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Holy Family Refuge Messages

Message Links by Date

9/8/20 Happy Birthday Mother Mary Picture

 12/12/20,  12/3/20,  11/23/20,  11/22/2011/19/208/12/20,  8/2/20,  6/7/20 Healing Prayer,  5/16/20,  5/1/20

  3/20/20,  3/18/20,  3/10/20,  2/4/20,  1/16/20,   


December 12, 2020 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

My children of America, call on all soldiers in Heaven who fought to keep America free from the beginning of your country.  Ask them to come and do battle to take your country back from all the Communists, who are now trying to take over your country.  All these evil people need to be locked up so they have time to repent and save their souls before the Warning. 


Also, ask all the Brides of Christ in Heaven to come to earth and do battle against all the demons to cast them back into hell because I need all your free wills given back to Me to do this job and to save your country.  Give your free will to Me and I will save America with My Bride, the Church, Our Lady of America, and Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Joan of Arc as their leader.  From Papa God and all of Heaven.


PS:  I also ask all the people of the world and the Pope, Bishops, and Priests to Consecrate Russia and all the Communist countries to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Love, Papa God.


December 3, 2020, Feast of Our Lady of Victory [Paris, France]

My love, My beautiful one and all My beloved children, this is Mary the Mother of God.  I have asked My Father in Heaven to delay the Warning for a short time because of all the conflict in the election and also in the Democrat and Republican parties.  It would be too much for all Our children to endure right now from the Warning and all the evil from the election.  Keep praying because My children have now changed the balance of good over evil with all their Rosaries and prayers.


My children and priests on earth are now giving God their free will and all of Heaven can now do what God wants done.  I thank all My prayer warriors for all they have done by making great sacrifices and repentance that has brought the balance of good over evil for Heaven against hell. 


The Warning will be changed to a later date now.  This is not a bad thing, it is a good thing to help lessen the Chastisement for America and the world.  This shows, My children, how powerful it is when you give your free will to God and not to satan.  God can do anything on earth that is good when He has been given the free will and prayers of His children.  This gives God permission to do anything that is good.  God can then cast all the evil and bad back into hell and release all the graces from Heaven to purify the whole world so His children can live in peace.  Love from Mary, speaking words from God the Father.


November 23, 2020, Our Lady of the Vault [Italy]

My love, my beautiful one and all of my beloved children, I am very happy with all of your efforts to fight off satan’s vicious attacks.  Many of my children have been working extra hard with Heaven to win this battle.  I thank all the children of the Flame of Love, of Our Lady of America, of the Divine Mercy groups, and in all the Rosary groups across the world.  You are also helping Heaven take down satan through the Jericho Walk at the capitals and across the world as well as the prayer warriors throughout the world who are praying to crush satan in the Democrat party, whose leaders are all satanic and leading the country astray. 


My children, you are fighting the most vicious battle between Heaven and Earth in the history of the world.  My Son and I are winning the battle.  Keep praying like you are and satan’s head WILL be crushed.  The Mother of God of the whole universe. 


November 22, 2020 Feast of Christ the King

My beloved children, this is God the Father of Heaven and Earth.  I am talking to all My children of the earth.  As I told My beloved son yesterday, there is a great awakening coming very soon.  I ask all My children to make a Confession to their God or Savior this month to avoid being tested during the Great Warning.  I ask everyone to go to Confession this month if Catholic or to come straight to Me your God if not Catholic.  You will see your soul and sins as I see them VERY SOON.  I told you in the last message that it was only days off.  Wake up now because I will let every soul feel the pain or joy of where they would go if they died that day.


When the Warning comes, only days away, I will forgive anyone who asks forgiveness or repents from their heart and soul.  Please beg forgiveness NOW before it is too late.  Make it easy on yourself.  I love all of My children dearly.  Papa God.  Amen. 


God the Father asked that this quote from St. John Vianney be added to the message, “Let us live as the Blessed Virgin lived, loving God only, desiring God only, trying to please God only, in all that we do.”


November 19, 2020  Our Lady of Good Tidings

My beloved children, this is God the Father of Heaven and Earth.  I come to tell you that I warned America that if abortion did not stop, I would stop America.  I was very happy with the vote for Trump.  He did win by a landslide—two-thirds for Trump & one-third for Biden.  Now, you must pray that the Democrats will be taken all the way down, that the evil of the election will come out, and the last of the swamp will be brought out.  The election ended just like the bad and good angels that came from Heaven; one-third of the angels fell into hell and two-thirds of the angels stayed in Heaven.  The count from Heaven was the same for this election.  There are one third of the people on Earth that will go to hell if they do not change their lives and vote for life.  Anyone that voted for the Democrats and Biden are in danger of going to hell if they do not change their lives. 


The Warning is coming any day now and everyone will have one last chance to vote for God or to sell their soul to satan.  Then, there will be six weeks that they will have to change for God and go to Heaven or keep following satan and end up in hell for all eternity.  The choice is yours by your free will.  America, abortion must be voted down now by your President Trump and the House and Senate or natural disasters will destroy your whole country and the Democrat party.  The Democrats, at the top levels, are led by satan himself, just like the Masons. 


America, stop abortion now or I will stop the world and cast all the demons and evil people into hell for all eternity.  Love, Papa God.  So be it.  Amen. 


September 8, 2020 Happy Birthday, Mother Mary Picture

God the Father asked for this picture of the Holy Family to be painted for Mother Mary's birthday.

August 12, 2020

God the Father of Heaven and Earth to all of My beloved children

The closest God gets to His children on earth is when He enters the Mother’s womb with her husband, when they are in a state of grace, and with the child that was created on the sixth day of Creation.  If the man and woman are not in a state of grace, the child is still created even though God cannot enter them, but God’s Will is fulfilled from His love from outside.  God is all and God can do all, He can do whatever He wishes from inside or from outside, but the grace and blessings are not the same.  If both are not in a state of grace or if they are in mortal sin, the family will have more crosses raising the child. 


The most powerful time when God enters His children is at Mass when they go to Communion in a state of grace.  Do not go to Communion in mortal sin.  If you are in a state of mortal or deadly sin, you commit another mortal sin when receiving Communion. 


It is the same with the priest that celebrates Mass.  The Mass is always a Mass but when the priest is in mortal sin, the graces are not the same.  God consecrates the Eucharist from outside of the priest instead of from within the priest if the priest is in mortal sin, just like in the marriage act.  The priest also commits another mortal sin, but the people still receive Jesus in the Eucharist.  Love, God the Father. 


August 2, 2020 4:00 am

God the Father asked for the 11/9/2016 message to be re-posted here and also to post the document for the proper Exorcism Blessing of Salt and Water as well as John Leary's Refuge Consecration Prayer.



June 7, 2020 Revised Healing Prayer from God the Father, originally published December, 2019.  (click to open pdf)


May 16, 2020  Feast of Apparition of Our Lady to St. Catherine of Alexandria

My love, My beautiful one and all My beloved children, this is Mary your Spiritual Mother.  I love all of you dearly and I want all of you in Heaven with Me and Jesus.  As I have told you before, I want ALL of you in Heaven with all of us, but the time is running out.  The time is getting very short when millions of Our children will die.  PLEASE get all of your souls right with God right NOW. 


I have told you many times that this summer is the last time when many of Our children will be able to ask forgiveness for their sins.  Please do not wait any longer.  We are crying tears of blood of life for all of you.  Do not wait any longer!  Love, the Sorrowful Mother of Heaven and Earth.  I want to scare you to Heaven with this serious message.  Love, Mother Mary. 


May 1, 2020  Feast of Our Lady, Queen of the May

My love, My beautiful one, and all My beautiful children who are listening and those who are not listening.  I love all of you the same, but My heart and all of Heaven’s hearts are suffering for those who are not listening.  I love all of you and pray for all of you and beg all of you to get your souls in a State of Grace this summer and start praying more.


We hope many of you see how the suffering you are now going through is letting some of you see how much My Son Jesus does for you all the time.  Please pray as much as you can in these times, for the Warning and Judgement of your soul is at your doorstep.  Please ask for repentance and go to Confession this summer so you do not have to face God in a state of mortal sin.  You will have 30 days after the Warning to still get your soul in a State of Grace.  That will be the end of the grace period.  So, do it now and be with us in Heaven when you die.


I have told you for years that the time was coming when you could not stand on the fence and be able to save your souls.  You must ask forgiveness now for everyone’s time is running out.  Please, please, please listen to your Mother in Heaven now and be with us in Heaven, and not in hell.  There will be millions of people dying in the next few months.  Do not be one that is in mortal or deadly sin or become one.  Your beloved Mother from Heaven asks you to repent and ask forgiveness now.  Love, love and more love.


This is Jesus, Son of Mary.  I and My Mother have told you for years that I am all loving but I am also all just.  You cannot be all loving and not all just.  Listen to your Mother and let Her take you into Her Heart and let you be reborn in the Spirit and Love of Christ so you know what is true and what is not true, so you can be with us in Heaven for all eternity.  Love, Jesus.


Happy Mother’s Day Month for all mothers. 


March 20, 2020  Feast of Our Lady of Calevourt [Brussels, Belgium]

God the Father speaks to His children of the World:  My children, all the messages given on this website ( are from or through God the Father in Heaven.  I did not give these messages to be ignored by the people of the World.  I hope the people reading them take THIS message seriously. 


Everything said will happen as I have told you in these messages.  I warned you to stop abortion and the sins of the flesh or pay a big price of destruction of land and lives.  If you still want to doubt, wait until I am finished with America and most of the World.  I have told the Democrats that if they did not follow President Trump and Vice President Pence, the ones who I have chosen to lead America, I WILL destroy their party.  They did not follow My ordained President and Vice President—ordained from Heaven—to lead your country.  To all you Democrat leaders, I will take ALL of you down, who have personally been involved in all of this disobedience and destroying your souls and the souls and lives of many other people.  Get down on your knees NOW and ask forgiveness and change or pay the big price of hell for eternity.


You think it is bad with this virus, wait until you start paying the price for abortion that your leaders legalized.  I tell all of America that if you do NOT stop the laws of abortion in America and follow the Ten Commandments, you will think that this small tribulation was nothing next to what you will see this summer and next fall.  You will see millions upon millions die.  The time of the tribulation for America and the whole World has begun.  You are now in the mini tribulation but think about the major tribulation if the abortion laws are not stopped NOW. 


You are living in the time of “Noah and the Ark” again.  The sin in your World is much worse than during Noah’s time.  Expect the worst and pray for the best.  With much prayer and changing of lives and laws, it can be lessened some, but you will not even realize it because of the severity of what is coming.  My hand is now coming down on the World and it will keep coming down harder until the people quit making fools of their God and their Mother. 


March 18, 2020, Feast of Our Lady of Mercy of Savona

Mary speaks to Her children:  My most beloved children, why do you want to suffer so much and make your Mother suffer so much?  My Son has told you many times to follow the Ten Commandments and your life and the world would go very smoothly.  You keep following satan, the sins of abortion and sins of the flesh and then suffer greatly. 


Look at the world and see where satan has taken you.  Satan hates you yet you give to satan all the power that God gives you, and he uses it to destroy the world and the gifts given to you to have a happy life.  God gave you free will to make good choices.  Why do you sell yourself to satan just for a few thrills and then suffer greatly the rest of the time?  Wake up My beloved children before you fall deeper into the pit of hell for all eternity.  As you have been told many, many times, follow the Ten Commandments and live in peace and joy or follow satan and live in hell on earth and in hell for all eternity.  Love, Mary, the Mother of the Holy Trinity of the Whole World.  Amen.


​March 10, 2020, Feast of Our Lady of the Vine [Tuscany, Italy]

This IS God the Father, Maker and Ruler of Heaven and Earth, to My children of God and not of satan.  My children, I have told you for years that you have to follow the Ten Commandments of God to be protected from the evil of satan.  I told the evil Democrat leaders that they had to follow My chosen leaders, President Trump and Vice President Pence, to save your country, America.  Your country has NOT listened.  You now see what leader you are following, satan himself.


Your country will now become a poor country.  You are now in a mini-chastisement.  This is only the beginning.  Pray for your President and Vice President.  I am telling all the countries in the world to pray for Trump and Pence! 


If America goes down, you ALL go down.  Keep sinning, aborting My babies, and sins of the flesh and see what your god, satan will give you—NOTHING.  The WHOLE WORLD needs to pray for forgiveness for your sins.  I WILL protect MY children who follow Me and love Me.  Your loving and JUST God the Father.  Amen. 


February 4, 2020, Feast of Our Lady of Fire [Forli, Italy]

My love, My beautiful one, and all of My children.  This is Mary, the Mother of God.  I came to warn you that time is running out to save your country unless you stop killing God’s children.  My Son has warned you with many disasters and many more will come if abortion and sins of the flesh are not stopped.  You have a President and Vice President who are ready to pass a bill to stop abortions but they have to have more prayers and support from the Republicans and many, many, many more Democrats. 


Start praying more for your brothers and sisters who do not understand the value of life.  We beg for your prayers.  The bowls of Revelation are being poured out on Earth one at a time.  Pray like you never prayed before, before things get any worse and do more damage to your country.  Love, Mary. 


January 16, 2020, Feast of Our Lady Refuge of Sinners

My love, My beautiful one and all My most beautiful children on the Earth.  I, Mary, come to tell you that we are still trying to protect your country from all the evil leaders in the white house and the government.  You need to get the Statue of Our Lady of America in the Basilica to bring more graces to the White House to get rid of all the communist leaders.  Your last President tried to take your country down by working with the communist leaders in the White House and throughout the world. 


Your country has to get back to the Ten Commandments and stop abortion for your current President to have a chance to win this war between good and evil.  Your country has to become more prayerful for this to happen.  I am working with you and Jesus doing the Jericho Prayer Walk and on the Babylonian Exile to take the evil people down, but more people have to start giving their ‘yes’ to God to take more of the evil people down to save America from total disaster.  Pray much to save your country.  Love, Mary. 



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