Children of the Renewal Messages
2018 Message Links by Date
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December 9, 2018 Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You, Lord. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion and for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception yesterday. Lord, thank You for helping me with my studies, for giving me clarity regarding what I should do going forward. Thank You for Your direction, Lord. Praise You, Lord for Your kindness, mercy and love. You are love, Lord. You are mercy and truth. Jesus, I believe in the power of Your name. In Your name I pray for (name withheld) who is very ill. Help her, Jesus to believe. Help her, Jesus. Heal her, Lord and give her all the graces her soul needs. Jesus, I pray also for (name withheld). Heal her by Your holy name and by Your precious blood. She is so ill, Lord but if You just say the word, (names withheld) will be healed. Jesus, I need healing, also. Please give me a loving heart. Give me the graces to love heroically, Lord. I should be more loving by now, Jesus and yet I am still very flawed. Heal me, Lord. Help me to be more generous, more sacrificial in my love. Help me, Jesus not to complain. After all, I have many, many blessings and Your love, which I do not deserve but for which I am very grateful. Thank You, Lord. Please bring those who have wandered from the faith back home again. Bring those who are outside of the faith into Your family, Lord. May all people of good will be converted this Advent Jesus so we can properly receive You, the Lord God on Christmas morning. I love You, Jesus, my Savior, my Beloved. Make my heart a flame of pure love for thee.
“My child, My child, all of My children, prepare your hearts now. Prepare your hearts for My coming at Christmas time. Prepare your hearts just as the angels prepared the shepherds for Christmas Eve. They came singing Alleluia and Gloria, announcing My birth. The shepherds did not think that angels would appear to them, nor that they were of high esteem, so were not expecting to be the first adorers of God sent to earth. Yet, they had open hearts and stood in awe of the angels and of their proclamation. Their ‘Glorias’ filled the heavens with magnificent music so sweet was the sound of the coming of the Messiah and the words all good Jews longed to hear. So long had the Jews awaited their Messiah, yet the poor shepherds did not understand in their humility how they could witness such a magnificent scene. Still, realizing they were poor shepherds, with no gifts to bring, thought of My needs. They thought, as good parents, how uncomfortable I would be lying in a manger and so they brought soft, warm fleece to keep Me warm and to lie on in the manger. They brought milk for Me to drink until My Mother’s milk came in and they brought a lamb, a firstborn to give My parents. They were poor, but they brought the best of what they had. They brought loving humble hearts. The younger shepherds brought pure hearts and they all came to worship Me, the long-awaited Messiah. Imagine how amazed they were when they realized I had just been born and they were chosen to be the first to worship and adore Me. This was a message for all the world, then and now that I came for the lowly, the poor, the humble, not for the proud and haughty. Though, I love the rich and the poor, the rich have a more difficult time loving and accepting Me. Especially, the rich who are proud and conceited. They have a difficult time worshipping the true God because they have erected many false idols. The shepherds also gave My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph much respect. They asked what they could do to help when they realized the Son of God was born in such a poor state of circumstances. Mary and Joseph did not look down on the shepherds, as they had pure hearts and were filled with love. They marveled as the shepherds recounted the angels, the singing, the telling of My birth and where and how to find Me. What a sacred, holy night this was. How beautiful and pure My parents. There was much love, beauty and peace because of their deep love for God and their willingness to serve Me and do the Will of the Father. Oh, how beautiful are the humble souls who love God, who call Him Father, who adore Him, praise Him and glorify Him and yet who also call God friend. Remember, My children there can be deep joy in simplicity and in detachment from material things. The shepherds, as poor as they were, gave thoughtful, practical gifts. Even the Magi, with their gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh gave practical gifts that were put to good use. Just as God the Father provided for Me, so shall He provide for each one of you in your need. He does so directly and also through others who love and serve Him. Take care of one another, My children and when you are generous, you imitate God, your Father who withholds nothing from you, even to the point of sharing His home with you one day when you are ready to come to Him. There is nothing needed in life that We withhold from you. You may wonder, then why there are those who are poor. This is only because the world does not love. There is enough for everyone, but many who have been made rich through the mercy of God refuse to share what they have with those in need. Do not ignore the plight of your brothers and sisters in need because you think they have not worked as hard as you or because you think they are less deserving. They may be more deserving than you, My children. You have the poor with you to teach you generosity. If you do not share, do not blame Me that they are poor. They are blessed spiritually and many of them will have a high place in Heaven because of their hearts. They help one another even though they have nothing. While you who have everything will help no one. Do you see, My children? The shepherds were poor, and yet they were chosen by God to see angels announcing My birth. They were chosen to see Me at My birth, to be the first to adore and worship Me. Besides Mary and St. Joseph, they were the first Christians, for they believed even before seeing Me. Out of their poverty, they brought gifts to comfort Me. I came for all peoples yet often only the poor truly love Me and open their hearts out of generosity. Be like the shepherds, My children. Do not be like the Pharisees who often condemned the poor. Be humble of heart and generous with your love and the gifts I give you. Remember, if I did not bless you with the means and the intellect, you would not have the material things you have. All good comes from God. Share with others and return the kindness of the Father by being merciful and generous with those who are less fortunate. Anyone in need of love, My children is poor. It isn’t just those living in poverty, but those who are lonely, those who are mourning the loss of loved ones, those who are ill, those who are lacking in love, who have hardened hearts. All these are in need of the love of God and they will find this love when you open your hearts and give My love away. Pray to know what it is I want you to do for the Kingdom, My children. First, allow Me to be born anew in your hearts. Welcome Me as the shepherds did. Adore Me. Honor Me. Then ask, as the shepherds did, ‘What can we do for our Messiah? What can we do to comfort Him and make Him know we love Him?’ Ask this of yourselves, My Children of Light. Ask this of Me and My Holy Spirit will enlighten you. Then, in your humility ask Me to show you how to love others. Pray for them. Pray the Holy Rosary for peace in the world, and peace in the hearts of mankind. Pray, My children, but also act. You must put your love into action to be of service to others and in this way you show gratitude to the Lord your God who gives all that is good to His children. Open your hearts, My children so that when I come you will welcome Me and invite Me into your homes. I come to dwell with you in every Mass, but many refuse My graces, My dwelling. You are like one who opens the door, but does not invite Me in to stay. You turn your backs and walk away because you are unwilling to give Me a place to sleep and food to eat. You unite yourselves to Me in Holy Communion but leave Me standing in the cold with no blanket to keep Me warm, no food to eat and no one to love while you sleep in the warmth and comfort of the homes I provided for you.
This is how you treat Me, your Savior who gave His life for you on the cross. This is how you treat Me when you judge your neighbor or look at the homeless in disgust. Remember, this is Me, My Children of Light. Love your neighbor who is standing on the corner with nothing but the clothes on their backs as you would love Me, for behold I am one with the poor. What you do to the least, you do to Me. Open your hearts, My children. Be transformed by My saving grace. Be filled with Sacramental graces and transform your lives. Live for Me, your Jesus as I live for you.”
Thank You, Jesus! Oh, Jesus I am guilty of not serving the poor. Help me to change, Lord. Help me to have a pure heart. Purify my heart, Jesus. Give me graces for love and mercy.
“My child, I am with you and I will help you to continue to grow in love and mercy. Keep your heart open, My child and be aware of My presence during this Season of Advent. You will see Me work, My child. Thank you for coming to be with Me today. I know you would have preferred to rest at home. I will give you renewed energy to accomplish all you must do, My little lamb. We walk together, you and I. Remember to bring everything to Me, My child and I will help you. Be love. Be mercy. Be joy. I will forgive all that you bring to Me in Confession and I will give you increasing clarity, My child regarding what you will do and what I invite you to do for Me. Trust in Me, My child. All will be well. I am at work in your family and in your parish. Do not be afraid, but have confidence in Me. I am your Jesus. I love you. Go in peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Praise You and thank You. I love You! Amen!
December 2, 2018, 1st Sunday in Advent, Adoration Chapel
Hello dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion Jesus! Thank You for all You are and all You’ve given us, Lord. Thank You for helping (name withheld) get his certification. Lord, please help him to get well. Please be with all who are ill, Jesus especially (names withheld) Lord, please bring those who are away from the Church and outside the Church home including (names withheld). Lord, please take the soul of (name withheld) to Heaven and comfort (name withheld) and his family in their time of loss. Please continue to bless and protect those who have refuges and communities (names withheld).
Lord, thank You for Your great love and mercy. Spare us, Jesus from temptation and protect us from evil. Please bring the U.S. back to Your Sacred Heart. Help us to turn from our wicked ways before it is too late. Help us to be pure again loving You first as You deserve, Jesus. Lord, there are so many things to speak to You about today. I bring everything to You and lay it at Your feet, Jesus. I pray for our Pope and all Bishops and Cardinals. May they have united hearts, and minds with Your Sacred Heart and Mind, Jesus. Jesus, please prepare my heart during this Advent season for Your birth and coming. Help me to grow closer and closer to You and Your Most Holy Mother, Mary. Make me like the shepherds who loved You so much, they were willing to leave everything for You. Help me to stand watch near Your creche and be in awe of the Christ Child, You in Your infancy, and always Your innocence and purity. Make my family like Your family, the Holy Family. May we be loving and put others first as Mary and Joseph did. Jesus, help me with each decision ahead. Thank You for always giving me clarity when I seek direction from You. Thank You for Father’s homily this morning and for the ideas You gave me earlier this morning. Father’s homily was the confirmation. Praise You, Lord! You know everything, Lord and all that You do is perfect!
“My child, I Will to give you clarity each time you bring a decision to Me. Sometimes I set you on a different course. Thank You for being open to Me and listening.”
Thank You, Lord. It is I who thank You for all Your assistance. I am lost without You.
“My little one, when you feel this way, recognize I am allowing you to feel the need for My navigation. I am your captain and also your compass.”
Yes, Jesus and Our Lady Star of the Sea shines with Your reflection illuminated by the Holy Spirit. If I look to Her for guidance She shows me the way to You.
“Yes, My little lamb. This is true. You will not lose your way when you look to My Mother as your Star who sheds light on the course to illuminate your path to Me. In My days on earth, we had only the light from the moon at night and our lanterns. When it was very cloudy, the light of the moon was hidden. Then it was the darkest of nights. Even our lanterns, which gave enough light for a few steps, were not as useful as on a clear night. So it is true in your day. The earth is very dark due to mankind’s sins. Though My Mother’s heart still perfectly reflects Me, man refuses to look for Her light. It is difficult to see when sin darkens the eyes of the heart. Therefore, mankind does not see My Mother and neither do they see Me. Their hearts and souls are darkened. They are unable to recognize the Son of Man and therefore unable to recognize truth. People of this time say, ‘What then is truth?’ They like the words of Pilate, for they not only can’t see truth but do not believe truth exists. They do not believe in the God who made them. They do not believe in the One who is truth. This is why, even after the Illumination of Souls, some will continue to reject Me.”
Lord, why do we, people reject what is good and holy even though we know it is the only way to life everlasting? (Name withheld) had the conversation at work (as You know) that denied truth. Jesus, they (the ladies) do not believe abortion is the killing of babies. Educated people blatantly say these pre-born babies are not human. This is such a ludicrous statement, Jesus. (Name withheld) HAD NO OTHER RECOURSE but to lovingly correct them, though they would hear nothing of what she said. Jesus, it is appalling that someone who has been taught science and medicine could actually claim a baby is not human until it is born. As if coming through the birth canal magically changes something into a human being. How ridiculous and absurd. Even a child knows a baby in the womb is a baby-a human baby. It is certainly not a turtle or a monkey or a dog!
“My child, this is the darkening of the heart and soul which darkens the intellect. One steeped in sin and even sinful, evil philosophies cannot see truth. This is why many rejected Me even when I stood before them. God in person - in the flesh, working miracles, bringing the dead back to life - did not convince some. They refused to be open to another way. They wanted to hold onto the evil philosophies for pride was involved. Pride, the foundation of evil, leads countless souls astray for the father of lies is also the father of pride. I am truth. I am love and mercy. I am humility. I came to serve and to give My life for souls. The evil one takes souls to spite God for he hates God and all I have created. He hates human life that was made higher than the angels. His pride turned into hate for God and all God created. To follow him is to reject God and all I have created. This is the evil lie of abortion. Some believe it out of a false sense of compassion for the woman, but this too is a lie. There is no compassion in encouraging one to kill one’s offspring. (Name withheld), My little one, brought light into the darkness when she stood for Me, the truth. She did very well. You were also right in acknowledging that only I can provide healing to their eyes darkened by sin. Only I can penetrate such darkness. Still, My little child spoke with wisdom and the fire of My Holy Spirit. I am well pleased.”
Lord, I ask You to open the eyes of their hearts. Penetrate their souls with the light of truth and give them the great gift of faith. Help them, Jesus to see You, to know You, to believe in You. Thank You for giving (name withheld) the courage to speak in Your name. Praise You Lord for all You have done and for all I believe You will do. Bring conversion, Lord to all the people in (name withheld) workplace. May Your holy fragrance pour forth from her heart and may Our Lady shower the graces of the Flame of Love on all these misguided children of Yours. Help them to know and love You, Lord.
“My little lamb, this is a good prayer. I hold this close to My Sacred Heart. My Heart purifies, My child. This is where I hold My children (close to My Heart) and where I hold all this is dear to Me. My child, I affirm your decision regarding school because this came from Me. I know you thought it was so but were unsure. I enlightened you that there is another way, one you had not considered. This is from Me.”
Jesus, what about the trip? I have a dilemma, because I want (name withheld) to go. I don’t want to leave anyone out of receiving these amazing graces from Your Mother. I wish everyone in our family would go, from (names withheld) and all our grandchildren. Lord, it seems selfish of me to do this again when I have been so many times. Just a few weeks ago, though my heart was longing to be in (location withheld). Even in spite of how miserable I was the last time I went. I don’t want to go through that again! What should I do, Jesus? Should I put the deposit down and then wait to hear from You?
“My child, you were saying this morning how My holy priest son is like a St. Padre Pio. He is your spiritual father. Have you asked him? You already have (name withheld) permission.”
No, Lord, I haven’t. (you know I haven’t ….) St. Padre Pio, what should I do about this?
St. Pio: “My child, I will give you the advice I would give to anyone who asks me. Run to your Mother! I am surprised you would ask! (smiling) Whenever you have the opportunity, always choose the Blessed Mother. By this you choose the best. She is Queen of Heaven and Earth. You have been invited by the Queen to visit Her. What I want to know is, why do so many reject the invitation of the Queen? People would be foolish to reject the invitation of an earthly queen who was good and loving and holy. Why reject the invitation of Our Heavenly Queen?”
When you put it this way, St. Pio I see exactly what I should do.
St. Pio: “Regarding everyone else? Leave them to God. Pray for them, fast for them and leave them to God. Then, they are His problems.” (He is smiling and does not mean this in a cruel way.)
Jesus: “Your desire for those you love is good, My child. It is an act of love, this desire and an act of mercy when you entrust them to Me, for I am the One who can change hearts. In this way, your trust in Me and entrusting them to Me is an act of faith and an act of mercy for only then can I truly work. Be confident in Me, My child.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“My child, you can always invite others. Allow them to choose. This is best, for then you are not choosing for them before they have had the chance.”
Ok, Jesus. I see what You mean. Even if they say ‘no’ it is their decision.
“Yes, and even the act of considering for one who does not believe can be a moment for grace. It is up to them.”
Thank You, Lord. You always give me so much to think about. Thank You for teaching me with so much patience. I love You, my adorable Jesus! Praise You, my Lord and my God. Praise You King of Heaven and Earth!
“Thank you, My little lamb. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. I am with you. I will help you in all of your work and your studies.”
Thank You, Lord. I am counting on it! (on You!) Jesus, thank You for the help You have given me so far and for the help You continue to give me. I can do nothing apart from You. I love You, Lord.
“And I love you. Go in My joy and in My peace. Be mercy. Be love.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia. Only with Your help could it be possible. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
November 25, 2018, Feast of Christ the King, Adoration Chapel
Hello, my adorable Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You, Lord. Happy feast day, Jesus! Thank You for Holy Mass this morning! Thank You for Holy Communion. I am grateful for the blessings You give me, Lord.
Jesus, there are many people who are very ill. Please help (name withheld) who is extremely ill. Heal her, Jesus. I pray also for (names withheld) and all who are ill and on the church prayer list.
Lord, as Advent approaches, prepare my heart so that I am ready to welcome Your birth as if it was happening for the first time. Help me to have the faith of the shepherds, Jesus who left everything to find You. Lord, please guide me in all that I do this week and all that I need to do. Help me with my studies. Thank You for the help You have already provided. Thank You for being with (name withheld) during his test. We are so thankful, Lord.
Jesus, is there anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child, all that I have told to My son (name withheld) is accurate. My patience is untiring and knows no bounds. My patience is divine. I await more souls in their conversion process, for I do not want even one soul to be lost. I love each person created as My sons and daughters. More souls would convert if more of My Children of Light extended love to them. My children, I need you to show My love to everyone you encounter. Be merciful and be peace. You will never run out of My peace, as long as you return to Me, the source of peace. Give all to others and return to Me. I will replenish you. I am the Prince of Peace. My children, look around you during this coming holy season and find people in need and then help them. There are homeless, there are children who are in families filled with conflict, there are elderly people who are unable to go out from their homes; there are countless situations people find themselves in and do not let anyone know. Befriend them. Ask what they need. Be kind and loving. Many just need your warm smile and conversation to know that someone cares, and notices them. Do not let each day pass, going about your busy-ness, too focused on your own problems to notice one standing in your midst. Acknowledge people. Speak with them. If you can help someone materially, do so. When you help one of your brothers and sisters you are being kind to Me. This is the way to store up heavenly treasures. It is also the path to My Kingdom.
Thank You, Lord. How many times You have said these things to me and in spite of their simplicity, I do not do this every day. Help me to be more kind, Jesus and less focused on myself and all that I need to accomplish. Lord, please bless all who came into the church last evening. May they always be faithful Catholics.
“I hear your prayers, My child. I accept them and hold them close to My Sacred Heart. Prepare, My little one as I have asked with prayers of the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Pray with your families, the most Holy Rosary every evening. Bless them with holy water each night, and before they leave the house each day. I will give the children many graces in these days; graces of protection, peace, mercy and love. My children, and I am speaking now to the young ones, you are not only the future of the Church, but you are also important now. Your prayers, prayers of the innocent ones avail much from Heaven. If only you could see what occurs in the spiritual world, you would not find spiritual works to be ‘boring.’ They are in fact far from being boring, but you must have faith for now and do what your Jesus asks of you, just because you love Me and I love you. I will fill all of My children with much grace when you are open to Me and when you seek Me. I am sending you out to change hearts, and in this way you will cooperate with Me to change the world. I am God. I am your Savior. I am the Redeemer of the entire world, and yet I need you. I need you because I love you. You need Me, also My children and therefore we must work together to usher in My Kingdom. My Kingdom must first come to the hearts of My people. Give Me your open hearts and I will fill you with My love. I will fill you with My mercy and My power over sin and evil. My Mother intercedes for you. All of Heaven prays for you and your success in following Me. Do not be afraid to love, be bold in your love, generous with your mercy. Bring each problem, challenge and obstacle to Me, My children. We will resolve each problem together. We are one, My friends, My children. I love you and I am preparing you with these lessons of love. I prepare you as I did My first disciples. You must be like the early disciples and rebuild My Church. The Church is being purified now and this purification will continue. Do not fear if you see the Church growing smaller. Do not fear the time of persecution that is surely coming. You will still spread My Gospel and there will be many miracles and conversions. You must open your hearts now to the love I am calling you to be so that you will be prepared for this time that is coming. You will be like rescue workers sent out into the pitch-black darkness, but the Holy Spirit dwelling within you will be like your helmet equipped with a head lamp. You will be My search and rescue squad sent out in the darkness to find lost souls in danger. If they are not found they will die from being exposed to the elements. Practice loving now, My children, for great acts of love will be required of you and you must learn now by doing the small acts of love. Do not begrudge others. Do not grumble and gripe but do everything out of joy and gratitude, for you know and love the Lord God who is your friend and you have everything when you have Me. No one can take Me from you. The more you give away to others out of love, the more you will receive from Me. Do not be afraid to give your love. Imitate your Jesus who withholds nothing from you.”
Thank You, Jesus! I love You. Help me love You even more.
“My little lamb, thank you for being here with Me today. It is good to see you and My son (name withheld). Please pray as I have taught you and spend time with Me in the Holy Rosary. It is important to pray as a family. Put Me first in all you do and I will arrange things so that all will work out. I am the Creation of time. I love you. I bless you now in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace and remember that where you go, I go with you. You are never alone, but I am there in your midst. Share My love with others who are desperately in need of My love. All will be well. Go out in My name.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God, my Jesus of love and mercy. Praise You Christ the King of the Universe! Amen and Alleluia!
November 11, 2018 Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You, my Lord and my God! Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord, please heal (name withheld). Help her, Jesus, she is so ill. I pray also for (names withheld) and for all who suffer including all who are on the church sick list and Cursillo prayer list. Lord, I pray also for those who have left the Church or are outside the Church (names withheld) as well as for those who do not know of Your love or have rejected Your love. For (names withheld). I also ask for Your healing for (name withheld). Thank You for Your grace and blessings for those You have healed in my family. Praise You, Lord!
Lord, please open the hearts of those You are calling to the priesthood and religious life. Help them to hear and to say ‘yes’ to You. Bless all who will be at the Bishops’ Conference. Guide, guard and direct conversations, Lord so that all will be done in Your holy name.
“My child it is good that you and My son (name withheld) are here with Me today. These are pivotal times, My children. You do not understand this fully, but one day you will see in the Spirit. My little one, you understand, but not fully. Those who surround the shepherds of the Church are like the vipers in My days on earth. The Scribes and Pharisees who did not have love in their hearts, but only pride, jealousy and greed were the forerunners of those who surround the Magisterium today. They bite, sneer and plot in order to lead many souls astray. My child, I returned their contempt with love and concern for the state of their souls. I held out peace to them longing in My heart for their contrition, repentance and return to Me. There was genuine contempt for Me out of what they thought was blasphemy. I knew this and I had mercy. But through their rejection and anger, the seed of hatred grew until they were consumed with their evil plans to kill Me. My child, there was a possibility early on, for their souls, but instead of being open to the grace by seeing God’s Will, by asking for God’s guidance, they began to focus on evil, on their fears for what they would lose if the people of God followed Me. They were arrogant when they could have been humble. It was not My Will that they cooperate with evil. Yes, the Son of Man came to redeem and to save and that involved the cross, but these men did not have to cooperate with evil. Pagans would have done so, and I would have redeemed mankind regardless, but to have the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob betray Me was more painful. My child, you must realize that all throughout the history of the Church, beginning with one of My own, Judas, there have been people who want to destroy My Church. You must pray for these lost sheep and beg for their forgiveness. They were created in My image and likeness and they are children of God, also. Pray for them. They need your prayers. Ask the Holy Spirit to limit the influence and power they have over those less grounded in the faith. They confuse even the wise, but they are no match for the Holy Spirit, I assure you. There will be a cleansing of the Church first as there was of the temple in Jerusalem. If they refuse the graces being sent for their conversion, the Father will deal with them accordingly.
As for you, My Children of Light, be sure your hearts and souls are clean. Be pure yourselves. Forgive and pray for your enemies and for those who persecute and wound you. Then, you will be like your Savior. You will see what is in store for you in My Heavenly Kingdom because of your purity. So, focus on the work that needs to be done in your own souls. Do not judge. Do not look at those who are less fortunate and judge them. These poor in your midst, deserve love and peace. They deserve your mercy for they are My children, just as you are My children. Make peace and do not judge, but do what you can to assist them. In this way, you are loving Me, My children. Be love; be mercy; be peace; be joy. You cannot bring about conversion in wounded souls by being scornful, angry and judgmental. This only serves to wound them even more. You are called to be their fathers, brothers, sisters and mothers. You are called to love always and to show them the way to holiness. How can you show them My love when you put conditions on people? Love them exactly where they are; for then you will be like Me, your Savior. Be aware, My children that if you judge one of your brothers and sisters, it will not go well for you. I will not be able to use you to bring about My Kingdom when you act like the Pharisees and Scribes. Go now to seek the Sacraments and repent of your sins. The sin of pride blinds even those who are trying to follow Me. Pride is very deceptive. It lurks in the sin of self-righteousness, and in the sin of bigotry. Egoism is a symptom of prideful souls. You are not perfect either, My children and in some cases you are worse than those you judge. Do not judge the poor, either My children, even when you can see that their poor decisions brought about their circumstances. Who among you has made perfect decisions? Which of you has never made a mistake? You had the good fortune of having good upbringings or good friends to help steer you in the right direction. You do not know the woundedness of souls. Only I know what lies in the human heart. To think you know better is to put yourselves at the level of God. Do not commit this sin of pride, My children. Truly I tell you, you are to love those who are in need and care for them as you would care for Me. Change your foolish ways before it is too late. I placed your family members, your friends, your neighbors, and those you pass each day, in your lives for a reason. They are the opportunities for you to grow in holiness. Pray and reflect on this. Ask Me to show you where you need to change. I want only the best for you and the best is holiness. Do not fear that someone will take advantage of you. Everything you have comes from Me, My Children of Light. I can provide for your needs, but I am asking you to give to others in need and trust in Me to provide for you.”
“The world has become very evil and still there are many souls who love Me and who are good. You must spread this goodness, My children. You must love, even when it does not make sense for this is what I do. I love you even though you were sinners and then you decided for Me. Give this same chance to others. Do not crush their souls because of your bitterness, your harshness. This is not being fatherly as you believe (falsely), it is condemning. Love as I have loved. Love as I love. Sacrifice as I sacrificed. Be merciful as I am merciful. This will be the cause of much healing, much love and much peace and you will see great conversions. Be patient with those I have given you to love. Each harsh word; each action made out of pridefulness will be noted, My children. I see all. I am everywhere. You cannot hide your actions from Me. Do everything in love and for love. My Spirit is with you and I will guide you. You must be gentle, humble and meek. My Spirit will work through you when you love.”
“That is all, My little lamb. You are weary. Lean on Me and together we will walk towards the Kingdom. Lean on Me, My child. I will provide.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. I love You.
“And I love you. I am with you. All will be well.”
Amen! Alleluia!
“I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be love to all, My child. Give others My love.”
Yes, Jesus. If You help me I can. I love You and I will love others, with Your help and Your grace. Fill me, Lord for I am depleted. Give me Your heart, Lord and the heart of Your Mother so that I can love as You love. Thank You, Jesus, for Your words and for Your love. Amen!
November 4, 2018 Adoration Chapel
Hello, Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I am glad to be here with You, Jesus! Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning, and also for the beautiful choir concert after Mass. I’m grateful to You for the Ultreya last evening and for the testimonies of the candidates. Praise You, Lord that Your Holy Spirit is moving so visibly in these days. We need You, Lord. Please pour out Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Lord, thank You also that I was able to see (name withheld) after Mass. Her heart is breaking with grief, Jesus. Help her, Lord. Console her, Jesus and Blessed Mother. I pray for the repose of the soul of her father. Lord, please give us many graces during this election period and guide Your people to vote for pro-life candidates. We need Your grace, Lord to remove the blinders from our eyes and to see through Your eyes. Lord, thank You for (names withheld) and all those who are so faithful to come to adore You. Many are elderly, Jesus and they are very dedicated to You. Where would we be without their prayers and example. Lord, please be with all who are ill and all who do not know Your love. Manifest Your nearness and Your love to them. Help them to know You are near. Be with the Bishops as they begin the conference, Lord. Guide them by the light of Your Holy Spirit. Please bring all who are away from Your Church, home, Jesus especially (names withheld) as well as those who are outside the Church, (names withheld). Please bless the seminarians and protect them. Bring us more vocations, and more people who hear and answer Your invitation.
“My child, see Me in the weak and the poor that I send you. I visit you in them.”
Ok, Jesus. Lord, I don’t see the weak and the poor. Do You mean You will send, Jesus or have I missed these You are referring to, because I am too blind or preoccupied to see?
“My child, I mean the ones I send to you. You see them, My little lamb. You do not see them as being weak or poor, though because you see beauty in them. You do not focus on what they are lacking. Just as you see (name withheld), My faithful one who is older in her years on earth. She is physically weak and she is poor due to her needs, but not material needs. She is poor in her loneliness. Your kindness lifts her spirit and helps her to know she is loved. You saw Me in the man you saw looking in the trash bins downtown. Your heart went out to him and though he left before you could speak to him, I took your prayers for him and gave him the graces you requested I bestow on him. My child, you do not even remember the many encounters with others you have, for they seem small and insignificant to you. I tell you they are not insignificant to Me. My child, I point this out to you so that you will be encouraged and realize that even though you do not remember, I remember, because when you are kind to these who are poor and weak, you are showing kindness to Me, your Jesus. I know you are thinking that others do much more than you. I am not calling you to be ‘others’. I am calling you to be you and to minister and show love right where you are, in each moment of the day, where you work, where you live, where you pray. I invite all of My children to be more aware of those around you in every situation of your lives, while you go about your daily tasks, plans and routines. There is a hurting world all around you, My children. I walked the earth and showed you what it is to love. I encountered people everywhere I went. You do, also. Your environments are your mission fields just as My geographic region was My mission field. Think of this, My Children of Light, I did not travel overseas to other continents. I sent My Apostles to do that. I did not board airplanes (though we did not have them) to travel thousands of miles for My mission. I went where My Father sent Me, in My homeland and in the surrounding regions. My time was brief but I covered much ground right where I lived and worked and the neighboring towns. My children, you do not need to go far to be My emissaries of love. You are My ambassadors and you take Me wherever you go. Do not be miserly and keep Me all to yourselves. Share the love you have for Me and the love I have for you, with all you meet. Perhaps someone who passes you in the aisle at the grocery store is in desperate need to be acknowledged. Your smile and look of love may be the difference between a glimmer of hope and despair. Perhaps your handshake is the only human touch they will have all week. My child, you are not passing strangers, you are passing your brothers and sisters. You are all part of the family of God. You will see them again one day in Heaven and each of you will remember the brief encounters you had on earth. Do not waste any encounter, for I oversee them all and each one is important in the Kingdom of God. Small acts of kindness, through love, are very powerful, My children.”
If these small acts are so powerful, Jesus I can’t imagine how powerful larger acts of kindness are. There are many who risk their lives each day for our safety, Jesus like the police, the firefighters, the military and countless others. They often live heroic lives and even lose their lives for complete strangers. The missionaries who leave their homelands, some of them forever, to spread the Good News of the Gospel. Jesus, it does make the small encounters seem less important. But, I understand that each and every life is important to You, Jesus.
“Yes, My child. You are correct there are people living heroically each day. They sacrifice much for their fellowman. This is extremely important and meritorious. What I want My children to see is that you, also have a mission field. It may seem less glamorous, less dangerous, but it is no less important. I am counting on you, My children. If you do not extend yourselves to those in your midst, who will? Many times, you are the only one I send who can make an impact at exactly the right time. You do not know what is in the hearts of others, but I do. I know exactly what others need and the timing of your paths crossing is Providential (smiling). Please be more aware of your brothers and sisters, Children of Light. You have My light. You are to bring it to others. All others. Your roles are very important to the Kingdom of Heaven. You are not perfect, I know for I made you. My Apostles were not perfect, either. Some were not even as holy as My Children of Light in these days. Not at first, that is. They grew to magnificent holiness and love, but they were not at that level when they began to follow Me. Please do not underestimate what I can do working in and through you. You cannot do this mission alone, it is true. But oh, what we can do together! We will build the Kingdom of Heaven, My children. It is the Father’s Will. It is My Will. You must desire this, also. Pray for the grace to desire My Kingdom. Pray for the grace to work to bring it about. Pray for the graces to love heroically, and then be open to the graces I give to you. Be not afraid to love. There is nothing to fear. Be love, be mercy, be joy, be peace. I am with you. I give you My love, My mercy, My joy, My peace. You give it to others. Do not judge the lives others are living, for you do not know their circumstances. I do. You do not know the depth of their wounds. I do. You do not know how they have been treated, and if they were raised with no love in their lives. I do. You do not know how many times they were abused by those who were supposed to care for them and protect them. I do. You do not know anything about their souls, My children. I do. Therefore, you are not to judge them or criticize them. Only love them and show them love. Some will tell you they do not deserve your love. You will spoil them, or they will get the wrong idea that it’s alright to be the way they are! My children, this is nonsense. Do I not spoil all of My children by providing sunshine to nourish the plants you need to eat and to make the flowers and trees grow? Do I not provide the rain to keep you from having a draught? Do I not provide a nice breeze on a hot summer day to cool you? Do I not provide the birds, the fish, the animals and the plant life for you? Which one of you is so godly that you have never sinned? Which of you deserves every good thing you have? Did I not give you talents, intelligence and skills to earn a living? Yes, you cooperate with My gifts by working, but which of you endowed yourselves with these gifts at birth? None of you, My children. You know the answers to these questions because they are obvious to you now, but how often do you reflect on these things? Many are quick to judge those who struggle in life, but fail to see that only by My grace are your lives different. My children, it is part of My plan to give some more material gifts than others, because you need to be made holy through the sharing of your gifts with others who cannot repay you. Do you see, My children? Many of My children who are living in poverty are holy. They do not like the lives they have, and yet many accept their crosses with humility. It is difficult to ask others for help. Do not look down on those who need your help. One day, everyone needs help, My children. When you are elderly or infirmed, you will also need help. It is part of the human condition. Be generous with your assistance, your kindness, your good deeds. Begin first with your own families for these are often the most important mission fields. Do not ignore others, though but go outside your ‘inner circles’ and be kind and merciful to others. My children, your Jesus did not have to speak to your parents and grandparents in this way, for they read Scripture and they knew how to help one another. It was part of their way of life. Neighbors helped neighbors and anyone who crossed their paths in need. Even if there wasn’t as much financial prosperity, there was generosity and hospitality. My children of this age are losing the art of hospitality and generosity. Be more aware of those in need. Some are not poor materially, but are lonely, grieving or have too much stress and strain in their lives. Perhaps they are caring for loved ones who are ill and they are working and raising a family. What can you do for them? Perhaps cook a meal, or visit with their sick family member, or run errands for them. Pray for them, speak with them. Let them know that you care and that you notice. You may be the only one who extends this kindness. The world will be a better place, My children for your love. You must learn to live in this way of love now, or you will not be prepared for the life of love in Heaven. Heaven is all love, My children. It is being in the presence of Love Himself. It is the fullness of love. You must begin to live as if you were living in Heaven now.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus for reminding me how important each day that You give us is, in bringing about Your Kingdom. Thank You for making it easy to understand and simple, Jesus. Thank You for each encounter You give us with others. Help me to see each person as a blessing and a gift from You, Lord. Thank You for the many times You have sent people to help me. Each smile and hug given to Me was really a gift from You and I am very grateful. Thank You for Your beautiful, unconditional love, Jesus. Thank You for Your infinite mercy, Your forgiveness, Your peace. Jesus, You know each and every concern on my heart. Take these concerns, Lord and deal with them as You see fit. Help me with the heart condition I have, Lord. I offer it for all who have broken hearts, who do not know love or the source of love. Help my children and grandchildren to love and follow You, Lord. See to each one’s needs and give them what they need for their souls and hearts. Thank You, Jesus that You hold each person in the palm of Your hand. Praise You and thank You, my Lord and my God. I love!
“And I love you, My child. I take your sufferings and your offerings in prayer, and I will use them for the good of the Kingdom. Thank You, My little lamb for your love and your friendship. You may go now in peace, My child. I am with you. I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be mercy, be love, be peace, be joy. I will provide all that is needed.”
Thank You, my Jesus. Amen! Alleluia!