Holy Family Refuge Messages
September 14, 2019 Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
My beloved son, this is God the Father with all of Heaven. This is a special day for My Son. You were wondering why I lead you to all the cemeteries this morning to pray for all the souls. This is a special day for you to pray to My Son to release souls from Purgatory. I know you did not know this before you went to town to go around all the schools with blessed salt, and then I lead you to go around all the cemeteries in town with blessed salt to pray for all the souls in Purgatory there. These souls cry out for prayer all the time so people will stop by and pray with them and for them. I told you to pray with them and then send all their prayers and your prayers back to them because they cannot pray for themselves. I also asked you to ask their Guardian Angels to pray with you and for them so your prayers and their Guardian Angels’ prayers can be sent back to their souls.
My son, the hurricane (Dorian) would have hit your country much harder but was changed by much prayer and much help from Heaven. Do not stop praying because this was just a start of the chastisements for the sins of abortion, same-sex relationships, and all sins of the flesh. I told you before, there is no such thing as a same-sex marriage. It is impossible for this to happen because it cannot bear the fruit of a child. The only fruit it can bear is the fruit of hell for all eternity. Wake up, My children, or hell will be waiting for all the people who think they can live sexually with a person of the same sex, or commit abortion one after another, and be able to go to Heaven if they do not get down on their knees, repent and ask God for forgiveness. I can forgive any sin but only with Confession and forgiveness from the heart. I am a loving and all forgiving God, but I am also just. Love, God the Father. Stop sinning and ask for forgiveness now.
August 4, 2019, God the Father Speaks to His Children
I want to thank all My children throughout the world for celebrating the week of God the Father that I asked for years ago, when My beloved Pope John Paul II, at the end of 1999, dedicated the year to God the Father.
I thank all those who consecrated themselves to Me, God the Father. This was the special 8-day Consecration that ended today. I am very happy with all My children who consecrated themselves today. It will save many disasters in the countries that prayed this week and then dedicated themselves to Me. I gave all those who consecrated themselves special blessings and graces for their families, their children and their grandchildren.
Keep praying to the Holy Spirit and not to the world. The world IS in critical shape now just like a person in the hospital when they are placed in the Intensive Care Unit. You all made your Father very happy. Love, God the Father of Heaven and Earth.
On August 12th, God the Father said: The world is now past critical. It is like being in a hospital and dying and doctors working on you to keep you alive.
July 18, 2019, Feast of Our Lady of Victory [Toledo, Spain]
My beloved son, this is God the Father of all of Heaven and Earth. Due to the Jericho Pray Walk many are praying and My confounding of the people as in the Babylonian Exile, I am taking the evil people in the world down. My son, I have told you that it is My time in history to destroy all the evil in the world. I and all of Heaven will continue to move over the world and in the world to destroy all evil on the planet Earth.
Keep telling all My children that they must realize that all sickness and disorders are from sins of the flesh, especially abortion and homosexuality. My children MUST realize that there was no sickness in the Garden of Eden until Adam and Eve sinned. Then they were cast out so no evil would be left in the Garden. This is when all the people of the world had to start living in sickness because of their sins.
It is the same today. If every one of My children quit sinning, got down on their knees, and followed the Ten Commandments of their God, all the sickness, disasters, and sins of the flesh in the world would end. This is how it will be in the New Era of Peace, the New Jerusalem. My children seem to be blind and unable to see that every sin in the world causes more sickness. Until all sin stops you will continue to see storms, health problems, sexual abuse, natural disasters, and all other kinds of suffering in the world.
Wake up, My children, and admit that your sins are the very reason for so much suffering and abuse in your world. This is God the Father trying to get in your stubborn heads that sickness is from sin ONLY, not from God but from following satan’s sickness and sin. Love, the Father of All Heaven and Earth. Amen.
July 9, 2019, Feast of Our Lady of the Atonement
My beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and Earth. It is also the Most Holy Trinity and the Blessed Mother because we are all united together as one. This is God the Father telling you, My son, that the things in your world are critical. As I have told you, everything will continue to get worse. Yes, the hurricanes are going to be severe this year because of the high temperatures in the ocean. The earthquakes will also be severe this year. The food shortage is real and will be made worse because the one world people are buying up and controlling the food.
Keep telling all My children to keep preparing. First, by going to Confession if Catholic. If not, go to a holy preacher or come straight to your God. I have told you that any Catholic who cannot get to a priest can come straight to their Father in Heaven and ask forgiveness from their heart as soon as they can, then get to a priest if possible. That is why I’m telling all My Catholic children to get to Confession now so you do not have to go through the times when it will be very hard to get to a priest in a confessional.
Yes, My son, the earthquakes will keep increasing in size in California and also all over the world. Planet X is now in a position to greatly affect your earth and sun with a magnetic pull that will disturb the weather on the land and on the sea. The high temperatures in your seas will cause much damage to the shoreline and much of your food, from the warm countries and states, will be destroyed.
Be prepared as much as possible with your soul and also with your storage of food and anything else you need when the shelves of the stores will be empty. I am telling you the shelves in your stores could be empty sooner than you think. There will also be a shortage of water so store some water. You have no idea what you will think when you need things from the store and cannot get anything.
I tell you, do not take a chip in the body for any reason, not even death. The chip will control you and you will be selling your soul to satan. My children, I will take each and every one of you if you come to Me and ask for forgiveness. Never follow satan even if he makes it look very good and he offers you everything you want. Satan will only take you to hell for all eternity. Follow Me, your Father in Heaven, because your final goal is to go to Heaven for eternity.
Get to a refuge when you are called if that is what I ask, but if your job is to stand up in your faith and be a martyr, do so for Me and go straight to Heaven. Love, the God of All. I am with you if you just ask Me and I promise I will take care of each of My children in the best way for them to get to Heaven. Trust no man in power, but come to your Father and I will protect you for you are My children. I love each and every one of you. Love, the Father of All.
June 14, 2019, Feast of Our Lady of Arras [France]
This is God the Father of Heaven and Earth. My son, I came to tell you I am Very happy with the results of the Jericho Walk and Babylon exile which has taken down a lot of the evil leaders. I will continue to circle the Earth from this day, Friday June 14th, until the end of this year to destroy and take down the evil that is destroying My children. The God of All, the Father of All, and the Power of All over all the Earth and the Universe. Love, God the Father.
Support your President, America, he IS ordained by Me, and all of Heaven.
Father’s Day present to all fathers: Fathers, start leading your families toward Heaven, time is short before the Great Awakening (the Warning). Amen.
Come Most Holy Trinity to Protect Your Mother’s Words
May 30, 2019, The Ascension of Our Lord
My love and all My beloved children, this is your Mother from Heaven. This is the Ascension of My Son into Heaven and it is a special day for all Christians. Please pray and thank Jesus and all of Heaven for all they give to all of Our children. Some of Our children are starting to think and believe there is something to the messages that Heaven has been giving for years. My remnant faithful have believed for some time now, but a lot of Our other children are starting to see that the world is running out of answers without God in their lives.
Keep praying that all My children will start turning to the Holy Spirit and also pray more to get to Heaven. We need many more faithful prayer warriors and religious to get all the natural disasters to slow down. As My Son and I have told all Our Children, you cannot live like animals and be treated as faithful children of God. Many of God’s children are starting to see that the power of the world and satan, and sins of the flesh cannot do anything good for the world. Satan’s only power is taking the good from God and turning it into garbage to destroy all God’s beautiful children.
Children, please wake up from your sleep and look what your sins of the flesh and abortion have led the world to. God is letting satan have his time to let the people of the world see what sins of the flesh are leading you to, it is total destruction of the whole world and God’s children. Please wake up and start following the Ten Commandments and you will see peace in your heart and then in the world again. The time is now and is here for God to permit His justice until people are on their knees begging God to forgive them for not following God’s laws, the Ten Commandments. Satan’s laws of doing anything you want are destroying your souls. This is all I can say to My children now. Most people know the truth but do not want to live God’s Will, but by living their own will they will lose everything they have. Love the Mother of God with a Sorrowful Heart.
Come, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for protection of these Words
May 19, 2019
This is Mary, the Mother of God, as your protector, My love, and the protector of all Our most beloved children. Thanks so much for all the prayers that came from all the world last month. My Father is very pleased and happy that things are getting better as far as prayers. There are enough prayers right now to help to balance in Heaven’s favor. Keep praying and do not stop. The Jericho prayers let Heaven start taking some of the evil leaders down.
The picture of Our Lady of America has permitted many, many graces to be released from Heaven. The statue that was made and taken to Washington to be placed in the Basilica never got there because of the stubbornness of the Bishops in doing their Consecration. Pray hard for the Bishops that they will change and get the statue into the Basilica as soon as possible so the rest of God’s graces can continue to be released.
God the Father has also extended the Jericho Prayer Walk with all of Heaven to go over the whole world, not just Latin America, for the rest of this month because of all the prayers from the 33-Day Consecration that the people are doing and also because Latin America has been so faithful in their prayers. I also ask that many other countries start special prayer meetings for the rest of the month like Latin America started with the prayer vigils and America started with the 33-Day Consecration. You are holding your own and not going downhill in the prayers for the world right now.
I am very happy with some of the states in America that are passing laws against abortion. My Son has told you that natural disasters will continue all over the world if abortion is not stopped soon. The states and areas in the world that are sinning the most that do not want to change will be hit the hardest by natural disasters and the plagues and sicknesses of many kinds. Storms and disasters come from sins of the flesh. If everyone stopped the sins of the flesh and started living God the Father’s Ten Commandments, the world would have peace again. If you do not stop all the sins of the flesh, you will continue to suffer greatly and lose everything you’ve got physically, and also many will lose their souls. This is the last generation, My son, that God the Father will put up with abortion, same sex marriages, and all the sins of the flesh. Love, the Mother of God and of all Our Children.
This is your last chance to stop evil in America and all the world or you will hit bottom with nothing left. Prepare for a shortage of food if abortion is not stopped. Love, Mary.
Oasis of Peace Message, Thursday, 5/2/19
JESUS: Little Child of My Sacred Heart and My Son (name withheld) who I love so much peace be with you. The Eternal Father wishes to speak:
THE ETERNAL FATHER: I AM The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The End; The Creator of all things: The Father of the Immaculate Conception, who is the Mother of Jesus Christ on earth. Amen.
My daughter, I wish to Thank all the faithful Prayer Warriors, who requested the Jericho Prayer Walk around the World, and around the List given by Jesus. Amen. All of Heaven participated and your prayers My Children gave us permission to expose evil, stop evil, and redirect many people and events.
I agree with My daughter here, that the list of people, places and intentions can be rolled over into a daily prayer request.
Now you will see events unfold. Amen. The time is now. Prepare for the Great Shaking and the Illumination of Conscience -The Warning. Only I, the Eternal Father knows the time of the events.
Evil is more rampant in the world today than in the time of Noah and the Great Flood. Fear not. When the time comes, My arm of Justice will come in full force.
You My faithful Children are already marked with a Cross on your foreheads as are the Children of those who participated in the call for the Jericho Prayer Walk around the world. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Those marked with a Cross, will enter My Refuges worldwide, Six Weeks after the Warning, and be safe, and I THE ETERNAL FATHER, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT will see to your needs as OUR loved children. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Go now My Children to love and serve the Lord and each other. Amen.
April 15, 2019, To the Holy Family Refuge for all My children in the world
From God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit and all of Heaven and all of Purgatory
My son, tell all My beloved children of the world that the Jericho Walk** and the Tower of Babel messages (given 2/22/19 through 3/24/19) are for all My children in the world. I praise and thank each and every one of My children who are taking a part in this with all of their hearts, minds and souls. I, God the Father, promise each of you My children that I, with all of Heaven and the souls in Purgatory (who will be with us in Heaven someday), will stop by and bless each and every one of you who are praying and taking part in this Jericho Prayer March** and that the Most Holy Trinity and Our Mother Mary will spiritually kiss every one on the forehead and bless them with their right hand, which is the blessing hand. The kiss will mark a cross on the forehead as the sign to let the people into the refuges. I, God the Father, promise each parent (mother or father) who takes part in this prayer march that all of your children and grandchildren will also be marked with the kiss of peace and the cross to enter the refuges.
I, God the Father, am extremely happy that so many listened to their God and all of Heaven. We will all pray for all of your countries in a special way. It is now God the Father’s time as satan’s 100 years of hell on earth is ending. Ask for repentance to take down all the evil that satan has spread the last 100 years and the Jericho walk will help everyone stop satan for good so we can move into the thousand years of peace. Love, love, and kisses from the Trinity, Mother Mary, and all of Heaven.
Under the mantle of Our Lady of the Flame of Love and Our Lady of America overshadowing the Statue of Liberty we are working together to get rid of the old statue and replace it with the Mother of God. Love, God the Father and all of Heaven.
**God the Father said that He will extend the Jericho Prayer Walk through May 1, 2019.
Come all of Heaven with God’s words
March 24, 2019, Feast of Our Lady of the Flowering Thorn, France
Follow up Message to 2/22/19 & 2/26/19 “Jericho March” Messages
My son this is GOD the Father of Heaven and earth. As I have just told you, Heaven is passing over your area right now doing the Jericho March (2:30 pm Eastern Time). I have asked you for permission to clean all the evil from your area as Heaven marches over, and you have given Me permission to clean the whole State of evil.
Tell My children we are passing over every area in the USA and ask them to give their GOD permission to clean their whole State wherever they live. You all pay taxes in your State and you also pay Federal taxes in your country. So, each and every one of you has a say in what I can do in your State and country. The more people that give permission to your GOD, the more evil that I and all of Heaven can cast out of your State and country. Love, God the Father.
Protect My Words, Most Holy Trinity
March 7, 2019 Feast of Our Lady of the Star, Portugal
My love, My beautiful one and all Our beloved children, this is Mary, the Mother of all Our children. I come to thank you for listening to God the Father and praying for the Jericho Walk. My Father was pleased to hear the ones who listened to Him.
Our children have got themselves in such a mess by listening to their own self and satan and not following their God. I am telling you, as a Mother, that no country, no nation, or the whole world can survive by following satan very long. Satan self-destructs anything that he touches. It may take several years, but satan’s only goal is to destroy every human being and take over the world with all his fake ‘beings’ and lead as many of God’s children to hell as possible. But you know and I know that God is in control. God lets satan go his way for awhile and lets Our children follow their free will for so long and then puts a stop to His unfaithful children with much pain and suffering to show them how evil satan really is with his fallen angels. All the technology that is dangerous to His children comes from the fallen angels of satan. All the evil technology comes from the free will of some of God’s children that are evil and do not want to follow God’s Will. They want power and greed over all people just like satan.
We are now at a time in the history talked about in the Bible, in Revelations. This era of time is ending and the New Era of Peace is about to begin and the antichrist is showing his ugly face and trying to destroy the earth and all of God’s children. God is now taking over to destroy all evil and take the faithful people into the New Jerusalem and the New Era of Peace. God is now permitting the second “Noah and the Ark” time through natural disasters created by satan because of all the sins of His children from killing His children in the womb, the sins of the flesh, and the power and greed of His children.
My beloved children, make peace and ask forgiveness from your real God now for tomorrow may be too late for many are dying each day and more will start dying each day from natural disasters. Your loving Mother of the Most Holy Trinity.
March 2, 2019, First Saturday
This is God the Father, backed by all of Heaven and all the faithful on earth. I am happy with all the faithful that are praying but I am very disgusted with all the House and Senate leaders in America. As I have told you many times, I gave you a good President and Vice President, but the House and Senate and other elected leaders have brought on America many more natural disasters for your country and the world.
I, God the Father will not stand for another generation to be destroyed by the leaders of the Church, your national government, the states, the cities, the counties, and the majority of businesses that lead all My people. Be prepared spiritually and physically for much hardship until all abortion and all the sins of the flesh are stopped and laws in your government are changed from satan’s laws to God’s laws which are the Ten Commandments. No nation has ever lasted that followed satan’s laws which are just the opposite of the Ten Commandments.
My children, why do you like to suffer so much when you could live in peace and joy just by following God’s Will and not your own will with satan. Wake up My children and kick satan out of your life and country and live for God. Love the God of All, the Maker of All that is good.
To the Democrat leaders and all who support them, this is the second direct warning that your party will be destroyed. If you do not change you will be at risk of losing your soul in hell. Amen.