soul with a final chance to choose Me and to do so in the light of truth. The prayers of My children who pray each day for all who will die especially those who are unprepared for their deaths provide many graces for the dying. Your prayers and the prayers of others is beneficial to souls who are dying and these graces do help Me in this work of salvation. Please continue to pray for souls in this way and do not doubt the efficacy of this simple prayer prayed with love especially when the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is also prayed for the dying. You do not need to know the souls for whom you pray for I am not limited by your knowledge or lack of knowledge. My children aid many souls through your prayers for them, even for those who are unknown to you. They die known to Me, My little one and that is enough. Be confident in your prayers because of your trust in Me. Be confident that I answer your prayers by giving each soul what they need. It is not always the graces for which you pray for others. I look at each soul and give them only what I know is needed and always what is best for each soul. Pray, My children. There are so many in the world in need of your prayers who are lost, forgotten or who have no on praying for them.”
Thank You, Lord for this encouraging message and for hearing each and every prayer and answering it as is best. Praise You magnificent, benevolent Lord! Jesus, thank You for the many babies being born to people in our parish. They are beautiful signs of hope and of Your great love. Please help the fight for life in our country and in each and every state. Blind satan, my Jesus and enable Your cause for life to flourish once again (or perhaps for the first time) in our land. Jesus, please be with me on Friday (and every day) when I have the tests. I know that no matter what happens, You will take care of everything.
“My little lamb, trust in Me. All will be well. I am always with you. Do not be concerned. Be open to those you encounter and bring joy and peace to them. Sometimes I send My children to places where there is darkness or to someone in need of encouragement. I know just who to send with the right personality and empathy that will be open to souls. Do not be afraid. I also reciprocate so that My children are giving and receiving. This reciprocal openness to the mystery of love, the giving and receiving is My heavenly economy. In this way, My child no one goes without graces for love, for faith, for hope and for peace. This is throughout the Gospel message, My child, this principle of giving and receiving. It is not meant in worldly ways or of a material nature, although sometimes this occurs, but it most often occurs in the form of grace. When one gives expecting nothing in return, I give that person grace. I increase the love in their hearts and make good use of their generosity. When the other who was the recipient of your goodness, receives something, it opens their heart, even when their heart is closed. Bit by bit and I am able to penetrate them with My love. Some accept the grace from Me and some do not but each one is given the opportunity when confronted with My love given freely by another, to receive love. If they are open and receive this love I send torrents of grace to their souls. Some are not well disposed for these graces but they are still given and when they are even more open they will have access to these graces. This doesn’t make sense to many who read these words because you are looking through a worldly lens. My children put on the eyes of Christ and see things through a heavenly perspective. I am God and I am a perfect Father. I give to all of My children and those who do not call themselves My children are still so by their nature. I created all people in My image. I must give graces to all out of My deep love. I long for each soul to be Baptized and to enter the family of God. Do I love less, those who have not been Baptized? No, I do not. I love them also and I wait patiently to come to the knowledge of God. I send people like you to give My love to them so they will learn of My love through others. I prompt and encourage souls to pray for others, even complete strangers, and I send graces to them for faith, hope and love. Some souls have no one in their lives to teach them about My Son, Jesus. I even give them the desire to know God, to know the source of all that is good, kind, beautiful and true. Some souls respond by seeking Me and when they seek Me, they will find Me. Every soul has opportunities for conversion. It is up to their free will to accept or reject Me, but be assured I give each one what is needed to make the heavenly choice. My children, those who continually pray for a need or needs to be met, I hear your prayers. Be open to the path I am leading you on and be awake and reflect on what is in your life that may be blocking the graces I send you. Perhaps you need to go to confession and remove sinful patterns in your life. Perhaps I want you to realize your priorities are too focused on worldly things, success, money, friendships that are ungodly. Be reflective and seek My direction. I long to give you good things, but the best gift is to be close to My Son, Jesus and to be united to Him in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, for it is the most efficacious way to secure your path to Heaven. That is the ultimate goal, is it not? Of course you know that it is and consequently, I will answer your prayers in the way that will bring you closer to Me. Remember, I long to give you every good gift and to advance in holiness. Examine yourself and determine what needs to be removed in order to make room for Christ and for the graces He gives. Then, you will see many prayers answered. I love you. I do not withhold Myself from you. It is you who often holds Me back and so I continue to help where you are open and wait patiently when you are not. This time of year, the Lenten Season is an opportunity to thoroughly and completely open oneself to your Lord Jesus and to examine your lives. Even those who are very close to Me have room to improve. I tell you this again because of My love for you. You will be grateful when you have advanced in holiness and come to Heaven filled with love for God. You will be very, very happy in Heaven. My children, if you suffer here or are blessed abundantly with material things, what difference does it make? It only matters that you advance in holiness and end your earthly pilgrimage by coming to Heaven. Many souls are better off not being wealthy on earth, I assure you. You will be rich in Heaven and that will be forever. Your time on earth is very brief in the grand scheme of things. Trust in Me, My children regardless of your circumstances. They do not dictate your happiness, your joy. Many poor people (materially) are very holy and they are filled with joy. They share the little they have with others and also share their love for God. They will be richer in Heaven than the rich businessman who shares a small percentage to help the poor and likes a lavish life on earth. Even if this one goes to Heaven, the poor one who gave generously and did so with sacrificial love will have a much higher place in Heaven. That is the economy of charity and love, My children and it is also My perfect justice. So, be of good cheer. I am with you and I always care for My children. Trust in Me regardless of your needs. Bring each care to Me and I will direct you. Live for Me, My children. Do all that My Son asks of you. Live the Gospel. Frequent the Sacraments. Read and study Holy Scripture. Pray and pray with faith and hope. Trust in God. Have mercy on others and above all things, be love. Bring the love of God to others and you will be bearers of My Son, the Light of the World. Pray for peace in the hearts of mankind, My children. Evil desires to reign in hearts, but I desire the reign of love to be embraced in the hearts of My children. I desire all people to come into the family of God. Pray, dearest children of Mine, pray. Go in peace, little one. Thank you for this meeting today. Thank you for writing My words.”
Thank You, Lord, God Creator and Father of Mankind. I love and adore You, my King and my Father. Amen! Alleluia!
Thank You, Jesus for allowing this exchange of love with God the Father. How loving and Fatherly He is!
“My child, My Father and I are one. We thank you and all who are faithful. We send graces to all who are doing the Will of God. The Holy Spirit gives many gifts to those who are united to the Blessed Trinity. Each one has gifts to share to buildup the Kingdom of God. Share these gifts generously. Do not be concerned that these gifts will be used and you will have nothing left to give. This is a fallacy. The more you share with others, the more I will give you to share. There is an abundant supply of graces and gifts My children and you will never be able to out give God. Be generous with your time, your love, your gifts. Help others. Encourage them in this time of sadness and darkness. Be peace and mercy. I assure you that I am with you-really with you. I love you. Go now in My peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be joy, My children. Spread My love.”
Amen, Jesus! Thank You, Lord. I love You!
“And I love you.”
February 12, 2023 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my Jesus hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Thank You for Your presence here, Jesus! Thank You for Your deep love, Your great mercy, and Your abiding peace. Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion. Please bless and protect the priests who bring You to us via the Sacraments. Thank You for the opportunity to go to Confession last week, Lord. I am very grateful for having access to the Sacraments. Please provide more priests, Jesus our High Priest. Many young men are invited by You, Lord. Give them the needed graces to answer Your call, to discern and to decide for that which is the highest good for them and for us, Your Church. Give graces also for holy marriages. Strengthen families so that all will walk in Your ways and take the difficult and narrow road which leads to salvation. Pour out Your Spirit, Lord and renew the face of the earth. Blessed Mother of God, pray for us. Lord, please bring all who are away from the Church home, especially all those in our family, all our relatives and friends. Jesus, (name withheld) broke his arm. Please heal him and make the broken bone much stronger than ever before. Guide him and all of our youth to be strong Catholic Christian young men.
Lord, we just celebrated the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes and my parent’s wedding anniversary. Thank You for their example of love, fidelity and devotion. Thank You for all Marian apparitions, for sending Your Most Holy Mother Mary into the world to call us to return to You, to repent and believe. Thank You for Your love and for sharing Your Mother with us so that we too may call Her our Mother. Help us to love You as Mary loves You. Help us to say ‘yes’ to Your Will in our lives, as Our Lady so perfectly and consistently gave You Her Fiat. Please continue to pray for us, Blessed Mother and teach us in Your School of Love. Lord, please show me how You want me to serve You today and every day. Guide and direct me according to Your Holy Will. I am Yours, my Jesus and all that I have is Yours, Lord. There are many people in need of prayer. I bring each one to You and lay them at the foot of Your holy cross. Give each one the graces needed for holiness and sanctity. Give them graces for zeal for Your Father’s Kingdom. Help them to know and love You even more than they already do and give them Your divine protection, Your healing, Your provision for their lives. Thank You, Lord for Your faithfulness. Help me to be faithful to You, also my Savior. Jesus, please give me Your direction.
“My child, thank you for your prayers and petitions for others. Thank you for your time in Adoration. I invite all of My children to spend time in Adoration where we can gaze upon one another and be together. Then, take the graces I give to you and move throughout the world being Christ-bearers. Bear Me to the world, My children. Bring the Light of Christ to the world in the darkness of sin. Many in the world are devoid of peace. I am the Prince of Peace. I fill you with My peace. Be peace to others, My children. Return when you need to be filled by the Prince of Peace and ask Me for more peace. I have an abundance of peace, My children. I have an infinite supply of peace. Therefore, return often to the Prince of Peace and I will dispense My peace when you ask this of Me. You have not because you ask not. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. My children, you are the people of God; you who are true followers of Me and who have been Baptized. You do not realize what power this gives you. It does not come from you but from the Living God who has set you like a seal on His heart. You are the bride, My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and by the nature of your Baptism you have the ability to become great saints. In order to do so, you must just desire it. All who come to Heaven are saints, My children, so do not say, ‘I will never become a saint.’ For one reason it is not true as many of you will become saints. The second reason is because you begin to believe what you say to yourself and others. I tell you again, I am calling each one to be a saint. All who enter Heaven are saints (even if they are never canonized saints). Therefore, each one is to have a goal, the goal to join the Heavenly Kingdom which is inhabited by angels and saints. Therefore, strive for holiness and a close friendship with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the purpose of your lives, My children, to come to know God, to love Him, serve Him and to love others as I, your Jesus have first loved you. In order to genuinely love and serve others, you must first love the Lord God. Once you understand that I loved you so much (and still do) that I died for you even before you were born. I knew you would be here, on the earth, during this time. I knew you before you were created by your parents and by My Holy Spirit. I knew you, I loved you and I died for you so that one day you could be with Me in Heaven. But that is not all. I want your friendship now, My children. Let us walk beside one another each and every day. Allow Me to help you, to love you and to dwell with you. This is My desire, that we be friends, confidants and united in the Father’s Will. Life is difficult enough, My children to try to go it alone is much more difficult. Speak with Me often, My little children. Pray for your brothers and sisters who do not know the love of God and be a witness to what My love looks like. This means you must pray and act, doing deeds filled with love. My children a day is coming soon, when I will pour out My Spirit on all in the world. They will see their souls as I see them. For some, My great love will be too much for them. For others, they will be filled with deep remorse for their sins. Others, who remain in a state of grace will still see the consequences of their sins and for this will be very contrite, but they will be in awe of My great, overwhelming love. Some will die of joy. Others will be in need of Confession and will flock to the confessionals. There will be great need for catechesis, Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. You, My children are to help them. Teach them the basics of the Catholic Faith. Help My faithful priest sons, who will not be able to handle all of this alone. They will need food and water while they continue to hear confessions; the lines will be pouring out into the church parking lots. My children, be of assistance to your brothers and sisters, many of whom will be in a state of shock. Be patient with them. Be loving and guide them. Do not be judgmental. Many will be like babies who need only their mother’s milk until they grow enough to eat solid food. Give them the essence of the Faith. Be gentle and merciful. There will be a little time for these children to receive the Sacraments, but I am counting on you to guide and direct people to My holy priest sons. This will be your #1 priority. This is why, stay in a state of grace yourselves frequenting the Sacraments. Be frequent participants in the Sacrament of Confession, My children. It is necessary for your souls and good for others.”
Lord, prepare us and help us to make good confessions. Call to mind all the sins of our lives so that we can become pure for Heaven and for Your Kingdom on Earth.
“Yes, My child, this is a good prayer. I will assist you and anyone who makes this holy request. It is My desire for you. My child, the Time of Great Trials is upon you and will escalate through different parts of the world. Do not be too concerned. Keep your eyes on Me. Prepare, yes, but do not become compulsive about preparing. Focus on Me. Begin to visualize sharing what you have prepared/stored with others. Consecrate your homes and your property to Me to use for safe places/refuges for others. Be generous with all I have given you and do not become self-centered but other-centered. Live the Gospel message, My little children. Have trust in Me and do not be afraid. All will be well. Trust in Me. I will be with you. Pray, pray, pray. Pray with your families and if they refuse to pray with you, pray for them. My children, invite your family members to pray with you. Continue periodically to invite them. Do not resent them if they are not ready to pray. Be kind and loving. Be gentle and merciful. Begin small so they do not feel overwhelmed, but do invite. This will let them know you want them to pray and that it is not an ‘exclusive club’. When they pray with you it is a beginning; an opening for grace. I can do much when souls are willing and humble. You be willing and humble also, and willing to begin small for those unaccustomed to prayer. For many of you (those who have been following Me closely) I ask more prayer of you. You who are spiritually mature can handle more responsibility. When one is new to prayer it is wise to begin small and take little steps. When they learn how to pray and they begin to grow closer to Me, they will desire to pray more. In the beginning I will give them many consolations to encourage them. This is so they will begin to experience My love for them. My children, as more people grow in their relationship with Me, the light will grow and eventually it will overcome the darkness. Evil will be filled with even more hatred for God and God’s children and you will see a great wave of resentment and hatred towards My children and all I have created. Do not fear for this is the beginning of the purification. I will purify the world, My children. If all of you, all who are in the world, convert and repent and continue to seek Me, the Time of Great Trials will be lessened. Pray, My children. This time cannot be completely mitigated for too much evil and many sins against God cry out to Him. The sin of abortion, murder of the most pure and innocent ones, are horrific sins. Repent, Oh people of the Lord God. Repent and do penance. Pray for those who refuse to repent. Pray for them, My children. Be leaven in the world; let your lights shine so others will know that all is not lost. For it is certainly not lost. I am in control and I will never abandon you. You must also remain with Me. I love you. All will be well. Keep your eyes on Me, My children. Remain faithful to the true teachings of the Church. Ask the Saints in Heaven to intercede for you. Remember your Guardian Angels who faithfully protect your souls. Be at peace. The Age of Disobedience will one day come to a close and the Age of Obedience and love of Christ will reign in the hearts of all people. Be love. Be mercy. Be joy. Be peace. Be people of light. I am with you always. Go in peace, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. I love you. I am with you.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. I love You!
February 5, 2023 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my adorable Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I adore You, I love You, I praise You and thank You for all You have done for me and for the entire human race. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You for Your passion, death and resurrection and for the Church and Sacraments. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion. Oh, Lord how I love Your Holy Church. Thank You for the beauty of creation and for the beauty of the liturgy especially the Mass of the Ages. Truly, You have given us everything, even Your Most Holy Mother Mary. You hold nothing back from us. Thank You for Adoration where I can sit in this profound quiet and gaze at You. Lord, I am lost without You, but at Mass and in Your Adoration Chapels I feel at home. Indeed, I feel ‘found’ by You. I love You, Lord. Jesus, show me how I am to serve You each and every day. Give me Your orders, Lord or simply take my hand and lead me where You will. I don’t even need to know where it is You want me to go. It is enough to walk together. Never allow me to be separated from You, my Lord, my God, my King and my Friend. Jesus, I give You each loved one, each dear one and ask You to take care of each soul. I entrust each one to You. In this way, I know they will be safe and secure near Your sacred, merciful, loving heart. Bring out each person’s potential, their God-given talents, their hearts, minds and souls to union with You. I ask this for all of my friends and family members (relatives), and for every Christian. May each one of us have a share in Your Heavenly Kingdom at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. Lord, You know everything and You are all powerful. Bring the whole world through the fire of Your love so that we will attain our intended union with Your Divine Will. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank you Blessed Mother and St. Joseph for your beautiful, perfect holy lives and your witness through your quiet, beautiful lives of love and discipleship. The perfect disciples, St. Joseph and Mary most holy. Keep us safe, Holy Family as we face the perils of this age. Protect us, as You protected Jesus when you fled to Egypt to avoid the horrible wrath of King Herod. Thank You for showing us the way to Jesus. I love You!
“My child, My child, you are growing in your knowledge of yourself, the ways in which to die to yourself in order that I can fill you more completely with My healing love. Allow this process to continue, My child. I am bringing you along with patience, gentleness and like a surgeon with precision. Allow Me to excise the wounds and pour My healing balm over you. You will be stronger in your ability to contain My love as a result. I realize this makes you feel vulnerable, but in this way, your weakness is transformed by My strength just as My Apostle Paul wrote in Scripture. This is the process I Will for all of My children, but they must be open to it, desire it of Me out of love and a willingness to become like Me in any way the heavenly Father Wills. My children, with this pruning process, you grow more beautiful, blossoming into the Child of God you are intended to be. Ask Me where change is needed. Ask Me to show you the reason or the cause for any wounds you have. It is only through My transforming power of love, you will overcome the consequences of sin that you committed or that others committed against you.”
“Some of you reading these words are thinking, ‘I am fine. I go to Confession regularly and I’m past this now.’ If you really have brought each and every wound to Me, even those you do not remember, that is excellent. You are well integrated by the power of My Holy Spirit and rarely sin, either in thought or deed and you live fully in My Divine Will. Since there are very few people who have approached this level of holiness, it is safe to assume you have not gone through this level of healing. My children, you have nothing to fear. Healing, My healing is desperately needed and because I love completely, it is My desire that each one of you allow Me into this process of your healing. We will speak more in depth about this at another time. For now, pray to be aware of an area in your life in need of healing. Begin reflecting on your childhood, your earliest memories and ask Me to show you where or by whom you were hurt. My children, I also want you to know that I was there with you. I was holding your hand and gazing lovingly into your eyes. I did not approve of the actions others took that caused you pain, emotionally or physically. I held you in My arms and assured you of My love. I let you know that one day you would be ready to remember these wounds to bring them to your Jesus for healing. Then, you will also see that you will be made even more beautiful than you ever would have been without experiencing these wounds. This may not make sense to you, but I will bring great beauty to your soul upon your healing and you will shine for all of Heaven to see. This is a gradual process, My children. I could make this happen all at once, but that type of surgery is painful, especially when one has suffered many types of injuries over an entire lifetime. It is better for you if we work together slowly but in a continual fashion. It will also help you to grow in your trust of Me. You will come to really know in a very deep and real way that I love you and I desire only that which is good for you. One day, I will send others in need of healing and you will know just what to do, what to say and how to patiently and gently help these souls I will entrust to you for assistance. When the Illumination occurs, many will have a very bright light from God shining on all sins and consequences of sin. The light of truth illuminating a soul in darkness can be shocking, My children. This will be like undergoing surgery for multiple, grave wounds of the soul. This is My loving act through My Holy Spirit to heal mankind and provide every means for souls to choose Me. Imagine not knowing Me, never having set foot in a church, living life completely for oneself, and undergoing this Illumination. You are My friends. You are My followers. I am your Lord and your teacher. I am also the Great Physician. I know each person’s needs. I know everything about you and I desire all that is good for each one of you. So great is My love that it burns inside My heart, longing to burst forth to purify each child of Mine and to make of you great saints. I can only do this with your ‘yes’ your willingness to allow Me to heal your hearts. I invite you all, each one to respond to My desire to perfect your souls. Let us begin this work now, My children. Then when the Illumination occurs you will already be very close to the holiness I desire for you and you will be very ready to assist your brothers and sisters in need. Let us begin, My little Children of Light. You have nothing to fear. Do you see how much I love you? Do you see how much I trust you to be like the early church, forging the way for others to come into the Church, into the Body of Christ? This is what I want for you. This is what I need for you so that you can take your places in these great voids of light and be Christ bearers.”
“My children, I am calling you and I am counting on you. Pray for your shepherds. Pray for all who harm you, persecute you, and all who reject or betray you. Pray for them. Forgive them. Remember what I suffered for you, for My Bride, the Church. Pick up your crosses and with great joy follow Me. I love you. You are a friend of the King and your Savior loves and protects you. Follow in My footsteps, walking on the same path the saints did in their lives. Do not be concerned that you can’t do this walk with Christ. That is not true. That is a lie from the enemy. I created you for greatness, but you will only become great by first becoming very small, very weak and fully reliant on Me, your Jesus. Then My strength will be able to operate fully through you and then—watch out darkness. My Mother will crush the head of the serpent using Her heel, the power of the Holy Spirit in Mary Most Holy, the Immaculate Woman, Mother of God and with Her little children who follow Me. Hold fast to the hands of My Mother. She followed Me perfectly and She knows just what to do. I invite you to this healing process, My children and I assure you I am very gentle and you are safe with Me.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God! Thank You for Your words of encouragement and hope.
“You are most welcome, My little one. Remember, I want this for each of My children. I want this also for the final preparation for the missions each one will have to bring about the Kingdom of God in the world, as it is in Heaven. Recall that I have already told you the people who will come to you and My son will have many wounds. The priests will also come to find respite for a short time while they will be serving My children and bringing the Sacraments at great risk. It is My Will, My daughter that you discern this invitation to serve My priests now. It is part of My plan for the role you and My son will have during the Time of Great Trials. Trust in Me. Bring each problem and concern to Me first, My child. I am reminding you to do this, especially for the future problems and challenges. A gentle reminder so that when troubles come, and they surely will, you will remember these words and enlist the help of your Savior right away. This is for all of My children, also. It will save much time, My children if you rely on Me immediately. I love you. This is all for now, My little lamb.”
Lord, be with me tomorrow as I complete another challenging event. May it go according to Your Will. Use me, Lord in Your service and may each meeting with others be a meeting with you. I love You, Lord. Help me to convey this love to others. I am unable to do this alone, Lord. Work through me, even though I am a poor instrument. You can do all things, even with little to work with. (loaves and fishes-remember…)
“Yes, My little one. I remember. I love that you are reminding Me, though. This is exactly how I work, My child to show the glory of God. I am with you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. All will be well. Rest in Me. Be mercy. Be joy. Be love.”
Amen, Lord. I love You!