Holy Family Refuge Messages
Come Holy Spirit with God the Father’s words given during Mass, with St. Michael
as guard over the words I write, November 26, 2015
I wish all My children a Happy Thanksgiving but I am very sad and angry over all the top leaders of America, especially in the medical industry and the farm industry. As I told My son when Father blessed the food and drink at Mass, I cannot bless the food and drink that has been raised and polluted by the evil leaders of your country. The leaders of your country say that you have to raise the GMO crops and give all the different kinds of shots to your children and they are mostly all being developed by satan himself to kill the immune system of all My beautiful children.
All the food and most of the medicine, except the organic food and the natural food and the natural medicines are being used to shorten the lives of My children. I warn with a very stern warning to all the top leaders that for all of you that are aware of these things, it will be a very sad day when you die if you do not stand up against all the poisons that are being put in My children’s food. And, I warn all the medical leaders who are letting and promoting the poisonous baby shots and even forcing the nurses and mothers to take the flu shots that are killing and destroying My little babies’ bodies. My people can see the sins of the flesh that are out in the open such as abortion and homosexuality and the sins of the Ten Commandments. But, the sins from getting poisoned food and poisoned medicines are the worst of sins because My children are taking them in good faith to help their children.
Your leaders say and lie that if you do not use all the new types of crops and medicines in the world, they will not be able to feed and keep the people healthy. The truth is, there is plenty of food and medicine in the world, but most of it is so toxic that your whole world is sick except for a few countries that are standing up for their God. Then, the leaders of America, China, and Russia are destroying these countries so they can wipe out the majority of the population.
My hand is about to come down on these countries like never seen in the history of the world. I tell you America, China, and Russia, that the time of Noah and the Ark is here for your countries. The doors of the ark are now closing. Your angry Father on a blessed day. Be ready.
Come Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, and all of Heaven with St. Michael
to guide God’s words, November 23, 2015
My beloved son, I know you and many of your friends are suffering much, but it is needed for the salvation of all your family and friends. In a short time those who have been suffering so much will have a break and many more in the world will be suffering for them and the sins of this generation who has turned their back on their God. I know that you and all your friends are getting tired and weary of all the waiting but it is necessary to save souls. Many more would be lost if it was not for the remnants that are suffering for them. Tell all the world that life on earth is just a short time next to all eternity.
I know that many of My children have been begging for healing for all of My children and especially the people in the East in all the war torn countries. But My children have to give up all their sins and start living the Ten Commandments if they expect the world to change without much more suffering. I’m with you day and night but sin is a sickness from satan and it causes much suffering for all My children. But, Love is a grace and it causes much joy and peace for all My children. If My children would just live in joy and peace and My Ten Commandments, there would be much joy and peace in the world.
As I have told you many times before, you cannot live in all the sins of the flesh and expect to live in joy and peace in the world. My children are all One Body in Christ and if many of My children are sinning, all My children are suffering. When more of My children are sinning then suffering in the world is much worse for everyone. I know most of My children do not want to know this and they turn their backs on their God and suffer much for the little bit of pleasure they get from the sins of the flesh and the body.
Satan encourages My children to do everything for the pleasure of their body. God encourages His children to do everything for the love of their God and their brothers and sisters. When you do everything for the love of your brothers and sisters everyone has a peaceful life on earth. When you give your free will to satan and do everything for the pleasures and lust of yourself you have a sorrowful life on earth with everybody suffering much. My children can you not see what all your sins of lust and pleasures and killing My babies before they are born has brought you in your world? Lust and pleasures of the body bring sickness and sorrow to the world. Love and holiness of body bring love and peace to your world. Love the God of All, the Maker of All that is good. Your loving Father to His children. Happy Thanksgiving to those who are able to enjoy it. Please pray for peace in your world.
Come Holy Spirit and St. Michael to guard God’s words to His son, November 14, 2015
My most beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. As I have told you before your country, America, has lost the spiritual battle or war against the evil people and the evil angels. Now, be ready to be taken into the physical battle. As I have told you before you will lose everything if you have not been following the Ten Commandments of your God. My refuges will be protected from all of the evil people. They will not be able to see you or touch you from the land, the sea, or the sky, or underground below you. My angels will take care of the refuges. My angels taking care of the refuges will protect a perfect circle around all the refuges that were set up for the honor and glory of their God and Our Spiritual Mother.
Your country will be the evil people’s next attack. Pray, pray, pray much so they do not accomplish everything they plan and want to do. They are now completely ready to attack from all sides and also from above and below the ground. If every person would say at least one rosary each day, some of the major things could be lessened but not stopped. My children have slept and sinned too long to make too much of a change, but every little bit of change will lessen some of America’s suffering.
Have your souls ready
Have water stored
Have food stored
Have some kind of heating and heavy clothing and blankets
These are a few of the minimum necessities. Love your Jesus of Love and Mercy. It is time, Love Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family and St. Michael with all your warring angels
to protect God’s words to His son, 6 am, November 1, 2015
My most beloved son and children this is Mary your Mother. I love all of you dearly. Thanks, My son for treating My children last night with so much love when you were so tired. As I have told you when you treat all your brothers and sisters with love, you are treating Me with the same love. When you hug one of your brothers and sisters, it is I hugging you back with love, and also My Son and all of Heaven. Your love to others is My love to them and their love to you is My love back to you when the love is pure and holy love. When you live in a state of grace and follow the Ten Commandments, your love to others is all of Heaven’s love to others and their love back to you is all of Heaven’s love back to you. This is how I wish for all My children to live. This is living in Divine Will with all of Heaven. When you love others with lust, this is living in satan’s will and lust will lead you to hell. My children, please live in the love of your heart and spirit and not in the lust of the flesh and satan’s sin.
My children, you can see that all the messages of My Son and I, your Mother are being fulfilled in your country and the world. As We have told you, the chastisement of your country and of the world will keep getting worse. Your country and world have taken out all of God’s laws and replaced them with satan’s laws. No country or world can live in satan’s laws very long without destroying themselves. Satan’s main goal is to destroy all of God’s children and kill them while in a state of mortal sin and take them to hell for all eternity to torture them forever. God’s Ten Commandments are to lead all of Our children to Heaven in love and peace and joy and happiness of spirit in heavenly love forever and ever and ever for all eternity with all holy angels and saints.
My beloved children let this be a lesson to teach all of you to live in God’s will so you can be with your real Mother and Father for all eternity. My Father wants to speak to His children.
My most beloved children, My Ten Commandments were not given to make it hard for all of Our children. They were given to make it easy for all of Our children. Our children are human and have the weakness of original sin. They have to have a guideline and a boundary to go by and live by and the Ten Commandments are the laws of Heaven.
My beloved children, you can take all the laws and changes that the world has ever made through all of history and throw them out and live only by the Ten Commandments and all My children would be saved. The world has changed everything that I your God made perfect in the seven days and changed them over and over and made them so imperfect so that all the air, food, and living conditions are so messed up that My children cannot live in this world anymore.
This is why you are now living in Revelations at the end of the Bible. This era of time is ending and the new Era of Peace is about to enter your world. Everything must be destroyed that satan has taught My children to do that is sinful to destroy your earth. I must renew your earth for the new Era of Peace. Be ready with a pure soul so I can take most of My children to Heaven and leave some to repopulate My new earth just the same as with Noah and the flood. The time is here and is now and you are now going through this purification. Love the Father of All, the God of All, and the Maker of All in seven days. Love, Father.