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Children of the Renewal Messages

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Evangelization Packet Instructions    Prayers given by Jesus for the Children of the Renewal (click to open pdf)

Most Recent Message

February 5, 2023  Adoration Chapel

Hello, my adorable Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  I adore You, I love You, I praise You and thank You for all You have done for me and for the entire human race.  Thank You for Your love and mercy.  Thank You for Your passion, death and resurrection and for the Church and Sacraments.  Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion.  Oh, Lord how I love Your Holy Church.  Thank You for the beauty of creation and for the beauty of the liturgy especially the Mass of the Ages.  Truly, You have given us everything, even Your Most Holy Mother Mary.  You hold nothing back from us.  Thank You for Adoration where I can sit in this profound quiet and gaze at You.  Lord, I am lost without You, but at Mass and in Your Adoration Chapels I feel at home.  Indeed, I feel ‘found’ by You.  I love You, Lord.  Jesus, show me how I am to serve You each and every day.  Give me Your orders, Lord or simply take my hand and lead me where You will.  I don’t even need to know where it is You want me to go.  It is enough to walk together.  Never allow me to be separated from You, my Lord, my God, my King and my Friend.  Jesus, I give You each loved one, each dear one and ask You to take care of each soul.  I entrust each one to You.  In this way, I know they will be safe and secure near Your sacred, merciful, loving heart.  Bring out each person’s potential, their God-given talents, their hearts, minds and souls to union with You.  I ask this for all of my friends and family members (relatives), and for every Christian.  May each one of us have a share in Your Heavenly Kingdom at the end of our earthly pilgrimage.  Lord, You know everything and You are all powerful.  Bring the whole world through the fire of Your love so that we will attain our intended union with Your Divine Will.  Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Thank you Blessed Mother and St. Joseph for your beautiful, perfect holy lives and your witness through your quiet, beautiful lives of love and discipleship.  The perfect disciples, St. Joseph and Mary most holy.  Keep us safe, Holy Family as we face the perils of this age.  Protect us, as You protected Jesus when you fled to Egypt to avoid the horrible wrath of King Herod.  Thank You for showing us the way to Jesus.  I love You!


“My child, My child, you are growing in your knowledge of yourself, the ways in which to die to yourself in order that I can fill you more completely with My healing love.  Allow this process to continue, My child.  I am bringing you along with patience, gentleness and like a surgeon with precision.  Allow Me to excise the wounds and pour My healing balm over you.  You will be stronger in your ability to contain My love as a result.  I realize this makes you feel vulnerable, but in this way, your weakness is transformed by My strength just as My Apostle Paul wrote in Scripture.  This is the process I Will for all of My children, but they must be open to it, desire it of Me out of love and a willingness to become like Me in any way the heavenly Father Wills.  My children, with this pruning process, you grow more beautiful, blossoming into the Child of God you are intended to be.  Ask Me where change is needed.  Ask Me to show you the reason or the cause for any wounds you have.  It is only through My transforming power of love, you will overcome the consequences of sin that you committed or that others committed against you.” 


“Some of you reading these words are thinking, ‘I am fine.  I go to Confession regularly and I’m past this now.’  If you really have brought each and every wound to Me, even those you do not remember, that is excellent.  You are well integrated by the power of My Holy Spirit and rarely sin, either in thought or deed and you live fully in My Divine Will.  Since there are very few people who have approached this level of holiness, it is safe to assume you have not gone through this level of healing.  My children, you have nothing to fear.  Healing, My healing is desperately needed and because I love completely, it is My desire that each one of you allow Me into this process of your healing.  We will speak more in depth about this at another time.  For now, pray to be aware of an area in your life in need of healing.  Begin reflecting on your childhood, your earliest memories and ask Me to show you where or by whom you were hurt.  My children, I also want you to know that I was there with you.  I was holding your hand and gazing lovingly into your eyes.  I did not approve of the actions others took that caused you pain, emotionally or physically.  I held you in My arms and assured you of My love.  I let you know that one day you would be ready to remember these wounds to bring them to your Jesus for healing.  Then, you will also see that you will be made even more beautiful than you ever would have been without experiencing these wounds.  This may not make sense to you, but I will bring great beauty to your soul upon your healing and you will shine for all of Heaven to see.  This is a gradual process, My children.  I could make this happen all at once, but that type of surgery is painful, especially when one has suffered many types of injuries over an entire lifetime.  It is better for you if we work together slowly but in a continual fashion.  It will also help you to grow in your trust of Me.  You will come to really know in a very deep and real way that I love you and I desire only that which is good for you.  One day, I will send others in need of healing and you will know just what to do, what to say and how to patiently and gently help these souls I will entrust to you for assistance.  When the Illumination occurs, many will have a very bright light from God shining on all sins and consequences of sin.  The light of truth illuminating a soul in darkness can be shocking, My children.  This will be like undergoing surgery for multiple, grave wounds of the soul.  This is My loving act through My Holy Spirit to heal mankind and provide every means for souls to choose Me.  Imagine not knowing Me, never having set foot in a church, living life completely for oneself, and undergoing this Illumination.  You are My friends.  You are My followers.  I am your Lord and your teacher.  I am also the Great Physician.  I know each person’s needs.  I know everything about you and I desire all that is good for each one of you.  So great is My love that it burns inside My heart, longing to burst forth to purify each child of Mine and to make of you great saints.  I can only do this with your ‘yes’ your willingness to allow Me to heal your hearts.  I invite you all, each one to respond to My desire to perfect your souls.  Let us begin this work now, My children.  Then when the Illumination occurs you will already be very close to the holiness I desire for you and you will be very ready to assist your brothers and sisters in need.  Let us begin, My little Children of Light.  You have nothing to fear.  Do you see how much I love you?  Do you see how much I trust you to be like the early church, forging the way for others to come into the Church, into the Body of Christ?  This is what I want for you.  This is what I need for you so that you can take your places in these great voids of light and be Christ bearers.” 


“My children, I am calling you and I am counting on you.  Pray for your shepherds.  Pray for all who harm you, persecute you, and all who reject or betray you.  Pray for them.  Forgive them.  Remember what I suffered for you, for My Bride, the Church.  Pick up your crosses and with great joy follow Me.  I love you.  You are a friend of the King and your Savior loves and protects you.  Follow in My footsteps, walking on the same path the saints did in their lives.  Do not be concerned that you can’t do this walk with Christ.  That is not true.  That is a lie from the enemy.  I created you for greatness, but you will only become great by first becoming very small, very weak and fully reliant on Me, your Jesus.  Then My strength will be able to operate fully through you and then—watch out darkness.  My Mother will crush the head of the serpent using Her heel, the power of the Holy Spirit in Mary Most Holy, the Immaculate Woman, Mother of God and with Her little children who follow Me.  Hold fast to the hands of My Mother.  She followed Me perfectly and She knows just what to do.  I invite you to this healing process, My children and I assure you I am very gentle and you are safe with Me.”


Thank You, my Lord and my God!  Thank You for Your words of encouragement and hope.


“You are most welcome, My little one.  Remember, I want this for each of My children.  I want this also for the final preparation for the missions each one will have to bring about the Kingdom of God in the world, as it is in Heaven.  Recall that I have already told you the people who will come to you and My son will have many wounds.  The priests will also come to find respite for a short time while they will be serving My children and bringing the Sacraments at great risk.  It is My Will, My daughter that you discern this invitation to serve My priests now.  It is part of My plan for the role you and My son will have during the Time of Great Trials.  Trust in Me.  Bring each problem and concern to Me first, My child.  I am reminding you to do this, especially for the future problems and challenges.  A gentle reminder so that when troubles come, and they surely will, you will remember these words and enlist the help of your Savior right away.  This is for all of My children, also.  It will save much time, My children if you rely on Me immediately.  I love you.  This is all for now, My little lamb.”


Lord, be with me tomorrow as I complete another challenging event.  May it go according to Your Will.  Use me, Lord in Your service and may each meeting with others be a meeting with you.  I love You, Lord.  Help me to convey this love to others.  I am unable to do this alone, Lord.  Work through me, even though I am a poor instrument.  You can do all things, even with little to work with.  (loaves and fishes-remember…)


“Yes, My little one.  I remember.  I love that you are reminding Me, though.  This is exactly how I work, My child to show the glory of God.  I am with you.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in peace.  All will be well.  Rest in Me.  Be mercy.  Be joy.  Be love.”


Amen, Lord.  I love You!

January 29, 2023

Hello my Lord Jesus hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  All praise, honor, glory and love to You, my Lord God and King.  Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion, Jesus!  Thank You for the beauty of the sacred liturgy.  What a joy it was to be able to attend such a beautiful Holy Mass.  It’s a heavenly experience!  Lord, thank You for the opportunity to adore You.  Praise Your Holy Name!  I pray for all who cannot physically come here to adoration, Lord.  Bless them in a special way and give them the graces they need.  Lord, there are many friends who are ill, battling cancer and other illnesses.  Be with them, Lord and heal them.  Give them strength and consolation, Lord but most of all please make it possible for them to receive the Sacraments.  Jesus, thank You for (name withheld) and (name withheld) work.  Thank You for the curriculum and work they have done on formation science.  It has made such a difference in so many lives, especially in the lives of those who are wounded and need Your healing.  Lord, I pray for the gift of abandonment to the Divine Will.  May all that I do be within and in union with Your Holy Will.  I pray for those who do not know the love of God and for all who are away from the Holy Church.  For those who have not been Baptized, bring them through the waters of Baptism and initiation into the Church.  Thank You, Lord for Your unwavering love for us, Your children.


“My child, My child pray for peace in the world.  You are not praying enough for peace.  The world is in midst of war and it is being spread even further by those who choose to antagonize and make the situation worse.  Pray for conversion of hearts among the leaders of nations.  This is an important request, My child.  The world is on the brink of another cataclysmic war.  As My Mother has told Her children, war can be stopped by prayer and sacrifice.  Sacrifice something every day, My Children of the Light.  Many souls are at stake.  There is already a great deal of physical suffering in this area of the world, but there are other areas also suffering in the world.  They are not receiving the same attention from media personnel but they are suffering more than you know!”


Thank You, Lord for this reminder.  Lord, there are people trying to make a difference for love and also those who are working hard for peace.  Please bless all the efforts, especially the pro-life efforts to save babies and their mothers.  Give them graces, and pass Your graces of conversion through them to others.  Help us, Lord to end abortion in every state in our nation.  I pray for an end to all violence and an end to the culture of death.  Lord, have mercy on us.  Christ, save us.


“My little one, continue to pray for souls.  As My holy priest said this morning, things will grow darker.  This is because evil is being allowed by mankind to reign.  However, your prayers do make a difference.  Trust Me in this.  Have faith and do not fear.  Become holy yourselves, My beloved children for through your personal holiness, the world can be changed.  It will be My little children.  Pray, fast, do penance and frequent the Sacraments.  Some of you who are reading these words will look for something new and different you are wondering why I repeat the same requests.  I tell you, My children, it is because you forget very quickly.  If you were all doing as I asked, I would be able to give you additional information.  Please do as I invite you to do and be consistent.  Praying is one of the best things you can do with your time, second to Holy Mass and reception of the Sacraments.  When you receive the Sacraments in the state of grace, and have a regular practice of prayer, reading scripture and being in close relationship with Me, I can direct your lives very specifically for you are walking with Me, arm and arm so to speak and you know and hear My voice.  There is nothing to fear for those who love Me and all united to My Will.  Pray for My Kingdom to come on earth as in Heaven.  Pray, My children, pray.  Entrust your friends and loved ones to Me.  Live a life of prayer.  Live the good news of the Gospel.  This is vital to the life of the soul.  Good works will flow from your life of prayer and sacrifice.  Ask Me each day, what I would like you to do.  Ask that I show you, My children.  Live joy.  Live peace.  Live mercy.  Live the life of Heaven now, My children and nothing will cause you to fear.  You will be ‘untouchable’ to evil.  I will protect you and your family members and I will use each one of My children to assist others during the Time of Great Trials.  Do you not see how quickly this time approaches?  Are you not a witness to the evil and dark momentum rapidly gaining?  Know too that the Time of Great Peace also approaches rapidly.  The time of complete, holy obedience to the Will of God is also rapidly approaching.  The transition between this time and the next era will be challenging, My children.  Every period of growth and great change is.  There will be suffering and pain but this shall pass.  Walk with Me.  Ask My Most Holy Mother Mary, who is also your Mother to pray with and for you, to teach you in the school of love and to follow Her Jesus just as She did when She was on the earth.  She lived a perfect life of love, purity, holiness, virtue and peace.  No one suffered as much as She by virtue of Her Motherhood.  She stood by Me during My agony and suffering.  Ask Her for the graces God the Father gave Her that enabled Her to stand for Me, Her Son during the gravest of times, the persecution and death of the Son of God and the Son of Man.  Be like Mary Most Holy, My children.  Be like Her now.  Do not wait for the crucifixion.  Allow your lives, your hearts and minds to be transformed by My Holy Spirit.  Be open to all that I want to give to you and be open to sharing My peace and the gifts of grace with others.  You will do this by your love, My children.  Become My humble, little children who will be able to stand up to evil and fight back with lives of goodness, holiness and peace.  It is love that always wins, My children.  I am the love.  You will not go wrong with Me and I assure you I am at your side.  Trust in Me.  All will be well and in the end of this time, My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph.  Pray for this, My child for when you do you are praying for God’s Will.”


“Go in peace, My little lamb.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of the Holy Spirit.  Go in the peace and love of the Blessed Trinity.”


Amen.  Alleluia!  Thank You, Jesus.  I love You, my Lord. 


“And I love you, My beloved child.”

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