Children of the Renewal Messages
March, 2023 Messages
March 19, 2023 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. All praise, glory and honor to You, Lord Jesus Christ! Lord, I am sorry that there are no others here to adore You and sit with You. I am very grateful, however to have a private audience with the King! Sadly, it is an honor by default because others who were invited decided not to accept Your invitation. Still, I am very grateful to be here and only wish I had come sooner. Thank You for Confession yesterday and for Holy Mass and Communion today. Happy feast day of St. Joseph! Lord, I’m sorry (name withheld) isn’t able to be with us. Please bless him, Lord and give him every grace that he needs. I pray to You for his healing. Help him to get well soon, Lord if You decide not to heal him immediately. Thank You for his life. It is truly a blessing to me and to so many others. Lord, now another has arrived and You must be pleased to see her. Thank You, Lord! Lord, thank You for good, holy shepherds. Bless and protect them, Jesus! Thank You for sending more holy priests to us, Your children so in need of good shepherds. Please, Lord give others whom You are calling to Holy Orders, graces for courage, for listening hearts and strong wills because they are united to Your Will. Work miracles, dearest Lord even in homes where these young men may not have learned the true faith. Give them infused knowledge, Jesus so they may respond appropriately to this call from You. You promised never to abandon Your Church, Jesus. You could not as it would be against Your divine nature to abandon Your Bride, the Church. Then, Lord I truly believe You must also send us good, faithful shepherds for they hand on the faith as good teachers and administer the Sacraments in persona Christi. Therefore, it is impossible to think we will never have holy priests, Lord. Although, we may have fewer than You intend if the faithful priests are cancelled and the ones called choose to follow their will and not yours. Lord, You are God and You already knew exactly what would happen in this time. Therefore, I believe You have already made plans and provision for Your Church in this crisis of leadership. Jesus, You lead us, You raise up strong holy priests for these important days. I trust in You and I know we can rely on You Lord because of Your goodness, kindness, mercy, love and power. You have already defeated the evil one and his little demons. It is simply a matter of time before the entire world will know and believe in You. Please bring Your plans to fruition in Your Will and in Your time. Blessed Mother, please continue to intercede for us to the Father via Jesus, Your Son to bring about the renewal and the Era of Peace. Mother, just as You said, ‘Son, they have no wine’ please say to Him, ‘Son, they have no faith, no love, no mercy.’ I am certain He will work a miracle just as at the wedding feast at Cana when He transformed water into the choicest wine. May He transform our tepid hearts by His fire, our stony hearts by His love and our unmerciful hearts by His forgiveness and healing. May we learn the true meaning of love by gazing at Jesus on the cross and may every difficulty, problem, pain and suffering be offered to You and united to Your suffering on the cross for the good of souls. Jesus, I pray for the souls in Purgatory for quick expiation of their sins and a rapid progression to Heaven. May the most forgotten souls be given an abundance of grace and assistance by his or her Guardian Angel. Take souls to Heaven, please God.
Jesus, (name withheld) and her team are playing in a volleyball tournament. Please help them to play their best. Protect both teams from injury and keep them safe until they and their parents arrive home safely. Thank You for the gift of relatives, Lord and for the youth in our family and in the world. Make them holy warriors for You, Lord. Reactivate the gifts of the Holy Spirit so they will make a large impact on the world.
Lord, thank You for allowing me to serve someone yesterday who fainted and was in need of assistance. Thank You also for sending a physician to be present and for her willingness to go to this one’s assistance. What an honor to be used by You, Jesus even in small ways. Thank You, Lord for hearing my prayer and answering it so quickly. You are most merciful love!
“My little one, I too say thanks to you and to My other child for your willingness to respond. I take care of My children’s needs often through others. This is why it is important to respond to promptings from the Holy Spirit. Keep your heart in a state of reflective prayer and be open to My Spirit. I will always guide you, but you must be ready to respond without hesitation. Time is of the essence My children. My little lamb, thank you for praying for those you saw on the highway today. Continue to pray for these men and for their families. They are in need of prayer.”
Ok, Lord, I will pray again for them now. Lord is there anything else I can do?
“My child, in this case it was enough. Just seeing this startled your little soul and the gravity of the situation impacted you. It was difficult for you to see this and yet you began to pray right away. This is how I want you to react to any and to all circumstances. The first thing to do is to pray. I will then prompt you in what you can do to make a difference.”
Thank You, Lord. Jesus, how may we hear Your voice more clearly in our hearts? Also, how are we most able to recognize the promptings of Your Holy Spirit?
“My child, you already know the answer to this, but I will give you My perspective to affirm this in you and for others. It is important to remain in a state of grace and if one falls to return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation as soon as possible. I can of course speak to My children and even those who do not know Me clearly and so they can hear in their hearts. However, this is not the usual way to hear My voice. Many times, I speak to Mine but they either do not listen or they doubt. This means, for those times I am not heard there is either an obstacle, such as sin or perhaps woundedness, unforgiveness, much restlessness or lack of peace and often a disbelief that I would actually speak to My children. Some think, ‘of course God can do this and perhaps does speak to some people, but He would never speak to Me. To this I say, My children this is counter to Sacred Scripture for I have said, ‘My sheep know Me and hear My voice. My children are so close to Me that they recognize My voice.’ Therefore, why would My own children not hear My voice? Perhaps because of one of the reasons I just mentioned. Perhaps they do not take time to be still and hear My voice which is often calm and tender, the still small voice mentioned by My prophet. He did not hear a crashing, booming voice speaking loudly over the storm but a quiet one in the stillness of his heart. Therefore, be still My children. Quiet the frenzied thoughts that race one after another sometimes in a disorderly fashion. Be still and know that I am God. Lift your mind and your heart to God and not to the endless anxieties and worries of this world, not to the multiple tasks and plans you have for your day. Lift your mind and your heart to Me, to God. Who am I, who calms the storm, who says to the wind, be still. I can do this for the storms raging in your hearts, also My little children. Be still and know that I am God. When you unite your heart, mind, will and soul to Me, remain in a state of prayer throughout the day. Look at each problem, each activity, each encounter with others as I view them. I am with you. Speak with Me, My children. Ask Me to guide you and to view each encounter during the day with Me and through Me. ‘What do You want me to do about this, Jesus? How would You like me to respond, Lord?’ These are questions you may ask of Me and many more questions that arise from your sincere hearts. I will tell you or prompt you to take action in charity and love. You will know what you can do in each situation. Keep these words on your heart, ‘Thy Will be done. Not my will, Lord but Thy Will.’ I will never prompt or ask you to do something against My nature, for if this occurs you will certainly know it is not coming from Me but from My adversary or from your own temptation. I am unchanging. I am all love and all love is Me. I will never have you do something harmful to souls. Be aware of this. Remain in a state of grace and read holy Scripture. Pray the Most Holy Rosary, My children. Frequent the Sacraments and love one another. In this way, you will be predisposed to hear My voice. If you do not yet, do not be discouraged. Every phase in the spiritual life requires growth, just as developmental phases in one’s life require growth. There are things you can do to cooperate with human growth like sleep and good nutrition and exercise. This is true in the spiritual life as well. Be nourished by My body, blood, soul and divinity, the Eucharist. Receive worthily that is, in a state of grace by frequenting the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Pray and unite your will with My Holy and Divine Will. Do not be overly anxious and fearful, My children for these demonstrate a lack of trust in God the Father who loves His children and always provides for them. If you have concerns which almost everyone does in this time, bring them to Me. Give them to Me, My little ones. Then, entrust them to Me. Allow Me to bring resolution. Be patient for I know the perfect timing for all circumstances and I do what is best for each and every soul. I love you, My children and I desire all of My children to know and to hear My voice. You must also recognize My voice through the teachings of My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. On these, you can rely. By teachings, I mean the dogma of the Faith. This does not mean every single word uttered by a priest, religious or Bishop for they have opinions as all men do. Refer to the timeless teachings of the Church, My children. Yes, they are timeless for they were true from all time, even before the Church was established. This is so, because they came from God and through Me, Jesus were handed down to the Apostles. These have not changed and if you hear that a dogma, meaning a teaching, a belief has suddenly changed you can identify this as a falsehood, or a misunderstanding, or a rejection of the faith. Do not be deceived by error, My children for you have been given the true faith and the teaching of My church. It is not difficult in this day and age to find the true source and to compare and contrast erroneous sayings. Truth always prevails because I AM truth. I AM perfection. I AM all knowing. It is against My nature to present falsehood and so if you follow the true teachings, you will know what is true and what is error. It is important for all My children to know the Faith of your Fathers so you can easily recognize heresy and error. Do not fear. Have I not always provided for My Church? You are My Church, My children. I will provide for you. Pray for your shepherds. Pray for them and support them when they are persecuted for the truth. Pray for the enemies of My Church. Pray for their conversion. They are My creatures, also and I want their love and salvation, also. Love them and pray for them. My children you are My Bride, the Church. Can I forsake My Bride? No, I cannot for it goes against My holy and perfect nature. You see, My children, is it becoming a bit easier to distinguish My traits when viewed in the light of truth and love? Trust in Me, My little children. All will be well.”
Thank You for answering My questions, Lord.
“My child, I also want My children to know that I speak to them in different ways. You will find this in Scripture and it is clearly seen when viewed in context to the gifts of My Holy Spirit. I reveal Myself through creation, through speaking in the quiet of hearts attuned to Me. I speak also in visions and dreams. I communicate through others when they demonstrate My compassion, mercy and love. There are many ways I communicate with My children and I use all means that are appropriate with souls. I repeat, I use all means. If you do not hear Me in your heart, I will often attempt to reach you through others who are open to My Holy Spirit (even though My children are also open I still will use others to convey words or actions that are needed by souls.) I do whatever I can to get through to you, My beloved children. Be in a state of grace and be open to Me. Speak with Me. You will begin to realize the many ways I have spoken to you and you will be eve more open each time. Do not fear. Do not be unbelieving, but believe. I am with you—really with you. I love you!”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. I am filled with gratitude at You, my beautiful God. Thank You for Your love and for Your passion, death and resurrection! Praise You Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God who was and is and is to come.
“My child, I receive these words of adoration, praise and thanksgiving. I love you and I bless you and My son, (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Be love and peace to others. Be mercy and joy, My children. I am counting on you to be Christ bearers in the world. I love you and I thank You for your love.”
Lord, we thank You for allowing us to visit You in this beautiful chapel. Thank You for Your presence in all tabernacles in the world. Amen, Lord. Amen!
March 12, 2023 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Most Holy Eucharist. I praise, adore and give glory to You, my Lord, God and King! Oh, Lord thank You for the opportunity to be here with You in this peaceful, quiet place away from the world, the noise and stress. Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion, Lord. Jesus, it was a very good meeting yesterday. Thank You for the people You called to come together yesterday. It was a grace filled evening. Help us to continue to form and learn from one another. May others be open to and accepting of the invitation to join in the coming months. Work Your Will in and through us, dearest Savior. Lord, I don’t know where You will take this or how You will use us, but only that You will. Your will be done, Lord Jesus.
Lord, forgive me of my sins and bring me ever closer to Your Sacred Heart. Immerse me in Your Will, Oh Lord. May we be united in all that we do together, Lord. Take my will Jesus and give me Your Will in return. Take my heart and all of me, Jesus and live in and through me. I fall and I disappoint You Jesus when I live for myself or try to do something on my own. Lord, I don’t even realize it at the time, but only afterwards when I reflect on my sins or shortcomings. This is why I must allow You to live in and through me, Lord. There is no way for me to become holy without Your graces. It is impossible without Your benevolent mercy. Lord, have mercy on me. May every thought and every action be done within Your holy and perfect Will. I love You, Lord. Keep me close to You, Lord and never allow me to be separated from You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. I Will this group of My children to come together. The fellowship, faith and love you shared and will share going forward is what I want for all My children. The evil one wants to separate My children; To divide and conquer so to speak. My plan for mankind is not one of division but of unity and peace. My little lamb, My daughter (name withheld) said it well when she reflected on the different personalities of My children. It is good to recognize this now, to love and be patient with one another. You must all learn this lesson now, for when the time comes to enter the refuges being prepared for My remnant, there will be different temperaments. My children come from a variety of places, backgrounds and experiences. Many if not most of My children have been wounded in some way through either their own sins or the consequences from the sins of others. (and often by both) When I speak of wounds, I mean emotional wounds. Many have been wounded by a relative and in some cases by a parent or parents when as a child they were abused or felt unloved. Some have known rejection or lived in families where there was alcohol or drug abuse. Some have been rejected even because of their desire to be holy. There are many reasons as there are types of wounds that even when seemingly well integrated people think they have healed and put these hurts behind them, act out of a self-protection coping mechanism rather than out of a place of love. My children when one responds defensively, or acts superior to others, it is usually due to woundedness. These wounds need to be healed from the inside out and require exposure to My light, My love, My grace and mercy. When someone mistrusts or accuses another it can be attributed to a deep seeded jealousy. On the surface, one may say, ‘But, Lord jealousy and envy are sins.’ To which I would reply, ‘Yes, My children they are.’ I see their sin, also but I also see the wound that has not fully healed. When a wound is not fully healed it is still painful to touch. It is tender. If one hits the wound or bumps it even by accident, it causes the wounded person to flinch or to cry out in pain. It is no different when an emotional wound that hasn’t fully healed is struck. It may occur without others realizing, but nevertheless the wounded person will cry out in pain, or in fear to let others know you are getting too close to this pain and to please stop so it doesn’t become even more painful. My child, these behaviors do not appear to be as a result of pain. They appear to be pride, anger, fear, jealousy and a whole host of other sins. To be clear, behavior may be sinful but what I am inviting you to see is the reason beneath the sin. Reflect on this in yourselves, My children. You will be able to identify underlying causes for your sins. Only then, can you bring these wounds to Me for healing. When wounds, especially emotional wounds (wounds of the heart) are exposed to the light and brought to the Great Physician for healing, can there be complete healing. I want My children to be completely healed of all emotional wounds, all trauma, all wounds that strike at the hearts of My beautiful children to be healed. In this way, there will be no obstacles between us. In this way, you will see your souls as I see them. You will then take every sin to the confessional where My holy priest sons will absolve your sins due to their priestly, sacramental ministry. When I absolve your sins through the priest, your healing will be much quicker and a full recovery will be made. This may need to occur over time for different wounds, My children. I am patient. I do not overwhelm you and I know how much each person, each soul can handle. Be encouraged, My children. We will cover more of this in the coming weeks, but know that I love you and I Will you to be healed so you can love more freely. In this way, you will also be better equipped to overcome patterns of sin in your lives. I will give you graces for this, of course but by walking with Me on this path, this journey of healing, you will be more open to receive the graces I send to you on a continual basis. You will see a growth in holiness. You will also notice you are more empathetic when others show signs of being wounded. You will begin to understand the fullness of My love for you. You know it now intellectually. You will really know it in your hearts when we undertake this ‘course’ in healing and becoming more holy. To be more holy is to become who you were meant to be all along, from the moment of conception. My children, God the Father has a purpose and a plan for your lives. He knew and knows each and every soul before you were created. He knew all that would occur and He has already equipped you with the talents, gifts and every trait needed to fulfill your mission in this life. The Father never sets His children up for failure, but only for success. Unfortunately, because of His gift of free will, others have abused this gift and used their free will to harm others. This is not His Will, but the will of man rebelling against God’s perfect Will that is always love, mercy, justice and peace. Consequently, you have all suffered from the consequences of others’ sins. Rather than recognizing this, you have developed coping mechanisms to protect these wounds and to protect yourself from additional wounds. Sometimes you push others away for fear they will wound you, also. At other times, you act prideful or as if you know better than everyone around you. This is not true, My children. Search your hearts and you will discover through prayer, reflection and reading Scripture why these behaviors are surfacing, what is at the root of this and why these coping mechanisms are not beneficial to your growth in holiness. I understand, My beloved children all about this. I know everything about you and I want you to come to know yourselves in the light of truth. I am truth, My children. Bring each wound to Me and I will pour My balm of love and mercy into your wounds. I will bind each one. I am gentle and patient. I will heal you. You will then walk with Me in these painful experiences and I will reveal to you where I was when each event occurred. It will be an experience of My love, My children. You will understand in your hearts that I have always been with you. Do not be afraid of this healing process. I am with you. Trust in Me, My children. If you begin to realize there are people you have not forgiven, you will need to do so. This may seem impossible, but it is possible with and through Me. Ask for My help and direction, My children. Ask My Mother to pray for you in this process of healing. Sit before Me in the tabernacle and be with Me. I am here for you. When you begin to be restored, you will have a sense of freedom, My children. When your sadness is lessened there will be more room for joy and inner peace. I need you to be renewed and restored to realize you have an honored place in the family of God. Then, you will be much more effective in your ability to help others and to respond to others in love. Be not afraid, My children. Trust in Me.”
“My children, you will also be in a better position to help your Jesus after the Illumination of Conscience. Many will be in a state of shock and will be grieving because they will realize the full extent of their sins, the consequences to others and the way their sins are in the light of truth. Their consciences will no longer be numb to the truth, but fully aware. Their underlying wounds will be understood but they may not know what to do, other than flee to Confession. I will guide them and I invite you to participate with Me in this rescue mission. As you encounter those in need, in emotional need, you will be given the grace to know what to do for them. Love them. Be merciful. Be humble. Guide them ever so gently. Be a source of healing to them. Take them to the priest for Confession and other sacramental needs. Above all, show mercy and love.”
Thank You, Lord. We are all ‘walking wounded’, Lord some have worse wounds than others, more ‘life-threatening’, but regardless each person’s wounds are still painful. Thank You for Your loving concern for us. What an amazing God You are! I love You, my Savior!
“I love you, My daughter. Help others to heal, My children. Begin to look at them differently, with My eyes. Do not judge, but pray for the gift of discernment. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Be gentle, My children. Souls can be very fragile. I love you. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace.”
Amen, Lord, Amen!
March 5, 2023 Adoration Chapel
Hello, my Lord and my God present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. All praise, honor and glory to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for Holy Mass and Confession yesterday and for Holy Mass today, Jesus. I am very thankful for the great opportunity to receive You in the Eucharist. Praise You Lord for Your willingness these 2,000+ years to condescend to the altars all over the world during the consecration and change the simple humble piece of bread through the hands of our priests into the body, blood, soul and divinity of You, our Lord Jesus Christ. What an amazing, incredible miracle, Jesus! Thank You for Your presence at each and every Holy Mass. Thank You for the angels that surround the altar glorifying You at each and every Mass, filling in where we fall short, Jesus to give You proper praise and glory. Oh, Lord Your patience and mercy, Your kindness and generosity is difficult to fathom, but I trust in You and believe in You, the very essence of love. Oh, glorious, beautiful truth, perfection and wisdom, You, Word of God who speaks and the heavens and earth obey. You become this humble piece of bread to be not only available to Your people, but one with us. My little mind cannot comprehend this, and yet I do believe. I believe in You, Lord and all that has been revealed by You through the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and through Sacred Scripture, codified by the Church. I love everything about You, Lord and all that You teach through Holy Mother Church. Oh, Lord protect Your Church as You have said You will, so that the gates of hell will never prevail against Your Church. We are sinful people, Lord but Your Church is holy. Give us more grace to withstand the pressures of this age and to be a holy people set apart from the world. Set apart only because of our gratitude and our faithfulness to the One who gave His life for us, who birthed the Church after Your resurrection and the descent of the Holy Spirit. Set apart because by Your grace we choose to follow You and though I often fail and fall, You provided the way to be reconciled to God. Set apart because we receive the divinely instituted Sacraments to assist us on one earthly pilgrimage. What haven’t You thought of, Jesus? You have thought of everything and give every help needed for us mere sinful creatures to get up after each fall, be reconciled to You, receive Your holy body, blood, soul and divinity so that we may once again be united to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What an incredible gift to be a Catholic, my sweet Savior. Thank You, Lord. Jesus, I am going on and on when really my words are inadequate to properly praise and thank You. Great Saints and Doctors of the Church who were given incredible intellects and heroic virtues have praised and adored You exponentially better than I can and yet You know my heart. You know what I am trying to say and I pray that will be acceptable and ‘enough’ considering this small-minded creature of Yours. You know I love You, Lord and I am inadequate in my attempt to praise You. Mere words could never do justice to You, Oh Blessed Trinity, divine loving Mystery. Oh, Lord, my Father in Heaven I am very small and inconsequential and yet like St. Therese of the Child Jesus, I too want to raise my arms to You. Jesus, lift me in Your arms and hold me up to the Father. Take me to spiritual heights that I am incapable of reaching, but through and with You, in Your Divine and Holy Will, hidden in Your arms I can attain. Sweet Holy Spirit, purge my faults, purify me of all sin and each consequence of sin; take my stony heart and replace it with one that is on fire for love of God. In Jesus’ name, the name above all names, I pray.
“My child, My child, My little child. Oh, how I love you. Thank you for this sweetness and for your humility. You are learning what an obstacle human pride is to growth in holiness. I am pleased that you are also learning to recognize the signs of pride so that you can call out to Me for assistance to resist temptations to pride. This is a great time of healing in you, My little lamb, and I will continue this work as You have requested for several years. Do you see My hand in this work and in the circumstances that have brought you to this point in time?”
Yes, Lord. I only wish it hadn’t taken me so long, but that can be attributed to my stubbornness (and pride of course). I am a slow learner, Lord but You are an excellent teacher. Your patience is endless. Your mercy infinite!
“My daughter, each one’s journey is unique. It takes what it takes depending on the wounds, their type, their affect on the soul, the other circumstances such as traumatic events, etc., and a host of other factors including one’s personality and sensitivities. Each soul is unique, My daughter but I am the great physician. I know exactly what has occurred and what is needed for healing. This is a process, My child but every step forward is an advancement in holiness for barriers and obstacles to holiness are removed as wounds are healed. Each child of Mine is in need of healing since all have sinned (except Most Holy Mother Mary) and sins have consequences. Sins wound the soul My child. They wound the one who sins and those around him/her. Sins wound families, communities, states, nations and the world. I am the answer, My child. I can heal all wounds and bring about reconciliation. I can do all things. Believe in Me. Have faith, My Children of Light. Ask and believe in Me, the giver of every good gift.”
Thank You, Lord!
“My child the shaking has begun, as you are aware. Recall I told you this. There have been numerous earthquakes, My child, many go unreported. There are those like the one in Turkey and Syria that are too large not to report. It has impacted this region of the world (the one in Turkey and Syria) that will be remembered through history due to the resulting chasm created. It cannot be denied. The world will continue to experience this shaking, My child in order to bring Mine back to Me. This is a beginning, little one.”
Jesus, there have been many earthquakes throughout history and even recent history. Some of these have been quite strong, Lord. I realize the shaking has begun but I wondered if shaking meant not only earthquakes but a shaking of our perspectives, of what we thought was true (based on what we have been taught all our lives and lately have learned otherwise) and a shaking of false belief systems. I am not real sure what is meant by this ‘shaking’.
“You are correct, My child. The earthquakes are a visible, physical sign of this shaking which includes all you have mentioned as well as false perspectives, a lack of morals and virtues, and false precepts. Mankind possesses many fallacies, My child and these will be shaken to the core in order to purify hearts and minds. This shaking will enable people to begin to see and recognize the truth (God is truth) but in order to see clearly the scales must be removed from the minds and hearts of My children. The shaking, in multiple forms will be useful in this process. In some cases, lives will be lost, just as has occurred in the earthquakes. But, My child resist the temptation to see the world from a human lens. What is life worth materially if one loses his or her soul. Many came to faith in Me just before they died and are now with Me in Heaven. I am giving graces for conversion to those who are mourning the loss of loved ones. I am Father to the orphan and I care for those who feel lost or abandoned. I am close to the suffering and to those who mourn. Often, this is the only time hearts are open to Me. I use every opportunity to draw souls close to Me to impart My unconditional love and peace to their precious souls. Pray for all who have died and for those who will die. Many lives will end due to evil plans of men, through senseless wars and man’s inhumanity to man, but I am merciful and kind. I will gather souls to Me and bring good out of each situation for those who allow Me to work in their hearts. My child, I repeat what I have told you many times; all will be well. All will be well. Remain with Me and do not fear. Be filled with My peace which passes all understanding, but is real and can be obtained by merely asking it be given to You. I am the source of all peace. I will soothe the broken hearted and gather My little children under My mantle of protection. Trust in Me. I will bring you through every adversity, My children either in this time on earth or in your entry into Heaven. All will be well. Follow Me. Pick up your crosses. Have no fear. Follow Me.”
Thank You, Lord for Your words of life and Your messages of love. Praise You, Lord!
“My child, I want to tell My children to stop judging one another. There is much condemnation and misguided thinking about your brothers and sisters. You must stop this. Realize there are traps being set for you by the evil ones and those who cooperate with evil. They want division and many are falling into the traps set for My children. Recall the words of the Gospel, you are to love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you. It is good when truth is exposed and evil deeds brought to the light, however this gives My children the opportunity to pray for those who are revealed as the enemy of My people. Their hearts and souls are in grave danger. I created them as well and I want them to be saved. Pray for them, My children. In this way you imitate Me when I asked the Father to forgive those who crucified Me. My children, hatred is from the devil, Lucifer. Love is of God and God is love. You cannot hate your fellowman and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray for conversions. Pray for their repentance. Pray for them to experience the love of God. It is not too late for evildoers to change, but they must change quickly. Many, many prayers from the heart are needed to move strong hearts. Won’t you assist Me in this great work of salvation? I came to set captives free. You must help Me to do so now during this time. There is no greater work, My children. Pray and offer penance for these wayward children. I love them also My children. I want them to turn their backs on sin and turn toward the Son of Man. Be conduits of grace and love in the world, My children. Be love; be mercy; be peace; be joy, bring them to Me, the life, My children. All will be well.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Praise You, Lord.
“You are welcome, My child. I bless you now in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. All will be well. I love you, My children.”
I love You, my Lord and my God, my All. Thank You, my beautiful Savior!