Holy Family Refuge Messages
2015 Message Links by Date
12/30/15, 12/10/15, 12/3/15, 11/26/15, 11/23/15, 11/14/15, 11/1/15, 10/20/15, 10/13/15,
10/7/15, 10/1/15, 9/27/15, 9/21/15, 9/17/15, 9/10/15, 9/8/15, 8/30/15, 8/27/15, 8/20/15
8/9/15, 7/30/15, 7/5/15, 6/12/15, 5/5/15, 4/9/15, 4/6/15, 2/26/15, 2/19/15
2/7/15, 2/3/15, 1/31/15, 1/24/15, 1/17/15, 1/15/15, 1/10/15, 1/7/15, 1/5/15, 1/2/15
Come Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, and all of Heaven with St. Michael as protector
of My words, December 30, 2015, Your Jesus of Love and Mercy and Justice
My most beloved son it is good to speak to you again. I wanted to let you and My children think about the last few messages that were given. I told you that the warnings are over that I have been giving and that I would start teaching what you need to do to save your souls. I also told you that what I was warning about was already happening in parts of the world and to not get in too big a hurry for them to happen any faster. I also told you that America broke the camel’s back when they passed the big law in your government of same sex unions—it is not a marriage. I tell My children there is no such thing as a same sex marriage except in satan’s world, not in God’s world.
It all started in the East years ago and the warnings and chastisements are now in your country, America. As I told you, it would get stronger as time goes by. You will also see a famine in your country with all the natural disasters that are happening. There will be flooding in some areas that have not been protected by the lack of prayers from the people who are still not following My Will. Your country will now be taken over by the evil people because your country was chosen by My Mother to help save the world, but you denied your Constitution, that your leaders founded America on.
You also deny the Ten Commandments that are the laws of Heaven. The fallen angels denied the laws of Heaven and were cast out by St. Michael. Now you will be slaves in your own country until Revelations come to an end. There are special places that were set up all over the world for the ones that will ask forgiveness for their sins and for all of My faithful servants who are following the Ten Commandments and praying the rosary, and offering sacrifices for all sinners.
Please pray for the poor souls in Purgatory because they cannot pray for themselves. They pray for all of you on earth and you must pray for all the souls in Purgatory. Your loved ones in Purgatory are begging you for prayers and Masses so they can get to Heaven sooner to help all of their family on earth more from Heaven than from Purgatory. Remember all your loved ones who have died before you this Christmas season. I have given you a special prayer much like the prayer I gave to St. Gertrude but with more detail for the desperate times we are in.
Oh Divine and Eternal Father I offer You the Most Precious Blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus, in union with all the Masses, rosaries, prayers, and sacrifices that were ever offered from the beginning to the end of time, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, all the lost souls on earth, all the souls in the universal church, all the souls in my own home and in my own family. Amen.
This is a prayer given in front of the Blessed Sacrament that the world needs to say as often as possible. My son you had a hard time writing this prayer because satan was fighting you viciously to stop you from writing it. St. Michael helped to protect you and get this prayer out. You had the same trouble writing the meal prayer that I gave you to protect from all contaminated things in your home:
Oh Divine and Eternal Father through the most precious blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus, we ask you to remove anything that is not from You in our food, our water, or our air, in our medicines, in our households, in our bodies, and in our souls and replace it with the pureness that was in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. Thank You. Amen.
And the after meal prayer:
We give the thanks for this pure food from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
This is all My son, happy New Year for some, but bad for many. Pray, pray, pray so I can lessen it a little. Your Jesus of love, and mercy, and justice.
Please put the other prayer that your friend gave you. It will help to clear some of the evil from your homes and families.
I command, in the name of Jesus, by the power of Jesus, and through the blood of Jesus and in the holy name of Mary that any evil spirits that are present, watching, listening, or attached in any way to our family members, our homes, our jobs, our cars, be bound and cast at the foot of the cross, disposed of by Jesus, and commanded never to return to harm anyone ever again. I command that they be replaced by holy warrior angels and the love of God.
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and all of Heaven with St. Michael
as protector of God’s words, December 10, 2015
My most beloved son and children, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy and Justice. Your beloved Pope has declared this (Church) year as The Year of Mercy. The reason it is declared a year of mercy is because My justice is getting stronger and stronger each day. I will not put up with the evil of this world any longer. It has to stop and will stop.
Too many of My children are being forced into evil deeds and actions and thoughts because of all the children who are following satan. Satan’s power is being taken away little by little and he is fighting back like a mad dog when you corner him. He is now being cornered by all of Heaven’s children and you are in a world war between satan and God’s children. You know and I know that satan will not win, but you are seeing a major battle put on by satan’s evil people. Satan has convinced and lied to them that they will win, but you know and God knows that satan has not got a chance against God. I had St. Michael and the good angels cast satan out of Heaven when he would not follow his God any longer and I will do the same again.
The Pope declaring this year as a Year of Mercy was a direct attack against satan. I will let this year also be a year of God’s justice. I love My children so much that I will never leave them for they are My Mother’s children. I your God will do everything to save Mama’s children.
Now, My children, you have to do only one thing to be saved and that is to give your heart and will to My Mother and Me. The mercy is there for the asking but My stubborn children have dug a hole that they can only get out of with the help of God the Father and all of Heaven. Be ready for many chastisements this (Church) year but be ready to draw from the greatest mercy that has been saved for this generation since Adam and Eve sinned.
This is a teaching for this (Church) year so be ready for God’s justice and Divine Mercy. Get in a state of grace, now, for many more will die this (Church) year, more than during any other year in history since the time of Noah and the Ark when I cleaned up the earth the last time. Love, Jesus.
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with God’s words, December 3, 2015
My most beloved son this is Jesus of love and mercy. Please tell all My children to try to get to Confession and ask forgiveness for their sins before the first of the year so they can start the new year out in a state of grace. As I gave you and your friend yesterday, the times you are in are serious and you need to stay in a state of grace. Many of My children are asking when are all the messages going to start happening. My children they are happening and are getting worse each day.
As I have told you many times, My beloved son, you are going through the Warning before the main Warning for all those who are listening. Look at all the major things that have happened in your world and country just this year. Millions of babies have been killed and many, many martyrs have died for their faith; the same sex marriage has been made legal; millions have died from contaminated food; and many people have been very sick and very near death from bad foods and genetically modified seeds. Many people have lost their souls to hell because of the sins of the flesh. Many people have been murdered because of drugs. These things are just a few of what you can see.
Weather conditions like never before have been seen and are setting new records every day in some parts of your world and people are asking, “When is it going to start?” It HAS already started and is happening and has ended for many of your brothers and sisters in many part s of the world. Pray, pray, pray that it does not happen any faster and sooner or you will all see millions of people die at the same time.
Those of you who are still alive, I suggest that you look around with eyes of faith and see how fast it is happening to all your brothers and sisters being put to death by satan’s people by their acts of sin against their God. If you want millions of people killed at one time and lose their souls, that is what you will see, and if you want all of your brothers and sisters to have a chance to be saved, please pray, pray, pray and thank your God for the extra time of mercy I am giving My children.
My children see very little of what is really happening in the world spiritually or physically. If they did, they would lose hope. I am giving you My mercy and some of My justice at the same time to give you time to save your souls, but you have little time left before mass destruction in some areas that will affect all. Look where you as a country were 10 years ago and look where you are now, and say nothing is happening? Your Jesus of love and mercy and justice.