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Children of the Renewal Messages


May, 2024 Messages


May 19, 2024, Pentecost Sunday,  Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  I adore, honor, glorify and love You with my whole heart!  Thank You for Your presence with us.  Thank You that You never abandon us, Jesus.  Lord, I am grateful for the beautiful Mass and Holy Communion on this great Feast of Pentecost!  Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to be with Your Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.  Thank You for loving each and every soul.  Help us to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in order that we may live holy lives and lead others to Christ.  Blessed Trinity, I thank You for the blessed day of (name withheld) Baptism.  It was very sacred and beautiful.  I am relieved knowing that our youngest grandchild has received the graces of Baptism.  Thank You, Lord God!  Lord, I pray for peace in the hearts of mankind and in the world.  There is much turmoil and war and I know this isn’t Your Will.  Please grant peace to those who want war.  Turn their hearts from hearts of rock to hearts of flesh.  Grant them graces of conversion.  Lord, I pray these graces will touch our daughter (name withheld) heart and that she will come to know Your love.  Please also give (names withheld) the desire to become Catholic.  Jesus, I pray for all who are ill, especially for my husband (name withheld) that the (condition withheld) will clear completely and he will be healed.  I pray for healing of (name withheld) eyes and (name withheld) migraines (and the source of them) and for all who are suffering from cancer especially (names withheld) and all who are suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia.  Thank You, Lord for the gift of new life.  Please protect the babies who have not yet been born.  Spare them from abortion and all violence.  Thank You, Lord for all You have done, are doing and will do for Your children.  Please pour out Your Spirit on this day, Jesus.  Renew all hearts and minds and purify us from this culture of death and lies.  Keep us in the palm of Your hand and in the refuge of Your Sacred Heart.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You!


Lord, have You anything to say to me today?


“There is much to say, My little one, but My people do not listen.  They do not listen on a grand scale, although I know there are some, a small remnant who are listening.  They are the ones who know the signs of the times.  They are aware of the culture of disobedience and understand everything in light of the history of the Church.  You are living in the days where evil is heightened, the Age of Disobedience will reach its full crescendo and then God will take action.  In the meantime, work with your goal to save souls for the Kingdom of God.  My children the hour is late.  The day of reckoning will come like a thief in the night.  Be prepared.  First, be prepared sacramentally.  Be prepared in your relationship to Me.  Second, be prepared through prayer, the most holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet.  Read Sacred Scripture.  If you do these things with a pure and contrite heart, there is nothing more needed.  There is nothing to fear.  Be not afraid.  Your refuge will be found in My Mother’s Immaculate Heart and in My Sacred Heart.  Remember My children that God is love.  The children of God, those who love and follow Me will be protected.  You do not need to know every detail of what will unfold for that is for God to know, but My Most Holy Mother Mary has revealed a great deal to our children through many visionaries and messengers.  Familiarize yourselves with her apparitions and the messages given to the visionaries throughout the centuries.  Read and study Scripture.” 


“The events are unfolding all around you, My children.  It is obvious to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  Pray for those who are far from Me, that they will return soon, like the Prodigal Son.  Pray they will come to know the love of God before it is too late.  I am here, My children to protect you, but I cannot do so when you are living outside of My Will.  When you live in a state of mortal sin you have removed yourselves from My loving protection.  You willingly compromise your souls and eternal life.  But when you turn back to Me, repent and are converted, I am once again able to forgive you and welcome you into the arms of your Savior.  I have mercy on souls who repent of their sins.  I have infinite mercy and love.  I know you are weak.  I know you succumb to temptation.  It has been true for My creatures since the first fall of Adam and Eve.  This is why I provided absolution of your sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Take advantage of this great healing Sacrament and do so regularly so that you may remain in My grace.  Receive Communion worthily, My children, so that we will be united in the Sacrifice of Love I give so freely to My Church.  My children, you cannot live a life of holiness and grace without Communion.  Therefore, when the physical refuges are in place and occupied, though churches will be closed, I will send My holy priests to you miraculously and you will receive the Sacraments.  It will not always be on a weekly basis, but you will have this great gift.  Therefore, do not be afraid.  I will not abandon My children.  Those who dwell in the refuges will see the Time of the Renewal.  This time will be full of grace and peace. My children will be fruitful and will multiply in order to re-populate the earth and will give each baby a chance at life.  There will be no more abortions in the world.  All violence will cease during the Era of Peace.  The Time of Great Trials will end, My children and all will worship in Spirit and in Truth for all will love and follow the One True God.  All will embrace the Catholic religion for this is the Church I established on earth and there is right worship of God.  This Era of Peace will not be Heaven, My children.  People will still have the opportunity to sin, but holiness and grace will prevail in the hearts of My children.  You will be filled with joy and wonder at the love and provision of God.  God will be worshipped and adored like no other time in history.  My children I have other gifts in store for this Era of Peace, the Age of Obedience.  The world, all of creation will be purified and renewed.  The word re-newed says it all, My children.  The face of the earth will be renewed and not just the face of the earth but all of creation including the sun, the moon and the stars.  All will be renewed.  In other words, it will be new again.  It will be renewed as creation was when God first created the world and before man abused the world, the earth and negatively impacted the natural resources, the weather, the atmosphere, plant and animal life and everything on the earth that man has corrupted, damaged and destroyed.  These acts are sins against God, His creation and all of mankind.  They are serious and grave sins, My children for those who cooperate with evil seek to destroy the natural resources given to sustain My children.  They will not succeed for I am the victor, the Triune God, the High Priest, the Redeemer of Mankind.  The Father and I are One.  When the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, renews the face of the earth, He will prepare the hearts of My children so you may follow Me more closely and love Me more fully.  Keep your eyes on Me, My children.  Pray as I have asked.  Be merciful to others.  Let them know they are loved by God.  Show them what it looks like to be a loving child of God.  People will learn by your example and their hearts will begin to change.  You do not realize how even small acts of kindness impact the hearts of My wayward children.  Extend My love to all you encounter and especially your own family members.  It must begin there, My children.  Be love.  Be joy.  Be mercy.  Show mercy as I am mercy.”


“That is all for now, My little lamb.  Go in peace, My daughter.  I bless you and My son, (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  I am with you and I will never leave you alone.  Be at peace in all things.  I love you.”


And I love You, My adorable Lord and Savior.  Amen!  Alleluia!  My God reigns!


May 12, 2024  Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  I adore You, my Lord, my God and my All.  All praise, honor and glory be to You, my Savior.  Thank You for this glorious holy day, Jesus.


Happy Mother’s Day to you, Blessed Mother!  Please tell my earthly mother I love her and wish her the happiest Mother’s Day.  We miss her terribly!  Blessed Mother, thank you for interceding and intervening for us, your earthly children.  I love you!


Lord, thank You for a successful surgery for (name withheld).  I pray his eye will heal and he’ll be able to see, Jesus.  Help him to get the other eye corrected soon, Lord.


Jesus, thank You for the conversion of (name withheld).  It’s been an incredible journey that I know isn’t over yet.  Praise You, Jesus.  Lord, I’m trusting You.  Bless his children/my grandchildren and help them all to grow closer to You, Jesus.  I pray this for all of our grandchildren.  Jesus, I continue to pray for (name withheld) and her children, for their conversion to the Faith.  Also, for (name withheld) intentions.  Cover us all with Your precious blood and hide us in Our Lady’s mantle.  Be our refuge, Lord.  Glory and honor to You, the Way, the Truth and the Light.  Help us as we navigate the rough waters of society, Jesus where so much corruption is right before our eyes.  I pray for our beloved Church.  Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us, for we are sinners.  Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion.  The homily was very good, Lord.  I pray it touched souls, especially those who were visiting for the first time.  Please bring all fallen away Catholics back to Church.  I pray for those who will go through the Warning/Illumination of Conscience.  Give them the needed graces to decide for You, Jesus.


Lord, I’ve done all of the talking!  Do you have anything to say to me?


“Yes, My daughter.  There is much to say but for today I simply say to remain at the ready.  Be in a state of grace removing all barriers for distractions, so that you focus on Me.  Things will begin to change, My children.  Be prepared.  Pray, fast, seek reconciliation and mercy.  Frequent the Sacraments.  Be joyful even in the midst of trials and suffering.  Mankind is still not aware of what evil people are planning.  Remain close to God and steadfast.  Do not be afraid.  I, your Jesus am with you.  I am your port in a sudden storm and in all storms.”


Thank You, Jesus.  Lord, I’m struggling to remain awake.  I haven’t been getting enough sleep.  Please forgive me for “drifting” and not focusing on You.  It’s so very peaceful here, too.  I do love You, Lord.


“I know, My child.  And, I love you.  I understand.” 


I don’t want to fall asleep like Your Apostles did when You were in the Garden of Gethsemane.  I know it’s not the same level of urgency, but still, the Church is in its agony.


“Yes, My child.  It is and this is why I encourage you to pray more, fast, read Sacred Scripture and attend Holy Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Remain in a state of grace, My child.  I tell you this for your good and the good of others.  My child, this is all for now.  Spend some quiet time reflecting on Me.  Let us gaze at one another.  Be assured of My love.”


Thank You, Jesus!


May 5, 2024 Adoration Chapel

Hello my adorable Jesus ever present in this sacrifice of love, the Most Holy Eucharist where You reside in every holy tabernacle in the One True Church.  Jesus, thank You for Your Sacramental present in the world.  We would be lost without You, Jesus!  Lord there are countless blessings and graces for which to be thankful.  I’ll begin by thanking You for Confession and Mass yesterday and Mass today.  Thank You for the opportunity to be with You in this Adoration Chapel!  Thank You for the beautiful music at Mass this morning and for the many good and holy friends (name withheld) and I have.  This is truly a gift from You and the Blessed Mother.  Thank You for our beloved family, our siblings, parents, grandparents and our children and grandchildren.  You have blessed us beyond measure!  I am grateful for the miracles of love You have worked in our family.  So many gifts of healing, Lord!  Today, I bring an urgent request of You, my Jesus.  You are God and nothing is impossible for You.  Jesus, You know all about (name withheld) eye problem and the dire need he has for immediate surgery.  Lord, You are the Great Physician (and surgeon for that matter!)  so, I am asking that You work a miracle of healing.  (Name withheld) is scheduled for surgery on Monday, Jesus but he should have already had surgery.  I am shocked disappointed and feel completely let down by the medical field knowing this is an emergency (and confirmed by an ER doctor) but there are no openings for a week?  Oh, Jesus.  He could very well and probably will lose his vision having to wait this long.  My Jesus, the only way to preserve his sight is for You to heal him.  Please heal him, Lord!  Perhaps the delay in surgery is being done to glorify You, Lord.  If that is the case, we are grateful.  If Your intention is healing through the surgeon, then please open the door, make a way for him to have surgery tomorrow.  Lord, I am sitting at Your feet as Your little servant, and am pleading with You for help.  Lord, come to (name withheld) assistance.  Oh, Lord make haste to help him.  Blessed Mother, please intercede for your son, (name withheld).  He has come so far, converted to the Faith and has become a spiritual leader in his quiet humble way.  What a good man who has overcome so many difficulties and challenges in life by God’s grace and his tenacity and perseverance.  Our Lord has brought him so far.  Would it really be God’s Will for him to lose his eyesight?  I do not think so, but rather man’s politics—not wanting to step on the toes of another physician.  Oh, Jesus I do not know if this is really the case, but it appears so from my small vantage point.  I do believe that everything that occurs in our lives is either willed by You or is allowed by Your permission.  So, Jesus I pray for his healing, however You decide to do this.  Please keep the retina (the portion still intact) in place until he has surgery.  Or, heal it before surgery for Your honor, glory and love for (names withheld).  My Jesus, I pray for absolute trust in You.  No matter the outcome, may we accept Your perfect holy Will.  You reign in our hearts, Jesus and we pray that Your reign will be established soon in the world.  Drive out all darkness from evil, Lord.  May all people come to know and love You.  All honor, glory and praise be to You, Lord Jesus Christ.  Most Holy Mother Mary, thank you for your love and your holy intercession before the throne of God the Father.  Thank you for being our perfect Mother.  Teach us to be like you so that we will love Jesus in purity and with strong faith.  Blessed Mother, Mother of Christ, our Mother, pray for (name withheld) and (names withheld).  Pray for our entire family, for conversion of our children and grandchildren.  Please pray especially for their Baptisms.  Please Mother Mary.  Thank you!


My Lord and my God, You know all the intentions of my heart.  I have asked You for so many graces, Jesus but You invite us to continue to ask and to give all of our burdens to You.  Most merciful Jesus, I pray for conversion of souls.  I pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, especially for those who have no one to pray for them.  Jesus, please give quick and powerful graces to the souls in Purgatory who were outside of the Church when they were alive.  Forgive them (I know You have or they wouldn’t be in Purgatory) and make their time in that place of short duration.  Give them whatever they need to be in Heaven now, Lord.  Thank You for Purgatory, Jesus but help souls not to linger so long there.  Jesus give mankind graces for peace; peace in individual hearts and therefore peace in the world.  Give us the true peace that only You, the Prince of Peace can give.  I pray for an increase in vocations throughout the world and especially in our Archdiocese.  Give all the graces needed to (priest’s name withheld) who has been given a fulltime professorship in addition to his parish.  That doesn’t seem humanly possible but with You it can be.   Lord, protect Father from being overworked and exhausted.  Instead renew his energy so that he does not become depleted.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You!  Thank You for hearing my lengthy prayers and petitions, Lord.  You are very patient and kind!


“My child, My child, thank you for entrusting your prayers and petitions to Me.  So many children of Mine have needs but they do not come to Me to solve their problems.  They seek others to do so or ask Me and give up too soon as they are unwilling to accept that I know best, including the timing of answer to prayer.  I want My children to pray specifically for their needs and the needs of others and expect Me to work in the best way for each one of My children.  Each child of Mine is unique and only God knows what is best for souls.  Trust in Me is what is needed and so lacking in the world.  My children’s prayers are powerful because My love for My children is powerful.  When My children pray with a sense of purpose and with love for others, it moves My heart for I love each soul profoundly.  Continue to pray and trust in Me and in My Will.  Thank You, My daughter for your love and trust.  The praise you joyfully cried out was heard by all of Heaven yesterday.  Do not think that God the Father turned a deaf ear to you just because things didn’t work out as you had hoped.  Do not give up on God.  He does not give up on His children.  Continue to pray, to petition for your brothers and sisters in the world and to offer sacrifices.  More prayers and sacrifices are needed for souls, My child.  There are not enough people praying.”


“My child, pray harder for peace in the world.  Pray that the conflicts in the world will subside, that cooler heads and peaceful hearts will prevail.  Pray, pray, pray.  Pray also for hard hearts to change and become loving, living hearts of love—for God and for one another.  Pray the Rosary for peace, My children.  Through the prayer of the Rosary peace can be obtained, violence averted.  Pray, My children, pray.”


“My little one, draw nearer to My Sacred Heart.  Be so close as to hear My heart beating for love of souls.  My priests are undergoing the beginning trials and are suffering on behalf of My Church.  Those who are being persecuted for the Truths of My Church are undergoing My agony in the garden.  The holy ones suffer early either directly or indirectly for their hearts are being pierced.  Their hearts resemble My priestly heart.  These are My good, holy priest sons, true shepherds for My people.  You see those who are obviously suffering at the hands of their bishops.  These (persecutions) are obvious and much prayer and encouragement is needed, My children.  Do not abandon these holy priest sons of Mine or you will add insult to injury.  I love them and all of Heaven prays for them.  You must pray also for the way they are walking is the way of the Church.  You are the Church.  Walk this road of suffering with them.  Do not abandon them, My children or you are abandoning Me.  My little children, there are other good and holy priests suffering.  They suffer in many ways.  I will outline a few ways in which they suffer. 

1)  They suffer that their brother priests have been rejected by some Bishops for merely teaching the Faith handed down by Me through the Apostles.  2)  They suffer an increase in workload not only because of the shortage of priests, but because the persecuted ones removed from their ability to offer Mass in their parishes, hear Confessions and other ‘penalties’ imposed by My wayward Bishops, create an increase workload in already constrained environments.  Pray for your shepherds.  Pray for Bishops and Cardinals who have left the way and are following the wrong path.  Pray for My Church which undergoes My passion and will one day go the way of the cross.  Pray, My children, the laity on whom so much depends.  You are called in these days to practice heroic virtue.  Virtue, My children.  Virtue.  Separate yourselves from the worldly ways.  You are indeed called into the world, but called to be witnesses.  Witnesses of the love of Christ.  Witnesses to the road to Heaven, of virtue, of truth, of mercy.  Do not succumb to the temptations of the world.  Many Catholics follow worldly and even pagan principles and practices.  Purify yourselves.  Do not follow false gods and do not worship idols.  Today’s idols are pernicious.  On the surface, they appear good.  This is always the way the evil adversary tempts My children.  If things were blatantly evil, it would be easier to detect and reject them.  My children, you know satan is the father of lies.  He is the deceiver.  He is clever and cunning.  If you do not remain in a state of grace, clinging to the ways of God, you will fall.  The force of evil is very strong.  But I am stronger.  Remain in Me.  Seek refuge in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of My Most Holy Mother Mary.  Frequent the Sacraments.  Seek all that is holy, beautiful and good.  Keep balance in your lives by having a regular prayer time, daily Mass when possible, read Sacred Scripture, study your Faith, read the Catechism and fill your lives with good works.  Do what you can for someone in need.  Serve the poor, the sick, the elderly.  Visit those who are lonely.  Live the Gospel, My children.”

“You are My Church.  You ARE My Church.  Those who destroy My Church from within are not My Church, but are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  I warned My Church there would be wolves.  They are here in full force.  They operate in packs.  Have you noticed?  Be on guard and pray.  Offer sacrifices for My Church for when you do this, you are showing great love and mercy for Me, for all I have done and all the Fathers in Faith, the Martyrs and the Saints have done for the Church, My body.  This is one way to become a saint, My children.  Love and do penance for My Church.  Love and do penance and pray for lost souls.  My good shepherds are waiting with open arms for My little lost sheep to return.  My prodigal children, return now to the home of the Father on earth.  Be restored to the One True Faith, the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.  All are welcome here.  Come with contrite hearts.  Repent and turn your backs on sin and you will be forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  I died for My children so that you could experience complete forgiveness of sin.  I died so that My Church could be established and rivers of grace could flow out through the Sacraments to the world so in need of God’s love.  Treasure the Sacraments.  Be aware of this powerful means of grace and take advantage of them while you are able.  Come home, My children.  Come home to My Church which is waiting for you.  My good, holy shepherds will hear your Confession, reconciling you to Me and to the Church and will absolve you of your sins.  They do this under My power.  I gave them My authority to forgive sins through their priestly ordinations and the seal I have set on their souls.  My priests act in persona Christi—in the person of Christ.  I act through them.  Do not reject the priesthood, My children for to do so is to reject the High Priest.  You say you love Me, but reject the Church I have established, the Church, My Bride that I laid down My life for.  Think about this.  One who truly loves accepts the gifts from their beloved and treasures them.  Do not reject My Church for this is My body and from My priest sons, the Sacraments—actual grace is given to My faithful children, sins are absolved, souls are healed and renewed and My children are able to continue the good fight—building God’s Kingdom on earth.” 


“Be love, be peace, be mercy, be joy. Be My children and walk in the light of My love.  The time is now, My Children.  This is the time to allow the love of Christ to shine in and through you.  This is the time to carry your crosses in imitation of your Jesus.  Now is the time to return to Me.  I await you with open arms.  I love you and I want you to walk in the light of My love.  Do not choose the dreary, dreadful darkness that leads to death, destruction and hell. Choose the bright light of God’s love. The love that creates, builds, restores, heals and brings all to life; eternal life.  In Heaven, there is joy, love, understanding, peace and a fulfillment of the life of My Spirit, the Spirit of God.  In Heaven, your holy family members and friends await you.  When your purpose and mission on earth is complete and you fall asleep in the Lord, you will be greeted by your family and friends, (your guardian angel will remain with you), the Holy Family, the Saints and the choirs of Angels.  You cannot begin to imagine the glory of Heaven.  I assure you, you will never grow weary or bored in Heaven!  Do all that I have asked of you so that you will be with Me in My Father’s Kingdom.  This is the pearl of great price.  It is a journey made through faith and love for God.  This is the ultimate road, My children.  Do not go the way of the ‘easy’ path that seems fun and easy now but is really a life of sin and destruction.  The road to Heaven may seem difficult now but there is much more love, support and help along the way.  There is a saying on earth, ‘Anything worth having, is worth the cost, the energy, the time.’  This is true of Heaven.  You will never regret being in Heaven nor helping other souls to get there by your love, prayers and sacrifices.  Reflect on this, My children.  Do all that you can for those in need out of love for God.  I love you My children.  You cannot begin to grasp how deep My love is for each one of you, for I am God.  My love and mercy are infinite.  Your love is finite.  Therefore, when I say, ‘I love you’ it sounds very human, common and does not have the weight behind it in your mind and heart that it really should.  This is through no fault of yours, and I understand this.  However, I ask that you reflect on all that I went through, willingly, when I walked the earth, the 3 years of My ministry, My passion and death and all that I did with such love for My children.  And, I would do it again if it was necessary.  It is not necessary that I go through this again, but I will do so through My Church.  I will do so through My people.  When you are rejected in My name or because of My name, I am rejected.  When you are cursed, I am cursed.  When My Church, My priests, My children are persecuted for My name, I am persecuted.  You are not alone.  I walk this road with you.  I will give every grace needed, My children.  Do not fear.  I will work miracles in your lives and in the lives of others.  I will give each person following Me every grace needed to be My hands and feet in the world.  I will give you the graces needed to love heroically.  Pray for these graces now.  Believe in Me.  Trust in Me.  I am with you and I will never leave you alone.”


“That is all for now, My child.  Thank you for your love and devotion.  Thank you for being My little lamb and My secretary.  I love you and My son (name withheld).  I love My son (name withheld) and My daughter (name withheld).  Your parents intercede for you all.  They send their love and prayers to you.  All will be well.  Trust in Me.”


Thank You, my Lord and my God.  Amen!  Alleluia!


“I give you My blessing, My child.  I am with you.” 

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